Alma’s-mom’s; mtDNA H27a 16129A; 16316G; 263G; 315.1C

July 31, 1925 – October 22, 2017

Alma Barna Elliott was born 31 Jul 1925 in Troy, New York, and the daughter of Stephen Peter and Josephine Ryan Barna. She graduated high school in New York. Alma attended college in State University of New York at Albany, New York. In 1943 she moved to Washington D.C. to help her sister with her children. Alma lived two years in D.C. before she decided to attend college again. She wanted to study dietetics so she moved west to Ames, Iowa to attend Iowa State College now Iowa State University.

Alma married Loren Spencer Elliott on April 2, 1948 in the Methodist Collegiate Church in Ames, Iowa. To this marriage, three sons were born: Mark Stephen Elliott (b 10/22/1949), Robert Loren Elliott, and James Reese Elliott. Alma graduated from Iowa State College in Dec 1948 with a B.S. degree in Nutrition. They settled as a family in Jefferson before returning to Ames for a short time. Loren taught Voc-Ag to WWII vets in Manson, Iowa until he took a job in Fort Dodge before his work took them to Sioux City and Topeka. They returned to Iowa where Alma was employed several years as a dietician in the Iowa Methodist Medical Center and in 1986 was a consulting dietician for three retirement homes near Des Moines. They lived in the Des Moines area from 1963 until they moved to Mesa, Arizona in 1993.

Alma was a member of the American Association of University Women.

Alma passed away Sunday, October 22, 2017 at the Clearview Home in Mount Ayr. She was preceded in death by her parents; husband Loren; middle son Robert “Bob” Elliott; sister Joyce and her husband Paul Loatman; father and mother-in-law Mark and Ilah Elliott; brothers and sisters-in-law Jack and Mildred Elliott, Donald and Zoe Nichols, Lois Ives.

Survivors include her sons Mark (Susan) Elliott of Gallup, New Mexico and James “Jim” Elliott of Houston, Texas; daughter-in-law Margaret Elliott of Des Moines, Iowa; three grandchildren Alicia, Mathew, and Sean Elliott, of Robert and Margaret; brother-in-law Roy Ives; niece and nephews Craig (Ellen) Elliott, Dick (Donna) Elliott, Karen (Rick) Bender and Kirk Elliott.

5/15/2018 MSE

Elliot Chief receives a tribute to her grandmothers at Greenville, SC

Forty-eight Elliot Clan Society members participated in the Chief ís Dinner on Saturday evening during the Greenville Games.

During dinner, Elliot Clan Society member and South Carolina re-enactor, William Grissop, of Travelers Rest, South Carolina delivered a moving tribute to the Chief – honoring her Scottish Border and Southern Grandmothers. The Elliot Chief descends from a line of hereditary Chiefs back to the time of Robert the Bruce in the 1300s in Scotland. Through her Atlanta-born paternal grandmother, she also descends from many early South Carolina families who settled in that state before the American Revolutionary War. Here are the words Mr. Grissop shared with Margaret Eliott of Redheugh: Margaret Eliott is a daughter of the Scottish Borders, that fabled land that produced the men known as the Border Reivers or the Steel Bonnets. They were indeed men of steel. It need not be doubted that these men of steel sprang from, married and fathered women of steel. To even read casually of the Border history would make one wonder what sort of women were these who mothered, married and supported these men, the Steel Bonnets. These were strong women, resilient women, loving women. Were it not so, we of the Elliot Clan would not be here today. Our Chief, Margaret Elliott, is blood and sinew of these people. She is also blood and sinew of another proud line of strong women. Chief Margaret is also a Southern Girl! Her paternal grandmother was bornin Georgia and other grandmothers were born in South Carolina and Tennessee. (Being a native South Carolinian with much Georgia blood flow ing through my veins, I can readily state that this is about as much glory as one person can stand!) These women of the South have proven their glorious worth over the years.

Section B Bethís Newfangled Family Tree August 2008 Page 3

John Boulton Dungannon Lord Viscount Powerscourt Tyrone c1630 Muster Rolls (

November | 2022 | DNAeXplained – Genetic Genealogy ( Gisburn

Memorials in Twiston Quaker Burial Ground – Find a Grave

Lancastria Atlas Christopher Saxton in 1576

Robert Elwald 1484 receiving Redheugh-Larriston land from ‘Bell the…

The History of Liddesdale, Eskdale, Ewesdale, Wauchopedale and the …

Ellots of Redheugh



Википедия делает Джорджа Фокса английским диссидентом. Частью этого было ношение шляпы, которая символизировала равенство.

Есть и русские, которые пытаются защитить лосей в островном парке для московских детей. Хотя лосей в России много. Переполненность побуждала их плавать. Человек — хищник, способный сдерживать население острова. Мясо хорошее, потому что оно нежирное и богато белком. Другие лоси, если их поместить на остров, будут плыть, чтобы вернуться домой. MSE

Религиозное общество Друзей – Квакеры (


A statue in the middle of the “Richard Nixon Centennial” exhibit shows President Richard Nixon meeting with Chinese Premier Zhou Enlai in 1972, an important moment in his lifetime which was an effort to improve relations between the United States and the People’s Republic of China. Nixon’s visit to China was the first time a president had ever visited the nation, and was an unexpected first step to discussions that involved the Soviet Union.
///ADDITIONAL INFO /// KEVIN LARA, ORANGE COUNTY REGISTER – 0214.nixonexhibit – shot: 2/6/13 — ///
The Nixon Library is opening a new exhibition to commemorate President Nixon’s 100th birthday. It explores Nixon’s youth and rise to presidency, as well as important artifacts related to his life in the White House.


mom; Alma Anne Barna Elliott    31 Jul 1925 – 22 Oct 2017










Alma’s story

Alma’s Story 09/25/2009;


Alma’s Story JUL 2012 revission;

Alma’s Story, Rev.July 2012

“…in 1965, we made a family trip to visit Joyce and her family. They had recently moved out of the aging house in Troy into a new four-bedroom home near Poughkeepsie about 100 miles to the south. This was a great improvement in their living situation. The older children were working or in college, and the youngestof the twelve was in grade school.
Her husband, a physicist, had a new job with IBM.” Alma Barna Elliott July 2012 at July 31, 1923 was her birthday.”

Mom died last Oct 22, on her oldest of three son’s birthday; my birthday. Top is a picture of her with her bright blue eyes, wearing the Morenci, AZ turquoise earrings, I made for her from turquoise ($10±5/pair at time) bought from Brown’s first of Gallup, NM, and now of Stafford, AZ. This gives color/colour comparison. Likely will give some idea of the eye coloration/colouration for Nicolaus Copernicus’ eyes.

Genealogy, is done for family, and the mtDNA is from the line of my mothers. In order to have family you must have mothers, and my mother will not let me forget it.

Morenci Turquoise; Browns Trading, AZ  (for color/colour comparison)
Morenci, Arizona
Nicolas should have “bright blue eyes”, like mother had, and I also have;
“Genetic testing has confirmed the identity of Nicolaus Copernicus’ remains, and suggests that modern
astronomy’s father had bright blue eyes.”

An identical HVI and HVII mtDNA profile [with the polymorphisms: 16129A; 16316G; 263G; 315.1C according to revised Cambridge reference sequence (rCRS)] was confirmed in the teeth by 3 independent laboratories using slightly different procedures.
Genetic identification of putative remains of the famous astronomer Nicolaus Copernicus


H27a: found in Ireland, northern Germany, Sweden, Finland and northern Russia

FTDNA Kit # 101829 mtDNA genealogy of the mother’s mothers line;
mom; Alma Anne Barna Elliott 31 Jul 1925 – 22 Oct 1917
grandma; Joanna Teresa ‘Josephine’ Ryan Barna 12 Sep 1884 9 Apr 1939
great gandrandma; Anne Murphy Ryan 6 May 1850 4 Jun 1933
great great grandma; Julia J Smith Murphy b Abt 1822-1897
great great great grandma; Pauline Croak Smith b Abt 1798
FTDNA mtDNA located most distant relative MDR at Dublin, Ireland.

…..tested the Y-chromosomal DNA and mitochondrial DNA of the exhumed remains of the Renaissance  astronomer Nicolaus Copernicus. They established that he belonged to mt-haplogroup H27 (defined by the  mutations 16129A and 16316G).

FTDNA Kit # 101829 mtDNA   RESULTS; Haplogroup – H27a rCRS Values;
HVR1 DIFFERENCES FROM rCRS 16093C, 16129A, 16316G, 16519C, and

569 positions in HVR1, and 475 positions in HVR2 REFERENCE SEQUENCE, showing that I’m related to Niclolaus Copernicus. Since tested through FTDNA; Kit # 101829 the mtDNA results are easily verifiable, and readily available. This is unlike my Yseq # 4069 of SNP, which FTDNA excludes. May be they do not want improprieties to show up in the testing. If this is the case then not allowing Yseq transfers, brings into question the level of accuracy in the FTDNA SNP testing.

Born with what you have, and I can not help being mtDNA X-DNA, Irish and Finnish on my mother’s side that is.

Realized this with Y-DNA branch point of Daniel Elliot, being a refugee of the Trials of Salem Village, Massachusetts. If you tell people that the sun is at the center (not this time the Oxford spelling “centre”, I go by the Webster spelling of “center”) of the solar system, they do not want to believe you.

5/14/2018 MSE

In Loving Memory Of Loren married Alma Anne Barna on April 2, 1948 in the Methodist Collegiate Church in Ames, IA.

Alma Anne Barna
July 31, 1925 – October 22, 2017
Alma Barna Elliott was born 31 Jul 1925 in Troy,
New York, and the daughter of Stephen Peter and
Josephine Ryan Barna.
Loren Spencer Elliott
March 16, 1923 – January 22, 2016
Loren Spencer Elliott, son of Mark and Ilah Malinda (Spencer) Elliott, was born March 16, 1923 on his parent’s farm in Rice Township south of Mt Ayr, Ringgold County, Iowa. Loren was a twin to Lois Ives.
Both died at Clearview Home, Mt Ayr, Iowa, on former land of Loren’s granddad AW. Burial of ash urns will be together on their seventieth wedding  anniversary, Monday, April 2, 2018, at 2:00pm at Glendale, Cemetery, Des Moines, Iowa.
They are survived by sons James Reese of Houston, TX  (obituary added 3/19/2019) and Mark Stephen of Gallup, NM. Deceased Robert Loren, surviving wife Margaret Doyle, and children, Alicia, Matthew, and Sean, Urbandale, Des Moines, IA.
Published in Des Moines Register on Mar. 25, 2018


Loren married Alma Anne Barna on April 2, 1948 in the Methodist Collegiate Church in Ames, IA.

Loren Spencer Elliott
March 16, 1923 – January 22, 2016
Mount Ayr, Iowa

Loren Spencer Elliott

January 22, 2016

Alma Elliott

July 31, 1925 – October 22, 2017

Alma Barna Elliott was born 31 Jul 1925 in Troy, New York, and the daughter of Stephen Peter and Josephine Ryan Barna. She graduated high school in New York. Alma attended college in State University of New York at Albany, New York. In 1943 she moved to Washington D.C. to help her sister with her children. Alma lived two years in D.C. before she decided to attend college again. She wanted to study dietetics so she moved west to Ames, Iowa to attend Iowa State College now Iowa State University.

Alma married Loren Spencer Elliott on April 2, 1948 in the Methodist Collegiate Church in Ames, Iowa. To this marriage, three sons were born: Mark Stephen Elliott (b 10/22/1949), Robert Loren Elliott, and James Reese Elliott. Alma graduated from Iowa State College in Dec 1948 with a B.S. degree in Nutrition. They settled as a family in Jefferson before returning to Ames for a short time. Loren taught Voc-Ag to WWII vets in Manson, Iowa until he took a job in Fort Dodge before his work took them to Sioux City and Topeka. They returned to Iowa where Alma was employed several years as a dietician in the Iowa Methodist Medical Center and in 1986 was a consulting dietician for three retirement homes near Des Moines. They lived in the Des Moines area from 1963 until they moved to Mesa, Arizona in 1993.

Alma was a member of the American Association of University Women.

Alma passed away Sunday, October 22, 2017 at the Clearview Home in Mount Ayr. She was preceded in death by her parents; husband Loren; middle son Robert “Bob” Elliott; sister Joyce and her husband Paul Loatman; father and mother-in-law Mark and Ilah Elliott; brothers and sisters-in-law Jack and Mildred Elliott, Donald and Zoe Nichols, Lois Ives.

Survivors include her sons Mark (Susan) Elliott of Gallup, New Mexico and James “Jim” Elliott of Houston, Texas; daughter-in-law Margaret Elliott of Des Moines, Iowa; three grandchildren Alicia, Mathew, and Sean Elliott, of Robert and Margaret; brother-in-law Roy Ives; niece and nephews Craig (Ellen) Elliott, Dick (Donna) Elliott, Karen (Rick) Bender and Kirk Elliott.

5/15/2018 MSE

Alma Anne Barna Elliott 31 Jul 1925 – 22 Oct 1917
Joanna Teresa ‘Josephine’ Ryan Barna 12 Sep 1884 – 9 Apr 1939
Anne Murphy Ryan 6 May 1850 – 4 Jun 1933
Julia J Smith Murphy b Abt 1822-1897
Pauline Croak Smith b Abt 1798

5/22/2018 MSE

3/19/2019 MSE

mtDNA FTDNA kit number 101829


12/3/2018 MSE

Stephen Peter Barna;

Stephen Peter Barna Obituary;

Stephen Peter Barna
born 29 Jun 1891 Kezmarok, Czechoslovakia,
died 26 Oct 1951 Salem, Columbiana Co, OH
buried 30 Oct 1951 St Peter’s Cementery, Troy, NY

Barna Genealogy by Anna (Barna) Kromka 8/27/1965

Galicia was the name applied to the region along the North slopes of the Carpathian Mts.

Spišská Nová Ves, Slovakia Google map


The Nicolaus Copernicus grave mystery

The Nicolaus Copernicus grave mystery
A dialogue of experts
Edited by Michał Kokowski


3/18/2019 MSE

11/3/2019 MSE

11/20/2019 MSE

HAVE TWINS; Stefan, and Stephanus Barna born May 29, 1857 Leluchów, Małopolskie, Poland

Likely found a twin to great granddad Stephen Barna, a Stefan Barna which died at the age of 22.

Both Stefan, and Stephanus born on 29 May 1857, Leluchów, Małopolskie, Poland, Stefan death DEATH 31 Mar 1880 (aged 22) Leluchów, Małopolskie, Poland
Stephen (Stephanus) death 1935 Boonton, Morris Co, New Jersey

House #42
May 29, 1857
Leluchów, Małopolskie, Poland

St. Joseph’s Church Archives – Muszyna, Poland, Liber Copulatorium (1785-1888); Natorum (1784-1889); et Mortuorium (1784-1875), graeco-catholic unit, Leluchoviensium, T.I

Source Citation for St. Joseph’s Church Archives – Muszyna, Poland, Liber Copulatorium (1785-1888); Natorum (1784-1889); et Mortuorium (1784-1875), graeco-catholic unit, Leluchoviensium, T.I

Stefan Barna
BIRTH 29 May 1857
Leluchów, Małopolskie, Poland
DEATH 31 Mar 1880 (aged 22)
Leluchów, Małopolskie, Poland
Swiety Dymitry Parish Cemetery
Leluchów, Powiat nowosądecki, Małopolskie, Poland
MEMORIAL ID 88440833

Stephanus (Stephen) Barna
b. 29 May 1857
Leluchów, Małopolskie, Poland

House #42, Birth of Stephanus Barna, son of Michael Barna, son of Thomas Barna, rusticus and Anna Kowalak, rusticus in Czyrcz; and Maria Chomiak, daughter of Elias Chomiak, rusticus from Milik, and Theodosia Pytel from Szczawnik, on 29 May 1857, with baptism on 30 May 1857.
Book of Births (1784-1889), Leluchów 1857 (May) #858c
Source Information
St. Joseph’s Church Archives – Muszyna, Poland, Liber Copulatorium (1785-1888); Natorum (1784-1889); et Mortuorium (1784-1875), graeco-catholic unit, Leluchoviensium, T.I
Repository Information