Armstrong Armstrang Armestrang Armestrong Ellot Ellott Elliot Nixon Hunter Steele Thomson Thompson Ulster Muster 1610 1630 Scottish Middle March

Research material for the family historians, genealogists basicallyon; Armstrong Armstrang Armestrang Armestrong Ellot Ellott Elliot Nixon Hunter Steele Thomson Thompson Ulster Muster 1610 1630 Scottish Middle March. Since the historians like to be at the cutting edge of history, graphics of pages, and references mapping mainly on the Ellot, Ellott, Elliot, Eliott, and Elliott of nether kingdom of England or Scotland but of The Borders, and Ulster, with emphasis on County

County Mag-Uidhir (Maguire now Fermanagh, Ulster)

For the; Chiefs, Princes, and Kings to Fermanagh are included.

Scottish Middle March Families;

Armstrong, Elliott, Nixon, and Crozier

Family History for these family which once lived in The Borders between two Kingdoms, and fought on the side of Catholic Mary Queen of Scots, and were exiled, or exterminated from their borderlands. Still given no opportunities within these lands these family are still though industrialization of there sacred sights such as the home place  of The Elliott, The Hermitage Castle, meant to be a protected region called the Middle Shires, by the Protestant son taken from his mother Mary, James VI of Scotland also James I of England. Today’s English government a part of the Union-Jack a flag which represents exile and genocide to these families in the same way the Nazi flag meant exile and genocide to the Jews, Scotland and the Unionist of County Fermanagh, are supporting this genocide by supporting industrial encroachment to THE HERMITAGE CASTLE;

– Wha Daur Meddle Wi’ Me?

The royal coat of arms in Scotland has the Latin motto “Nemo me impune lacessit”. The English translation of this is “Nobody interferes with me with impunity” and this is often defiantly expressed in broad Scots as “Wha daur meddle wi’ me?” which is the title of this anonymous poem. But on this occasion it is being aggressively repeated by a member of the Elliot family, one of the Border families who not only fought their neighbours but were part of the first line of defence against marauding English invaders – and could sometimes defy the Scottish monarch as well!

Above is a message to The Scottish Ministry, who’s government, as with THE UNION JACK a flag of exile and genocide of the border families, destroying the archaelogical history of those which once lived their in the same fashion the English army did when a Protestant king stolen from his Catholic mother did, was to exterminate them first The Armstrong, second The Elliott, and third The Nixon. A half century ago the first person to put a foot on the moon, was an Armstrong, of hometown Langholm, Scotland, and the President of the United States of American, was a Nixon from the borders also they were of the Middle March, Scottish Border Families of Armstrong, Elliott, Nixon, and Crozier;

The Scottish government today is a puppet government of England, by allowing itself to have it’s archaeological sights desecrated by wind farms supplying energy to England, such as the home place of the Border Elliott, and that is The Hermitage Castle.

11/27/2019 MSE