Chronicles of the Armstrongs; : Armstrong, James Lewis : Fairy Bear: Internet Archive
One thing dad taught me is that you do not forget the lady. One can not find a family genealogist better than cousin Margaret. We are less than a year apart;
101829 Elwald de Schinkel Germany R-S16361;
101829 Elliott Germany R-S16361; Gresham Castle, Norfolk
101829 Germany R-S16361; North and South Cave, East Riding Yorkshire All of the above information is except map localities is information presented to me by FTDNA to utilize for my genealogical research. The 29th (29 generations) chief is Margaret Eliott, and through research branch into her at Robert Elwald 9 of 10. Information given to me by FTDNA, is that at 29 generations matching 12 markers exactly is the same as matching 37 markers exactly. Do I take the information provided by FTDNA being totally incorrect? FTDNA FAQ states that having many exact markers at the 12 marker level goes extends beyond adoption of surnames. Do I take the information provided by FTDNA being totally incorrect? Place or locality names are known way to find were the name originated, when it correlates with another standard, census surname density, the the correctness of surname is insured. Since my surname Elwald of Proto-Germanic Y-DNA R-U106, has a strong Norfolk, genealogical locality, along with Scandinavian density, and FTDNA East Anglia Y-DNA density. “An early resident of Bec was Alanus Elfwold (1248).” History -“The village was listed in the Domesday Book as ‘Renistone’. The name Boulton (Bolton) is listed in land deeds of 1302, and Robert Elwald son of Alan listed 1304.”×494.jpg Not accepting research with a strong foundation shows why the non-Y-DNA people are doing the superior research as far as family genealogy is concerned.
The Chronicles
The History of Liddesdale, Eskdale, Ewesdale, Wauchopedale and the Debateable Land:
By Robert Bruce Armstrong, Volume 1
Malcolm MacGregor, with wife Fiona Armstrong, and Christopher P. Wilkens with wife Margaret Eliott
Gorrenberry is between Thomas Armstrong of Mangerton, brother of Johnie Armstrong, Gilnockie, land of Billhope, and of the grain (rode with) Martin Ellot living on land of Bothwell, to the East Braidley, which is between Gorrenberry and the Hermitage Castle. Chief 15 feuded with the Armstrong.
If felt like the Bauld Buccleuch and the Armstrong were kind of fed up with Robert 15 of Redheugh-Lariston. It is likely he had an relationship to a Margaret Kidd of Saughtree, name Margaret on above tree, when married to the Bauld Buccleuch sister, a Jean Scott. A Gavin who purchase Baillillee to hide out my many great a Andrew (Dand the Cowie), married the widow Jean Scott. Gilbert married a Margaret/Mary Fendy of Hardin. Gavin purchased land of Stobs for his first son William, from the Gladstanes. It is felt that Dand’s Gib, Gilbert of ‘golden garters’, likely called that from the great dowry he received from marrying Margaret ‘Fendy’ Scot of Harden. Family of Goranberry likely cousins were in on rescuing Kinmont Willie Armstrong from Carlisle Castle, also with John Ellot of Copeshaw. Auld Walt Scott of Buccleuch lead the rescue. It seems more Ker, then Armstrong, and more Armstrong than Scott from as far as the Y-DNA goes. It should be noted that a George Fox, Quaker convince a member of the Hardin family to be Quaker, and was imprison in Edinburgh. Though have greater appreciation towards the Armstrong, kind of like the Scots of Hardin.
Breakin Tower near or is Prickenhaugh Tower;
The Scottish Border to Celebrate Neil Armstrong and the
50th Anniversary of The Moon Landing
The Scottish Borderland will celebrate the 50 YEAR anniversary of the Moon Landing and
honor favorite son Neil Armstrong. This years festivities will include presentations by
special guests, international lecturers Dr. Ken MacTaggart and Dr. James Hansen the weekend
of July 20 and 21 at Buccleuch Centre, and also appearances at Gilnockie Tower July 21. The
Tower will also celebrating it’s 500 year anniversary and unveil an impressive refurbish project.
Dr. MacTaggart is co-editor of NASA’s Apollo 11 Flight Journal, author of “Astronaut Owner’s
Workshop Manual” and consultant on the movie “Moonshot”. Dr. James Hansen is a respected
historian who authored the well known authorized autobiography of Neil Armstrong “First
Man”. “First Man” the movie has been greeted around the world with accolades for not only
the insight into Neil, the person, but the technical achievements of recreating such a historic
In 1972, Neil Armstrong accepted the invitation to visit the town of Langholm on the Scottish
Border with England. The area is the ancestral home of the Armstrongs who were a powerful
clan for more than 400 years. Neil was greeted with much fanfare, love and admiration. At a
ceremony at Langholm Parish Church he was made the first “Freeman of Langholm”. A visibly
moved Armstrong claimed the area as his ancestral home. He also visited the centuries old
Gilnockie Tower (named for “Johnnie of Gilnockie” Armstrong). The area has continued to
honor Neil Armstrong with displays in Langholm, at the Tower, at the Eskdale Hotel, and in
school programs.
Langholm and Gilnockie Tower are proud to be nurturing a relationship with the hometowns of
Neil’s childhood, St. Mary’s, Ohio and Wapakoneta, Ohio, site of the Armstrong Air and Space
Information about the lectures, book-signing, showing of the movie First Man at Buccleuch
Centre, and a schedule of events at nearby Gilnockie Tower will be on their respective websites.
Draft Programme for the Gilnockie Towers 500th Birthday and Neil A Armstrongs 50th anniversary of
landing on the moon weekend at Gilnockie Tower.
Friday 19th July
Welcome to Gilnockie Tower.
Reivers move in with the construction of Gilnockie Village.
Amateur Radio Station set up and will transmit worldwide over the Apollo 11 mission timeline.
Saturday 20th July
10-am-4pm Visit the repaired Gilnockie Tower walkway open to the public.
10-am-4pm Open for bartering is our 16th century Gilnockie Market Place.
10-am-4pm 16th century Gilnockie Village with Teviotdale Steel Bonnets re-enactors will you help
with your 16th century questions. Demonstrations throughout the day.
Check our information board – Amateur Radio Station set up and will transmit worldwide over the
Apollo 11 mission timeline.
Chainsaw Artist demonstrations by Rab Waitt.
Hughsrigg Pottery at Canonbie, demonstrations throughout the day,
Hog and Beef Roast with accompanying bar faculties, all day.
Lakeside Distillery, with the new but famous Steel Bonnets Whisky sampling.
Piper perambulating the Gilnockie Tower grounds.
Sunday 21st July
10-am-4pm Visit the repaired Gilnockie Tower walkway open to the public.
1pm – Gilnockie Tower birthday cake to be officially cut and of course eaten!
Open for bartering is our 16th century Gilnockie Market Place.
!0-am-4pm 16th century Gilnockie Village with Teviotdale Steel Bonnets re-enactors will help with
your 16th century questions. Demonstrations throughout the day.
Check our information board – Amateur Radio Station set up and will transmit worldwide over the
Apollo 11 mision timeline.
Chainsaw Artist demonstrations by Rab Waitt.
Hughsrigg Pottery at Canonbie, demonstrations throughout the day,
Hog and Beef Roast with accompanying bar facities, all day,
Background music by local accordionist band, the Bon-accords.
Lakeside Distillery with the new but famous Steel Bonnets Whisky sampling.
2pm – Gilnockie Tower: Afternoon Talk relating to the award-winning film FIRST MAN by 2.30pm Dr
James Hansen, Dr Ken MacTaggart and
3pm – Haydon Goodfellow, local astrophysicist discussing the moon.
£5.00 entry, children free.
The Crozier, (crow-sers) had Crows in one of their arms. The chevron, two stars in the chief, and stag head are of the Elwald-Ellwood-Ellot shields pre Redheugh.
Blue molets should be gold.
The Balliol Roll, the earliest roll of arms for Scotland. It contains thirty-five shields of Scottish noblemen arranged beneath the arms of Sir Edward Balliol, king of Scots (c. 1282-1364), and was almost certainly composed for that ruler. It is felt that a lot of Balliol changed their name to Bell , because of the conflict the Balliol had with Robert the Bruce.
Before James Douglas carried the heart of Robert the Bruce, the Douglas arms did not have the heart of Robert the Bruce on them. So the three mullet-stars white with a blue background represented the Douglas.
Garter encircle Shield – Arms of 4th Earl of Minto
Kynynmound, Fife; (similar to Kinmount)
Gilbert [Elliot later Elliot-Murray-Kynynmound], 1st Baron Minto later 1st Earl of Minto, PC
1st son of Rt Hon Sir Gilbert Elliot, 3rd Bt., by his wife Agnes Dalrymple-Murray-Kynynmound, dau. and hrss. of Hugh Dalrymple later Dalrymple-Murray-Kynynmound, of Melgund, co. Forfar, and Kynynmound, co. Fife
Shows Armytage, Armitage, Ermitage, and Hermitage, are interchangeable spellings;
Similar to; Armystrand, Armystrang, Armystrong, Armistrong, Armstrong.
Census surname locality;
Video Player
The History of Liddesdale, Eskdale, Ewesdale, Wauchopedale, and the Debateable Land
Robert Bruce Armstrong
Referencing the Armstrong, and recognizing the Armstrong and Elliott as family.
Showing the burning of John Armstrang’s (Gilnockie) Holehouse, likely could be the tower which is standing today. Could use some archaeological carbon dating on the the burnt wood in it’s structure to verify this.
Shows that John Armstrang is well educated for his day because he could write letters.
Shows the names in 1528 Elwald (elk of woods), Nykson (Nicolas’ son), Armistrang (army strong of Scotland), Crosers (cross bearers); ie Elliot, Nixon, Armstrong, and Crozier, today.
Example; Neil (Gaelic), Alden (Anglo), Armstrong (army strong of Scotland)
Langholm, Scottish Borders, where Buccleuch (Richard Scott Duke of Buccleuch) now lives. Fiona Armstrong (Lady MacGregor).
Daniel Elliot Cluster-Kerr link by Robert P. Elliott.
Ancestral Home of the Clan Armstrong
Press Release
Colin Armstrong came up with the idea that as Gilnockie Tower was 500 years old and that 2019 was the 50th anniversary of the moon landing, a celebration event should be held. The moon
landing was on 20th July 1969 followed by the historical steps taken onto the moon on the 21st July
1969. To commemorate these historical events, a special anniversary weekend is taking place at
Gilnockie Tower on the weekend of 20th and 21st July 2019.
Video Player

Video Player
Video Player

History Hunters, John Armstrong of Gilnockie
Video Player
The History of Liddesdale, Eskdale, Ewesdale, Wauchopedale and the Debateable Land: By Robert Bruce Armstrong, Volume 1
Those followers of King-Saint Elwald no surname at time, but referred to as Elwalds.
Land of Schaw which contains Braidley, and MacPatrickhope (ie known as the valley of the son of Patrick Hepburn-Bothwell, but had an earlier name)
Mawpatrichope, and Braidlie are of Schawis
Martyn Ellot of the Bradley, Border Papers
Martin Ellot of the Braidley, brother to Robert of Redheugh, the William of Gorrenberry gang were apart of his group.
Andrew Ellot, Dand the Cowie’s son Clementis Hobs alias Robert Ellot’s sons Robert of Armagh, and Daniel Elliott of Tullykelter Fermanagh, Ulster.
Clements Hob ie Robert Ellot, syster’s son to Clement Crosier, and rode with them.
One can see that Gorrenberry, and Braidlie are neighbors.
1654 Blaeu map of Gorrenberrry
Adam alias Cowdas of Shaws, just south of the Hermitage Castle is said to die off with The Cowie of Gorrenberry.
Walter Scot the son of David Scot of Buccleuch, witness the original land sasine, and William Elwald (Ellot) of Gorrenberry was quite active in Robert Elwald (Ellot) in the obtainment of the land, and acted in a fashion of the other landholders. Gorrenberry a landholder was there when Robert Elwald (Ellot), was acquiring land of Redheugh, Larriston, Hartsgarth, and other lands.
William Elwald-Ellot goodman (landholder) of Gorrenberry, would be using the earlier family shield.
As Sir Arthur Eliott would state the the St Germains (also St Germans), Port Eliot, are of a different group then that of Scotland.
Wikipedia has a write-up on them. Hopefully, they will not be censored like I was for writing on the Clan Crozier from Wikipedia. They also concur that Aliot-Eliot originated in France.
Single l&t gives the away, as France (likely Breton) to St Germains Eliot. Not of Scotland.
Variations in spelling
An old rhyme commemorates these differences:
The double L and single T
Descent from Minto and Wolflee,
The double T and single L
Mark the old race in Stobs that dwell.
The single L and single T
The Eliots of St Germains be,
But double T and double L,
Who they are nobody can tell.
A PDF article by Robert Bell, of the Ulster Co Fermanagh, families which moved from the borders County Fermanagh, including that of Neil Armstrong, from Langholm, Scotland to County Fermanagh, and likely also for President Richard Nixon, which was president when Neil stepped onto the moon. The Middle March Clans which fought for Mary, Queen of Scots are; Armstrong, Elliott, Nixon, and Crozier.
Margaret Elliot (correct spelling of 29th chief of Redheugh-Stobs is Eliott) talks about how the
BBC Four Smailholm Tower (above) and the Border Reivers
Reivers were opportunists who were a law unto themselves. (Broadcast: 8/5/2008)
Last statement of BBC Smailholm Tower presentation; …..the most famous even reached the moon; Neil Armstrong.
Have an Armstrong brother Lowell Armstrong, from Kansas, which may be reading this.Keep telling him we are not in Kansas anymore, but all we have to do is to click our heals to return home.I have a brother-in-law, also has family of Gorrenberry, is the historian for the Clan Elliot Society
I first became interested in
the history of the Elliots during
my teens, following visits to
Liddesdale and Hermitage Castle,
and to my grandmother Catherine,
nee Elliot’s cousin at the Toftholm
and Gorrenberry farms.
Many years later a chance remark by
a distinguished French acquaintance
of Breton origin sparked an active
interest into soe serious historical
research, since graduating as a
mature student of Modern History
from University College London in
He had insisted that the name Elliot
was Breton…..
Keith Elliot Hunter’s scholarly work
on the Origins of the Elliots is
available to read on the website
Lowell the Armstrong on this link recognized me as an Armstrong because of the Elwald name, and publishing what he gave me.
Ellot (Angus, Scotland) + Eliot (Breton, France)= Elliot
Both the brother and brother-in-law, have a part to the reason the name became Elliot.
Ellwood Surname Definition:
This surname is derived from the name of an ancestor. ‘the son of Aylward,’ which see. The variant Elward occurs in the 13th century.
Robert Elward, Suffolk, 1273. Hundred Rolls. 1603-4. William Elward and Alice Godfrey: Marriage Lic.
Ælfwald/Ælfwold variants of the Germanic-Danish are;
Elward, Elfwold, Elwald, Elwood, Ellwood, Elwould, Ewald (German), note; English wood, German wald-wold.
The Armstrong are a collective, and as a collective they recognized Keith Elliot Hunter as being my brother-in-law. A rule for genealogy, is you do not throw out your brother-in-law.
Hobbe Elwode Clemyt syster sone (ie Robert Elliott, Clement Crozier’s sister’s son) alias; Clementis Hobs.
When on Wikitree and in the USA, we were getting the message the chieftain was dependant on Margaret’s first child a son, but she has a daughter also. It is felt that Scotland wants an aristocratic chief.
The Carruthers, of my Y-DNA add mix are I-M253, and from Carrutherstown, Scotland, near the Armstrong, related to the Bruce family of Robert the Bruce, and they have been also, like many others been helping out, and came up with the unruly clans, which mean the pitch-in and can not be ruled.
Didn’t anyone tell those Carruthers those Grahams are English, guess like those Hunters they are on the side of the borderers.
Guess with leaders being killed off the only way to get things done since leaders do not seem to come to agreement is to pitch-in.
History given by chief Margeret Eliott;
In the above sites if you click on my name Mark Elliott, and see where it gets you.
Published on Oct 20, 2010
The Elliot Clan by Newcastleton Primary School | Scots Language Project 2018
Ronald Yule
Published on Mar 24, 2018
As part of Hawick Reivers Festival 2018, 7 primary Schools in Hawick and the surrounding areas, took part in a film project all about a family clan.
This is the video made by Newcastleton Primary School about the Elliot clan.
Edited and Produced by Ronald Yule.
In association with Hawick Reivers Festival and Hawick Callants Club.
Though Gilbert Gib of Golden Garters received a large dowry probably why he is of Golden Garters, land passed to his son William of Stobs from his stepfather Gavin of Gorrenberry, then Horsliehill; William hung himself to preserve his estate from a Cromwellian War Tax, which went onto his son Sir Gilbert Eliott first Baronet of Stobs. Since Gilbert of Golden Garthers was Margaret Kidd’s, son and not Jean Scott’s son sister to Buccleuch, when he married a cousin of Buccleuch, Margaret Fendy Scott of Harden there was no incest involved.
It should be noted; That Dand Ellot/Daniel Elliott now of Tullykelter, Fermanagh, Ulster, Ireland, received a lease of land which was of on Hamilton estate, and Robert XVI was married to a Hamilton;
Which Gavin/Gawin knew wife Marjorie-Marioun, did not have the best relations with the bauld Buccleuch. The Redheugh-Stobs line developed out this relation with the Scots of Buccleuch. Gilbert of Stobs is of the Redhuegh line but from the third son, and that is how we get a discontinuation of the name Robert, which the Eliott of Stobs do not use, but I had a brother named Robert, and there is a Robert P. Elliott in the Daniel Cluster of Y-DNA. So the line of Gorrenberry, does use the name Robert as a first and forename. As one can see Gilbert and William, not Robert being used by the Stobs Eliott. The Robert line is carried by the Gorrenberry line.
The Border Clans which supported Mary Queen of Scots ended up a lot of them in County Fermangh, Ulster Ireland, and are interrelated by Y-DNA.
Redesign of Elwood-Ellwood shield.
No wonder I like those Armstrong better. That bauld Buccleuch is just trying to get favoritism for Sir Gilbert Eliott which was a realignment of the Clan Elliot line. So clan ship lines may have alterations.
At this time Robert Ellot of Redheugh and Larriston were not getting along.
Do you think the Bauld Beccluech may had some influence over the Clan Elliot line though son of Robert of Redheuch, line becoming of Stobs? Now this happened previous to the now Charles II, Buccleuch line.
John Scott of Gorrinberrie, not William Ellot.
Redhuegh-Larriston Elwald-Ellot
The above are the Redhuegh-Larriston lands of the Robert Elwald-Ellot chieftain line.
Below are the Stobs descended not first son from Redheugh line.
Stobs – Eliott
At Sir Gilbert of Stobs is the first time the Elwald Ellot line became of Eliott Stobs, and then Redheugh with likely repurchase. Gives reason people have the Armstrong-Elwald-Ellot (Angus Scots spelling ) as extinct, and why in Scotland, beginning to feel a bit “Cowie” or vanquished when from Gorrenberry.
In the past Buccleuch would feel safe siding with the main government, but after the American Revolution, no part of that country. With genealogy of family; Armstrong, Elliott, Nixon and Crozier, the Middle March family, not of kingdom.
Hopsrig gets Scottish appeal lift-off
Buccleuch Energy wins right to build 42MW project in Dumfries and Galloway
29 January 2019
Scottish ministers have given the green light to Buccleuch Energy’s 42MW Hopsrig wind farm in Dumfries and Galloway.
BBC-Wind farm near Langholm approved on appeal 29 January 2019
A council’s refusal of a wind farm described as “overly prominent and overwhelming” by officials has been overturned on appeal.
As expected; the Scottish Government, is enslaved by the wind farm industry and does not follow the wishes of it’s constituency. 1/31/2018 MSE
Muirhall Energy Ltd, is a Scottish firm regulated by the Scottish Ministerial Government.
1/3/2019 MSE
Shield of sixteenth century William Ellot, Goodman (landholder) of Gorrenberry.
Like the Armstrong say, represented by what is on the shield, and the shield of Stobs-Redhuegh, has an elwand (Scottish wand an el in length for measurement as an yard or metre) , and we were called Elwand. Gorrenberry retains the previous shield with the stag head from the Elioth-Elwold-Ellwood previous Elwold-Elwould, and in Liddesdale Elwald. It should be noted Y-DNA wise more related to the Ker(r) then the Scott. The Bauld Buccleuch is married to a Kerr of Ferniehirst, but have been in conflict with the Ker of Cessford (Duke of Roxburghe) or Cessford, Roxburghe, and now Floors Castle near Kelso. The Ker have beat the Armstrong and Scott to County Antrim, previous to the Ulster Plantation, where they are sometimes looked upon as being Gaelic, and could be so far in the past.
Like an Armstrong, I have a strong right arm, but I am left handed.
In the Salem Witch Trials and Anne Carr (ie Ker) Putnam, directed the accusers (young girls) of the trial, and my family were refugees, and my many great grand father Daniel Elliot, step mother-in-law was accused and lost two sisters in that trial. Daniel Elliot is a Y-DNA branch point where two of his sons have lines which go back and I have a different last SNP, and am on a single branch. They are Norman in nature and I am Anglo-Saxon. Like the Battle of Hastings. When you have a name which means elk of the wood, they are elk of the marsh. For Americans for elk use the American word moose. Those which seem to have the greatest conflict in families are those which are most alike.
Carrs (Kerrs), Liddells (Liddles), Basdens Scotland Liddells (Liddles) place Liddel Water-Liddesdale Basdens – Anglo-Saxon. Wife of East Tennessee County where my pre-Revolution German Hammer line, moved to. Those people are considered close family which has had conflict in the past.
Kelsae : A History of Kelso from Earliest Times;
by Moffat, Alistair
Armstrong, have informed me that he is an allied of the Armstrong, like the Elliott.
My understanding Alistair Moffat is from Kelso, where Floors Castle is near, but moved to Selkirk. Have book on order, so I still have a lot to learn, is an understatement.
The R-U106 Kerr claims Smailhome Tower, Kelso, Roxburgh. I-M223 Donegal, Ireland. It seem to be the Kerr are of my Danish-Viking add mixture, and carry that Celtic-Germanic I-M223 Y-DNA, along with the R-U106 of my Proto-Germanic, on R–L47 (Y-DNA). R–L47 is a subclade within the R-U106 part of the tree, under the R-L48 group ( Dad’s mother’s father is a Spencer of the R-L48 line. The more the genealogical conflict, and the closer you get to the line that more difficult the genealogy.
This one though the Bauld Buccleuch, Richard Scott, likely of R-L21, which the Grisham and variants I match of nearby Bec, Norfolk. He is married to a Ferniherst Kerr, which has had its conflict with the Cessford (Roxburghe) Ker, can expect him to deal with this one, and may take some time.
Family which my family has had conflict with.
Mullet (star-like)
Elioth Family Crest or Elioth Coat of Arms
[5940] St Michael-le-Belfrey, York : Elwald St Michael-le-Belfrey, York.
16th century glass.
Restored inscription to John Elwald, Mayor of York and his wife Agnes, and Robert Elwald, Sheriff and Alderman of York and Ellen, his wife. 15…
Gib Ellot above is using the Redhuegh-Larriston seal, not yet until 1666, that of Sir Gilbert Eliott (note spelling) of Stobs. The seal used by the family previous to between 1566 and 1591, would be the one which William Ellot of Gorrenberry-Horsliehill line, of which Gib Ellot is a stepson to, and of the Redheugh-Larrison to become of Stobs, with assistance of the Bauld Buccleuch.
Since I am of this Gorrenberry Elwald-Ellot line to many family historians not of the Elliot(t)-Eliott surname, want to have it die off with The Cowie of Gorrenberry. It is easily to play along because I am descended from Andrew (Dand the Cowie), which had sons; Andrew (Dand the Cow Burgess of Selkirk), and the notorious thief of Liddesdale; Robert Ellot (Clementis Hob; Clement Crosar-Crozier’s syster’s son Hob Elwode). Just remember one can not though they try choose their ancestors. Though the Armstrong are the Unvanquished, consider me to a lot of others the Vanquished Cowie of Gorrenberry.
The chief and I are family, but I carry the Y-DNA. We are the families of Horseliehill, but she is of Redheugh-Stobs, and I am of Gorrenberry. Armstrong in this case it is I which holds the elwand, because with only the numbers, Armstrong am I able to follow you.
Goodman refers to a landholder;
Buccleuch, acquired estates in the PARISH OF CASTLETOUN (Castleton) which he paid taxes on of; Mangerton (Armstrong), Gorrenberry (Elliot), part of Whithaugh (Armstrong), and Elliot of Midlem-mill’s Lands.
Son to Robert XV of Redheugh, stepson to Gavin of the Gorrenberry-Horsliehill,
Gilbert ‘Golden Garters’ Ellot, son William Ellot then Elliot then Eliott of Stobs his first son is Sir Gilbert Eliott of Stobs, 1st Baronet 1666.
Hate to disappoint the Armstrong, just freebooters and vagabonds, no aristocrats, in my line of Elwald-Ellot-Elliot-Elliott. Do not know how the Armstrong can have a gallant company with someone like me in it.
Dad-asked-Germany-Son-said-yes.-8-25-2013 PDF
It’s that Middle March (maybe the Armstrong influence) Border Reiver in me, to create the above 3, by adding to previous backgrounds. With that Brexit-EU board they really through a lasso around former border families of Scotland, when the Brexit-EU border goes around County Fermanagh.
Note; Armystrand>Armistrang>Armstrong, Fairbairn-Elliot of an I-M253 NPE Irwin mix. The Fairbairn in the Fair Bear story are of the Bear line, and I am of the Elk (Moose) line. It is felt that in the Danish-Viking admix, which I travel with as R-U106 (proto-Germanic), traveling with I-M223 (pre-Celtic Germanic), and I-M253 (Anglo-Viking), It’s the I-M253 which carries my admix, because there as Fairbairn NPE with the Elliot, and this NPE is likely pre-surname, from the mother Fair Bear. Where one is a Bear (I-M253), another an Elk (Moose) R-U106, and the third the Wolf (I-M223). (Armstrang> to Armystrand> correction made 2/5/2019 MSE)
A model of the Fair Bear story to think about.
In Germany with the same pronunciation of bear is spelled bär.
The name Wolf came from Germany, where over half the number of people with the surname Wolf live in Germany.
Descendant line of the Clan Elliot chieftain, is not based on whether you are female or male, like being a Baronet may be. Chief’s Margaret Eliott’s father Sir Arthur Eliott 11th Baronet of Stobs, and Margaret is the only child is not a baron. Since Margaret’s first child is a boy, and he has no offspring, the descendant line of the true chieftain Redheugh line, will eventually go down the daughter’s line. Because she like her mother Margaret has children.
The 15th chief of Redheugh onto Larriston, feuded with the Armstrong (‘Lock the Larriston’ ‘the Armstrongs are flying’). He married a sister of Buccleuch, name not Maragaret, but Larriston was known to have a mistress a Margaret Kidd (Kidd’s Curse), which he built a tower for north of Redheugh on the Hermitage River, called Hartsgarth.
The chieftain line travels down the Redheugh line, and Margaret Eliott, of Redheugh-Stobs, is of that line. Buccleuch, with a large dowry given to Gilbert (Gib) ‘of golden garters’, insured that he would marry into the Scott line a cousin of Harden, since Gilbert’s mother though listed as a sister of Buccleuch, really was not, there was considered by the family no incest.
Robert Elliot of Lariston chief 15th feuded with the Armstrong;
Audio Player
Audio Player
His brother Martin of the Braidley, and of Prickinghaugh (of the Braidley), was intern chief.
He also seemed to play around on the Bauld Buccleuch’s daughter a Jean. Ellot chieftain line was realigned to include Stobs. Note; daughter’s name Margaret, like today’s chief. It is felt that Maggie (Margaret) Kidd of Saughtree is who he played around with. It should be noted that I am not of the Redheugh line, and Margaret Eliott is. This is the line which is the chieftain’s line and needs to be maintained as such.
In 1376 residing in Mangerton, their was an Alexandir Armystrand. This I feel myself is recorded correctly by Robert Bruce Armstrong, in his History of Liddesdale… Mangerton is on the Liddel Water, and it is felt that that Alexandir was one of the earlier ones because of his position as chief to utilize a surname. Armystrand, means ‘army strand’, an army along the bank of a river, in this case along the Scottish side of the Liddel Water.
The name evolved along the Liddel Water from, Armystrang, to Armistrang, with variants to become Armstrong after the Armstrong did not recognize themselves as being the ‘strong army of Scotland’.
Names such as Kinmont Willie would have evolved into William Kinmount, Gilnockie, Johnnie, John Gilnockie, Hector of Harlow, into Hector Harlow, but since they were a part of the strongest army ever of the Kingdom of Scotland and proud of it, people took on the name Armistrang, which after border pacification and the Armistrang no longer ‘the strong army of Scotland’ became Armstrong.
The Scottish name Armistrang, meaning ‘strong army of Scotland’, did coincide with the ‘Armstrong’, with a likely origins of ‘strong arm’ as associated with the Fairbairn, but Y-DNA, shows since the Elwald-Ellot-Elliot-Elliott, and Fairbair reside northward and eastward, that the I-M253 which they coincide with is indicative of a stronger relationship between the Elliott and Fairbairn, then the Armstrong and Fairbairn.
Where Did The Fairbairns Come From? By Thomas Fairbairn March 12, 2010
Clan Irwin Surname DNA Study – Y-DNA Classic Chart
Though, for the I-M253 the Armstrong, may not be as closely related to the Fairbairn, like the Elliott, it is felt by their collective answers, instead of with the Elliott sometimes a individual singularity, this is enabling the Armystrand-Armistrang-Armstrong, to get a closer refinement on their family history.
12/30/2018 MSE It is this family the Middle March; Armstrong, Elliott, Nixon and Crozier which I am of, a Borderer which makes me not of either kingdom England or Scotland.
Crowland-Croyland, possible localities of Alfwold Elwald Ellot Elliot origins.
Muirhall Heritage Castle (Windy Edge) wind farm
Borders National Park
Neil Alden Armstrong Scottish Borders National Park
Scottish Borders National Park
Campaign for a Scottish Borders National Park
Photos from the Scottish Borders
Ask yourself who gets to pocket the wind farm money, and who gets to pocket the tourist money.
A GREAT NAME for the NATIONAL PARK would be; Neil Alden Armstrong Scottish Borders National Park
Appeal lodged over wind farm near Langholm
17 November 2018
An appeal has been lodged against the refusal of a wind farm described as “overly prominent and overwhelming” by planning officials.
A Scottish government reporter will now look at the case before delivering a verdict on the plans.
Just like Fallago Rig, and Windy Edge, now Hopsrig A Scottish government reporter; A pawn of the Nicola Sturgeon Government that will surpass the will of the Scottish Border Community to desecrate the birth place of Kinmount/Kinmont Willie Armstrong;
Yes, they are building it next to KINMOUNT.
CLAN CROZIER tees now available. Elliott R-U106 Y-DNA likely travel with the Armstrong, in accordance to The Chronicles of the Armstrong, edited by James Lewis Armstrong MD
Video Player
Sites which I am on which accept my standards, are,,,, and [DNA# A269034(lawismarkellot) data M904357(markellott) data] Gedcom#4997456 (over 4,000 in Data base). With FTDNA sites active in Germany, East Anglia, and Norfolk, assist on NC Argyll Colony.] Gedcom#4997456 (over 4,000 in Data base). With FTDNA sites active in Germany, East Anglia, and Norfolk, assist on NC Argyll Colony.
A269034(lawismarkellot) data
M904357(markellott) data
Also on,, with DNA, and a 4,000+tree.
Been also kick off Wikipedia for article on ally Clan Crozier. Just Google Clan Crozier.
Video Player
Margaret Elliot of Stobs-Redheugh, family has the strongest background in Clan Elliot genealogy that I know. Margaret has done so well at chief, I think the daughter would do the best, but the son is next in line.
Always make commit that the best US Elliot genealogist is my dad, but the best UK genealogist is the chief’s father;
The Elwalds and Armstrangs did convene;
They were a gallant companie—
“We‘ll ride and meit our lawful king,
And bring him safe to Gilnockie.”
Can’t seem to get the Armstrong out of my DNA, with the off border displacement (2/17/2018);
Historical Information for the Armstrong;
Armstrong please sort out in above site your info.
Armstrong note;
Google; “Clan Crozier” MSE 4/13/2016
Windy Edge Wind Farm,
Somewhat a genealogist. Dad, was an excellent one, and seem to build on him. Recently decease, and died in his hometown of Mt Ayr, Iowa, USA, where a great proportion of the people living in this small enclave their descendants are of this small border community just north of the Missouri border. Borderers seem to like borders, and I live in the four corners region of the US, where the corners of New Mexico, Arizona, Utah, and Colorado, and the borders of many governments, where the Navajo Nations is, land size about half that of the UK.
Any way thought I, being of the Society of Friends, a searcher, or seeker, as the Later Day Saints, say, find your ancestors find oneself, and with Y-DNA, following my Y-Chromosomes decided to chase down my father’s father. Entering Fermanagh, then Scotland, felt after being away for four century, no one in the UK would believe me.
Granddad was hidden away of north by the baud Buccleuch, who I call buck, have a difficult time with pronouncing his name. He uses a buck, as a symbol for Buccleuch Estates, but use Elliot(t)s Walter (what a name for an Elliot of Scotland), and myself believe the name is from a bucking stream. Buck is married to a Kerr, and I blame his wife on being a romantic in believing that the family started from all the land a buck can travel on. It is felt she drug me into to this thing in the first place.
He has all the land because he would bail the Armstrong and my branch at the time referred to as the Elwald-Ellot, as found properly in The Chronicles.
The Armstrong Trust is fairly new, and has not been contaminated by domination by influences other than Armstrong, and properly supported a group, Malcolm MacGregor, chairman. The MacGregor, were chased out of the north to the borderlands, and the Armstrong were chased out of the borderlands to the north. The chief of Clan MacGregor, a Malcolm also is married to an Armstrong on the board of this trust.
The name of the group is properly called The Hermitage Action Group, the the proposed wind farm is called by an obscure name of the region Windy Edge.
Today the Armstrong share similar characteristics and have been displaced all over Scotland, and are connect through the internet.
Fallago Rig (Ridge) on the Scottish side of the border, which the Duke of Northumberland, tried to stop who is a border brother to Buck, and he was going up against; Buck rivals and that of the Armstrong; Cessford; the Duke of Roxburghe (Roxburghshire), Ferniehirst (big in Brittish politics, Clan Kerr chief), and my relation Redheugh, but as the Armstrong have pointed out I am of Gorrenberry.
Today’s Redheugh chief is female an her husband not an Eliott has taken over with his corporate North British Windpower NBW (Google it), British MI6, links, so I get to border reive into the UK a descendant of the most notorious Clementis Hobs; in today’s language Clement Crozier’s nephew Robert Elliott. Had a brother named Robert Elliott (deceased). He first lived with uncle on land of Stobs then on Gorrenberry, and his father a refugee would come form where he was hidden away by Buck at the time on land of Gave that of Baillillie (likely Bailly Bye). This was near land which Martin Ellot leaving on Bothwell lease land of Braidly near Hermitage Castle owned up north but did not live on. Martin Ellot therefore could be called “of” Braidly though the land he owned was up north, in much the same way it is the Infinis Windy Edge wind farm and not The Hermitage Castle wind farm.
Given in the case of Fallago Rig that the Scottish Border Council was superseded by The Scottish Government, and today’s Armstrong because of The Union are internet linked ans scattered away from the borders, would like these UK Armstrong to take advantage of this an contact there local Scottish Government official, and speak out against the appeal on Infinis Windy Edge (Hermitage Castle), wind farm, because it affects the heritage of all reivers which were spread into the English Plantations of the world, and do not want to travel overseas back to their Scottish border homeland to see a wind farm place near the Hermitage Castle, because Buccleuch is still feuding with the Kerrs of Cessford and Ferniehirst.
Search engine bias by adding a 2 to elliot;
and see for yourself.
QuintusPentillus of Clan Eliott Wikipedia linking to;
Can anyone figure out who QuintusPentillus is?
MSE 1/14/2016
It should be noted;
Try links;
Of above;
Link provided by above;
Now link from giving today’s modified history;
MSE 4/15/2016
United Kingdom Armstrong please pass link to an Elliot;
For St. Andrew;
and, our Crozier allies;
The Clan Eliott Wikipedia has been hijacked it doesnot contained history of THE NAME, as expressed by the chief’s father and grandmother;
Basic to THE NAME on in the History of The Elliot Clan Society;
Hopefully people will realize the Clan Crozier does not need to remain a vanquished clan and should be Unvanquished as their allied clan the Armstrong are and will speak up for them.
On Wiki Clan Elliot website 12/9&19/2015
It is even basic to the German Wikipedia Clan Elliot website;
Nach der Legende kommt das Extra-“t” in Elliott von der Bekehrung der Elliotts zum
Christentum und soll ein Kreuz symbolisieren. Die unterschiedliche Schreibweise wird in diesem Reim verdeutlicht:
The double L and single T
Descent from Minto and Wolflee,
The double T and single L
Mark the old race in Stobs that dwell.
The single L and single T
The Eliots of St Germains be,
But double T and double L,
Who they are nobody can tell.
Robert Bell dichtete in “The Book of Scots-Irish Family Names” hinzu: “For double L and double T, the Scots should look across the sea!”
By not having this saying which identifies all Eliot, Eliott, Elliot, and Elliott the web page has been hijacked.
Mark Elliott 12/20/2015
Though Infinis Windy Edge Wind Farm near Hermitage Castle was voted against by the Scottish Borders Council
it now is in appeal;
The Armstrong – Fairbairn Link
Would like the Elwald line to become part of the Armstrong Clan
Please open the following if you can help;
Elwald de Armstrong
Bear-Fairbairn, Elk-Elwald, & Wolf-Louman – Gorrenberry
Armstrong Fairbairn Elliot Y-DNA link – – Gorrenberry
By DeWitt Armstrong and Donald Fairburn. FromThe Milnholm Cross Newsletter, Summer 1991, Vol. III No.4. This was the newsletter of The Clan Armstrong Trust and is now called The Milnholm Cross and Trust Topics. The Clan Armstrong Trust helped start the Armstrong Clan Society. Also in The Armstrong Chronicles, August, 2005.
The top shield added. Without the shield, it looks, like a cross. Robert Bruce Armstrong in The History of Liddesdale….. Above does not show shield, and below says shield is recent 1883
********************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************* New info; 1/29/2014 It should be noted;
The earliest record of the name in 1376 is Armystrand (army strand). Where strand means; In Webster’s;
In the Dictionary of the Scottish Language (DSL);
On following map additions Dated 10/1/2015;
Army of the Ermydoune (army fort), Ermytage/Hermitage (army post), is likely the Elwald (Ellot/Elliot) of the foresta (groves), The army stranded along the Liddel Water is likely the Armystrand/Armstrang/Armstrong, and the army for the foot of Kerhopefoot, the Kerhope (valley of the Ker) is likely the Ker. These are the first armies with support of the Scots and Douglases, to defend Scotland. MSE 3/15/2104 Was finding Armstrong at Kerhopefoot, so changed the Kerr Tower to an Armstrong Tower. To the north still of Whitehaugh Tower on the Liddel Water is Mangerton Tower. The name for Alexandir Armystrand of Mangerton, in 1376 was the name Armystrand/army strand, because; they were the army stranded along the Liddel Water. MSE 1/29/2014
Milnholm Cross and Elwand to Sword
Christogram IHS –a monogram symbol of Jesus Christ in form of an acronym. This would symbolize, I feel a burial. R B Armstrong wrote extensively on the history of the Liddesdale region in the nineteenth century. It is felt that what is now called a Milnholm Cross is a sword, but previously to the sword it was a cross, as given in R B Armstrong’s book. For the Armstrong the cross had been turned into a sword, and for the Elwald (Elwand), the elwand (Scottish ell measuring stick), also had been turned into a sword, which gives misrepresentation of the original nature of the Armstrong, and Elwald. The Armstrong name-legend most widely known appears in many places, but the earliest version was written in 1754. Curiously, every other version contains the same elements and the same omissions. The story goes that in an ancient battle the King of the Scots was unhorsed. His armor bearer Fairbairn, with one arm, picked up the king and sat him upon Fairbairn’s own horse. The grateful king decreed that Fairbairn should thereafter be know as Armstrong, and gave him land along the Scottish Border. Want to thank my brother german (one who shares the same Y-DNA) Robert P. Elliott, for providing this information. It took a lot of research to be able to correlate a grouping of surname locations, with the grouping of the close Y-DNA, and recently am able to determine where the Y-DNA fingerprint was placed.
Given the grouping of names in the region of the Liddel/Leven Waters, and the closeness of our Y-DNA, what is referred to as THE DANIEL GROUPING definitely left a Y-DNA fingerprint in this region. Unmentioned in any version are details of the battle, the name of the king, and who won. Partly because the name Armstrong is recorded along the Border as early as 1223, a consensus among our clan historians inclines towards the Battle of the Standard in 1138, when David I lost to the English about 90 miles south of the Border. To us this seems reasonable, especially since the legend makes no claim that, owing to Fairbairn’s gallant rescue, the Scots were victorious. Had they won, would the legend have failed to say so? Another legend, however, has come down through centuries of Armstrong. It used to be immersed in a fog of fairy tales, closely matching Danish folklore, whose interest for our present purpose would be slight, except for the appearance within them of the Fairy Bear, which is to say the Fair Beorn. According to this ancient legend, the Armstrong progenitor was an Anglo-Danish Earl of York, Northumbria, Huntingdon, and Northampton named Siward. Earl Siward was a great warrior, sometimes called, ‘the Strong’, and he was a major figure in the final chapters of Anglo Saxon history just before the Norman Conquest in 1066. The College of Heralds says that Earl Siward’s father was an Earl in England named Beorn, and some scholars say that Siward was a nephew of Cnut (or Canute), King of England. It was Cnut, at any rate, who about 1033 made Siward the Earl of York. Siward then conquered Northumbria about 1042, to bring that kingdom for the first time under the English monarch, with Siward as its earl. On gaining the English throne, Edward the Confessor kept Siward in his earldoms, so that Siward remained one of the most powerful men in Britain. Then, up in Scotland, Macbeth killed King Duncan, who had married Earl Siward’s sister (or possibly his cousin ). Siward provided sanctuary for Malcolm, son of Duncan, and in 1054 led his army north, accompanied by Malcolm At Dunsinane, Earl Siward defeated Macbeth, whereupon Siward’s nephew (or cousin) became Malcolm III, of Scots. (Editor) This killing by Macbeth and mention of Siward’s victory is noted in Shakespeare’s play Macbeth. Let us now note some evidence incised in stone. From Shakespeare’s play Macbeth. Recall the witches’ prophecy “… until great Birnam Wood to high Dunsinane Hill shall come..”, and we recall Siward’s troops advancing camouflaged with oak bows. Well, oak trees and bows appear on a number of ancient Armstrong coats of arms, some still visible on tombstones along the Scottish Border and in Northern Ireland. Also appearing on tombstones are swords of Danish Viking style. Moreover, the main feature of the most ancient Armstrong monument, the Milnholm Cross in Liddesdale, (dating from between 1250 and 1350), is a great two-handed, cross-hilt sword of the Viking sort. A similar sword is on the 1583 arms of the Armstrong clan chief, among the remains of Mangerton.
Northumbria under William the Conqueror but in 1076 was beheaded for rebellion. Siward’s elder son Osbeorn was killed in the battle at Dunsinane, but he left two sons of his own, Siward the Fair (or the White) and Siward the Red. About the latter we know only through family legend, but the Anglo-Saxon Chronicles and other contemporary sources call the former by the name of Siward Barn, and they tell of four events in his life. 1)In 1070, King Malcolm while ravaging Northumbria, found on ships at the mouth of the Wear River and a band of royal and noble Anglo-Saxons. They were Edward the Confessor’s heir Edgar Atheling, his mother and sisters, plus Siward Barn, Earl Marlswein, and ‘several other Englishmen of great rank and wealth’. Having failed in a Danish aided attempt to expel William the Conqueror, they hoped for refuge in Scotland. Malcolm assured them of safe residence there, and after his return soon married Atheling’s sister Margaret, whose profoundly civilizing effect upon Malcolm and Scotland led to her sainthood. 2)In 1071, another revolt against William the Conqueror occurred. Siward Barn brought a large body of troops deep into England, to Ely, and joined in rebellion with several noble kinsmen, including Hereward the Wake and the former earls Morcar and Edwin. Against them William the Conqueror personally led the counteroffensive, shattering the rebel force. Capturing Siward Barn and Morcar, he kept them alive, as captives, in Normandy for seventeen years. 3)When dying in 1087, King William the Conqueror released Morcar and Siward Barn. Morcar was re-imprisoned by the new king of England. Siward Barn managed to avoid capture and re-imprisonment. The final written record of Siward Barn is dated 1091, in Durham, near the Border and well east of Carlisle. It is a charter bearing signatures of King William Rufus, of royal officials, and of noble witnesses. The latter include several earls and Siward Barn. Historians think the charter may be a forgery made a few decades later. Even if it is, we see that a knowledgeable ecclesiastical forger of the early 1100s regarded Siward Barn as a Border region noble sufficiently worthy to list in exalted company. The language used between 1104 and 1108 by the Durham chronicler Simeion to report the 1087 release by the dying king is worth noting. Simeon wrote “he liberated. . . Siward surnamed Barn.. .”. The significance for us is that nine centuries ago scarcely anyone in Britain possessed a surname. Only in the 1100s did surnames begin to appear, and most people lacked them until the 1300s or 1400s. Spelling was picturesquely variable in the Middle Ages, and later, too. Bjorn, Biorn, Beorn, Barne, Barne, Burn, and Bairn could equally be used for the same person, even though in Denmark Bjorn meant ‘bear’ and in Scotland Bairn meant ‘child’. We could hardly be so foolish as to assert that no Fairbairn in Scotland by the 1500s, say, owed hissurname to the juvenile handsomeness of some forbearer. But we do believe that the Border landholder Thomas Fairbarne who sued in a North Tynedale court in 1279 derived his name from Earl Siward’s grandson Siward Barn. Further research into records of the region, we feel, may well turn up still earlier Fairbarns, however spelled Research by the Clan Armstrong Trust in Scotland has uncovered earlier instances of the sllnl’!h’tlt: Armstrohgin the early 1200s. Their locations, like Thomas Fairbarne’s, are all in the near vicinity of the Border as it then existed. In that era Scotland and England were still actively contending for possession of Northumberland and Cumberland. Even though the second Anglo-Norman king turned the Carlisle area into an English stronghold in 1092, that area was frequently held by Scottish monarchs thereafter. Penrith, located further south, was often a possession of the King of Scots as well. These are areas where the Armstrong were recorded in the 1200s. Exactly when the Armstrong settled in Liddesdale will probably never be known for sure. On that front line, records did not survive the incessant warfare. Some students think Liddesdale was Armstrong country during the 1200s and possibly during some of the 1100s. Just across a saddle in the Cheviot Hills from Liddesdale lay North Tynedale, where we know of one Fairbarne in 1279. So these two legends, of Armstrong descent from Siward through Siward Barn (or the Fair), and of Fairbairn renamed Armstrong by a rescued king, strike us as simply two sides of the same coin. To date, each new discovery has tended to reinforce this opinion, to support the ancient conviction that Armstrong and Fairburn (or Fairbairns) are the same stock. Short of the Pearly Gate we are not likely to know for sure, but let the search go on!
Editor Milton:There are, as you probably know, other theories as to our name origin.
Save Hermitage Castle’s Iconic Landscape
Chronicles of the Armstrong ed. by James Lewis Armstrong, M. D. Published 1902 by The Marion press in Jamaica, Queens borough, N.Y .
Mark Elliott 9/8/2013
Though I know there are a lot of writers out there that can do a better job of updating the Fairy Bear story, the following gives a small approach, by me in an update form in case anyone is interested.
Mark Elliott 10/21/2013
Migrating With the Fairy Bear;
Mark Elliott 11/13/2013
With the surname Elliott, Why I Am An Armstrong
Note; on the Redheugh shield there is an elwand (a wand an ell long), a length standardize in Edinburgh used in the measurement of land. The Elwand of the early sixteenth century were sometimes called Elwand, as symbolized on the shield, and indicative to their skill set as surveyors. On he Lariston shield is a stag’s head, evolve once for the name Elchwald (misspelled today as Eichwald in were it is easy to get and “I” mixed up with an “l”), meaning Elch (moose) or the wald (forest). Since moose were extinct like today in Scotland a stag’s head was used. It should be noted; the people of the marsh (Ker), like a moose is of the marsh still are known to use the moose head.
Though Maggie daughter of Arthur Eliott, and I are closely related, with both families of Horseliehill/Horseleyhill showing similar name usage. As you can see in the venn diagram, both families at the time of branching, hers to Stobs (stobs so named, because of the land being in trees, and line-of-sight or metes-and-bounds surveying was impracticable, therefore staking or stobs would be used as shown on the 1654 Bleau Map), and my family went to Ulster Plantation (Fermanagh) at the time of the Union of the Crowns.
Her family is of Redheugh, and my family is of Lariston/Goranberry. The ladies of Lariston had the curse of Helen Kid placed upon them so my family, with the help of sister-in-law to Gilbert, married to deceased, Robert, helped us relocate to the Ulster Plantation. My granddad Dan (Andrew) Ellot, who fought for Branxholm (Buck), became Daniel Ellot/Elliott in Ulster, and his grandson Daniel left Ulster, as Daniel Ellot, Episcopalian, of which the Hamilton were and what Buck (Buck the Duke of Buccleuch Estates, any time in history) is today, to settle in the American Plantation.
Granddad Andrew (Dan), was the grandfather of Dandie/Daniel of the Ulster Plantation, and the great-great grandfather of Daniel Ellot to Elliot in the American Plantation. He was also the older brother to Gavin of Stobs, who was the step father to Gilbert. Because of some problems, his son Robert Elwald/Ellot was adopted by his uncle Clement Crosar (Crozier) ca 1566, of Stobs, which Andrew father being hidden away in Baillillie, by the Scott family for killing a Douglas. Name Baillillie comes from baillie (like bailiff, but more like a commissioner). Many of my family were well educated by within the family tutors, and were bailles. Like Andrew the Kow/Cow (cowie based) baillee/comminsioner of Shelkirk, and Daniel of Fermanagh, older brother Robert was baille with title, to the John Hamilton family of Armagh, and likely died in the Irish Rebellion of 1642 (son Robert surveyed land). It should be noted that I suspect the first Cowie of Goranberry, because of the name Andrew the Kow/Cow, was Andrew’s father and Andrew (Dand) also who was hidden away up north by Buck, and came done to Goranberry to visit his younger brother Achibald (Arche) Kene (wise), and his son Clementis Hob (Clement Crosar’s (Crozier), nephew Robert Elwald/Ellot), and on these visits because he was a wanted man he stayed hidden away. In order not to disclosed who was doing all the work the close family just called him Cowie/Kowie.
Because the Crozier are a sept of the Armstrong Clan, and Clementis Hob ca 1566, was adopted by uncle Clement Crosar (Crozier), this is one thing which makes me of the Armstrong Clan.
My family tutored stepson Gilbert, and his oldest son William, of which the last name Eliott of the Redheugh family Eliott of Stobs is derived. The people of the Ulster Plantation, did not pass on the names Gilbert, or Walter, though I know Walter is an Elliot name in the United Kingdom. The Armstrong of Fermanagh, also did not seem to use these names. It should be noted that William Eliott who married a Douglas is a hero to my line, and the use of the name Archibald from Archibald Douglas was proudly used by the Ellot of the early Ulster Plantation.
It should be noted that in the Fairy Bear Story the Bear (Armstrong), and the Elch/Elg (moose) are friends but the Elch/Elg (Elwald-Ellot-Elliot), are not friends with the Lomane (wolf).
There is an aspect of people with the name Elliott which have origins from Wm de Aliot (France), and this concept is being propose by the Elliott Clan, as the only concept. It can be seen on the Elliot Clan Map, where the home of Martin Ellot, who was in-term chief of the Ellot Clan when no Robert, is placed in the north and not near the Hermitage Castle where his family was from.
The the Elliott Clan the Elch/Elg/Elk (moose), is extinct and does not exist, and therefore I do not exist to the Elliott Clan, and though branching from Horseleyhill of Maggie of the Redheugh line, once we left to America, where there Elch/Elg/Elk (moose), that is where you find the Elliott which contain my Y-DNA.
The Elchwald (Elwald-Ellot) liked the Fairy Bear (Armstrong);
But did not like the Loumaines (name pretty much has changed or is near extinction)/ wolfs;
There is a hunter, in the United Kingdom which would like to blast this moose head off, since I am extinct to the United Kingdom I wish him luck, though he has done an excellent job of searching and is getting things correct. Can not complete my research without the hunter. That hunter has taken the Wm de Aliot line into a high level of correction, where it is not being dominated by those of the United Kingdom with the name of Elliot, which altered the truth of my family off. For this hunter, I am thankful. The Border Elliot, when the spelled the name as Elliot in reference to before 1650, they were spelling it as the English were spelling it, and I kind of resented it, because the name for my family arriving in the America Plantation ca 1650 was altered to Elliot by English Puritan society there. By spelling the name Elliot for those Ellot of the sixteenth century, is like saying a pike of six ells is eighteen feet long, which makes an ell are yard long. My family arrived in America as Ulster Scots, with an ell longer than a yard, and the name Ellot not Elliot.
Mark Elliott 11/14/2013
Though north of where I have lived in the San Juan National Forest, of Colorado, USA. The have developed a plan for hunting the moose, because the black bear is friends with the moose, and they know better than introducing the wolf.
So the plan properly analysed is to hunt the moose to control it’s population.
Though mentioned there are American moose same as United Kingdom elk in the (had also seen American elk there. The first American elk my wife saw she called a big deer. Yes, they look like big deer), San Juan, and the best way for southwest Colorado, to control the moose (moose; etymology of eastern Algonquian, an indigenous American nation) is to have them hunted. To introduce the wolf, it would spread, because they pack up like they are ancestors to the dog, and kill livestock, would harm the rancher’s way of living. Have a neighbor of the Tanner family of Trading Post owners, said his grandfather put a trail down the grand canyon. At Desert View overlook in the Grand Canyon the trail which is visible is the Tanner Trail. A mutual friend who is Navajo said an older Tanner killed a bear, and he was referred to as bear; shush in Navajo, and the one who put the trail in may have been shush. The decedents of shush are shush yaz, or little bears. In hiking the San Juan, of Southwest Colorado, on the trail in front there was a shush yaz, which made me concerned with shush shima (mother bear). Unless one antagonizes shush shima, shush shima, can be kind. To figure out how to get beyond, shush yaz, without intimidating the unseen sush shima would be a trick. The American black bear unlike the polar bear is not known to be carnivorous, and are friends to the moose. Shush can not be dependent on controlling moose populations in the San Juan as well as the hunter which does not also go after livestock. Because in the San Juan the moose and the bear (shush) are friends. Still trying to figure out how to get by shush yaz without antagonizing shush shima. Did want to know where shush shima was at, so I started to grunt with increasing volume on following grunts. One has to at least try to communicate with the shush shima for ones own safety because she may want to protect her child. Shush shima was above me and above the trail with another shush yaz, which shush yaz usually come in pairs. Seem to be eating berries and was quite friendly, and looked at me as being no harm, seemly to wave me on. Guess the shush in the San Juan are friendly. by Mark Elliott 11/25/2013
With the Fairy Bear story of Fermanagh, Ulster the bear eats the moose, and some species are known to eat the moose. A polar bear being carnivorous, would eat a moose.
The bear, and the moose are extinct in Ireland. From this extinction the above the bear ate the elk/moose may have been concluded.
Do the descendants have the traits of the parents, mother or father?
If the mothers of a carnivorous, polar bear, are they carnivorous, also, and would they eat the moose.
Though I do not think the Irish bear eating the Irish moose made them extinct, but the Irish bear could have been easily a carnivorous meat eater.
It is felt that given only fossil, and species in Ireland in extinction, it may be concluded the bear ate the elk.
Error in interpreting species extinction are easily made.
Mark Elliott 11/24/2013
An Elwald-Mangerton Armstrong marriage eighteenth century, showing name Elwald found in Yorkshire records.
Mark Elliott 12/04/2013
The above seem to show that the Lomaine, Elwald, and Armstrong, seem to have the same mother, and likely the same father.
Mark Elliott 12/20/2013
The sword and the cross;
One the Milnholm Cross there are letters IHS:
IHS on a cross, indicates that is a grave stone.
In 1376, Milnholm Valley, and the Milnholm Cross in accordance to the contours is in a valley, is listed. MSE 3/30/2014
To have the initials, on it of AA because there is not enough room for a full name, shows it is likely the grave stone for and Alexandir (Alexander), Armystrand (Armstrong) of Mangerton.
Though the genealogy has;
The sword is indicative as a Scottish highlander sword which is felt evolved from an ulfberht sword;
Correction 2/3/2014
In reference to;
Searching text with; ulf
Ulfberht, though may have some attachment to wolf, in the manner of usage it is felt the the word is evolved into sword. So ulfberht means shiny sword. Other swords of the day because of the forging process, may not have been so lustrous, giving other swords a more wrought appearance. The ulfberht thought today doesn’t have it’s original luster at the time of creation, over the years, because of iron oxidation, of it’s outer exterior has taken this away.
MSE 2/3/2014
The sword on the Milnholme Cross looks like a Norwegian Viking Sword.
Feel that the Armstrong are some of the early residents of the region, but they are mainly Norse-Scandinavian-Viking.
Should be noted that there was an early Gilbert Armstrong as part of St. Andrews previous to the University, at the time of Alexandir Armystrand of Mangerton.
3 comments on “* Armstrong Fairbairn (Fairy Bear-Fair Beorn)”
If puns your recech very interesting. My brother had started his own 15 years or so ago. Within the names and dates, perhaps you might find out some more information, which in turns maybe useful in out own research . Thank you for taking the time to opening your family lineage so that others may have answers to their family lineages. Good luck, cousin.
If found your recech very interesting. My brother had started his own 15 years or so ago. Within the names and dates, perhaps you might find out some more information, which in turns maybe useful in our own research . Thank you for taking the time to opening your family lineage so that others may have answers to their family lineages. Good luck, cousin.
I have researched our family history for about 15 years, found a lot of misinformation in the accepted belief and came up with a theory that family members seem to bring up every century or so. I don’t claim to be a historian but what follow is what I’ve found from historical records, sagas, legends and myth, with the knowledge that legend and myth are created only because the truth is to dangerous for those in power. I’ve tried to arrange it in a chronological order but tend to wander a bit.
In the beginnings of the 6th century the progenitor of the house of Wessex was Cerdic. It was not known as Wessex until around the 8th or 9th century, prior to that it was the domain of the Gewisse meaning “the united”. Welsh genealogy record him as Cerdic King of Ergyng, Gwent,Nantes, and Wessex.
It was in 1994 that John and Joseph Rudmin proposed a compelling theory “Arthur, Cerdic, and the formation of Wessex” identifying him as Cerdic Vreichvras {strenghtened arm}, thought to have been afflected with polio, and of Celtic birth. He was able to overcome his handicap with the aid of his wife Guignier and her brother Cador, the King of Cornwall. This was accomplished by welding a lump of raw iron to the end of a sword blade, thus strengthening the arm. Cerdic meant charity, so that he would go by “Strong Arm”. In ’02 noted genealogist Andrew Godsell produced “Cerdic and King Arthur” agreeing in part to the Rudmin theory and provided Welsh genealogical records showing Cerdic’s descent from Bran the Blessed and England’s first christian dynasty. To rule in the house of Wessex and eventually England you had to be a descendant of Cerdic.
In the year 975 Edgar the Peaceful died leaving two sons. Edward, the eldest by a previous marriage and Ethelred III by Aelfthryth of Wessex. In 978 while visiting Aelfthryth at Corfe Castle, King Edward was killed by a servant of the Queen. Due to Ethelred’s youth, Aelfthryth was the first king’s wife to have been crowned and anointed as Queen of the Kingdom of England and served as regent until Ethelred came of age in 984.
This is where our legendary Siward’s father,”the fair Bjorn” or also known as “Hringo Bjorn”, comes into the story and is later written out. Bjorn Styrbjornsson served as a sturaesman for the court and bore a ring to prove it. Magnusson and Morris’s interpretation of the Norse sagas provides a vivid description of his character and has Gritter the Strong calling him “a braggart ring bearer”. Hringo Bjorn, H’ ring o’ Bjorn. Bjorn is more than likely the one who murdered Edward at the request of the Queen, and in doing so had hers and Ethelred’s unfortunate gratitude.
England’s raiding and invasions had been going on for several centuries with Ethelred to fight the Danish invasions led by Swein I and cousin {by Ragnar’s descendants} Thorkil the Tall Styrbjornsson. Thorkil and Bjorn were half-brothers. Siward Bjornsson would be born in 995 and his sister Margaret around 1000. The Beowulf manuscripts, thought to be the Bjorn family history, were found in Northumbria in the same region and written during the same time period Siward ruled as Earl. A fathers gift to his son? In 1013 Bjorn would be killed in the long standing argument he had with Gritter while delivering supplies from England to Swein’s forces on the Isle of Garter. Swein and Thorkil would be notified and it would be only months later that Thorkil would defict joining Ethelred’s forces. He would marry one of Ethelred’s daughters and have a daughter who would later marry Godwin having Harold Godwinsson. Thorkil’s defiction and service to Ethelred was latter forgiven by Swein with the penalty of becoming an Earl. I think it’s fairly logical to assume that Bjorn and Thorkil were spies and fed Swein info on who to kill in the upcoming conflicts.
Siward’s first mention is in the service to Ealdred and later to marry his daughter. Ealdred’s father Uchtred, a nobleman in his latter years, was given Ethelred’s daughter in marriage to solidify Northumbrian loyalty in 1014. This daughter, one of four Aelfgifu’s, is in my opinion, Siward’s mother and the reason for him being “of the Strong Arm”. I feel he grew up in Ethelred’s court seeing father Bjorn only when he returned from his excursions as sturaesman and enemy agent and that Siward would accompany Ethelreds court when they fled to Normandy. His mothers marriage to Uchtred would be a year or so after Bjorn had died and Siwards first appearance in their court can only mean a sons concern for his mother. There is another possible scenario which would explain the mystery as to her identity. His mother was the Queen mother Aelfthryth from a scandelous romance with Bjorn, making Siward, Ethelred’s half-brother.
Swein’s subsequent battle victories in 1013 forced Ethelred and his court into exile gaining sanctuary in Normandy with Richard {also called Robert}”the Devil”, later to become “the Good” by the Church for his going on crusade. Ethelred had married Richards sister Emma of Normandy several years prior and her sons, Alfred and Edward the Confessor and daughter Godgifu {Godiva} would spend their adolescent years in France. Edward would grow up with William the Bastard/Conqueror, Richards son. He and Alfred would make an attempt to return to England with Alfred being killed and Edward escaping to return to Normandy. In his final years Edward would name William as heir to the throne of England.
Siward would have a daughter known as Sybil Fitzsiward. Her birth more or less verifies his coming of age in France and “fitz” is a french term for illegitimate, for the French to brand her in this way meant Siward was of royal birth.
Swein’s death a year after his conquest and his young son Canute’s inability to hold on to the crown allowed Ethelred to return to power briefly, but not with Emma and the children. Ethelred would soon die leaving son Edmund Ironsides to rule and after several battles gave in to joint rule, he in Wessex and Canute the remainder. Edmund mysteriously dies shortly thereafter. Canute would be crowned and then summon “Ethelred’s relic”, {Emma} who “not caring greatly for her children by Ethelred ” would leave them in France and give Canute sons Harthcanute and Harold. Siward being 20 at this time was 10 years her children’s elder and the most likely to stay as the children’s protector, this will be shown again in his life.
The Anglo-Saxon Chronicles entry for 1016 reads, “There Canute had the victory, and all the English nation fought against him, and all the nobility of the English race was there destroyed”. Canute would also send Edmund’s 2 month old son Edward the Exile and Edmund II to Olof, King of Sweden, to murder as he didn’t have the heart. Olof couldn’t do it either and sent them to his daughter in Kiev, later to Hungary where Edmund II died.
Siward would first appear during Canute’s reign. He no doubt came highly recommended by Emma and by Norse lines was related to Canute. Siward carried the legend of the Fairy Bear. Historian Charles Kingsley wrote “Canute had divided England into four great earldoms, each ruled, under him, by a jarl, or earl–a Danish, not a Saxon title. At his death in 1036, the earldoms of Northumbria and East Anglia–the more strictly Danish parts–were held by a true Danish hero, Siward Biorn, alias Digre “the Stout”, conqueror of Macbeth, and son of the Fairy Bear; proving his descent, men said, by his pointed and hairy ears.”
A great white bear stole a Earls daughter and had a child named Bjorn. The child had the ears of a bear. The bear was Siward’s grandfather, Styrbjorn Olafsson. Styrbjorn was a deposed prince who with Swein formed the Jombsburg Vikings. The Earl was Harold “Bluetooth” Gnormsson, Swein’s father. The dottir was either Harold’s from his first wife or, due to the birth defect and legend, his dottir by Styrbjorn’s sister.
Styrbjorn would at his end convince Harold to assist him in the battle against uncle Eric Bjornsson and upon landing in Sweden, burnt the fleet given him by Eric. Harold seeing this turned his ships around and sailed back to Denmark. Swein was among those that escaped the battle and would eventually hunt down his father and kill him. From all that I have read about Siward, he was nothing like his father or grandfather, he was accused of an assassination but the victim was deserving.
Siward would serve Canute, his sons, and Edward the Confessor with Edward making him commander to all of the forces of England. He would be Leofric of Mercia and Godiva’s {Ethelred’s youngest} closest friend and his son Osbjorn would marry their youngest daughter and have two sons. Kingsley comments “They had, probably, another daughter beside; married, it may be, to some son of Leofric’s stanch friend old Siward Biorn, the Viking Earl of Northumberland, and conqueror of Macbeth; and the mother, may be, of the two young Siwards, the “white” and the “red,” who figure in chronicle and legend as the nephews of Hereward. But this pedigree is little more than a conjecture.”
Siward’s second son, Waltheof {pronounced Wallef}, was by his marriage to Aelfflaed. The young Siward that died in Shakespeare’s Macbeth was his nephew but the misery was complicated since Osbjorn was also killed in England while Siward was in route to Scotland. Waltheof translates “forest thief”, his marriage to Williams niece gained him favor but his opposition, twice, was his demise. Waltheof was the only one of the English hierarchy that was beheaded. By paternal descent, he was the third Earl of Huntingdon with the title being passed to the Scottish house of Dunkeld with Waltheof’s daughters marriage to David I and the title would be held by those following to Alexander the III. Though he had 3 daughters, no sons were ever recorded, yet there are obvious coincidences with the legend of Robin Hood and if he was the outlaw, wouldn’t be on the records. This is impossible to prove but Mundays published account in the early 17th century was the first to identify him as the son of the third earl of Huntingdon and I’m sure the Armstrong’s would have embraced the idea.
According to some genealogical records Siward’s sister, Margaret Beron married Duncan, King of Scotland. Duncan’s death at the hands of Macbeth left their adolescent son, Malcolm and young Siward to be raised by Siward. Malcolm would eventually regain the throne but Siward would die prior to this in 1055. One of the last entries to Siwards history was of his marriage to Godiva in order to prevent the Church from acquiring her lands after her death. I feel they had been in love with each all their lives but because of their relationship it was forbidden.
Our family legends tell of Siward dressing in his armor to meet death, what they don’t tell you and Saxo Grammaticus does is to avoid a cow’s death, Siward dressed himself in his armor and lept from the tower of St Olives in York. Siward built St. Olaf’s, as it was named at that time, and in the 1960’s repairs were done to the front steps. There was a man of enormous stature buried beneath them. For some reason they choose not to put two and two together. Whether you built the church or not being buried there would be out of the question if you had committed suicide and where better to bury him then at the steps of the church where he fell. Touchy subject, probably left better not spoke of.
In 1057 Edward the Confessor received news his nephew Edward the Exile was still alive and recalled him to England making him his heir. Approved by the King and Witan, he returned and within two days was murdered. Godwin or William being the suspected killer as they were next in ascension. Edwards children were Edgar the Etheling, St Margaret of Scotland, and Cristina.
Malcolm would marry Margaret the Etheling, daughter to Edward the Exile and Edgar’s sister. Most speculation is to lay claim to England for his sons. Malcolm’s mother was “of” the house of Wessex, Uncle Siward was “of ” the house of Wessex, Margaret his wife and brother-in-law Edgar are the house of Wessex. Their first five sons were named after the kings of Wessex and his first campaigns against England were with Edgar the Etheling. Edgar was nominated as heir apparent, but was to young, and was eventually swept aside by Harold Godwinsson. The following is taken from wikipedia.
“Following Harold’s death at the Battle of Hastings against the invading Normans in October, the Witanagemot assembled in London and elected Edgar king. The new regime thus established was dominated by the most powerful surviving members of the English ruling class,Stigand Archbishop of Canterbury, Ealdred, Archbishop of York, and the brothers Edwin, Earl of Mercia, and Morcar, Earl of Northumbria. The commitment of these men to Edgar’s cause, men who had so recently passed over his claim to the throne without apparent demur, must have been doubtful from the start. The strength of their resolve to continue the struggle against William of Normandy was questionable and the military response they organized to the continuing Norman advance was ineffectual. When William crossed the Thames at Wallingford he was met by Stigand, who now abandoned Edgar and submitted to the invader. As the Normans closed in on London, Edgar’s key supporters in the city began negotiating with William. In early December the remaining members of the Witan in London met and resolved to take the young uncrowned king out to meet William to submit to him at Berkhamsted, quietly setting aside Edgar’s election.”
Siding with opposing sides of the Norman struggle after William’s death usually resulted in Edgar being on the losing side for most of his truly sad life. Wikipedia adds.
“Back in Europe, Edgar again took the side of Robert Curthose in the internal struggles of the Norman dynasty, this time against Robert’s youngest brother who was now Henry I, King of England. He was taken prisoner in the final defeat at the Battle of Tinchebray in 1106, which resulted in Robert being imprisoned for the rest of his life. Edgar was more fortunate: having been taken back to England he was pardoned and released by King Henry. His niece Edith (renamed Matilda), daughter of Malcolm III and Margaret, had married Henry in 1100. Edgar is believed to have traveled to Scotland once more late in life, perhaps around the year 1120. He lived to see the tragic death at sea in November 1120 of William Adeling, the son of his niece Edith and heir to Henry I. Edgar was still alive in 1125 according to William of Malmesbury who was writing at the time. The general consensus is that Edgar died shortly after 1125. The location of his grave is not known.
There is no evidence that Edgar had married or produced children apart from two curious references to an “Edgar Adeling” found in the Magnus Rotulus Pipae Northumberland (Pipe rolls) for the years 1158 and 1167. Edward Freeman writing in The History of the Norman Conquest says that either this was the same Edgar and aged at least 110 years (an exceedingly unlikely thing) or it was a son of his or it was some other person known by the title “Ætheling”. Nevertheless, as far as anyone knows, the death of Edgar extinguished the male line of the original royal family of England.”
Did it?,, isn’t it within the realm of possibility that a forgotten son would blend in with those who are his kin and bear his name, though falsely. Malcolm was said to have numerous children. The tradition at that time was as a boy, your uncle raised you, as he was more likely to hand out a harsher punishment that your father. Many of those children may have been Edgar’s. If for over a hundred years unknown forces were eliminating your line?,, would you let anyone know of a wife and children and perhaps hide them amongst kin so that “Invictus Maneo”? It sure seems like if we remain unvanquished there was reason to believe someone didn’t die!!
When I uncovered this information many years ago, it really didn’t matter to me that there were several family lines bearing the name, or which one I’m descended from, still doesn’t, but what does matter and angers me is the fact that for over a thousand years people have ignored and continue to ignore the obvious. This legend of Siward’s great strength and bravery in saving Malcolm was the story invented. Only the family Etheling had hung on to the knowledge that Cerdic was a cripple, a truth they didn’t want known.
In my belief the three families had kept this to themselves and would claim the house of Dunkeld as our Kings until the death or assassination of Alexander the III.
Facts: our first Laird Alexander was born when Alexander the III was 20; our second Laird was murdered by the Baron of Solouis and the “Milholm Cross was erected in his honor. Though called a cross it bears the Armstrong emblem on a pommel and appears to be more a hilt rather than a cross member. It is “a sword in stone” and “a sword in a stone” with historians writing in the early 1800’s that the sword that is carved into the stone was added at a later date. Whether this was to commemorate the death of our second martyr, Johnnie Gilnockie is only left up to speculation but what is obvious is it connects the Armstrongs to the Arthurian myth created by the French, and the Armstrong knew Arthur was Cerdic. The Armstrong’s are by title and some by a possible bloodline, the original Kings of England and what remains of the House of Cerdic, {Strong Arm}.