AZ Photo Radar – Elwald
Web-The Arizona Department of Public Safety, who takes accuracy in account in their hand held radar guns, is a department of extremely honest individuals. The law which Arizona passed against photo radar only affected two communities. The Arizona House of Representatives passed a law against it.
Justice based on profit is not justice at all;
The Arizona Department of Public Safety, who takes accuracy in account in their hand held radar guns, is a department of extremely honest individuals.
The law which Arizona passed against photo radar only affected two communities. The Arizona House of Representatives passed a law against it. If the Arizona Senate does not follow suit, unlike the AZDPS the Arizona Senate will mark themselves as extremely dishonest individuals.
Retired mathematics teacher of the State of Arizona, which created a machine that at 56 mph in Star Valley, Arizona, in a posted 45 mph, was in mathematical error, how many of today’s Redflex Photo Radar Machines are working in error?
It was found that when people did not pay the red light camera fines in Albuquerque, and money was being lost on the Redflex system, it was take out and discontinued.
Gallup, New Mexico which serves the Navajo Nation, the cost of administrating the system would be greater than the fines collected.
Scottsdale, Arizona with people with high incomes turns a sizable profit.
Star Valley had a fault in their system, which was a continence of error. It was cheaper to past legislation against it and one other which were on highways going through towns than to admit error by making a correction. Though Arizona House of Representatives past a law against Arizona photo radar, and the Arizona Department of Public safety, the Senate likely because of profits made, and I wonder if it is by the senators will not past laws against the photo radar.
By having justice base on profit, it is not justice at all but a system of judicial fraud, and if the AZ senate want to perpetuate this fraud, it indicates their level of honesty. 6/23/2018 MSE
This is dedicated to my father Loren S. Elliott on this US Veterans (Armistice) Day 2013. Loren S. Elliott for American freedom’s in WWII, and his feelings that Arizona Photo Radar is crooked.
The following shows it to be so;
If an honest lawyer can use the following please do. If any questions please contact me.
Court Records;
07-154-Star Valley Photo Enforcement
The above shows that the agreement with Star Valley was not well read, because the mayor signed it as the Mayor of Prescott Valley.
The pie chart for Prescott Valley, AZ should be quite similar to Star Valley, AZ.
With the trigger of the photo radar at Star Valley, this is not counting the rest of The State of Arizona, being criminally 1 mph to low, skims like the mob bosses of Las Vegas in the past had, with gaining at least a million dollars per year.
Mark Elliott 11/11/2013
For Redflex ground zero in North America is Scottsdale. The town of Star Valley receives a small part of the total take, and the blame for the photo radar.
The major takers are THE STATE OF ARIZONA, and REDFLEX.
The Arizona Department of Public Safety, who takes accuracy in account in their hand held radar guns, is a department of extremely honest individuals. To keep this level of honesty, which supersedes, the bureaucrats of Arizona, and a corporate profit making corporation will to corrupt The State of Arizona justice system, does not use photo radar.
Mark Elliott 11/13/2013
It should be noted, that though I won the case, it is felt the trigger to Redflex’s Photo Radar, which they have in Star Valley, Arizona has not been corrected.
Since Photo Radar is Corporate own it is profit based. When Redflex’s photo stop light cameras lost money in Albuquerque, New Mexico they were discontinued. People were not responding to the mailings. When you do not respond to the mailing it has to be handed delivered. If one received photo radar, I can not say throw it in the trash. By throwing it in the trash it increases the costs of photo radar, but not to the individual receiving it.
Not all the money from stop light cameras, was collected, and the stop light cameras end up costing Albuquerque money. So photo radar is more for profit, than safety.
Though many states have voted photo radar out, it is felt that the corporation Redflex sold photo radar to the Arizona media, and got their foot in the door in the United States in the Scottsdale, Phoenix’s Valley region. The major news media, are stationed in the Phoenix region.
If a major media has not come out against photo radar then one would question be the relevancy of that media.
To by pass these major medias, please utilize social media, such as Googe+, LinkIn, FaceBook, Twitter, and Email to pass above on.
Mark Elliott 11/13/2013
Because of the nature of this site, and the manner in which the media has more of a monopoly in AZ. If you could clone this page on to your website, so I can find it in Google, it would greatly be appreciated.
Star Valley Not At Fault
In Gallup, New Mexico received a letter from Star Valley Magistrate Court. Utilizing a Redflex Photo Radar System of Melbourne, Australia. It is felt that photo radar would not be used in this area because of its Native American population. In the photo radar system if the information is not sent back to the Magistrate Court then it has to be hand delivered. If you could locate a Native American on US Reserved land because of sovereignty issues it would be questionable whether delivery would be allowed at all. The City of Albuquerque because of non payment of fines put it up for a vote on stop light cameras, with statement that the city would go along with voters which voted against. That way the city did not have to tell Redflex that they made the decision. Photo radar is corporate driven from out of the pacific.
Redflex in their agreement with Star Valley, said that in accordance with Arizona law they would sort out the ones which could not be prosecuted, and also provide training to the prosecution.
The numerical values utilized by the prosecutor were first established at ground zero Scottsdale, AZ the Cambridge of the west, and the trigger speed was recognized in the Star Valley Council meeting by one of there members at 56 mph, in a posted speed of Redflex Photo Radar in Star Valley 45 mph.
Though digital photos are use in the system, weight (strain gauges) sensors based on cross sectional resistant placed in the payment is how speed is determined, with a minimum courtroom declared accuracy of plus or minus one mile per hour. Though I was clocked at approximately 56 mph, which in itself gives the accuracy of plus or mile one the last unit value, it is stated by the prosecution in court as plus and minus, because someone could be going 60 mph unless the accuracy is stated that person would have an accuracy of plus or minus 10 mph.
Patrol officers who service people unlike photo radar, adjusted for accuracy by clocking at a higher speed then fining at a lower speed. The Arizona Department of Public Safety, likely from knowing this adjustment need in accuracy was able to turn down the use of Redflex Photo Enforcement, and they utilize their people many returning vets, which service the highways in a proper manner. Less than 10% of the income collected from Star Valley’s Reflex Photo enforcement system ever reaches the general fund of Star Valley. The more than 90% of the balance is split evenly between The State of Arizona, and the Australian Corporation of Redflex. It is The State of Arizona in conjunction with Redflex, on the basis of previously setting it up with Prescott Valley, that put the Photo Radar into Star Valley for a profit. Factors in determining the location was base on it was the shortest and quickest way to get from the east valley of Phoenix to I-40 east to places like Gallup, and the cameras could somewhat blend in with trees on a downward slope, with a lot of traffic from out-of-state drivers likely to pay the find but unlikely to come back to Star Valley Court to challenge it, because the cost of the challenge would be far greater than the fine.
Most Americans do not do well in integrating math with English, in other words in recognizing and doing “word” problems.
It should be noted because I live in another state, and it does not cost me extra to have it hand delivered, if I was going to do it again I would not send it back, it is felt this is what most out-of-state lawyers would do. Second after consulting my insurance agent, it was basically stated that if it happen out-of-state it would not affect my insurance. For Redflex cameras to not make money and a community to vote them down the government will declare to go along with voters previous to the vote, and the cameras will not be in service. Is loosing ones freedom to a machine operated out of the pacific worth the safety it is said to have by the pacific operator which makes profit for it, worth it?
Was trying to get a lawyer out of the Phoenix Valley to help me with the defense, since this was the first time to defend myself.
Realizing was going dealing with the State’s Prosecutor who had prosecuted many such cases town manager of Star Valley, and the judge who was the magistrate of Star Valley, decided to present my case, loose it then go for the appeal out of the jurisdiction.
Star Valley Magistrate SP-2011000660, Mark S. Elliott vs The State of Arizona things began to go wrong, was not able to obtained my objective.
In trying to loose the case, it was needed to set a structure for the appeal. The prosecution and I concurred that the prosecutor needed to win and the defender needed to loose, a factor which I did not include that he brought in a helper.
The prosecutor went through numerical values from Scottsdale imposed on Star Valley, that basically according to the Photo Radar that is used for going 11 or more miles over the speed, that I was going that, with and accuracy of plus or minus one mph, with a measured speed 56 mph in a posted speed of 45 mph. He had brought similar information before the magistrate before and she had heard it over and over, the magistrate definitely knew what he said.
The prosecutor answered all but one of my questions. Heard you never ask a question in court that you do not already know the answer to, and this one the magistrate knew the answer to, so had to test the honesty of the court not being a court room lawyer would ask a question a lawyer would not ask of a college. Asked the prosecutor what his undergrad was in?, and he replied English literature. Was informed in a Payson Round article writen previous to Photo Radar that it was English.
Lawyers are not accustomed for the defense going for the same outcome. There are not to many lawyers I would trust, but this prosecutor I do trust.
Show the court evidence that uniquely I was and out-of-state driver with certification to instruct math, science and engineering at the secondary level in The State of Arizona, along with other qualifications.
Based on;
Approximate speed plus or minus the accuracy minus the posted as stated to be eleven or more.
Doing the plus part of the problem, since my defense was not as repetitive as the prosecuted the math had to be taught.
So showing that;
56 mph (measured) plus 1 mph (accuracy) – 45 mph (posted) = 12 mph
could hear in the background having been an experience teacher listening for feed back, the help say to the prosecutor do you see what he is getting at?, and the prosecutor trying to quite him down. Knew I was getting my point across, but it broke my train of concentration.
Stating 12 mph is greater than 11 mph, but doing the minus part;
56 mph (measured) minus 1 mph (accuracy) – 45 mph (posted) = 10 mph
Where 10 mph is not 11 mph or more.
After presenting some high level math which the court was not suppose to understand, some involving quantum uncertainty, mathematical modeling along with targeting mathematics; after all I was trying to loose the case.
The magistrate would not allow me to pull a Susan B. Anthony which she went off to vote to be turned down so afterwards she could challenge it. Susan B. Anthony was allowed to vote.
The magistrate said I could have been going 10 mph over the speed limit in which Photo Radar was not be used and that I was not responsible. It took me awhile to figure out what not responsible meant, and did not work out well for the prosecutor an myself.
The case could not be repeal, and Susan B. Anthony was not allow to argue her case for voting at that time since she was allowed to vote.
After wards wrote a complaint utilizing the mathematics, complained in and online publication which a Scottsdale lawyer would advertise in which was planning on defending my case in appeal. He never expressed interest in me, but he had interest in three other appeals to Star Valley Court. Though not being in on the appeals the prosecuting lawyer knows that this defense lawyer never challenges him on the math.
Though you want to make it look differently if you are a defense lawyer from Scottsdale and you work knowingly for in support of Redflex numbers, and that is why the prosecution was challenged and the defense won in court three times by this Scottsdale lawyer. The likelihood of this happening independent of my actions is extremely low and that is why I give apology to the prosecution of Star Valley which in my case is on the side of the defense. The defense lawyer of Scottsdale is on the side of Redflex.
A drop of 1 mph on the trigger setting from a corporation out of the Pacific, is a skim which goes beyond that of the skimming mob bosses of Las Vegas in multi-millions of dollars. Since all the speed cameras are set up the same way and they are triggered by many drivers for every drop of 1 mph by the speed cameras means multi-millions to the foreign corporation of Redflex, though the company in Melbourne is not under Arizona or US jurisdiction. If the setting is not consistent with documented standards and the tolerances as consistant with machine design, the people adjust the error though unknown deceptions others would call lies, and are operated by it.
If one machine is in error then they all are, then Redflex and The State of Arizona both are in error.
Though the numbers have been highly documented first in Scottsdale FAQ then basically word by word in Star Valley FAQ which tells me those are Redflex’s words. Then the agreement is signed by the Mayor of Prescott Valley which was actually the Mayor of Star Valley and an Arizona Department of Transportation Certified Professional Engineer, which tells me that first they established a similar agreement with Prescott Valley and utilized the same form for Star Valley but did not make a correction of changing the word from Prescott to Star.
The honest lawyer and magistrate are from SV (Star Valley), and not from the Cambridge of the west Scottsdale. Large urbanized societies because of their so call intellectual dominance reign their power over SV (this time it is Star Valley and Prescott Valley).
It should be noted that Arizona is different then the other states because beginning of Redflex Photo Radar in the United States. First of all it was picked because it has basically a single populations centers. The populations of Phoenix and Tucson dominate the state. It also singly strong media spurring out from the Arizona Republic. A lot of people in media do not have a very high level of analytic knowledge. They may be a lot of times printing the truth, but they choose what truths to print, and they are in business to make money. Though The State of Arizona (vs Mark S. Elliott) sets standards in mathematics. It can be seen that in their court system they are saying by allowing Redflex to train prosecutors; fifty-six plus or minus one subtracting forty-five, is eleven or more, which is mathematically incorrect. This gives understanding why mathematical scores would drop, along with Arizona making their own tests instead of outsourcing their test, for their citizen teachers and students, this would be similar for me to make a test for myself to take.
Article in;
Payson Roundup
Archive for Wednesday, May 11, 2011
SV tickets rejected
Photo by Andy Towle. Enlarge photo.
Star Valley camera at the Western most end of Star Valley.
By Alexis Bechman
May 11, 2011
Star Valley is 0-3 for photo enforcement appeals.
On Wednesday, a Payson superior court judge reversed two lower court speeding tickets.
Karen Buoy-Jestis and Ann Scavarda appealed their traffic citations, arguing Star Valley’s attorney violated ethical standards when he acted as both a prosecutor and witness in court.
Superior Court Judge Peter Cahill sided with both women, reversing the Star Valley Magistrate Court’s ruling. Scavarda’s attorney Michael Kielsky needs to submit additional paperwork regarding the case, so her dismissal is imminent.
With pending litigation, Star Valley Attorney Tim Grier said he could not comment.
Kielsky is so outraged with Grier’s “unethical” practices regarding speeding ticket litigation that he has contacted the State Bar and the Arizona Commission of Judicial Conduct for an investigation.
“I am going to try to get it shut down because what they are doing is clearly unlawful,” Kielsky said in a telephone interview.
The most recent cases follow Michele Power, who appealed her ticket last month and won.
Power argued that Star Valley failed to provide a witness for her to cross-examine and since there was no testimony that the ticket was properly certified, except for Grier who acted as both prosecutor and witness, the ticket was dismissible.
Kielsky and Buoy-Jestis gave similar arguments.
Cahill questioned Grier on the fairness of failing to bring anyone to court for defendants to cross-examine.
Grier said if the court wishes, Sharon Rappaport, Star Valley’s photo enforcement officer, could testify in court on what she sees when she pulls up a citation and determines reasonable grounds.
“If it bothers this court and you believe we should have a co-custodian, I guess I would have to ask the court, if what you want is to have our photo enforcement officer there to testify at every hearing and we could do that judge,” Grier said during Power’s hearing.
Cahill said it was important for Star Valley to bring more than one witness to court. “I might be wrong in that, but I don’t think so,” Cahill said.
He added he would follow up with Magistrate Court Judge Dorothy Little.
“Defendant Power was left with having to cross-examine a prosecutor who was not a percipient witness as he acknowledged, thereby leaving Ms. Power without anyone to examine. This was fundamentally unfair,” Cahill said.
It should be noted; from Gallup I had sent many packets to defense lawyers of the Phoenix region given the math I presented no one seemed interested.
Micheal Kiesky claims a math ground, and is from the region of ground zero for Redflex. Going after a prosecutor/town manager, of a small town of Star Valley, Arizona, and not correcting the trigger is indicative that Micheal Kiesky is working for Redflex.
Would say the most honest of the two lawyers, is Timothy Grier, not Micheal Kiesky, at least he is supporting the concerns of Star Valley oppressed by Redflex established from Australia into Scottsdale, Arizona.
Mark Elliott 11/14/2013
Calibration depends on proper use of at least the basic principals of mathematics. Redflex either is extorting drivers, of does not know proper mathematical principals. So can they be trusted to calibrate their photo radar? When ever corporations are involved in making profits off of government then corruption overrides justice. How does one know that the photo radar system is properly installed the trigger set to low to gain an extra million a year, or a red light camera sequenced to soon to increase profits? When companies like Redflex buy advertising and pay off media, how does one know the statistics on safety are correct?
One can be assured that the Arizona Department of Public Safety operated at high standards of honesty, but do those who set the calibration, from corporations which are interested in maximizing profits, like the Arizona Departmen of Public Safety, really have public safety in mine or do they have corporate profits a the foremost, and willing to skim from the public by setting the trigger speeds mathematically to look, or setting the stop light cameras to catch more people with finds to increase that bottom line of profit?
MSE 3/13/2014
A commit on AZ-Redflex Photo Radar calibration;
submitted 4/13/2014
5/26/2014 – 7/21/2018 MSE
Mr. Elliot
I would like to talk to you about the ticket that I received from Star Valley for a stated violation on 11/24/13. Star Valley has not given me personal service, but they did send me a plea agreement in the mail after I contacted them. I believe the fines and fees listed in this agreement are not in compliance with the Arizona Revised Statutes. I am not sure that your belief that Star Valley is not a willing participant in this scam is correct based on my interaction with them. Please send me an e-mail so we can discuss this further.
All, I can say first, do not mail it back, it has to be hand delivered. Once you mailed it back, like I did, you have to contend with it. Found a math error for going 56 mph, the trigger speed, to make the prosecutors math correct approx 56 mph (±1 for accuracy), in a 45 mph posted, and had to be going 11 mph or more over the posted, which I concurred with prosecutor. Asked prosecutor what his undergraduate was in an he said English Literature, the Payson Roundup had told me English. Was certified to teach mathematics in the State of Arizona.
So speed 56- accuracy 1 = 55-45 posted = 10 which is less than 11 mph the speed required to use photo radar. It is felt I won the case because for other cases they repetitively made the same mistake. Do not know if some lawyers are devising a class action suit. It is felt that Redflex of Arizona, setup the numbers for the Town of Star Valley, and those numbers were in error.
Hope this helps.
Mark Elliott