Border Reivers; Armstrong, Elliott, Nixon, Crozier of Middle March 1587

Brigham Harvard DNA genealogy – Microsoft Bing Search Images





Though we have Breton (Norman) DNA representing 43% of Elliott, at standard behavior science it needs to be 95%. This is indicative the type of math being used.

My R-U106 is of Germanic Anglo-Scottish Border onto Irish Border DNA though there as People of British Isles in utilizing proper autosomal DNA with proper mathematical sharing not authoritarian analysis this shows a branching of migration towards the Scottish border and southwest England with the Norman Alyot-Eliot of the Bretons out of France. MSE.




The History of Liddesdale, Eskdale, Ewesdale, Wauchopedale and the … – Robert Bruce Armstrong – Google Books clancrozier.pdf


Buccleuch Elliott Hermitage Castle Crozier Nixon – Google Search

The Shields of Lords of Liddesdale of Old, RBA History 1880




Armstrong, Elliot, Crozier, Nixon, Johnson, Graham; Ulster-Scot.

Border Raiding Ruffians


Die Riding Clans in Ulster von Robert Bell

Muirhall Teviot north extension to Windy Edge Wind Farm

Clan Crozier (


Tullykelter to America

For making corrections to site;
by Mark Stephen Elliott son of Loren Spencer Elliott


Your user name or IP address has been blocked by a WikiTree Leader.
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Though they kicked me off site;

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ancestors Daniel Elliot 1637-1704?

Daniel Elliot, Salem by Loren S. Elliott – Elwald



Use to using a different format, but the above is and example of lands, including an insert-map showing Braidlee, from Anglo-Saxon Broadlee, meaning a valley broad on the leeward side. Wolflee also Anglo-Saxon, meaning the valley of the wolf. Yes, there were wolfs in the region. They introduced them around here and the Navajo grandmas shoot them for going after their sheep. Put chief Margaret Eliott raised in Stobs, but of Redheugh, in the same category if Scotland decides to reintroduce wolfs. Her husband seems to have a Polish wolfish type surname.

Though I may observe him, do not want to make any distinctive moves. Past British Army MI6 you know, but on the same family side.

May have bumped elbows on an Armstrong in the Aberdeenshire region. Finding that Eliott-Elliot may have land connection with Douglas-In-graham in region. Those Graham they are English an seem to not want to claim Armstrong-Elliot as family. Maybe the Nixon and Crozier seem to have English connections they find more acceptable.

Kind of like staying in the Forest with the Fosters, they are English and seem to be not offended to be related to Armstrong and Elliot, from the English side like those Grahams. It is the Hunter and wolf, for they are predators of the elk-moose, I must watch out for.

The Crozier seem to be Saxon along with the Thorleehope (valley of Thor, god of lightning Thunder Valley). A couple of Crozier seem to match their Y-DNA and are not R-L193. It seem like if you are not R-L192 and are R-U106, Anglo-Saxon they like to silence and exterminate you. Mark Stephen Elliott


Daniel as a forename is not popular in Scotland. Many great in accordance with Douglas Scott of BC, Canada, Dand Ellot was banished from both Kingdoms in 1607, then shows up as Daniel Elliott, in Tullykelter, Co. Fermanagh, Ireland, as part of the Somerville Estate in-law to the Monea Hamilton. Names Somerville, and Ellott show up in 1610 Tyrone Muster, and a generation later in the Co. Fermanagh, Muster. James Somerville shows up in bother musters. 1610 James Somerville had son 1630 Somerville. Scots alias nickname for Andrew is Dand, Irish English it becomes Daniel from surname of Daniel-M’Daniel it may be obtained. Ellot family of Tullykelter were Anglican but nomally Catholic, from forenames show this, even the name in 1610 Ulster Muster of Co. Fermanagh, Marke Ellot shows this. Before 1650 the Scots used Ellot not Elliot with the Norman ‘i’. Daniel Elliott name in 1692 Salem Trials was spelled Elot, the ‘i’ was added likely because of a John Eliot (Eliot Hall Harvard) which came over on the Mayflower. Had a relative to a George Soul who’s ancestor those Armstrong may have melted in lead at Ninestanerig, 9 stone ridge. Did not seem to care much for this Soulis either. The Douglas and Armstrong seem to like, and this Douglas Scott who is from BC, Canada is active with the Hoik-Hawick Archaeological Society, and has this younger brother who is active also, and sings Scottish Ballads with this group called Scocha (Scott-Chapman), do not know being an elk-moose if I care for his middle name of Hunter, though I think he also is weary of the hunter.

A Hawick Word Book Douglas Scott.pdf (


Robert Elwald 1484 receiving Redheugh-Larriston land from ‘Bell the…

The History of Liddesdale, Eskdale, Ewesdale, Wauchopedale and the …

Ellots of Redheugh

Wind farm battle over Scottish castle

The History of Liddesdale, Eskdale, Ewesdale, Wauchopedale and the … – Robert Bruce Armstrong – Google Books

Sasine deed 1484 for Robert Elwald (Elliot), Redheugh, Larriston, Hartsgarth


Chronicles of the Armstrongs; : Armstrong, James Lewis : Free Download, Borrow, and Streaming : Internet Archive

Steel Bonnets In Debatatable Lands with George Macdonald Fraser and Eric Robson

How family members are being successful at family history; 

Brigham ‘This is the Place’ genealogy with DNA applied

The family knows best.
Listen to others, especially of the opposite sex, to make family.
Do not in a family search, get rid of the in-laws, though you may want to.
Families fight, and likely not just one answer is correct, in the history.
If the family’s history is done properly one does not get to pick their ancestors.
When a person lets say MrX, on FTDNA MrX surname blog, says something about his family tree, and MZ says he is a liar, because MZ administrates the FTDNA blog, who is most likely correct MrX or MZ?
People need another point of view, and the family tree can not exist without males and females, because that is what it takes to make a family tree.
For instance the males carry the Y-DNA. To put a female MZ, in charge of FTDNA blogs MrA-MrY, with the power of kicking people out of the blog anyone she likes to is that genealogy or Corporate Profit Making?
Can a person be kicked out of their family tree?
Say two people of the same family have a disagreement on a point. One of the two researchers the other person’s position, and find it to be correct also. The other does not. Who has gained knowledge of the family tree, and is acting in the manner of a true family historian/genealogist?
Needs no commit.
Family History as opposed to History, to identify individuals, has to utilize more documentation on the subject manner then History alone. When one goes back thirty generations, that generational line mathematically has more than a billion autosomal DNA ancestors, but only one female mtDNA ancestor, and one male Y-DNA ancestor, which all it takes to produce the next generation. For me to be kicked off of FTDNA blogs shows that FTDNA is a corporate money making machine and does not care anything about families except in profit dollars, for putting they say to much online. It is minute, in amount, it is the others which are not putting enough online which is where the complaint should be made.

What’s in a Name? Allegiance, for Border Reivers
Ancestry: Clans of plunderers operated between England and Scotland from the 14th to 17th centuries. Forebears of U.S. presidents may have been among them.

CARLISLE, England — Ever suspected that your ancestors were robbers who terrorized the border between England and Scotland? Armstrong, Elliot, Graham, Irvine, Johnstone, Kerr, Maxwell, Nixon and Scott were among the families who rode, feuded, fought and plundered over the border area for 350 years.nAll the family names of the Border Reivers, whose first allegiance was to their family’s surname, are on a list kept in Carlisle, on the English side of the border. From the 14th to the 17th centuries, the border was a turbulent place. Raiders stole cattle and women, burned homes and farms and killed rivals without mercy.

From surviving documents such as court and property records and tenure agreements, researchers have identified 74 family names from that region in the 16th and 17th centuries. Some names have changed over the years: Johnstone becoming Johnson, for example.Reive, meaning to plunder or rob, comes from the dialect of the Scottish Lowlands and borders. “The folk memory of the Reivers has passed away, but their stories survive in the border ballads,” said David Clarke, senior curator of Tullie House Museum. “We have music about them and [the novelist Sir Walter] Scott collected a lot about them and put them into his novels.”

The museum has made an audio-visual show about Reivers the centerpiece of a $7.5-million restoration. The bell that rang to warn Carlisle townspeople of raids is in the museum. Images of galloping horse riders, lookouts, panic-stricken settlers and torched homes and forts are projected on a 30-foot screen. Voices intone the fear of women waiting for raids: “The Reivers are riding to take what we stole from them that had been ours before.”

The border with Scotland is nine miles north of Carlisle, but in Reiver times it wasn’t so definite. “North of Carlisle were the debatable lands, territory which was declared to belong to neither Scotland nor England,” Clarke said. “The Reivers” operated on both sides of the border. “It was peat moss and bog country, a huge tract of wet and desolate moorland at the head of the Solway Firth,” he said. “You had to know your way around it or you would have got lost and died. Nowadays it’s mostly quarried for peat or drained for farming. “Carlisle is a border city and changed hands between the English and Scots several times in the Middle Ages, so the museum took up the Reivers as a very interesting episode,” he said. “It’s become one of our main attractions.”

Clarke said the Reiver story is still little known despite George MacDonald Fraser’s novel, “The Steel Bonnets.” Fraser was astonished by the Reiver connections he saw in a photograph of Presidents Lyndon B. Johnson and Richard Nixon and evangelist Billy Graham together at Nixon’s inauguration. Johnson’s visage and figure were straight from Dumfriesshire, where everyone was familiar with such lined and leathery faces, large heads and rangy, rather loose-jointed frames, Fraser said. The Graham features were less common but still familiar, while Nixon was the perfect example of the Anglo-Scottish frontier: blunt, heavy features, dark complexion, burly body and an air of dour hardness. Fraser said all three heads would fit perfectly under a steel bonnet. “The Reivers were thieves, but warriors as well, and without allegiance to anyone outside their clan. Any English or Scottish king going to war here needed the Reivers on his side,” said Chris Dobson, a Carlisle city official. He said the Reivers were eventually repressed, deported, killed or compelled to emigrate under threat of imprisonment and that many ended up in Ireland.

Haydn Charlsworth specializes in researching family histories around Carlisle and has traced Reiver connections for American clients. “Once you get back to the 16th century, it’s pretty difficult to make strong links, but the Armstrongs are well documented, and the Johnstones,” Charlsworth said. “Men who carried arms were liable to be called up by the sheriff so there are records of them.” Visitors can get a “Reivers Car Trail” leaflet in Carlisle to guide them through 80 miles of Reiver country. It describes one of the most unspoiled and splendid parts of Britain as it was in 1590, just after the defeat of the Spanish Armada. Towers, churches and castles are still there, though often only as ruins, and so are banks and ditches, remnants of Roman forts built more than 1,200 years before when nearby Hadrian’s Wall was the northernmost frontier of the Roman Empire.

Reivers by Name
The 74 family names in surviving documents about the Border Reivers:

Archbold, Armstrong
Beattie, Bell, Burns
Carleton, Carlisle, Carnaby, Carrs, Carruthers, Chamberlain, Charlton, Charleton, Collingwood, Crisp, Croser, Crozier, Cuthbert
Dacre, Davison, Dixon, Dodd, Douglas, Dunne
Fenwick, Forster
Graham, Gray
Hall, Hedley, Henderson, Heron, Hetherington, Hume
Irvine, Irving
Johnstone (Johnson)
Laidlaw, Little, Lowther
Maxwell, Milburn, Musgrove
Nixon, Noble
Ogle, Oliver
Potts, Pringle
Radcliffe, Reade, Ridley, Robson, Routledge, Rutherford
Salkeld, Scott, Selby, Shaftoe, Simpson, Storey
Tailor, Tait, Taylor, Trotter, Turnbull
Wake, Watson, Wilson, Woodrington
Yarrow, Young

Associated Press

November-December 2017  Border Reivers-Elliot(t) FTDNA;
Inorder to do genealogy, one has to accept what another says about their family.
To find new thinks about ones own family and individual needs to be open to suggestion, then to research it to find the correctness in it, which can be applied to ones own family line.
Since an individual knows their own family line, better than anyone else, searching for the small part of correctness, will advance one foreward in their genealogical search.
Needed to point out incorrectness on your own not others family line because this is bennificial to finding family links.
In pointing out correctness in another persons family land can prove to be destructive to the advancement of their family history.Want to thank everyone which brought out concepts, so I could try to approach answers to genealogical statement in the Border Reiver project.This material, like all my material is on a take it or leave it basis, a key to doing good genealogy.Sincerely
Mark Stephen Elliott
Somebody once told me that in 1066, England was invaded by red haired German Vikings, led by William the Conqueror. Of course one of my ancestors was there. Then they moved to the borders of Scotland and changed their names a lot, allot, ellot. In the picture you can see one of the knights of the round table, Sir B S Alott. Dad said we were probably related. I’ve got a picture somewhere of his castle, but there was a windmill built next door, which I think spoils the view. I complained to everybody but they just don’t listen and they’ve got MI6 on their side. There’s a Chevvy Caprice parked outside now, with a guy who’s got an earpiece and keeps talking to his cuff? Hahaha, I talk to my friend in German, so the watchers won’t understand us. Anyway time for some genealogy now. It is felt that genealogy is complicated, but you just read lots of history books. When you find someone who has a name a little like yours, that person becomes your ancestor. You don’t have to have proper proof….boring or what. Got to sign off now, I applied for a job at The Pentagon, “Codetalker”. You have to write stuff that the enemy can’t understand, well nobody can understand anything I write, so I’m perfectly qualified. The trouble is, they don’t return my calls. Bye, happy holidays.
James Elwald in 1526 did not kill Cessford, and start a feud between Buccleuch and Cessford which is still going on to this day. With Cessford in the past being of North British Windpower NBW, trying to place a wind farm called Windy Edge of Infinis now Muirhall, near the Hermitage Castle which Buccleuch, does not own, but stewards for the prosperity of all. It is like placing a wind farm on the ancient grounds of Roxburgh, which is easily prevented by Cessford, the Duke of Roxburghe because he owns these lands. James Elwald was a traitor to James V, which dishonestly, hung Johnny Armstrong, of Gilnockie-Hollows tower, and that is what it shows James Elwald in 1526 being hung for. One has to be kind of proud of James Elwald of 1526 these days. “The contract for the purchase of Stobs is dated June 3, 1580, and is expressed to be made between ‘Gawane Ellot of Baillilie’ and Gawin Glaidstanes, brother and heir-apparent to the deceased George Glaidstanes of Stobbes.” The Border Elliots and the Family of Minto By George Francis Scott Elliot pages 242-3 Ch XV The Ellot (ie earlier Elwald), obtained Stobs in the Barony of Cavers, in 1580. A Hawick (pronounced “hoik”) Word Book Douglas Scott (note; forename is “Douglas”) [DRAFT — version of 29 December 2017] [send comments to dscott‘‘AT’’] WHAT PEOPLE ARE SAYING ABOUT THE HAWICK ARCHAEOLOGICAL SOCIETY.. “ Not really about archaeology, but a fantastic way to unearth information about the history of the area around Hawick, in the heart of the Scottish Borders. The huge number of articles in the Society’s Transactions form an unparalleled view of the traditions, language and people of this area. And since so many families can trace their roots back here, it represents a genealogical goldmine! ” Douglas Scott Nigel Douglas 35 minutes ago “Anybody else experiencing deja vu?” Being a Douglas, thought you may be interested. Know you are familiar with the given site, but others may not be, so this link is given; “The Earl of Angus in 1470 appointed David Scott of Buccleuch to the office of Custodian of Hermitage Castle, and for many years the Scotts fulfilled this duty. In 1492, Archibald Douglas, fifth Earl of Angus, exchanged Liddesdale and Hermitage with Patrick Hepburn, third Lord Hales, who was created first Earl of Bothwell,..” Nigel, because of you being a Douglas, it may be only you feeling “deja vu”.
Buckcleuch, is well defined by Walter Elliot. Map shows places and family names to the east in Counties Selkirkshire and Treviotdale, which should be of interest. Even Cavers which is up for sale; (needs a wee bit restoration). Note; John “le”(the) Scott or Ulhtred “Fitz” (son of the) Scott.
CLAN CROZIER, allied to Clan Armstrong, and Clan Elliott. There’s my many great grandfather; “Hobbe Elwode Clemyt syster sone.” that is “Clemyt Crossier of Stobbes.” in 1544 “I would support the deletion of this article. The reasons being firstly that the “Clan Crozier” is not a recognized clan by the Lord Lyon King of Arms – with or without chief. Secondly most of the information in the article is random information not specifically about the “Clan Crozier” but rather what seems to be heraldic information, that is incoherent and will not make any sense to any one reading it who is new to the subject let alone anyone who is a clan historian.QuintusPetillius (talk) 16:29, 19 December 2015 (UTC)” “Consensus We appear to have consensus of at least 3 people in this discussion, if not more, who want to delete the Clan Crozier article. In reply to the above the problem editor’s websites which he claims show that he has genealogical experience actually show nothing of the sort and are a complete mass of unlogical nonsense.QuintusPetillius (talk) 15:30, 29 December 2015 (UTC)” Note; created domain, Web search the article’s name “Clan Crozier”, and compare how well Wikipedia, and web domain are doing. This is the reiver’s answer, descended from ie a Robert Elliott, adopted by a Clement Crozier, living at Stobs, on Gladstane’s lease;'”Clan Crozier” is not a recognized clan by the Lord Lyon King of Arms’ not recognizing Clan Crozier for over four centuries. A consensus is considered three people? Steven Johnstone, Find that, your name likely came from a locality of Johnston, Co Annandale, Scotland. Though a lot of Johns Towns around world, likely at one time a farmstead belonging to someone named John. Using, on will find the name Johnson of Scandinavian origin referencing to be the son of John with Scandinavian versions of Johsson, and Johnsen, brought in by the Scandinavians into England became Johnson, and the first name form the make it to America. Johnstone leans Scottish of Co. Annandale, and Johnston leans towards Co Ulster, Ireland, a lot in Co Fermanagh, along Irish border, and Down and Antrim north Ulster. From one border to another. Came to America as Johnston then name evolved for many into Johnson, loosing the name identity of being Scottish. c1630 Ulster muster rolls shows counties of surname Johnston; Steven you are most likely from this region of Scotland. The names Steven, and Stephen (first language, German speaking mother’s father’s name which is my middle name. Mark is a family surname past to my dad’s father.), are likely of Germanic origins, but use interchangeably, mainly by Scots. note; Ray Irwin, this places the Johnstone, much closer to the Irving of Bonshaw Tower. Johnstone, and Irving have similar surname distribution patterns. Click “British Isles”, then “Frequency”. It sure begs the question; Steven Johnstone, do you match any Irving (Irwin)?
The I-M253 of Johnstone of Annandale; seems to have to do with the Fairbairn (of Armstong, and likely other border clans) plus the Carruthers which are part of the Bruce (Robert) like the Johnstone of Annandale, seem to have a linking. It’s creating NPE among the Carruthers, Irvin, and Elliot NPE – CARRUTHERS 29391 Irvine William IRVINE 1791-1875 Scotland I-M253 NPE – DODD 104550 Irvin Unknown Origin I-M253 79267 Irvin Malachai Irvin, born 1812 Pike County Georgia Scotland I-M253 NPE – ELLIOT (1) / FAIRBAIRN 72309 Irwin Andrew Irwin 1789 Nashville, TN Unknown Origin I-M253 339641 Parker Unknown Origin I-M253 13 22 14 312307 Elliott James Elliott , born 1800 to1805 Ireland I-M253 Another one of my crazy concepts to combine surname distribution with Y-DNA results. Found surname variants, which seemed to match for surnames which matched one off in twenty-five; Y-DNA – Matches; Show Matches For: “The Entire Data Base” Markers: “25” Distance: “1 Step” Matches Per Page: “25” Finch, Olofsson, Cordner/Conner Ireland, Davies PA, Finn, Grant, Quebbeman Osnabrück, Koontz, Moore, Conn, Richards, White, Lykins, Prado, Conn, Atkinson, Roberts, Horton, Johnson, Koons, Coons Cuntze, Atkinson, Ruecker Rucker, Davies, Gerlach, Jamieson, McGrane, Finch, Rogers, Gander, Conn Variant names; Cuntze, Koontz, Koons, Coons, Conner, Conn, Conn, Conn Final early name extrapolation “Kuntze” Extrapolation of Cuntze-Koontz gave me; “Kuntze”, Koons, Coons, and Conner, intermediate for Conn, which because of multiples indicated a more recent name. So later name extrapolation became “Conn”. Compared surname distribution pattern of Kuntze to Conn, to that of Ewald to Elliott, and found the name evolution patterns showed similarities; Have my migration from northeast Germany to northern Ulster Ireland. Genealogy is not rocket science.
“learned to stand alone” The distribution of a border Reiver’s Y-DNA. A descendant of a Clementis Hob (i.e. Clement Crozier’s sister’s son Robert Elliott), Mark Stephen Elliott. The data belongs to the person which pays for it.
Garth Graham 40 minutes ago “Thread bump!” Do not need either Nigel or Garth, bumping up their tread to the to top of the que(ue) by making responses to it. This is MI6 censoring tactics I been having to deal with in a controlled Scottish media by the corporate environment a type of censorship, which is in the process of industrial destruction of the greatest icon to Border Reivers, The Hemitage Castle by electrical wind turbines. In all the UK; compare wind farm concentration on the borders to that of England and see which is the greater. Plus, having my voice deleted from Scotland, is censorship. Which I really do not need to be a part of a controlled status quo, data distorted environment, with coarse DNA measurements trying to inferred accuracy enough to separate out individuals for genealogical family history purposes. DNA is just one of the many tools of the genealogist. Just do not need these so called; “Thread bump!” Migration displacement is an important part in getting family historical genealogy correct. Nigel mention that this site may not be needed. It is not needed if it does not incorporate proper Border Reiver family migration into their knowledge base.
It is felt that the Daniel Elliot of Salem group are linked to the Carr; “…Ann Carr Putnam was one of the main accusers in the Salem Trials of 1692 that sent innocent people to death.” First Name Surname Barony/Lands Landlord/Estate County Daniell Ker Town and Liberties Coleraine Londonderry First Name Surname Barony/Lands Landlord/Estate County Alexander Kerr Belfast Mr Edmonston Antrim And many Carr
DOUGLASS, FREDERICK (1817—1895), American orator and journalist, was born in Tuckahoe, Talbot county, Maryland, probably in February 1817. “changed his name from Frederick Augustus Washington Bailey to Frederick Douglass, “Douglass” being adopted at the suggestion of a friend who greatly admired Scott’s Lady of the Lake.” Note that this is a UK site, and I as an American have been to Frederick Douglass grave site Mount Hope Cemetery, Rochester, NY, USA. It was when Jocelyn Bell Burnell, born Susan Jocelyn Bell 15 July 1943, Lurgan, County Armagh, Northern Ireland, was the plenary speaker at the US Friends General Conference Gathering in 2000. “Minister and theologian Peter J. Gomes serves as the Plummer Professor of Christian Morals and Pusey Minister in the Memorial Church at the Harvard Divinity School.” Milestones in Peter Gomes’s (Portugese) ancestry: “1782 Samuel Bailey, a prominent Quaker of Surrey county, Virginia, frees his 17 slaves, including Rose Bailey, Peter Gomes’s great, great, great grandmother. Quakers were ardent abolitionists who condemned slavery for its violence and because it denied equal status to all human beings. By 1800 most Quakers had freed their slaves.” Aighton, Bailey and Chaigley, UK,+Bailey+and+Chaigley,+UK/@53.7622809,-2.4797439,10.37z/,-2.3073103,15z/ census, top two counties for the Bailey surnames, in the British Isles; Lancashire 4,849 Yorkshire 4,737 Bailey being abolitionist Quakers were known to free their slaves, and slaves would take and abolitionist surname, maybe like that of Bailey which became the Scottish Douglass name.
Point I am trying to make, is that two African Americans, Peter Gomes, and Frederick Douglass, are linked to the surname Bailey, which has it’s census densitiy, and locality in County Lancashire, UK, where the Quakers, are linked to a George Fox, and Pendle Hill in their beginnings. Given the African American were speakers of the American language when surnames were adopted, surnames where not given to them, but they were chosen. Many and African American, would choose a surname of a Quaker abolitionist which freed them, and therefore would be said to have the slave owners name. The slave owners name was not given to the African American, but only chosen by them, if there were excellent relations. This should help people in their genealogical research, because there are on this site people of all colors.
Thank you for this Quaker and African American historical tie; and specifically the surname Bailey. Here at Christmas time, I’m reminded of the character “George Bailey” in “It’s a Wonderful Life” played by Jimmy Stewart. And, I recall learning that the first abolitionists were among the German Americans in Pennsylvania.
How good the renovation is, depends on who does it. Hermitage Castle – The Douglas Archives “The Earl of Angus in 1470 appointed David Scott of Buccleuch to the office of Custodian of Hermitage Castle, and for many years the Scotts fulfilled this duty. In 1492, Archibald Douglas, fifth Earl of Angus, exchanged Liddesdale and Hermitage with Patrick Hepburn, third Lord Hales, who was created first Earl of Bothwell, …”
Hermitage Castle;”That decay was arrested in the 19th century when the writings of Sir Walter Scott helped raise Scottish pride in their heritage, and the Buccleuch family acted to preserve the site. It is now in the care of Historic Scotland.”
The ÿ with the umlauts/diaeresis, is indicative of the German language being brought into the Liddesdale borderland region. Also Thorlishoope; Thorleehope; a valley (hope) for thunder (Thor Norse god of thunder). The lee, in reference as leeward, or east, may not have applied meaning in this case. Area of Elwald/Ellot (ie Elliot), and Crosar (ie Crozier). ï/ÿ Latin small letter i/y with diaeresis (Umlauts) a/o/u German small letter Umlauts (diaeresis) ä/ö/ü “Diacritic Marks German uses diacritics over several letters, i.e. Ä (ä), Ö (ö), Ü (ü). These diacritics are not optional in German because the pronunciation and meaning of a word will be changed depending on whether the diacritic is added or omitted. There is another symbol that will be found in German, namely ß. It has the value of <ss>. Historically, German also included Ÿ (ÿ) which today has been replaced with the letters I (i) and Ü (ü).”
Curt Harris “The Web also says that Clan Nixon was from Clan Armstrong?” Clan Nixon claims to be a sept of Clan Armstrong, but armigerous clan self lead without chief like Clan Armstrong, since it does not have a chief, does not have septs. Clan Nixon can be an ally to Clan Armstrong, like Clan Crozier, but it has not taken the initiative. Another option since Clan Elliot has a chief is to be a sept of Clan Elliot. Clan Elliot unlike Clan Armstrong which Clan Nixon is compatible with seems to be trying to take on aristocratic leanings, this is exclusive of their chief Margaret Eliott. Clan Hunter rode for Clan Nixon, and at one time noted to be a sept of Clan Elliot. There is an historian for Clan Elliot, named Kieth Elliot Hunter. Since he is connected to Gorrenberry-Clan Crozier, and Clementis Hob was in today’s language Clement Crozier’s sister son Robert Elliott (Hob Elwold), I refer to him as my brother-in-law, though connected in the sixteenth century through the Crozier. As far as the Nixon are concern it is felt that these Nixon are his determination since he is of Clan Elliot and Clan Hunter which rode with the Nixon, and the Crozier and Nixon seem to be strongly linked. Curt Harris “Speaking of surnames, is Kennedy from Scotland or Ireland? There’s clans for both, according to the Web, and the Scottish Clan Kennedy was from the Scottish Lowlands?” First Name Surname Barony/Lands Landlord/Estate County Neele Kennedy Tome Mr Adare Antrim Thomas Kennedy Masreyne H. Upton Antrim John Kennedy town of Dunmoore [Dromore] and Lower Euvagh Bishop of Dromore (Episcopal) Down Distribution shows Kennedy, as Gaelic, in northwest on Lewis Island which would be Catholic. Northeast toward Aberdeen (note also Gaelic “Mac” migrated east to become “Mc”), likely migration from Dabatable region such with Gordon and Irvine. Presbyterian, Antrim-Down pre Plantation Gaelic speaking but after James VI of Scotland became James I of England border pacification, the Scottish Border language migrated to counties Antrim-Down. So the Antrim-Down Kennedy could be Gaelic Highland Kennedy Glasgow-north, or Dabatable Scottish speaking Kennedy, which also migrated to Antrim-Down.
For the Armstrong, Anglo-Germanic, and Elwald-Elliot; Chronicles of the Armstrongs; ed by Armstrong, James Lewis MD Publication date 1902 Publisher Jamaica, Queensborough, N.Y., The Marion press “The Elliots were called Aelwolds, Elewalds, Elwods, Alwods, El- yards, Helwals, and by many other forms of the name which meant Elk-wood (Anglo-Danish Elgwalt, the name is expressed upon many of their shields).” “The elk-head and antlers stood for the names Elkford or Alford, and Elwald, Elkyard, or Elliot; the latter name originally meant Elk of the Forest.” Sigwalt und Sigridh. Stilicho. Walhall. Dramatische Werke (Auswahl) Felix Dahn – 1898 “Wenige Nächte darauf ward König Elgwalt von seinem Nordhag her gemeldet, abermals habe Jarl Tosilg viele Helme seiner Herade aufgeboten und dänische Seeräuber um Sold geworben, abermals sei er eingefallen in die Nordmark von Halgaland und abermals Heere er furchtbar, mit Brand und Mord, nicht Weiber, …” “A few nights later King Elgwalt was reported from his northern hay, again Jarl Tosilg had summoned many helmets of his herd, and Danish pirates had solicited soldiers. Once again he had invaded the northern margin of Halgaland, and again he would be terrible, with fire and murder, not women , …” Halgaland; Heligoland, Germany,,+Germany/@54.0000362,7.9418736,9.21z/
Mark Elliott East Anglia, and Ulster, distribution for the surname Clarke. In the c1630 Ulster muster the surname Clarke comes up several times; Name is occupational for clerk, but spelled Clarke is strongly Anglia; Clerk in German means SCHREIRBER both names are sizable in numbers. Clarke is also found most concentrated in Anglican, nation of Barbados for reasons; of the Cromwellian, fighting Anglican Scottish Roylists.
Reivers weave borders, and historically been noted to use multiple languages. Like in genealogy, being of family that is where the loyalty is for a border reiver. At the beginning of the decade which I was born, the word computer meant one who did computations. Though today people have difficulties with long division, like to see someone take a square root by hand. Interfacing with today’s computer search algorithms, allows me to take visual measurements. Though I utilize various linguistic languages, to get the localities, and weighted number on surnames, I can easily read in people’s responses whether they are refusing to tap into the given links. Garth feeds me a lot of information which I am able to apply. Once something is feed out like my dad did in his on printing and distributing his family genealogies various places, I too can measure results and see where they are coming from internationally. It seems like a small nation like Scotland likes say a lot without proper statistical research techniques as used in the People of the British Isles study. Family line may have crossed into Liddesdale previous to the Declaration of Abroath, and that is why my Danish Proto-Germanic DNA, may not have had the compatibility with Scotland, and became a part of the Liddesdale Borderlands, and unto Fermanagh, Ulster. Genealogy takes documentation, and the only reason anyone would think I do not have the documentation, because they haven’t fully explored my research. Keep on talking and I will keep on learning and take, read measurements, the measurement of distribution patterns and anomalies. Want to thank people in this group for their help so far.
Mark Elliott Both Graham, and Liddell, contain significantly proportional amounts of J-M267 in their respective, FTDNA groups. J-M267 is rare in Scotland, so it implies a link between the surname Graham and Scotland, that of an ancient Roman DNA. It is felt the the name Liddell, came from the Liddell Water, but for those on the Liddel Water the name Liddel, changed to a more common spelling, of a similar pronunciation that of Little, where the density of Graham are located in the US today. J-M267 – descendants or matching descendants of James Liddell, born 1712 South Carolina – Consider J1 – M267 SNP Pack four out of eighteen. 27059 James Liddell, b. 1712 Scotland J-M267 305685 Liddle/Liddell/Little c1783 Unknown Origin J-M267 26791 James Liddell, b. 1712, Scotland Scotland J-M267 26819 John A Liddell Scotland J-M267 Graham FTDNA showing J-M267
The Elliott, Irwin, Farris and Fairbairn matches
Nigel Douglas “I’ve got a picture somewhere of his castle, but there was a windmill built next door, which I think spoils the view.” In my nation we have been protecting our historical archaeological antiquities for over a century. Do the Douglas feel the need for preservation as with their Cavers Castle? Denholm-Cavers;,+Hawick+TD9+8PG,+UK/@55.4507934,-2.6979074,11.48z/ Americans feel Chaco Canyon belongs to them, and they do not want wind farms near it. The Hermitage Castle is the ancestral site of Reivers. With my family in the past defending it, I feel as with Chaco Canyon, along with the Armstrong, Buck (Buccleuch), and other Reivers, maybe not the Douglas a kinship, and collective ownership of it, and like Chaco Canyon, I do not want a wind farm near it. The over a century old USNPS US National Park System attracts visitors around the world, and that is the same for The Hermitage Castle.
Oh no! Treasures of Chaco Canyon threatened by drilling By Richard Moe Dec 2, 2017 Chaco Canyon has its own kind of Southwestern beauty and history. I must say the Hermitage Castle is quite wonderful too.
It should be noted that wind turbines extend themselves much higher above the earth’s surface then drill pumps, and therefore are industrially more devastating to the visual environment in concern of ancestral archaeological heritage such as The Hermitage Castle or Chaco Canyon. Article refers to; “Nonetheless, the two agencies agreed to defer all new drilling leases within a 10-mile (16 km) radius of Chaco …” It should be noted that The Hermitage Castle is not may I repeat not on the Duke of Buccleuch’s land; Owner: Historic Scotland A reporter, as a governmental reporter determined that Wind Edge Wind Farm should be placed next to The Hermitage Castle, not on land of Buccleuch Estates. It shows that Scotland has a false and corporate dictatorial type of government which I as a citizen of the US do not want association with. Google; if outside Scotland; North British Windpower NBW, and look at images. Nigel Douglas “I complained to everybody but they just don’t listen and they’ve got MI6 on their side”.
“Somebody once told me that in 1066, England was invaded by red haired German Vikings, led by William the Conqueror.” Germany does not have a propensity for red hair. Vikings are from Norway which has more of a propensity for red hair than Germany.
Windmills in Scotland, Barbados. In c1630 Ulster muster search For Elliot(t) use Ellot, for Scott use Scot, for Johnson use Johnston; Of course; Armstrong use Armstrong, Bell use Bell, Little use Little, and Graham use Graham. For Thom(p)son use Thompson with some Thomson. Yes, for Irving use Irwin. Of course do not forget Douglas, for William of Douglas, Earl of Angus 1436;’+Monument/@55.5579747,-3.8486473,518m/ Monument to William’s son James.
Nigel Douglas, Redheugh, Braidley, Ferniehirst, and Cessford, pre-Border pacification, are apart of my genealogical research. How do you think North British Windpower NBW, with residence in Redheugh, and linked to MI6, affected my research. Would rather do without him, but it is he which chose to become involved. It is not I which brought the Windy Edge Wind Farm into to the picture to try to prevent my genealogical progression down my family line. Makes the genealogy interesting though.
Documentation that the 17th of April 1472, Buccleuch took responsibility of Governorship of Hermitage Castle, from Archibald “Bell the Cat”, Douglas fifth Earl of Angus.
Curt Harris 22 hours ago “The Beaker Phenomenon:” “Ich habe diesen Link gerade in einem Beitrag im DF27-Projekt gefunden. Die Autoren scheinen eine Mischung aus englischen und spanischen Nachnamen zu haben, was meiner Meinung nach fair ist, da dort eine ziemlich kontroverse Frage darüber aufkam, wo DF27 begann.” Der Konsens scheint Quedlinburg oder Augsburg zu sein, da es sich um die ältesten Fossilien von DF27 handelt, die älter sind als Baskisch / Iberien. Der Link verwendet nicht die DF27 Y-DNA, aber man kann auf die PDF-Datei zugreifen, die auch die oben beschriebenen Genetic- und Coreware-Mappings enthält.
Nach der Legende kommt das Extra-„t“ in Elliott von der Bekehrung der Elliotts zum Christentum und soll ein Kreuz symbolisieren. Die unterschiedliche Schreibweise wird in diesem Reim verdeutlicht: The double L and single T Descent from Minto and Wolflee, The double T and single L Mark the old race in Stobs that dwell. The single L and single T The Eliots of St Germains be, But double T and double L, Who they are nobody can tell. Robert Bell dichtete in “The Book of Scots-Irish Family Names” hinzu: “For double L and double T, the Scots should look across the sea!” “Descent from Minto and Wolflee,” (Denholm, Elwald lebte unter Wolf.); Denholm-Minto;,+Hawick+TD9+8PG,+UK/@55.4507934,-2.6979074,11.48z/
James Elwald it is a honor to have a historical ancestor of mine being a traitor to James V, because he promised that medieval engineer named Gilnockie his safety, but hung him and his men. Do not think James VI who vanished my family from both kingdoms was any better though. After James Elwald was found guilty for riding with Sir Walter Scot(t), of Branxholm, and sentence to hang, he as a James Ellot-Elliot, was said to be the “black” Elliot which killed Cessford and caused a feud between Cessford and Buccleuch which is still going on today. Did you know Cessford and Branxholm are still around today. Cessford, is the Duke of Roxburghe, a second castle in ruins, which has residence a Floors Castle, near Old Roxburgh, and Kelso, Scotland where the Teviotdale and the Tweed meet. Cessford is of the Ker, and Ferniehirst Castle still standing is of the Kerr, and they also do not seem to get along that well. Buccleuch, moved in Teviotdale, moved to Branxholm, and now is in Langholm, where the Armstrong once had a castle. Though he is called Richard Scott he does have an in-between name of Walter. He manages The Buccluech Estates, the largest area of land of a single landholder in Scotland and raises Galloway cows. Married to a Ferniehirst Kerr named Elizabeth. Buccleuch, does not speak much, but put out this information; “To the south of the castle is the Langholm Estate, part of Buccleuch Estates, which is lodging an objection. ‘To pollute the landscape backdrop of the castle with all its power to evoke the history and heritage of the Scottish Borders would be nothing short of vandalism,’ stresses The Duke of Buccleuch.” Read more at Feel today Richard Scott of Buccleuch Estates does not speak much because whenever his does speak, though a strong authority on land management in Scotland, people will misconstrued what he has to say, even for his expert opinion. The Scottish Government much prefers and opinion on land management from a reporter, which likely does not know of the land ownership, because a reporter not Richard Scott, made the final decision on Infinis Wind Edge Wind Farm which it is felt that the government officials knew the outcome of what the reporter was to say. If outside of media controlled Scotland, Google; Muirhall Windy Edge, and you can figure out whether I living in New Mexico, USA knew like Scotland’s Government the outcome of the “reporter’s” decision. The Branxholm-Buccleuch family did do renovations on the Hermitage Castle, and has steward it since the fifteenth century they do not own it. Buccleuch it should be noted has been promoting and making income off of the wind turbine industry. Old Roxburgh, is protected by ownership of the Duke of Roxburghe, from building wind turbines on it. Buccleuch, can not protect The Hermitage Castle by land ownership because he does not own land which previously Infinis, but now Muirhall Windy Edge is planned for. Muirhall is said to be a Scottish firm, if this is so then the Scottish Government believes unlike Buccleuch, and the Armstrong, in industrial destruction of the historical antiquities, which the surnames Armstrong, Douglas, Elliot and Scott so value; The Hermitage Castle. It should be noted that a firm of North British Windpower NBW, claimed to be Scottish also like Muirhall, but the Cessford-Ker Duke of Roxburghe, Ferniehirst-Kerr Clan chief were making income off it. It should be noted that neither the Cessford; The Duke of Roxburghe, or Ferniehirst, Clan Kerr Chief or even Redheugh has shown opposition to a wind farm next to The Hermitage Castle. For more information if outside the controlled media of Scotland Google; Muirhall Windy Edge.
Not against renewable energy; Against industrialization (wind turbines, towers, and etc) in places which should be saved for future generations. It is felt many Armstrong, Douglas, Scott, Elliott, and border Dukes would agree with that statement. Cessford and Buccluech, along with Northumberland, need like I am trying to do preserve the archaeological, historical, antiquities, for the ancestry-children of border reivers in the UK, and around the world. For those border people living on the borders today, trying to give them a voice in the Scottish-English government so they may protect this history for themselves, and border people returning to their border homeland, and not to have their opinions and values superseded in the same fashion as border pacification, where they have a part in what happens around themselves and not to be dictated to by a corporate owned government.
People of Scotland, migrated to Nova Scotia (New Scotland), Canada. Among the Scots there were Gaelic speaking people which in comparison to other populations had a high percent of people with red hair. These Gaelic speaking Scots, took their Gaelic language with them to Nova Scotia (New Scotland), and spoke it in Nova Scotia, Canada. Regions which speak Gaelic in Scotland have a high percent of people with red hair, and regions in Nova Scotia, Canada, which speak Gaelic also have a high percent of red hair. For the purposes of not being exact to the nearest tenth of a percent, and to make it useful for genealogical researchers, I will as a genealogical researcher, conclude given the name Nova Scotia, that Gaelic speakers of Gaelic speaking regions in Scotland, migrated with their red hair to Gaelic speaking regions of Nova Scotia, Canada. There are Gaelic, speaking Scots in Ulster, which migrated to the Appalachians, states, where the statics would be difficult to isolate. Some populations get a preferred historical advantage. Do the people of the American Southern Appalachians, and the Gaelic of Ulster, and Scotland get the same. The Gaelic, Groml(e)y turned there name to the border Graham name, not the other way around, are they among these preferred historic groups? Neither, the kingdom of England, or Scotland, did accept my family. Even today been kick out of the Scottish Y-DNA project. Have been able to show that Germany does not have a controlled media environment. With and the mechanics of search engines, those people of the German language along with the PoBI (inter-national group which worked together on the People of the British Isles study, with top statistical gathering methods out of Oxford, University, London , are so advance to the Scottish FTDNA group, it isn’t funny anymore.
Especially when people are reacting to me because I said someone told me that the Irish thought the Vikings were the ones to spread the red hair. Obviously I living out away from the Irish community can not confirm the statement as having truth, only can show that someone being “Irish”, giving the mapping would have viability, in making such a statement, accurate or not. On the above it is felt for genealogical purposes, I can make the following statement; The Gaelic speaking Scots, are the basic people which brought the red hair to Nova Scotia (new Scotland), Canada.
Garth there is; Was mentored many years ago, by one of the top, on one hand gypsum, genealogists, in the world, his name was Oliver Campbell, at the time living in North Carolina, but from Nova Scotia, Canada. Nova Scotia, with companies such as US, and Nat’l Gypsum, supply wallboard plants along the eastern sea coast with gypsum. A very thick seam of high quality gypsum (hydrated calcium sulfate). See the Campbell, and the M(a)cDonald, are major surnames in the Gaelic highlands of Scotland, and knowing this, and from this being a genealogical site, one would likely know that Oliver Campbell’s family was most likely from the Scottish highlands and one could research that region for his family. It should be noted I respect good engineering skill, and in his day there was this individual which lived north of Canonby, on the west side of the Esk, which used, limestone which has a high compaction strength to build a peel tower. He mine the edge of a sink hole or hollow below which he built his tower, and powdered and kiln some calcium carbonate (limestone) at a plus 900 degrees Fahrenheit (about 500 centigrade), with a four inch (decimetre) seam of coal which lay below the limestone, and made a mortar. This structure was place in about 1525 within a meander just above this sink hole/hollow/hollas. He use to live at a place next high next to a ravine, called a gilknock, and people started to called this engineer Gilnockie. The king of Scotland, like Scotland does today trying to please England, but this king James the fifth, tried to please the king of England, so he wanted this engineer called Gilnockie, to meet with him, and they promise this engineer his safety. This king James V, invited all the barons to meet with him in Edinburgh, but he locked them up, and met with this engineer Gilnockie on a rig (ridge), and hung him and all the men with him. Today Scotland hasn’t seem to improve much, because Scotland unlike Germany is dealing with a controlled media environment. Take offense when they dishonestly hang an engineer.
The Border Elliots and the Family of Minto George Francis Scott Elliot David Douglas, 1897 – 570 pages Tytler’s History of Scotland : with illustrative notes from recently discovered State documents, and a continuation of the history, from the Union of the Crowns to the present time, including an account of the social and industrial progress of the people; also an essay on Scottish ecclesiastical history by Tytler, Patrick Fraser, 1791-1849; Eadie, John, 1810-1876; Alison, Archibald, Sir, 1792-1867 Publication date [1873-1877] Publisher London : W. MacKenzie The History of Liddesdale, Eskdale, Ewesdale, Wauchopedale and the Debateable Land: By Robert Bruce Armstrong, Volume 1 Robert Bruce Armstrong D. Douglas, 1883 – “Debateable land” (Scotland)
correction; 1599 the Scottish name was Ellot, the English name was Elliot. To show the 1541 Elwald, 1599 Ellot, locality of Gorrenberrry.
If the “Lord Lyon King of Arms”, is Anglo-Scottish, the shield of Gorrenberry, is Anglo-Danish, though Gorrenberry is in northern Northumbria, now Scotland the sheild was developed around Yorkshire, Northumbria,now England. The “Lord Lyon King of Arms”, does not have jurisdiction over the shield of Gorrenberry.” It should be noted that the Elwood, Ellwood of Elwold, Elwould Anglia-Cumbria, England, Elioth of York, England and the Gorrenberry Elwald-Ellot of Yorkshire, England then of Gorrenberry, Scotland, have retained the previous to Redheugh-Stobs shield, based out of Danish-Northumbria, which spans from Yorkshire, England to the Lothia, Scotland, inclusive of the Eastern borders which contain the Elwald-Ellot of Liddesdale. William Elwald of Gorrenberry, as a landholder infeft assisted in the Redheugh reception of land during the latter part of the fifteenth century from Archibald Douglas fifth Earl of Angus. The Redheugh shield with an elwand on the bend was never adopted by Gorrenberry. “Azure (lapis blue) a chevron argent (silver-white) in chief (above chevron) two mullets (star like), in base below chevron a stag’s (buck’s) head”. (link has changed) reference given; THE ELLIOTS, THE STORY OF A BORDER CLAN. A Genealogical History by THE DOWAGER LADY ELIOTT OF STOBS (Dora Flournoy Hopkins) and SIR ARTHUR ELIOTT, 11TH BARONET OF STOBS Published in 1974 by Seeley Service & Co LTD ‘The introduction of the “i” into the Scottish “Ellot” in the middle of the 17th century, the name took on a similarity to “Elliot”, belonging to the English Norman family of St. Germans in Cornwall, whose crest was an elephant head and whose stem “Alyot”, was quite different than our own.’ The Elliots; The Story of a Border Clan, Arthur Eliott 1986 page 93 It should be noted that the El(l)wood of Elwo(u)ld Anglia-Cumbria, England, Elioth of York, England and the Gorrenberry Elwald-Ellot of Yorkshire, England then of Gorrenberry, Scotland, have retained the previous to Redheugh-Stobs shield; “Azure (lapis blue) a chevron argent (silver-white) in chief (above chevron) two mullets (star like), in base [below chevron a stag’s (buck’s) head].” which the Armstrong also refer to in their Chronicles, to symbolize the Elwald-Elloit a stag’s head. A stag’s head (tail’s side is a Reiver’s ride) is on the King/St Elwald sceat (coin), minted in York, England. His bones are buried at Hexam Abbey, England. Added 12/20/2017; Chronicles of the Armstrongs; ed by Armstrong, James Lewis Publication date 1902 Topics Armstrong family Publisher Jamaica, Queensborough, N.Y., The Marion press “The Elliots were called Aelwolds, Elewalds, Elwods, Alwods, El- yards, Helwals, and by many other forms of the name which meant Elk-wood (Anglo-Danish Elgwalt, the name is expressed upon many of their shields).” “The elk-head and antlers stood for the names Elkford or Alford, and Elwald, Elkyard, or Elliot; the latter name originally meant Elk of the Forest.” “Certain shields of the Elliots, called also Elwods, Elyards, and Elwalds, of the Alfords who came from near Croyland (Crowland),+Peterborough,+UK/@51.2588898,-0.5062844,6.77z/ to the Border, of Loumanes, of the Liddals, of the Armstrongs, and other Border families undoubtedly pictured this tradition. Now these Liddesdale fam- ilies were called after their shields,..” Sigwalt und Sigridh. Stilicho. Walhall. Dramatische Werke (Auswahl) – Felix Dahn – 1898 “Wenige Nächte darauf ward König Elgwalt von seinem Nordhag her gemeldet, abermals habe Jarl Tosilg viele Helme seiner Herade aufgeboten und dänische Seeräuber um Sold geworben, abermals sei er eingefallen in die Nordmark von Halgaland und abermals Heere er furchtbar, mit Brand und Mord, nicht Weiber, …” “A few nights later King Elgwalt was reported from his northern hay, again Jarl Tosilg had summoned many helmets of his herd, and Danish pirates had solicited soldiers. Once again he had invaded the northern margin of Halgaland, and again he would be terrible, with fire and murder, not women , …” Halgaland; Heligoland, Germany,,+Germany/@54.0000362,7.9418736,9.21z/
For the different branches of Elliott; England, Scotland, and Ireland there are different arms. Arms of the Scotland Elliott is the shield of Redheugh-Stobs with the elwand on the bend, and the arm with the sword is on the Clan Elliot badge. After border pacification a Gilbert Eliott son of William of the Redheugh-Stobs Eliott family was knighted, and that family has a knights helmet which may be added. The clan chieftain, does not carry a title and is beneficial if it does not have one, because the chief serves the clan, not the clan with English aristocracy serving the chief. Am honored to have Arthur’s daughter Margaret as 29th chief. Her father Arthur was the 11th Baronet of Stobs, and the 28th Chief, so one can see for twenty-eight chieftain, only eleven baronets. So baronet does not a chieftain make, especially for most border Elliott of the world which nations do not have aristocrats.
The Elliots: The Story of a Border Clan : a Genealogical History Lady Dora Eliott of Stobs, Sir Arthur Eliott of Stobs Seeley, 1974 – 386 pages or his shorter version in 1986. Is a top resource, and Arthur Eliott of Stobs refers to the elephant at the crest of the arms for the English Cornwall, St Germains; Elliott, but I noted in example above the Irish have the elephant. The elwand comes from the Armstrong in their chronicles stating the they were called by what is on the shield. At times the Elwald were referred to Elwand, or Elwandis which means land surveyor in the sixteenth century, which carried a seal as today for certified land surveyors. The Elwald where called Elwand in Northumberland before it was put on the the Redheugh-Stobs shield, in the sixteenth century, in which the “el” was the Edinburgh standard in length, and the “wand” for wand, like a rod or like in a yard stick. Since Lord Lyon does not seem to recognize Clan Crozier, and Clan Nixon. Being of a Middle March Clan like Crozier and Nixon are, this speaks for the authority of Lord Lyon from a border Reiver, American standpoint. Been over four centuries since border pacification.
Note; South-southeast of Bec where the rivers come together is where Norwich is at. Stephen Arbon, (from East Anglia, FTDNA activity feed) Appreciate the work that has gone into the Y-DNA project. “An early resident of Bec was Alanus Elfwold (1248).” Shown where my R-U106 is located in 1248. 101829 Elliott; Elwald de Schinkel of Germany;,+Germany/@54.3575822,9.9100792,13z/ Though the name Elwaldus de Schinktlef is of Ewald de Shincliffe, St Oswald’s (seventh century king of Northumbrian) Church, Durham,, the Elwald(us) name Schinktlef is most likely a form of Schinkel, Germany. Note; Os-wald is like El-wald with the German word “wald” meaning the English “wood(s)”. Archaeologia Aeliana, Or, Miscellaneous Tracts Relating to Antiquity So it is Shincliffe,Durham,England, and Schiktlef,Schleswig-Holstein,Germany The Elwald which came to Bec were the Elwald de (from) Schiklef,Schleswig-Holstein,Germany. Shincliffe Parish formerly of St. Oswald’s (Scottish and German) (seventh century Northumbrian king) Parish. “Ælfwald (born 759-767 AD) was king of Northumbria from 779 to 788.” “He was buried at Hexham Abbey where he was considered a saint.” In c1630 Ulster muster search For Elliot(t) use Ellot, for Scott use Scot, for Johnson use Johnston; Of course; Armstrong use Armstrong, Bell use Bell, Little use Little, and Graham use Graham.
There are two Braidley, one own by Martin in Teviotdale, marked on the clan map, and the other between Gorrenberry and The Hermitage Castle. The land in Teviotdale, was likely purchased by the Gorrenberry Ellot with Branxhold Scot(t) assistance, who rode with for an ancestral Martin Ellot which lived in Broadlee, between Gorrenberry and the Hermitage Castle. This land of Broadlee called Braidley was passed from Archibald of The Hermitage to his brother William of Cavers to the Patrick Hepburn called Bothwell first of the Bothwell line of The Hermitage Castle. Should be noted that Martin Ellot intern chief, needed to live near the Hermitage Castle in order to provide defense for it, and the nearby Gorrenberry Ellot Gang, were part of his grain (rode with him). Records show that the Bothwell leased land to Simon, Martin Ellot oldest son. Martin servicing the castle’s defenses may not have needed a lease. Martin moved to Prickenhaugh, across from his brother Robert’s family of Larriston he built a tower. Living at Broadlee, and owning land in Teviotdale of Braidley, the Anglo-Saxon name Broadlee, in reference to a valley broad on the leeward east side, like Braidleyhope is, since Martin was referred to “of” Braidley in Teviotdale, living in Broadlee, started calling Broadlee, Braidley, and the name east of the Hermitage Castle of Broadlee, became Braidley named after the land Martin Ellot owned of Braidley in Teviotdale.
Do not think my matches map at twelve markers, showing distribution of Fermanagh, Antrim, and Down, is accidental, and feel if other Elliott think they are Ulster Scots, would recommend them to look at their matches map for twelve markers for Ulster-Northern Ireland, and see if one has a basically Fermanagh, Antrim, and Down distribution structure.
Per capita displacement from Scotland and Northern Ireland to Irish Republic and England is 27 to 2, showing displacement away from the Scottish Border. Even with some bias, displacement of DNA is predominately, Scots and Ulster. Earlier, not dated.
The name Aliot with an i/y originated in Aliot of southern France.,+64330+Taron-Sadirac-Viellenave,+France/@43.5117307,-0.2647848,15z/ When the name became Eliot, it work it’s way into Breton, France, and St Germain, England; It is this name which in Ulster, they used to insert and “i” into Ellot to make Elliot. with adding an “l” to Eliot the two names though of different origins, like the El(l)iot(t), origins poem, became to have the same spelling Elliot, also Elliott with an added “t”. Jesse, the name Eliot, evolving into Elliott, could easily been picked up in Northern France, the basic region to which Flanders towards east border is a part of.
In many cases when a surname is adopted, it takes in the grouping of the region. If it happens to be on the coast at ports, this is where one is likely to find the greatest diversity, heterogeneity in the Y-DNA, and that is likely where a name change may occur, like from Aliot to Eliot. The name Eliot being Breton-St German, is of a coastal adoption origins, and at the time, your E-M35 which if in the region, would likely be of a seaman which traveled would have been taken in to the adoption structure. To find where my Y-DNA was at the time of adoption, is was compared to surnames which did not have as large as SNP diversity as the surname El(l)iot(t), like Gresham (Grisham, Grissom of Norfolk), Cave (north and south, Cave, East Riding Yorkshire), and Scarborough of England. This showed likely surname adoption from Norfolk to most likely Yorkshire, Lincolnshire inclusive. The surnames Gresham (with variants), Cave, and Scarborough along North Sea, show near where my surname would likely have been adopted, and they had about 25% NPE like expected. When Y-DNA takes on surnames, it becomes a whole different model than that of not having surnames as with genetic statistic, as in the PoBI People of the British Isle, made up of a diverse group of genetic statistical scientist, extremely careful in their sampling procedures. Good sampling makes for good modeling, and dependable answers to SNP migration models for PoBI. In addition of surnames it becomes a whole other model. The more different the SNP, the more different places the surname evolved from. With about 75% of the same SNP, if the surname has locality, and census concentration is in the area, then it is almost certain the surname came from that locality. Census concentrations, do not move far from their original localities, unless there are something else such as battles for the surname Dunbar, border pacification for the Graham and Armstrong of Dabatable Lands, or being cut off from the port on the River Tweed, which once the border was set, travel into Scotland from the thriving community of Old Roxburgh, west of Kelso, for the Ker(r). The displacement from the Scottish Border, into west Scotland, unto Ulster, or across into England can be detected by the PoBI project, and Y-DNA distribution of matches of families which have been through it. Translation from the French; The Elliot Clan (Scotland) Posted on 25 June 2017 by jean david michon in history, Scotland, celtic Because my son’s name is Elliot …. The origin of the surname Elliot is obscure, perhaps due to much of the genealogy of the Eliott clan in Scotland. The Elliot Clan Society generally agrees that the name comes from the city and the Elliot River in Angus, Scotland. Other sources suggest that it may be derived from a French form of Elias, which is itself derived from the biblical name “Elijah”. Yet other sources claim that the Scottish names (Eliott, Elliot) comes from the transformation of the Elwold name. There are also writings in the Domesday Book of the name spelled “Ailiet”, thought to come from an old English name “Æþelgeat” (meaning “noble door”) and leading to English and Scottish the given name spelled “Eliat” , which in turn leads to the modern alternative spelling of the name “Elyot”. Legend has it that the extra “t” in Eliott arose when a branch of the Eliotts adopted Christianity. The “t” was actually meant to be a cross. According to the Viking folklore (Sagas) Elliot and Armstrong were the names of the first twin boys born to an Icelandic princess and begotten by a polar bear. Legend has it that they were the first Vikings and there is an oath of blood between the 2 brothers & the 2 clans, if ever one calls on the other in a time of need, they are bound by this oath, kill or die for the other. There is an old Christian tradition in the Elliot clan, to baptize all male infants, plunging their entire bodies, by the right arm. In the event that they ever have to kill for the clan, they must do it with their right arm only, and remove that arm, before (or at the time of) death, in order to respond to their creator with a clear conscience. Hence the right arm holding the cutlass or falchion on the emblem. Their motto is: FORTITER AND RECTE is in French “COURAGEUSEMENT, AND JUST TITLE ….. The Lord is my God (Elijah in Hebrew). Keith Elliot Hunter16 / 07/2017 14: 00Answer The results of the Elliot DNA Project show that the Elliot are of Celtic-Breton origin. The name is the result of the ‘deformation by francization’ of the oldest Breton name Elegoët, which is itself a variant of the name Halegouët or Halgoët, the other variants are Allegouet, Elegouet, Alleouet, Elleouet, Helliot, Aliot etc. The Alliott and Allott variants are mainly found in Yorkshire, Lincolnshire and Lancashire. All Elliot (Eliot, Eliott or Elliott) are the descendants of the Breton mercenaries who participated in the conquest of England by William the conqueror, Duke of Normandy, in 1066. Gives reason for me at this time to be Armstrong. Like the Cowie of Gorrenberry, being from Germany, I do not exist, and unlike the unvanquished Armstrong, the Crozier as a clan, and Gorrenberry as a line of the Elliott has been vanquished.
The language of Reivers, is in Counties Antrim, and Down, of the original Gaelic-Argyllian oriented Scottish highlanders, such as the O’Neils, MacDonalds and Campbells. Minding Our Language – Ulster-Scots (Part 1) BBC 1630 Ulster Muster shows Border names in Antrim and Down; for Scott use Scot, for Elliot use Ellot, and for Kerr use Carr. Scott The surname Scot which became Scott is major in size among border reivers and found concentrated in Antrim in Down, which shows many today with the surname Scott, moved from the borders of Scotland to Antrim and Down Counties, and brought their Scottish of the borders with them. For the Elliott, the Anglican-Episcopalian, came to the English Plantations from county Fermanagh, the Presbyterian from counties Antrim and Down.
Felt needed to share this with Elliot(t), group, brought to my attention by Allan Scott in Border Reiver group; Allan Scott, Mark Elliot i just stumbled accross this thought id Post for you Download the PDF see page 141 Thank you so much. A new one me Gaelic Elliott, of MacElligott now McElligott; some becoming Elliott. Co Kerry the most southwest county of Ireland. Cork to it’s east extends a bit further south.  
Rich Rucker, Of this group Rucker Armstrong b.1770, d. aft 1831, Augusta/Greenbr VA This it is felt by me one of the finest question asked by someone, and both Rich Rucker and I were kicked out of the Armstrong group, though my membership is in the Armstrong clan, because they except the Crozier as Allies, and the Elwald line. One can be lead by the Armstrong, but you are only fooling yourself if you think they can be lead. Rich Google “Clan Armstrong”, go to images, and see how well your question rates with the Armstrong. Those who head the DNA do not lead the clan. Czech Republic-Czechia is showing in another study as being strong. Note; I like to be on the conservative side with my numbers. For the family name Rücker there are a total of 124 entries in the Reichstelefonbuch of 1942. MDA Johannes Rucker (Rücker), d.1514 Rothenburg, Germany. One marker off in 25 markers. Over 800 years to be conservation, should be related. Armstrong in shows Germany as on place of the Fair Bear variant story, which follows into the Anglo-Danish, north of the I-M253 Fairbairn, and the Dabatable Lands, unto Fermanagh Ulster. Rich you and I seem to correlate well with “The Chronicles”.
Elliott split to North, county Antrim, where the Gaelic Speaking Argyll Scots, were many generations of County Argyll Scotland, and County Antrium Ulster referred to as the first Scotti. Antrim and Down, of the Gaelic Highland Scots, and of the Border Scots, is the place where the language of the border Scots is preserved today. Scots in region became Presbyterian. The family of my line went to Fermanagh, and we were Anglican, many later on Episcopalian, the Methodists. This too is a region of Armstrong, and Elliott. It is felt that the Argyll, and Border Elliott Y-DNA is both found where the Ulster-Scots is spoken today, in the northern Ulster Counties. It is not that you are of Argyll, as an Elliott but the Argyll Y-DNA, and Elliott Y-DNA share Ulster-Scot speaking counties such as Antrim, Down, and Donegal, of Ulster. Being of Fermanagh, do not quite fit the description, of having my Y-DNA in group, but if you have any relatives of North Carolina, you may want to consider; The admin is great, but that co-admin is sure questionable.
Name spelling brought to attention by James V. Elliott, Thomas Elwold, Elwolde, or Elwoulde, of Queens College Glasgow in the fifteenth century; 
AT TIME OF BORDER PACIFICATION, WITH THE MAKING OF THE MIDDLE SHIRES BY KING JAMES THE SIX OF SCOTLAND, WHO BECAME ALSO KING JAMES THE FIRST OF ENGLAND, THERE WHERE TWO GROUPS OF ELLIOTT IN THE KINGDOMS; The Briton Aristocratic, Barony ELIOT, and the Elwald, Anglo-Scandinavian ELLOT of the the Borders and Angus. After border Pacification and extermination of the Border ELLOT, and even extermination of The Cowie of Gorenberry, it seems like the only ELIOT left behind in today’s Scotland are the Breton Eliot, ELIOT. The Armstrong of the UK recognize CLAN CROZIER and The Elwald, ELLOT, so today I am an Armstrong, because the Armstrong and the Crozier are family and what I am is a family historian, a genealogist. Not a historian, or not someone which figures family history can be done by only using DNA measurements. It is said a borderer puts family before kingdom, so I guess I take pride in being a borderer, and the UK Armstrong are of my family, and they migrated along with my family. One does genealogical research to find there way back home, but on the ancestral borderlands they are trying to desecrate my ancestral lands of Gorrenberry, with industrial electric turbines, of a Windy Edge wind farm. Been able to find my way back home to northern Germany. Guess in the borderlands excepting the Armstrong and Bauld Buccleuch, which I call “Buck”, and some of those Scott. it seems like there is not a need to preserve heritage for future generations. So in the borders among the aristocratic, barony oriented Eliot, not Elliot, like they may think they are, because the Elliot are of Elwald-Ellot origins, not of the Breton Eliot origins. In what is felt vanquished Elwald-Ellot of the borderlands, still the Cowie of Gorrenberry, even though they think I died off, with the Gorrenberry Ellot, at the time of death there were Gorrenberry Ellot living in Tullykelter, Ulster. Though the Armstrong are the Unvanquished, with the unvanquished one must have the vanquish, and guess like my many great Daniel Elliot banished from both kingdoms in 1607, I am also like Clan Crozier, which adopted me like my many great Clementis Hobs, of Gorrenberry, am of the vanquished. Garrett Hellenthal – The Genetic History of the United Kingdom: the POBI (People Of the British Isles) project; youtube slide presentation on above study, shows how info was gathered and what it does or could it basically mean. University College London (UCL).
 1/2/2018 MSE
Ray Irwin, wanted to have Dale Dodds, see this amazing piece of research done by Clan Irwin Surname DNA Study- Background FTDNA James M Irvine, group administrators, which included Dodd/Todd, in their separation out of the NPE Non Parental Events, showing a linkage to the Clans along the borders, best known as Border Reivers. Both Carruther, on the west border and Fairbairn on the east border show a strong I-M253 impact, which may give some credence of the Armstrong-Fairbairn story.
1/10/2018 MSE
Combining genealogy, and SNP DNA, testing by FTDNA Big-Y and outside resources. One can get Big-Y results through other labs besides Family Tree DNA. Using these results to verify branch points, at documented date of Daniel Elliot of Salem Trials of March 28, 1692, for Daniels, first son Daniel, and sixth son of seven Johnathan which I am descended from, plus an older brother to Daniels father Daniel which is Robert, gives a branch point for the Boyling Rock , Portsmouth, NH, and cross river, Eliot Neck, Kittery, Maine, Baptist, which were baptized in Boston, and went down to Charles Town (Charleston) SC, and started those southern Baptize. Yes, the southern Baptize have roots in Boston, MA, with R-U106 Elliot in them.
1/12/2018 MSE
R-M269>U106>S12025>S16361>A6722+, also included without testing SNPs should be the same as mine, that is of James Donald Elliott listed commissioner for the Arizona Clan Elliot Society. Fourth cousins, James Donald Elliott, and my father Loren Spencer Elliott, decease about two years ago, are listed in the 2010 Elliot Clan Society directory. Once removed from James Donald Elliott, which has test 37 markers, in 37 markers we are as distance of one off. Addition; though son James of Daniel should be included in tree. Added 2/9/2019; It should be noted that from my understanding, James Donald, did not take the SNP tests, so it was proper to not include him, because other were not included, but would sample as I did.
1/13/2018 MSE
….., this may show you from which group utilized the Yseq for their sampling, from the Border Reiver FTDNA group. FTDNA shows how far downstream these individuals were tested. Because they were suggest by tester to utilize Yseq, showing it would cost less, the results are not recorded as their FTDNA values. This would show a result of, would also be S16361 or downstream, A6719, A6722, or A6724, and for individuals such as Robert P. Elliott, and anyone overseeing FTDNA projects such as R-U106 to keep the data line out of publication. As a branch point and since I paid for the DATA, Robert P. Elliott or anyone associated to the Scotland, and, R-U106 FTDA groups as administrators or co-administrators, are not approved by me to use my data-base of over 2,000 individuals, (it should be noted other people, not the LDS, have placed dad’s recent information online. For computer security, do not give genealogical information.)or my FTDNA results, in any of their published studies until I am reinstated into the Scotland FTDNA group, and the above individuals are listed with their downstream results via Fseq testing of at least S16361, and noted that they have an equivalent for SNP testing as the Big-Y. Particularly I myself, as a family history genealogist, not a lab tester like the those administrators of R-U106 FTDNA which are acting like they are testing mice, for publication, which want the SNP information to be their own, not of those of the Daniel Testimony Group which purchase it. This is a strong indicator, that they want a monopoly of the information over other “so called” academics. It is enough to be refugees of a witch trail then to go through this corporate pseudo genealogical test from so called academics, and pay for the information because of we are family oriented. For those academics to get the full results of the data, because, we of the Daniel group were doing the study for family, by paying for the study, and not being told the results would not show up on FTDNA.
Note; Only one individual is listed with R-S16361. Who do you suppose that is?
1/15/2018 MSE
1/16/2018 Mark Stephen Elliott
Lineage-sheet-by-James-Donald-Elliott In 2010 both James Donald Elliott, and dad, Loren Spencer Elliott (4th cousins), were proud to be an active part of the Elliott Clan Society. Dad, died about 2 years ago, and this is a link to his genealogical
material which I have embellished. genealogy-by-dad-Loren-S-Elliott 
The Armstrong, the father of the clan chief and it is felt that the Clan Eliott Chief also, recognizes the Elwald-Ellot line of today’s Elliott, which I am apart of. Migrating with Armstrong, from Germany as Anglo-Dane, into Northumbria, then became apart of the Scottish borderlands, when a border was placed between, Scotland and England. Family was adopted by an ie Clement Crozier, living on Gladstanis lease land, previous to purchase by my family, of Horsleyhill. He became known as Clementis Hobs, and moved to Gorranberry, with and Archie “Keen” Elliott. Rejected as Armstrong similar to what happen to the Jews, during WWII, banish from both kingdoms, as many Elliott were to make way for a Middle Shires, moved on to Ulster, Fermanagh, where Neil Armstrong’s family is from, then on to Sutton, MA, USA living near a Martin Armstrong.Do things by measurement, and recognition. Since online; has this link; inseated of; which censors freedom of speech, and does not recognize Clan Crozier, like the Armstrong, my membership, unlike dad’s Loren Spencer Elliott is not in the Elliot Clan Society, but in the Armstrong Clan Society. Though I have the surname Elliott, it does not make me an Elliott, when Clan Crozier, and the Elwald-Ellot, line is not accepted by Clan Elliott, but Clan Armstrong. Do you know what it makes me an Armstrong, and I am proud of. To the Clan Elliot Society, it makes me a “Cowie of Gorrenberry”, something in the past they said that died, but were at the time living in Ulster. The Gorrenberry Elwald-Ellot line and Clan Crozier, as far as the Armstrong the Unvanquished are concerned are vanquished to Clan Elliot Society, excepting for the chief, which branches into the line. Best, I can figure it she is my seventeenth cousin, twice removed.
before 1/23/2018 Refuse to have those German elk (moose), coming in from Poland out doing me. After all my name of Elwald to Ellot to Elliot to Elliott, is a form of “the elk of the woods”, can not allow those dang moose coming in from Poland to Berlin, can not have them out do me, period. Lehne es ab, dass die deutschen Elche (Elche), die aus Polen kommen, mich erledigen. Nach meinem ganzen Namen von Elwald zu Ellot zu Elliot zu Elliott, ist eine Form von “der Elch der Wälder”, kann nicht zulassen, dass dang Elch kommen von Polen nach Berlin, kann sie nicht aus mir tun, Punkt. By using a distribution for the name Rücker instead of the later Rucker and Ruecker, one can see surname localities in Czechia, the Czech Republic, which before finding the distributin is where because then surname distribution for the German “Elch”, English “Elk”, and Dannish “Elg”, which in North America is indigeneous northeast Canada influence to the meaning of “moose”, being an area of likely habitate for the creature. Chose it for the beginning of the personal surname which likely is one of the three. One off in twenty-five markers in many more than thirty generations, one nears 100% of being related to this Rücker to Rucker then Ruecker.
1/23/2018  MSE
“I REMAIAN UNVANQUISHED!”, by William Stephenson

Chronicles of the Armstrongs; by Armstrong, James Lewis

2/21/2018 MSE

2/28/2018 MSE