Brigham ‘This is the Place’ genealogy with DNA applied

Chronicles of the Armstrongs; : Armstrong, James Lewis MD: Free Download, Borrow, and Streaming : Internet Archive

The History of Liddesdale, Eskdale, Ewesdale, Wauchopedale and the … – Robert Bruce Armstrong – Google Books

The History of Liddesdale, Eskdale, Ewesdale, Wauchopedale and the … – Robert Bruce Armstrong – Google Books

Chronicles of the Armstrongs; : Armstrong, James Lewis MD: Free Download, Borrow, and Streaming : Internet Archive

I would like to thank BYU for their concerns. It was a company from Brigham City, Utah that concluded that the O-rings on the Challenger Shuttle could be causing problems. Hamiltonian-Royalist, Cromwellian Cambridge, Puritan prisoner of war indenture-slave at Otter Neck on the Sudbury River (now Saxonville, MA). The thoughts of genealogists and engineers are shared thoughts. As a graduate engineer from U of U, had taken the standard engineering knowledge of the strength and materials course.

Second in line teacher on the Space Challenger, was a math teacher who quit teaching math. Mark Stephen Elliott

Dr. Willie Black, Chancellor of the Black Student Alliance in 1969, on the Black 14 |

Dr. Black: The Black Student Alliance had an office. So I’m sitting in this office on Friday morning, I look up, Ron Hill, Mel Hamilton and Tony McGee said, We’re off the team. Hey, Willie, man—we’re off the team!

Daniel-Elliot-typed-copy-1.jpg (849×1099) (

Guy Hewitt: Barbados remembers Scots heritage on St Andrew’s Day | The Scotsman

named – Map your surname across the UK (

Gates Surname Origin, Meaning & Last Name History (

Chronicles of the Armstrongs; : Armstrong, James Lewis : Free Download, Borrow, and Streaming : Internet Archive


For dad, a Watershed Planning Engineer Soil Conservation Service, US Department of Agriculture for the State of Iowa, family historian, and duplicate bridge player;

Первой женой была Уотсон, мормонка, поэтому ее бросил хороший друг и сокурсник, вернувшийся миссионер Церкви Святых последних дней. У него было горское имя, поэтому он, возможно, не знал, что я происходил от самого печально известного пограничного рейвера в Лиддесдейле, чья слава распространилась на Ольстерскую Ирландию, Clement’s Hobs (сын сестры Клемента Крозье Роберт Эллиотт). Таким образом, мне нужно было дважды окунуться, чтобы это произошло.

Скотты получили свое название от того, что были гэльскими шотландцами, но жили за пределами этого района. Один из них называется шотландцем, потому что он (фамилии идут по нему) родом из этого гэльского региона. Многие из Scott и Montgomery несут J-M172, а с Грэма с английской стороны границы несут J-M267. Эллиот женился на семьях Скоттов и даже Грэмов.

Завоеватели заставляют замолчать людей, которые не говорят об истории «статус-кво», но беженцы мигрируют ДНК. Отец мамы Барна, был венгерской империей, австрийско-греческим гальцийским католиком, как и евреи проекта «Айвенго». Со стороны матери был брак между католиком из ее семьи и евреем. Моя семья настолько ужасна, что нам нужно как-то улучшить запасы.

Хотя мое второе имя Стивен принадлежит венгерско-австрийскому греко-католическому происхождению в Галиции, мое имя Марк Эллиотт кажется еврейским. Марк Цукерберг (немец куча сахара) с именем Марк еврей, а основателя Генеалогического древа ДНК зовут его сын Эллиотт, и он еврей. Поэтому я полагаю, что Марк Эллиотт должен быть еврейским именем. Всегда задавался вопросом, почему кто-то еврей назвал сына в честь печально известной пограничной семьи, о которой писал сэр Вальтер Скотт? По крайней мере, мой племянник и его жена не использовали пресловутое пограничное имя. Они назвали своего сына Авраамом.

«Горнило» () — пьеса американского драматурга Артура Миллера 1953 года. Это театрализованная и частично беллетризованная история судебных процессов над салемскими ведьмами, которые проходили в колонии Массачусетского залива в 1692-93 годах. Миллер написал пьесу как аллегорию маккартизма, когда правительство Соединенных Штатов преследовало людей, обвиняемых в том, что они коммунисты. Миллер был допрошен Комитетом Палаты представителей по антиамериканской деятельности в 1956 году и осужден за неуважение к Конгрессу за отказ идентифицировать других присутствующих на встречах, на которых он присутствовал.

Биография Ранние годы
Миллер родился 17 октября 1915 года в Гарлеме, в нью-йоркском районе Манхэттен, вторым из трех детей Августы (Барнетт) и Исидора Миллера. Миллер был евреем и польско-еврейского происхождения. Его отец родился в Радомысль-Вельках, Галиция (тогда часть Австро-Венгрии, ныне Польша) ,..


Ваше имя пользователя или IP-адрес были заблокированы лидером WikiTree.
Начало блока: 21:01, 14 мая 2018
Предназначено для: Elliott-11757

Подозрение на нарушение: умышленное добавление ложной информации

Следует отметить, что когда Wikitree исключил семью, а затем использует загрузки, которые я предоставил, они больше не могут рассматриваться специально для расширения моей семьи Elliott Y-DNA действительным генеалогическим сайтом.

Америка, похоже, вернулась в эпоху маккартизма. Когда они обвиняли евреев и заносили их в черный список как коммунистов или пуритан Массачусетса в повешении ведьм, чтобы заставить их замолчать.


Thursday, August 4th: 7pm – Ceremonial Evening Parade Saturday August 13th: 10am – Ceremonial Morning Parade Route: Downtown Gallup”.

Usually Gallup’s parade it the Thursday before the Saturday parade, and was informed by what I take it were some of Gallup’s street people it would be next Saturday.

So, got lucky and was able to see Nancy Wade an old friend at the corner where I wanted to take photo’s Her husband is ten years less a day old than me. Birth is October 22, 1949, his birth is October 23, 1939. Mom’s Alma’s death October 22, 1917, that is why I could not have it put on the stone. Her husband attended the Gallup engineer’s group, and Plateau Sciences with Nancy. They are of a different political party then I.

As we get old one looses there memory, in this process they try to pass on to the following generations their knowledge of their family history. Today I’m putting it on the web, but only those which utilize search engines not inundated by capitalistic advertising, and can search through will find it.

The GRAND MOMS (mothers of Mormon sons) are at the top of this, but they all had daughters; should not say this to those of BYU, but they do not have the ‘Y’ in them.

For some reason to have a son there also have to be these people without the ‘Y’ in them.

The BYU DNA GUIDE TEAM, ‘You Can Do DNA’ people, none on the team with the ‘Y’ in them. Do not know if they would allow a ‘family genealogist’, though he attended the U of WY, an U of UT, to associate with their team, but I do have the ‘Y’ in me.

The head of the team kind of ignored me at RootsTech 2020, handed her the card Google ‘Brigham DNA’ ; genealogy with DNA applied, though would today suggest the use of Microsoft Bing for genealogical research. Could be bias towards Microsoft since it was founded in New Mexico.




During the time Daniel Elliott my many great and biological Y-DNA great the Harvard educated which Puritans which silenced people by hanging them as witches. Today they really could not be using the same techniques, because to be and US American people as the indigenous ones of Russia DNA for seeking and searching of traditional scientists, genealogists, and Quakers. The Harvard Puritan also considered those traditional Quakers witches. It these people as not Union Jack Tories, but US Constitution Americans, they believe in freedom of religion and speech, it is by behavior one can tell whether people are genealogists, or scientists. Using behavior measurement is referred to as being behavioral scientist. On who refers to another as a liar, and silences them is not a genealogist or scientist. Though people would like to kick people out of their family. If it is done with genetic geology, and you share the same DNA they are family. To find other family one must not also kick out the in-laws though a lot of people would like to. Figure those which thought they silenced me, would not like the Grand MOMS, check my links, which gave me a lot of time to feed the internet with images containing text, the search engines go to fast to pick-up text, and Google doing to many Ads which slants their genealogical searching outcome. The genealogist will go to browsers not capitalistic ad based, and influenced by corporate profits.

The computer does not know who are owners at first of the dot coms. After awhile images coming from particular dot coms as shared on other sites. For Google the advertisers are influencing the outcome.

With genealogy, to find new family, one must find new information, and that does not come from within, but without. The conquers are of the ‘status quo’, unify to write the history, but the refugees migrate the DNA. Family histories not the unified histories of dictatorial conquerors, the history from the grandmas is the more accurate history.

Thanks for help from the Jewish founders of Family Tree DNA, and Facebook and their Jewish Brazilian Portuguese speaking analytically oriented co-founders, for setting up Family Tree DNA with published data bases, With long term planning as dad was in being a Watershed Planning Engineer for the Soil Conservation Service, US Dept of Agriculture of the Dept of Interior, could plan decades in advance, given some life span likelihood, though younger brothers are deceased, folks live to 92.

Knowing people likely would kick me out of the blogs, ownership and operations of my own domains, I would be the one in charge of kicking myself off of,, and Though people may say a single person can not and own three links at age 72, the computer does not know who in particular is one the computer. There are sure a lot of students from BYU Brigham Young University, the only school, (it is not Harvard), which I know has a four year program in genealogy. Strong school of nursing (genetics), language (surname entomology), has a student body which the men called RM’s (returned missionaries) have traveled worldwide, even go to the Gallup, NM, Ceremonial, which out next is our hundredth, and these young men will be welcomed because Gallup, the most patriot small town in United State, besides like all US Americans those Union-Jack Tories may not believe, we believe in freedom of speech and religion.

Irish Origenes founded by Dr Tyrone Bowes surname WALSH.

100th (

Lousia Maria Mark oldest in Elliott Rose Hill plot Mt. Ayr, IA, father Rev. Mark, buried nearby in Kellerton, and husband Rev. Elliott buried in nearby Middle Fork.

Cromwell may have used Irish to drain the Fens.



Though I utilize; LivingDNA, MyHeritage, Ancestry, 23andMe, GedMatch, in the past have utilized WikiTree and FTDNA. Was kicked off WikiTree, they feel that a retired math-science-computer instructor second generation genealogists, of and established known genealogist, is not truthful. Family Tree DNA has taken me off also. Unlike WikiTree which is free and does not do DNA testing, not able to utilize my date in comparison to others; LivingDNA, MyHeritage, Ancestry, 23andMe. Been utilizing YSEQ, for DNA testing, as verification of Family Tree DNA, for mtDNA, and Y-DNA. For SNP, FTDNA went down as far as R-S16361, 23andMe obtained the same results, but with YSEQ I was able to go down the R-S16361 two more steps. R1b-U106>….>S16361>A6719>A6722.

Family Tree DNA though the product is purchased by you, it should be noted that they do take the product away from their buyers and consumers, and for some Y-DNA SNP they may not have advanced their test levels below what 23andMe are able to obtain.

Though autosomally, it is a sports-bracket family-tree, with just the Y-DNA it is a single line a path one which carries that particular Y-DNA travels on. The social-studies, people utilize silencing like Puritan Harvard on witches, the scientists-genealogists share and puzzle together information. Scientists can today communicate in math and diagrams, with translators any language can be used. The non scientists are dependent on language and will correct the spelling, and not the sig figs first.

Was pitching in a help on a Clan Crozier link for Wiki, but was kicked off. Descended from a Clementis Hobs (Clement Crozier’s sister’s son Robert Elliott), so created

A engineer with long term planning in the decades, can as a mine engineer, and as dad and agricultural civil engineer, set parameters, feed the the text, and images within graphic, and allow the image sharing of people on the internet take place. The ones which silence do not check links, the family genealogists-scientists will share those important to their particular families. Genetic-genealogical-science will be in the hands of the families, and by their action they know now YOU CAN DO DNA.

Family Tree DNA Sale, MyHeritage Transfers and Hurricane Fundraiser | DNAeXplained – Genetic Genealogy (

Обзор генеалогического древа ДНК | Обзор теста FTDNA для семейной истории

Найдите свою семью.


The history of the Brigham family; a record of several thousand descendants of Thomas Brigham the emigrant, 1603-1653, by Brigham, Willard Irving Tyler, 1859-1904; Brigham, Emma E. (Emma Elizabeth), b. 1852, ed; Brigham, William E. (William Erastus), b. 1865, joint ed Pub 1907

History I  Etymology and English place names of the  surname BRIG-HAM

RootsTech 2022 Highlights

Azumah Nelson RootsTech 2022.



Tullykelter Castle – Wikipedia

Google for me seems to scamble Wikipedia, so having to open the above link in Microsoft Bing search.

Would like to present topic, Genealogy with DNA applied, at next session RootsTech 2023. As an old guy, and an amateur family historian – genealogists do not known who to contact. After all Bobby Jones was an amateur golfer and isn’t the history for the family. Why shouldn’t a family genealogist do a presentation on applying DNA to the family search?



To young to vote, when I saw him in Souix City, Iowa running against Kennedy for 1960. Voted along with Massachusetts for McGovern in 1972.

Richard Milhous (Milhauz, Scotland) Nixon

Muster Roll for Tullyhogue (Tullaghoge) 1610 Transcribed by Teena NIXON-ELLOTT

In 1610 Tullyhogue Rolls;
David THOMPSON sword and David THOMSON
spellings Thompson and Thomson may be interchangeable.
David is used in roles by Thompson, Thomson, and English.
David is more English than Scottish. It is felt that the
surname ‘English’, was given In 1610 Tullyhogue Rolls;
David THOMPSON sword and David THOMSON
spellings Thompson and Thomson may be interchangeable.
David is used in roles by Thompson, Thomson, and English.
David is more English than Scottish. It is felt that the
surname ‘English’, was give because an English, lived
among the ‘Scottish’. On of Kentucky for instance would
not be called ‘Kentucky’, if living in Kentucky.
So the David Thompson and Thomson, likely father and son. an English, lived
among the ‘Scottish’. On of Kentucky for instance would
not be called ‘Kentucky’, if living in Kentucky.
So the David Thompson and Thomson, likely father and son.

Scots-Irish Links, 1575-1725 David Dobson · 2009 · ‎III.83] MCDILSHENDER, ANDREW, in Tullyhogue, County Tyrone, 1610. [Tullyhogue Muster Roll]


Note; the spellings M’DILSHENDER and  ELLOTT are the correct spellings in the 1610 Ulster muster. The ‘i’ in Ellott was not added to about 1650, the time of the Cromwellian Civil War.

In Tyrone 1610 Ulster Plantation, it is likely, that my ancestors the Ellott (correct 1610 muster Ulster spelling) knew the ancestors of Richard M. Nixon the Nixon.
Tullyhogue, Cookstown, UK Google-maps
Cappagh, Dungannon, UK Google-maps

Note; the spellings M’DILSHENDER and  ELLOTT are the correct spellings in the 1610 Ulster muster. The ‘i’ in Ellott was not added to about 1650, the time of the Cromwellian Civil War.

Если взять лося-самца с ваших земель, а затем поместить этого лося в юго-западном углу Колорадо, в районе Четырех Углов, где я видел коровьего лося, произведет ли лось теленка?

In 1593 the Armstrong, Elliott, and Scott (Buccleuch), sided with the Johnston(e), (Scots spelling Johnstone, Ulster spelling Johnston), in a feud against the Maxwell. The surnames Johnston, Armstrong, and Elliott are in the top 5 surnames of Maguire, now Fermanagh County, which is Anglican, not Presbyterian, Ireland.

Chronicles of the Armstrong 1593 Johnston-Maxwell feud. p.259

In 1596 the Armstrong, Elliott, Scott (Buccleuch), and Bell, were in on the rescue of Kinmont Willie Armstrong from Carlisle Castle.

Chronicles of the Armstrong 1596 Rescue of Kinmont Wille. p.261

Lady friend of wife, has a Mitochondrial DNA, of Nigeria, and a R1a as recalled from uncle surname, McKissic, of the UK McKissick, the “k” was dropped.
Scottish Prisoners of the Civil Wars (Dunbar and Worcester) – Y-DNA Classic Chart
N121928 McKusick John McKissick b.1719 and d.1745 Scotland R-Y22972
A lot of Scots-Irish from Ulster fought against Cromwell, in the Cromwellian Civil War then were sent about 1650 as indentured-slaves to the plantations of the West Indies. Likely intermarried with people from Africa, which were sent as slaves to the West Indies.
With a surname of Gates, this is something which needs to be looked at.
















Dad’s auto-somal mainly America, mom’s mainly Europe;


Family history of Miles & Maria (Purnell) Mark : by Loren S. Elliott,1890:Marke,1890:Ellwardt,1890:Salker,1890:S%C3%A4lker,1890:Witczak

Though I have purchase mtDNA, Y-DNA 111 markers and lowest downstream SNP R-16361 which equivocates that which 23andME supplied, but with YSEQ was able to; S16361 YSEQ&FTDNA > A6719 FTDNA recognizes  through their R-U106 blog but does not sell, YSEQ sells> A6722,24 YSEQ sells.  Family Tree does not allow me access to these purchases, so am putting emphasis on auto-somally; Ancestry, LivingDNA, MyHeritage, 23andME researching my mothers line of mother’s mom Ryan of Ireland, and Barna (Hungarian for Brown, of Galicia Poland/Slovakia).

Toplum Genetiği (

Family Tree DNA Conferences | DNAeXplained – Genetic Genealogy (

Ramah; 𐐡𐐁𐐣𐐂 (reɪmɑː)



Place                                          Incidence Frequency Rank in Area
Northern Ireland                         6,505       1:284           18
Jamaica                                        11,091       1:259           46
Saint Kitts and Nevis                      106       1:521          115
Australia                                     25,498     1:1,059         104,-62.8366895,11z/
Alexander Hamilton, is from Nevis Island which has a Charleston on it.



Place                                          Incidence Frequency Rank in Area

Northern Ireland                       3,893         1:474           58
Jamaica                                     3,102          1:925         173
Saint Kitts and Nevis                  193          1:286          66
Australia                                23,796          1:1,134        112
My Elliott family were Charles II Hamiltonian Royalists, which fought against the Cromwellian Puritans, which built Harvard College.
Enslaved Cromwellian Civil War POW’s which a Tory (they need to ‘tar and feather’ them as my ancestors did at time of rebellion around 1776) Cromwellian Parliament laughs at sending POW Scots as indentured slaves to the American Colonies.
At least the people indigenous were really nice to the first Elliot immigrant.
The Irish of Ulster were good to us also, but Cromwell exterminated them.

The indigenous Americans, mainly Navajo, some Zuni, plus the Mormons in the region as far as family history is concern, like I do practice free speech. To have me admin by those which supported the Union of the Crowns, is like having the Nazis winning WWII, then admin the Jews on their family history.


Tullykelter Castle




This is dedicated to the religious pioneers in genealogy, which migration through the United Kingdom utilizing the Brigham UK surname as an example, symbolized by the Brigham 1847 pioneers immigrating down Immigration Canyon into the valley of  The Great Salt Lake.  Where today is found the genealogical Family History Library Salt Lake City, Utah, based on the concept of record search and sharing to find family.

Family history, is for family.

For Mom and Dad and younger brothers, and a new decade 2020; 

Alma & Loren Elliott obituary Published in Des Moines Register on Mar. 25, 2018

mtDNA from mom (Troy, NY; Ireland-UK-north Germany-Sweden/Finland.)

Y-DNA from dad (Mt. Ayr, IA; New England Colony-Ulster Ireland-neither kingdom but the Borders-Danish north Germany-Germany.)

For Auld Lang Sang and a new decade of 2020, (12/16/2020 MSE)









Front of Family History Library FHL, Salt Lake City,Utah.


How family members are being successful at family history;

  1. The family knows best.
  2. Listen to others, especially of the opposite sex, to make family.
  3. Do not in a family search, get rid of the in-laws, though you may want to.
  4. Families fight, and likely not just one answer is correct, in the history.
  5. If the family’s history is done properly one does not get to pick their ancestors.


Though, in 1965, I could remember visiting Salem, Massachusetts, and sites of the trials, as my father presented the concept of many great testifying at in the trials, with no interest sustained in what, Loren Spencer Elliott, had to say. He is difficult to disagree with when it comes to genealogy. From Gallup, New Mexico, to the First Church of Salem, Massachusetts, to digitize a record previous to the Salem Witch Trials in 1688, which verifies that Mary Lambert is not the wife of Daniel Elliot, which left testimony for the Salem Trials;

Difficult-to-Transcribe-plus-Confusion-and-a-Result-with-Clarification (1)

Sometimes it with accurate documentation, people who feel they are of authority, will interpret out of the utmost accuracy, that the testimony is a lie. In genealogy, this creates a lie out of what is accurately portrayed a genealogical block in the family research. With the high authorities of the Salem Trials this created nineteen innocent hangings with one being crushed.

The true family genealogist, is the one of their family’s genealogy. The false genealogist is one outside the family which feels that family member is a liar.

The approach of integrating DNA into genealogical research is needed to be proper, and by the family themselves. It is getting these days which non genealogists because true family genealogists share information, are trying to monopolize sizable amount of family information by creating DNA blocks, of people they are doing research for, but excluding information showing family links. Like my father Loren Spencer Elliott before me I like to share family history with family, that is what family historians do. He did go to a cost of doing this by printing mainly on a dot-matrix printer and distributing. His information was put online but not by the privacy standards of The Church of Latter Day Saints; Family History Library and Centers or their online site;, which the living are excluded. So when I share, it digitally (it was at first dad’s cost deceased at 92, Loren Spencer Elliott’s cost now it is at my cost; Mark Stephen Elliott, at over 70) with information added by the next generation, going back in time, am following in dad’s footsteps. The people I been adding are many generations deceased.

When people share family history information on a DNA genealogical blog, and an individual is kicked out for sharing information, then it is no longer genealogical blog. This controls the sample which the blog is taking information from, therefore creating a false genealogical output, though looked truthful,  creates history, but for family history is useless.  A family genealogist receives large amounts of information the extremely small amount picked out for their particular family is highly relevant, but may be total irrelevant for others including the blog’s administrator.

This is what my father put into the family history, on me his oldest of three sons, Mark Stephen Elliott;

Mark Stephen Elliott by Loren Spencer Elliott


Before the Family History Library was built in Salt Lake City, Utah, had been utilizing it for genealogical research to assist dad. It was something father and son could share at the time.

In a period of learning genealogy, it seems like people being paid to do research for others in the upper levels of the Church of Latter Day Saint’s Business Offices, took an interested because they knew my approach was that of a hobbyist, and historian for my family, where I was assisting father in research.

It should be noted that research was being done on the Franklin family.


We did donate research to the Family History Center, Mesa, AZ.

Note William Jesse Elliott is not in the 37 marker test, so the others are. Horton name excluded, six of the above are matched to 9 of the below. So three at the 37 marker match do not match me exactly for the first twelve markers. (10/4/2019 MSE). About one out of three. The three which gave marker placement in Ireland, Ray E. Elliott, does not show an exact twelve marker match.

Herbert Hoover Horton, NPE, likely of Daniel’s older brother’s branch Robert Elliot, out of Great Island, Portsmouth, NH-Kittery, ME region, migrated later seventeenth century to near Charleston, SC, to establish the Baptist in the southern states. (Added 10/3/2019 MSE).

William Elliot Baptist Maine to Charleston SC


Which did include Franklin Research.

Mesa Arizona FamilySearch Library

Where the donation is recorded in as above.

Which relates well to the surname, I received my first forename from. That is where I felt that the name Brigham came from a surname.


(Ringold, should be spelled Ringgold 9/19/2019)

My name Mark, of Mark Stephen Elliott, became a first name of granddad Mark Elliott, then became my first name also. Did know Emma Onna Rush Elliott.

Will  Elliott (William `Will’ Comfort Elliott, correction 9/30/2019 MSE), Emma E. (Emma Onna Rush Elliott, correction 9/30/2019 MSE), back row left, grandad Mark (grandma Ilah on his right) is keeling, the twins Lois and dad Loren are from center. Emma, Ilah, and Mark, Loren and Lois, I have known, AW [‘AW’-‘Al’ (Allamando Wilcox) correction 9/30/2019 MSE], was deceased when I was born. Jack came later.

(note: for some genetic color, Ilah, and oldest daughter Zoe, both have red hair)

In Rose Hill Cemetery, Mt. Ayr, Iowa, are the stones of William Comfort Elliott, AW Elliott, Emma Onna Rush Elliott, Ilah Melinda Spencer Elliott, shared with husband Mark (no middle name) Elliott. The oldest stone in the Elliott plot is that of; Louisa Marie Mark Elliott (added 9/30/2019 MSE).

Doris Emaline Elliott, Ilah’s first child died in 1920, before photo was taken, also in the Elliott plot (added 9/30/2019 MSE).

Rush Research by Loren S. Elliott

There are different types of DNAs;

Autosomal seems to be a lower cost, and it is felt by me the foremost DNA to utilized in genealogical research. An excellent video on autosomal DNA out of Salt Lake City;

You Can Do DNA – Christi Lynn Jacobsen, Dana Leeds, Diahan Southard  Learn about what they can do and what they can’t do, so that you can pick the right DNA test to best help you make more and meaningful connections in your genealogy.

A slide from video on comparing autosomal companies;

Meet Your DNA Guide Team;
Diahan Southard, Christi Jacobsen, Katie Ritchie, and Jayne Ekins ‘You can do DNA’, and now Sunny Morton.

Purpose of the Brigham surname UK migration, is to put the Y-DNA into the hands of family researchers.  YOU CAN DO DNA, as The DNA Guide Team says.

An excellent study, utilizing autosomal DNA, along with proper genetic sampling is;

Also a contributer;

Dana Leeds (method; cluster coloring)

Dana Leeds worked with DNA at the University of Oklahoma Health Sciences Center in the early 1990s while earning a degree in biology education. While helping with a case of unknown parentage in the summer of 2018, Dana developed an innovative method for sorting DNA matches that has proven helpful to those researching brick wall ancestors as well as those working with unknown parentage cases.

Ancestry Interviews Diahan Southard, Molecular Genealogist
Posted by Ancestry Team on January 29, 2016 in Website

PREVIEW: Getting Started in Genetic Genealogy May 24, 2016
Mitochondrial DNA exact matches only.

The question may be how far back can one go utilizing autosomal DNA?

The Rush family is not in my direct Y-DNA line so they will be utilized.

Comparison. Ancestry (older), to MyHeritage. Rush-Hammer on both. 11-24-2019


MyHeritage is integrated with Geni, addresses files. (12/10/2019 MSE)



With autosomal alone to my eighth cousin. Autosomal + Y-DNA back even further.


East Anglia FTDNA activity Rush

Mark Elliott,

Steve Rush, We have this thing more than half solved. Imaging a Rush from East Anglia, living in Australia, utilizing DNA, and going after one of the top genealogical problems of the day. Where is William Rush from in England, and today we can say it’s not Wales, and is most likely Suffolk, East Anglia. Still feel that the Rush of Anglia, and the Rusch of southern Denmark-northern Germany are of the same group. The spelling is felt not to travel, but the word pronunciation of “rush” travel over, then came into the written language, in Anglia, spelled Rush(e), in Denmark-Germany spelled Rusch.


Shows Johnson link to great grandmother Emma Ona Rush Elliott;

Should be noted that MyHeritage picks up this match, at Aaron Rush;

Mary Agnes Lucas (born Haines) Relation to you: 3rd cousin (daughter of Dorothy Maria Mooris 72% link).
As one can see using autosomal DNA even though the tree has been kept private, the connection for me is through Aaron Rush and Nancy Melvina Hammer. Isaac C. Rush, is different from Isaac W. Rush.
Like Steve Rush states, the DNA does not lie.
Steve Rush, (note; Rush Y-DNA from Suffolk, moved to Austria;…so are you’re mate.)
Like I said you get that A159663 (*lkje) from the Johnson research site nobody would expect me to have a 7cMs match with some one YOU at 2-3 hundred years so a 5.8 Cma is pretty interesting to me. I am related to Issac C Rush and his son Cyrus Rush and so are you Mate. and LISTEN WE ARE NOT related to DR Benjamin Rush Or Sir Thomas Rushe and you can shuffle your numbers and your files about all you like DNA does Not Lie. my ancestry Tree is RUSH STUFF 1 Steve Can not find any disagreement with what you have said above. Even found, Cyrus Hayden Rush, and Isaac C. (corrected to W. married to Jessie Mae Johnson of Johnson research using autosomal DNA Oct 2019) Rush in my family tree, along with a George Bedford Johnson (?, 10/2019). Steve, but how are we related?




Armstrong marrying into the house of Maguire.
DIAHAN SOUTHARD APRIL 2, 2015 DNA Reveals UK Genetic Roots
A new DNA study details the origins of UK residents of European ancestry.
Here’s why this matters to your genetic genealogy (even if that’s not your heritage). Note; The Scottish-English border, cuts across Northumberland families an their Northumberland autosomal DNA in the PoBI People of the British Isles UK rationalized study. Garrett Hellenthal – The Genetic History of the United Kingdom: the POBI project 43:02
….., all autosomal, done without surnames, plus sampling was regional for people an their ancestors. A international staff of scientist were utilized for the study. This kept the results of genetic locality, showing of language groupings at there highest level. A good explanation is by; 43:02 minutes Garrett Hellenthal (from Seattle, out of London (U of Oxford), surname is Hellenthal, ‘bright valley’ in western Germany) – The Genetic History of the United Kingdom: the POBI
Because Diahan Southard, is a genetic genealogists, she understands the science and the sampling procedures, along with the type of DNA which was sample, unlike pseudo historians with no scientific background which are trying to perpetuate a superior race base on the type of history subduing true science in the way Adolph Hitler may have used during WWII.
A perpetuation of a ‘status quo’, society by having non corrective false history, by falsifying the math and science to maintain it. For people to allow TIP calculation based on at the most two significant digits of measurement returning four significant digits of measurement is the type of false mathematics being utilized by FTDNA. They will correct the spelling, before they will correct the mathematics.


People of the British Isles showing DNA (Anglo-Saxon) coming from northern Germany.

Garrett Hellenthal – The Genetic History of the United Kingdom: the POBI project
DNA Lectures – Who Do You Think You Are Published on Jun 9, 2015

Garrett presents results from the People of the British Isles (POBI) project, an exploration of the fine-scale genetic architecture of …

The ‘People of the British Isles’ project and Viking settlement in England

Jane Kershaw and Ellen C. Røyrvik

Related to Benjamin Rush, dad recorded VA, others NC. At first I thought NC, but after looking at dad’s records now think VA. …. He did a lot of research on the Rush family, and knew great grandma Emma O. Rush when she was alive. Died at 96, as I can recall, and was at the funeral. 
It is felt that Busch becoming Bush is like the Rusch becoming Rush.
With Steve Rush, and Mark S. Elliott, sharing genealogical information were able to work back to 1635 Virgina, and further back in Suffolk, and tear down a major brick wall in Rush research.
Locating surnames;

Researching Family History: What’s in a name? Origins can offer a lot of family history
Russell Bangerter

Published: June 27, 2009 12:23 am DESERT NEWS, Salt Lake City, Utah.

Russell Bangerter, president of Ancestral Connections Inc.,

graduated from Brigham Young University with a degree in family history/genealogy. After an LDS mission to Scotland, he served 10 years in the U.S. Army Reserve and Idaho National Guard as chaplain’sassistant, where he worked with records.

Bangerter researches professionally, writes and compiles family history books, and enjoys lecturing on the subject. He can be contacted at

Lynn Broderick | Apr 17, 2018
What Is a Surname Distribution Map?

A course on advanced Hispanic Research is being offered at SLIG 2020 and is being coordinated by George R. Ryskamp, JD, AG, FUGA and Deborah S. Gurtler, AG.


It should be note that is is felt that because of it’s religious basis in genealogical research, and digitizing the Family History Library, Salt Lake City, Utah should be consider the standard basis for genealogy, by 1. genealogical searching methods, 2. privacy , 3. not adding extra siblings because of misspellings, 4. and that the family knows best.


From Otter Next to Salem Village;
Son born and died in Salem Village (dates give verification);
My grandmother’s first child Doris Emaline Elliott born 26 Jan 1918,
died 31 Sep 1920, from complications of whooping cough and pneumonia.
The death was noted by me when grandmother Ilah Melinda Spencer Elliott
went to her burial stone, at the burial of my great grandma Emma Ona Rush
Elliott died August first, and buried the third 1963. As with Doris though known
she was not considered in the count of siblings of Ilah, and Mark, the oldest
a daughter Zoe, then the twins Lois and Loren, and the youngest Jack.
So the child born April 26, 1689, and lost July 16, 1990 in Salem Village,
Massachusetts, is not considered in the count of the seven sons of H(anna)h, and Daniel(l), El(l)iot(t).
Philip English French Heugonaunt, freind to Gabriel Beron French Heugonaunt which stated the Plantation of (New) Oxford which Daniel Elliot settled to and built a mill, and Samuel Barton which also defended Elizabeth Proctor, in the Salem Trials, acquired a fourth of a mill of his, in the English settlers Oxford, MA.
Though some people may have Daniel Elliot killed in Casco Bay, Main in 1690, History of the town of Danvers, from its early ettlement to the year 1848 Published 1848 page 36 it is felt that the historian transcribed The New England Historical and Genealogical Register: Volume 36 1882 Page 188 Samuel Parris’s Records of Deaths at Salem Village, The birth July 16, 1691 which was a birth of Daniel Elliot’s son born 26 of April 1689 as shown above in the Salem Vitals, and died July 16, 1690; likely reason to be recorded in death records in 1691, it does bring into question July 16, 1690 or 1691 the year of the death. It seems to show other died in 1690 (1690 Expedition to Canada), so I would have a tendency to go with the Salem Vitals and use July 16, 1690, because the vitals states death at a year in age. Daniel Elliot of the Salem testimony did not as others may feel die at Casco Bay, Maine in 1690, it was his baby son which died.
Then to Salem End, land donated by Thomas Danforth, born
in Farmlingham, Suffolk, of Danforth Farms, one of the judges in Salem Trials.
When Framingham, MA was incorporated in 1700, it took in the vital statistics from Otter Neck (Stone’s End), and Salem End, from regions under incorporation.
28 of March in the year 1692 testimony of Daniel Elliot (Elot) of Salem Village, MA.
Source Citation Essex County Court Archives, vol. 1, no. 109, Massachusetts Supreme Judicial Court, Judicial Archives, on deposit James Duncan Phillips Library, Peabody Essex Museum, Salem, MA.
Records of the Salem Witch-Hunt (2009) No. 500: Testimony of Daniel Elliot for Elizabeth Procter
Aug. 5, 1692†
: Statement for 
The Salem Witchcraft Papers (1977) Vol. 2, p. 665: Daniel Elliott for Elizabeth Proctor
Woodward’s Records of Salem Witchcraft (1864) Vol. 1, pp. 115-117: Daniel Elliott for Eliz Proctor
Levin’s What Happened in Salem? (1960) p. 64: Daniel Elliott for Elizabeth Proctor.


Because people of authority in Salem Village, MA, did not believe, my many great, which has been research down the line of first son Daniel, and by father down the line of the sixth son Jonathan, with closely matching Y-DNA, on both lines. Nineteen innocent individuals were hung, and one was crushed, because people of authority did not believe my many great Daniel Elliot.


The girl is likely not referred to by name but said to be a Mercy Lewis. As it says; Family History Library  FIND YOUR ANCESTORS – FIND YOURSELF.   Father-in-law, to Daniel Elliot, husband  to Sarah Bridges Town Cloyce, brother-in-law to Rebecca Town Nurse, and Mary Town Easty, hung as witches, his father seaman John Cloyce, who brought Daniel’s father Daniel to America, took on a second wife. Seaman John Cloyce, died in the Casco Bay, Maine region, in the King Philip War, c.1676, his son likely inheritor of land at Falmouth, Casco Bay region of his second wife Thomas, died as many other of Salem Village, Danvers did in the Exhibition to Canada in 1690. Thomas had a brother-in-law, a Philip Lewis living in Falmouth of Salem Village, who’s daughter Mercy survived these killings of Falmouth in 1690, which moved back to Salem, and was among the accusers. The son of indentured Daniel Elliot, married the granddaughter of seaman John Cloyce, Peter Cloyce’s father.  If that is not family history, utilizing Y-DNA verification, plus Family History Library/Center of the west Salt Lake City, Utah, and Mesa, Arizona, then what is?
Anna (Hannah) Elliot(t), reference that a spectra helped kill her new born.
Though, like her mother Hannah Littlefield Cloyce, which at times was referred to as Anna. Daniel’s wife was also referred to as Anna, in the trials a Anna Elliott, which had a baby born and die in Salem Village, found in the Salem Vitals, not the Framingham ones. Between the first an second son. They traveled from Otter Neck to Salem Village, then as refugees to Salem End. Both Otter Neck and Salem End became a part of Framingham (After Framlingham, Suffolk, England) when it became incorporated in 1700.
In Family History-Genealogy, when one looks upon another doing family history on their own family line, and what can be more of my family line then Daniel Elliot which left testimony for the Salem Trials, and history had accepted that as he brought up the girls did it for sport, as being a liar and tries to suppress what is required for the family history/genealogy to be down accuracy is that of free speech.
Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints, in their Family History Library, on the west side of Temple Square, as far as Family History-Free Speech is concerned about ones family, I have never seen anyone being threaten by security for utilizing the library for family searching, and yet with Family Tree DNA, have been kicked out of FTDNA blogs; (screened blog, not kicked out)
FTDNA, can deny or refuse to recognize the obvious, stating their level of research is substandard. Though the over affect to their corporate structure may be greatly detrimental;
Though my earliest known is Elwald de Schinkel, of Schinkel Germany, have been kept out of the
Germany is of my earliest know ancestor, an have paid a lot of money to obtain and apply data. Use to oversee core drilling where data of the earth’s strata was taken, and belonged to the company which paid for the core drilling. To keep me out the German blog, is the same as another company getting the core data, and applying it to finding gold. It is claim jumping, by the company which is doing the drilling, and to restrict me from the German FTDNA blog for doing genealogical research is criminal, and a criminal action by FTDNA.,1890:Bell,1890:Finck

Finding MIA soldier families: BYU genealogy students aid DPAA repatriation project Brigham Young University

Working with the Defense POW/MIA Accounting Agency, BYU genealogical research students are using their family history skills …


The Mormons as in their genealogy, and the people of Gallup, New Mexico, USA, do not in time of WWII, believe in kicking people out;
Gallup, NM – Most Patriotic Small Town in America –
Rand McNally Best of the Road Submission

Hiroshi Miyamura and his hometown had a lot in common. They believed in America.
JULY 3, 2017 7:40 AM

You’ll see Amarillo, a-Gallup, New Mexico
Flagstaff, Arizona, don’t forget Winona
Get Your Kicks On (Route 66) Chuck Berry

Now the President Eisenhower 5 star Interstate 40, divides Gallup. Attributed to the highway system he found as a 5 star general, WWII in Germany, but on the day he presented the US Medal of Honor to Hiroshi Miyamura, it stopped traffic on Route 66.

Over the past half century in utilizing the resources of The Church of Latter Day Saints at first in their office building on the east side now on the west side in The Family History Library, enjoyed talking to the professional researchers, Church of Latter Day Saint volunteers, and other genealogists, in solving genealogical questions in finding family. Not once would I even think of censoring family information given about another individuals family and always considered it as being correct.
In kicking people off the FTDNA blogs, Family Tree DNA, establishes that it is not a DNA family shared search, in a family genealogical fashion. So FTDNA is by actions censoring individuals like myself utilizing my own DNAs; Y-DNA, autosomal DNA, and mtDNA, in finding ancestors repeat not, like the Family History Library of Salt Lake City, Utah, not a viable resourced of unbiased and accurate usage of math science in discovering ancestors; not integrated with updated methods of known applicably which are standards within the housing of the Family History Library, FTDNA. Family Tree DNA fails to find family, because they utilize the data given in a manner of making corporate profits, suffocating other genealogical methods, and not finding family ancestors which is the main intent of the Family History Library, Family History Centers, and online found around the world.

The Crucible

Written by Arthur Miller
Characters Abigail Williams
Reverend John Hale
Reverend Samuel Parris
John Proctor
Elizabeth Proctor
Thomas Danforth
Mary Warren
John Hathorne
Giles Corey
Rebecca Nurse
Date premiered January 22, 1953
Place premiered Martin Beck Theatre, New York City
Original language English
Subject Salem witch trials, McCarthyism
Genre Tragedy
Setting Salem, Massachusetts Bay Colony
Miller was questioned by the House of Representatives’ Committee on Un-American Activities in 1956 and convicted of contempt of Congress for refusing to identify others present at meetings he had attended.

When I was young, a play The Crucible was written so people would speak freely.
Rebecca Nurse was hung as a witch oldest sister to Daniel Elliot’s step mother Sarah Cloyse,
My Y-DNA is researched through the first son Daniel, and the sixth son Johnathan. Daniel their father spoke freely in defense of Elizabeth Proctor.
A message to Family Tree DNA; It is in my Y-DNA for people to speak freely on their family history .
The inhabitants of Otter Neck which became Framingham, attended the Sudbury Church.


The inhabitants of Salem End which became Framingham, attended the Marlborough, Church.
Records of Otter Neck and Salem End, in 1700 when they became incorporated into Framingham, became part of the Farmingham, Massachusetts Vital Record collection.
Family migrated with the Peter Cloyce (Sarah his second wife) family to Salem End, and first attended the Marlborough Church.
Massachusetts, Town Clerk…d Town Records, 1626-2001 Middlesex Framingham Births, marriages, deaths 1690-1809
Are an important part of my family’s research. Showing sons of Daniel Elliot of the Daniel Elliott Y-DNA cluster.
Salem End people first attended the church in Marlborough, MA, which the Brigham surname, migrated from Brigham, Yorkshire, to Marlborugh, MA. Brigham Young’s family is from Massachusetts.


Daniel and Hannah/Anna, documentation of Salem, MA vitals, showing they had a child which was born and died between, Daniell, b. Aug 17,1687 in Otter Neck, and Ebenezer b. Mar 3, 1693 in Salem End, both locations incorporated into Farmingham, MA in 1700.
A false genealogist; is one which thinks people are lying about their family, but does not present documentation to show otherwise. What hurts genealogy, is when people believe the one without the documentation, which creates falsehoods. In Salem in 1692 falsehoods, by spectral evidence, similar to hearsay created the hangings of the innocent.

Brigham are found extensively in Marlborough, Massachusetts;

History of the Town of Marlborough, Middlesex County, Massachusetts: From Its First Settlement in 1657 to 1861; with a Brief Sketch of the Town of Northborough, a Genealogy of the Families in Marlborough to 1800, and an Account of the Celebration of the Two Hundredth Anniversary of the Incoporation of the Town
Charles Hudson, Joseph Allen Press of T. R. Marvin & son, 1862 – Marlborough (Mass.) – 544 pages

BRIGHAMS are found in the early history of Marlborough, Middlesex County, Massachusetts, USA.

Marlborough, Massachusetts, Burial Ground Inscriptions: Old Common, Spring Hill, and Brigham Cemeteries
George Maynard
F.P. Rice, Trustee of the Fund, 1908 – Epitaphs – 218 pages

Tullykelter, lessee Daniel Elliot, County Fermanagh, Ulster, Ireland. Wikipedia

Matching Y-DNA, 25 markers off 1, of Atkinson, help to verify that Atkinson, and the Ellot of Magheraboy, in 1630 are a Y-DNA and a location match, supporting already research that my Y-DNA Ellot/Elliott are of Magheraboy, Fermanagh, Ulster Plantation. added 1/7/2020 MSE

Surname location map provided by the Family History Library in their map case, shows that there are still Elliott, along with Fermanagh in County Fermanagh, Ulster, Ireland.

a lessee Daniel Elliot



They even hung our Rev. George Burroughs, of Wells, Maine;

It should be noted that Daniel Elliot of Salem, is a family tree branch point for a line from his first son Daniel(l), and his sixth son Johnathan Elliot.

6/21/2019 MSE

In lieu of flowers the family suggests contributions to the Armstrong surname genealogical organization.

I Remain Unvanquished!: The Incredible 1,000-year History of the Armstrong Family by William Stephenson

He introduced me to, which has my Y-DNA Elwald-Elliot line in it.

Chronicles of the Armstrongs; ed by Armstrong, James Lewis MD

Cockburn, Dunbar, Coker, Haddington, Longton, FTDNA DNA

Above; James M. Irvine admin FTDNA Clan Irwin;  Elwod (IE Elliott)/Far bairns (IE Fairbairn), sharing I-M253.

Exploration of the matching FAIRBAIRN outliers: ELLIOTT, FARRIS and IRWIN matches of America  Compiler: Lorna Henderson, Waikanae, New Zealand, 4 May 2018

Felt it was in the new Family History Library FHL at the time. The Armstrong which brought the Armstrong Chronicles to my attention could have been Melvin Belliston Armstrong the son of Albert Bird Armstrong, or brother Albert Thomas (Lois) Armstrong. Do know he was suit and tie, named tagged ARMSTRONG. Both father and son are of The Church of Jesus Christ of the Latter-Day Saints (Mormons). Feel now most likely a son, since he had two, because it is felt that the Family Histoy Library, is where met the Armstrong volunter for the Family History Library which was recently built.

Melvin is survived by his brother, Albert Thomas (Lois) Armstrong,…

Belliston on 1654 Blaeu Scotland map.

The Elliot have a book response to that; MORMON Mighty Man…

Clan by David P Elliot
Jan 24, 2012

David P Elliot
This is the Author’s Foreword, narrated by the author, from his novel ‘Clan’ that has sold in 15 countries and is a historical supernatural thriller set in the Borders of Scotland and charts the battle of an ordinary family fighting overwhelming odds to protect a child from powerful and corruption in this World and the next.


University of St AndrewsUniversity
Scotland and the Flemish People
St Andrews Institute of Scottish Historical Research.
The Armstrong Family and its Possible Flemish Origins
Posted on September 19, 2014 by Morvern French
This is the second in a series of postings focusing on Scottish families that may have Flemish roots. In this posting Bob Armstrong explores the possibility of a Flemish origin for the Armstrong family. He identifies a number of apparent links between Flanders, Cumberland, Lincolnshire and Scotland that give credence to a Flemish origin for the Armstrongs. Evidence from Y-DNA analysis is also brought to bear on the issue.   ….

Bob Armstrong
September 2014

Bob Armstrong has been a co-administrator of FTDNA’s Armstrong Surname Group for the last seven years. His interest in genealogy began nearly forty years ago and he regularly writes research articles for the Armstrong Clan Association magazine.

Armstrong Fairbairn

Link added 9/30/2019 MSE

“DNA Testing, The Armsrongs are not related to the Fairbairns. This is according to Lorna Henderson. Someday we will have our own clan, without being part of the Armstrong clan.” Armystand (1376 army strand on Scottish side of Liddel), Armestrang (Scottish for army strong), then after border pacification Armstrong. Recognized by the Bruce, and Douglas, as being The Strong Army of Scotland. When relatives where on both thrones of both kingdoms, that of England and Scotland, Armstrong genocide began, with a policy of exterminating those with the surname Armstrong, and its ‘army strong’ variants. (Anna Groundwater commentary less than a half minute long)

The Scottish Middle March, 1573-1625: Power, Kinship, Allegiance › books Anna Groundwater – 2010 FOUND INSIDE – PAGE 23 “Power, Kinship, Allegiance Anna Groundwater … the Middle March’s geographical location on the frontier between two periodically hostile kingdoms affected its political, administrative, social, … England and Scotland, 1100–1300′,..”

Armstrong Armstrang Armestrang Armestrong Ellot Ellott Elliot Nixon Hunter Steele Thomson Thompson Ulster Muster 1610 1630 Scottish Middle March

9/21/2019 MSE & 10/23/2019

Daniel Elliot of Salem Trials, descendant genealogy;

9/23/2019 MSE

One can triangulate off an angel in Temple Square, or survey land in Utah from the Base and Meridian off the southeast corner of Temple Square, they can also find their family history through records maintained at the Family History Library FHL on the west side of Temple Square, and West Temple.

When someone thinks they can find their family by DNA only, and not using DNA as a tool, it is like doing triangulation off an angel, and putting your answers to the nearest hundredth of a foot, like the ones you can get off of Base and Meridian, or using the FTDNA TIP calculator, dependent on your families years a generation and really believing you can get an answer to the nearest hundredth of a percent.

Scientists, mathematicians, and engineers do error corrections. To not correct errors makes the the scientific, mathematical, and engineering aspect of results extremely useless, unless you have a regimented society, which want to maintain a status quo historical falsehood, as with many dictators in the historical pass, then this would give proper reason for FTDNA not to correct their mathematical scientific falsehoods.

This gives good reason why The Church of Latter Day Saints, for genealogical purposes in their web link only incorporates autosomal DNA, from five reliable sources FTDNA being one of them, but, where in at least a couple of them properly put the genealogy before the DNA, which is putting the horse ahead of the carriage instead of behind it.



Calandar of Border Papers Vol. 2 page 106

HISTORY OF THE ARMSTRONG as referenced above video;

The History of Liddesdale, Eskdale, Ewesdale, Wauchopedale and the Debateable Land: By Robert Bruce Armstrong, Volume 1

In video;


Gilnockie’s Tower; The Highland Coosmonaut and Clan Armstrong;
explores the past of the Armstrong Clan and its connection to First Man on the Moon.




With a combination of diligence, intuition, peer guidance, genealogical awareness and luck rather than a sophisticated knowledge of biology or mathematics I show that 37 STR markers are often quite sufficient to identify genetic families/surname branches, and one or two SNP Panel tests can be a very cost-effective follow-up to take many testees to near the forefront of this exciting application of citizen science.     James M. Irvine  James M. Irvine; AGREE

James M. Irvine, Think those ‘Brigham’ BYU Brigham Young University, Church of Latter Day Saint people called Mormons are on to us. They give the school a name of an Anglo-Border Reiver, what can we expect? Don’t tell them I will be in great trouble, but I graduated from the U of U, University of Utah, December 1979, SLC Salt Lake City, Utah UT. That is where the FHL Family History Library is of the LDS Latter Day Saints, which also have a website; Don’t tell those Mormons, but when you enter the doors of the FHL, like Border Reivers, you just pitch in and share your research.


A regimented system of corporate profit making, with family historians-scientific scientist, being exiled by administrative corporate blogs, where people are applying DNA genetic science to family history, can be extremely detrimental when people who payed for the DNA data, are dismissed from the blog so the data can produce an Hitler type syndrome of what is thought to be a superior status quo race. Created by those with applied mathematical, scientific, knowledge which may want to exclude those using a level of integrated knowledge reaching back in time which has a geometric doubling in a binary sense of a basket ball play off, but instead of six brackets back in time producing sixty-four teams going back thirty generations producing of more than billion along that generational line. In submission of a small amount of information compared to this body of data being dealt with going back so far in time gives understand of the menial level of understanding of this firms application of math and science to the very basic principals of utilizing as a tool. Y-DNA without integration into the already standard procedures used in family history research which have been updated with new techniques is like measuring a width of a hair with are yard stick, or doing generational calculations to four significant figures.


Clan Nixon – Crozier

Sasine/Deed chief Robert Elwald 10, receiving lands of Redheugh, Larriston, and others;

The Annals of a Border Club (the Jedforest):
And Biographical Notices of the . . . , by George Tancred 1899, pages 148-9.

Will Ellot; goodman of Gorrenberry, where goodman shows land ownership.

Today I am an Armstrong because the Armstrong know I exist. The Scottish Elliot, just think my line died off with the Cowie, but we The Daniel Elliot Y-DNA cluster were living in New England is 1678, when the Cowie died off, who was originally Andrew (alias; Dan the Cowie), first son Andro (alias; Dandie Cow), second son my many great who lived with Archie Keen (Archibald Ellot the keen-sharp-acute), in Gorrenberry, and his father Cowie,  would on occasion come down from Teviotdale to visit; is the most notorious thief and reiver of Liddesdale, Clementis Hobs (IE Clement Crozier’s sister’s son Robert Elliott). A cousin to the line, should I say family were in on the rescue, with that Bauld Buccleuch, of Kinmont Willie Armstrong from Carlisle Castle in 1596. There were Bell, in on the rescue also.

Sasine/Deed chief Robert Elwald 10, receiving lands of Redheugh, Larriston, and others;

The Annals of a Border Club (the Jedforest): And Biographical Notices of the George Tancred pg 148-9

9/23/2019 MSE

Land Sandy Armstrong of Rowanburn on above map;


Mormon Message;

There is a Kirtland, New Mexico, north of where I live on the Colorado Plateau, in the New Mexico, corner of The Four Corner States, in the land of the Navajo, like my hometown Gallup is;



David Elliott, the son of David Elliott and Mehitable Aldrich, born 1744 in Uxbridge Mass, married Deborah Elliot, daughter of John Elliot and Deborah Aldrich.

David Elliott
David Elliott, of the first Kirtland, Ohio, Church of Latter Day Saint Quorum of Seventy and I Mark Stephen Elliott, are descended from Daniel Elliot of the Salem Trials, so the Y-DNA we have would be similar.

Deed to David Elliott, 26 September 1836
1799 – 1855
Born 1799 Charleston, New York
Married Alvirah Holliday 1821; one daughter
Married Margery Quick 1823; four children
Married Mary Cahoon 1831; three children
Baptized 1831
Participated in Zion’s Camp 1834
Called to First Quorum of the Seventy 1835
Participated in the Kirtland Camp 1838;
Subsequently driven from Missouri
Married Miranda Reynolds 1838; five children
Married Margaret Straway 1848; two children
Died 1855 Salt Lake City, Utah

– WDha aur Meddle Wi’ Me?

25 Sep 2019     Mark Stephen Elliott

Migration DNA

Elks from Poland conquer German territory

| Reading time: 4 minutes
Note; Y-DNA have and exact match with a Carl Finch.
Also have and exact twelve marker match with a Jan Grünburg (green mountain) place name and Grünburg surname census concentration near Berlin and Grünberg, Augustusburg, Germany
Both wolf and man eat elk (moose), and likely would be distributed where the food source is.
Reivers like their ancestors chasing down wild elk (moose), likely in the borderlands cased down wild cows, which would not be much different then Americans of the Great Plains chasing down the buffalo (bison) on horseback. The introduction of wolfs in Yellowstone National Park, where hunters are not allowed to hunt, does not get the complaint from hunters as the introduction of lobos (wolfs), in New Mexico, USA, where the hunter is allowed to hunt for the American elk (not a moose, but a big deer as large as a moose/European elk). The hunters are now again in New Mexico competing as a predator with the wolf, and the Navajo grandmothers are trying to protect their sheep from the coyote and now the  wolf. The word wolf  is; German, then English, then America. This word wolf  traveled from Germany, through today’s United Kingdom, and onto America, with the DNA of the people which used the word wolf. The surname Wolf  one of the oldest linguistic surnames also traveled with these people. Also out of Germany came the word Ulf , meaning wolf, it traveled with people to Denmark, and onto Sweden. Though at one time into today’s England because The Horn of Ulf, is in York, England.
Mother’s maiden name is Barna;

Note; because the name Grünberg, shows likely no migration for most Grünberg from the origins of the place name it is likely when the written language was applied to it, that the name did not change like other surnames through migrations, among peoples of a different linguistic background. Grünberg, is a name not of the English language with it’s umlaut ü. It would have been more than thirty generations for me to be related to the Grünberg. Thirty generations would be beyond the likely adoption of the surname Grünberg. The surname Grünberg is a place name likely first written as von Grünberg, in English de Greenmont. By dropping the von the surname becomes Grünberg. Repeat; By dropping the de the surname becomes Greenmont. 

South Yorkshire, England 7

Australia 58, England 7, New Zealand 1, Latvia 1.  Should an Greenmont of Australia or New Zealand, use Y-DNA to figure out where his ancestors are from in England?

Also in Germany a Grünwald; grün wald (green forest) There is an Eichwalde, Germany,+Germany/@52.3147977,13.6059118,10.65z/
in the Berlin region where the elch/elk are coming into Germany from Berlin. Elch wald; elk (moose) forest.


Born; Paul Peter Ewald, 23 Jan 1888, Berlin, Germany.

Born; John Stewart Bell, 28 June 1928, Belfast, Ulster, Ireland, UK


Born; Susan Jocelyn Bell, 15 July 1943, Lurgan, Ulster, Ireland, UK

The book of Scots-Irish family names – Robert Bell

The troubles of the last twenty five years have served to focus the minds of Ulster people on their history. They are more conscious than ever of their ancestors-Gaelic, Norman, English, Huguenot, Lowland Scot, Highland Scot. But that consciousness has neglected and all but forgotten one particularly influential immigrant group.

Most often they are lumped in with the Lowland Scots. But while a majority of them were nominally Scottish, they were in fact a distinctively homogenous race who stemmed from a very particular region, with its own unique history and culture. Today, the only trace of them in the popular consciousness is that many by the name of Armstrong or Elliott, Graham, Johnston or Bell……

Robert Bell is supervisor of the Northern Ireland political collection at the Linen Hall Library, Belfast.


Alexander Graham Bell Biography (1847–1922)
Early Life and Family
Bell was born in Edinburgh, Scotland, on March 3, 1847. The second son of Alexander Melville Bell and Eliza Grace Symonds Bell, he was named for his paternal grandfather.

Alexander Bell when born did not have a middle name, and at ten was given the middle name Graham. Granddad Mark Elliott at birth was given a middle name, but did not accept it in his youth. Is Alexander Bell to have a name without the middle name of Graham, and is my granddad deceased to have a middle name? Granddad was born on and lived on the same farm that my dad Loren Spencer Elliott was born on, all his life, until health dropped then he moved into town (Mt. Ayr, IA). May not be legal, to be born on the farms these days, but would anyone proscecute? It may not be legal these days to get rid of a middle name, things were different back then, and are today’s laws to be bestowed on genealogical naming, when they were not applied at the time of naming?    Mark Stephen Elliott 2/3/2020.

The surnames; Graham and Bell are of the Debatable Lands region between England and Scotland.

Brother Robert Elliott worked for Ma Bell, and retired after thirty years.


As one can see the Armstrong, Bell, Scot(t) and Ellot (ie Elliot), were involved in the rescue of Kinmont Willie Armstrong from Carlisle Castle in 1596.

The Armstrong, Elliot, and Johnston, many were exiled from the Scottish-English Border to County Fermanagh, Ulster, Ireland.




  1. Armstrong married into the House of  Maguire, to the close of the reign of Queen Elizabeth 1603;,1890:Elke

Yes, the Ewald and elk in Germany are in the Berlin region.




of the same family;,1890:Kjer,1890:Kjaer

The Redheugh shield/arms has an elwand on the scalloped bend;

Elwald also called Elwand, became Ellot.
elwand, a wand a Scottish el in length
ellot, a land lot, with sides measured in el

Previous to the Reheugh shield;

Previous to the Redheugh elwand on the scalloped bend shield, similar to the shield of the KER of Ferniehirst, now spell their name KERR, to differentiate themselves from the KER of Cessford; Duke of Roxburghe of Floors Castle near Kelso, Scotland, at the branch of the Tweed and Teviot .

Note; Teviotmouth, also Teviotfoot.

Roxburgh was attacked by Sir James Douglas, the Black Douglas of Liddesdale in 1318.

Robert the Bruce’s link to the Clan Douglas BBC
Release date:17 February 2011    3 minutes
Sir James Douglas was the knight chosen to take the heart of Robert the Bruce to the holy land. Paul Murton retraces the steps of the knight.

The Balliol Roll
Posted by William Douglas on April 25, 2019 at 10:24

Tomb of Sir James, St Bride’s Kirk, Douglas jpg Wikipedia

Encased hearts of Sir James Douglas & Archibald Douglas, St Bride’s Church, Douglas, South Lanarkshire jpg Wikipedia

Sir James heart is next to Archibald ‘Bell the Cat’, Douglas fifth earl of Angus, which passed land of Redhuegh, to Robert Elwald 10 chief of Clan Elliot in the later part of the fifteenth century. Where our present chief number 29, Margaret Eliott of Redhuegh now lives.

Sasine deed 1484 for Robert Elwald (Elliot), Redheugh, Larriston, Hartsgarth jpg Wikipedia

The Annals of a Border Club (the Jedforest):
And Biographical Notices of the . . . , by George Tancred 1899, pages 148-9.

By putting wind farms in is a method of economically exiling Armstrong and Elliott, from their borderlands which are suppose to be protected, since border pacification/genocide of James VI/I. This becomes and act of exiling, by destroying any prospect of tourist returning to their border homelands from all over the world, and a prospect of those Armstrong and Elliot still living in the borderlands, to make a standard of living where they have to migrate elsewhere like they have been migrating to Germany. This is an act of displacement of indigenous border people from their homelands. It is no wonder the United Nations is involved with this problem of displacement of an native population from their homelands by the impact of their government the overpowering Scottish Ministry, which is suppose to protect the needs of their constituency.

Wind farm battle over Scottish castle

Exclusive: UN ruling puts future of UK wind farms in jeopardy
Complaints to UNECE: Why the Scottish and UK windfarm policy should be tested in a court of law?

The visual proliferation of wind farms in Scotland
Nov 3, 2015 John Muir Trust

James VI Scotland/James I of England, created an area of protection called THE MIDDLE SHIRES, after exiling and extermination of the families which lived there. As the UN United Nation knows this area needs protection from The Scottish Ministry, which became a puppet government of England after Border (genocide) Pacification.

– Wha Daur Meddle Wi’ Me?

Armstrong, Elliot, Nixon, Little, Beattie, Thompson/Thomson, Irving/Irvine/Irwin, Bell, Johnstone/Johnston/Johnson, Glendinning/Glendenning, Routledge/Rutledge, Henderson, and Scott of Ewesdale, where in support of the French-Catholic mother Queen Marie Stuart of Scots, with son taken from her James VI of Scotland taken by the protestants, which became James I of England also. With the large landholders of Scotland, and James acquired English army a process of exile and extermination, and genocide of the above border supporters of Queen Mary of Scotland creating a symbol of genocide for the Border people The Union-Jack, much in the same way the Nazi flag is a symbol of genocide for the Jewish people.


The Nicolaus Copernicus grave mystery PDF
A dialogue of experts FEB 2010
Edited by Michał Kokowski

DNAeXplained – Genetic Genealogy
Discovering Your Ancestors – One Gene at a Time
Mutation 16519C is present in just about everyone. In fact, in more than half of the people. So what this really means is that it’s not really a mutation in the people who carry 16519C, it really was a mutation in the anonymous person who is the Cambridge Reference Sequence. But since they did not carry 16519C, it’s reported as a mutation in the rest of us. However, it’s really the “normal” state of the DNA, or what we call the ancestral state. And it’s relatively useless when comparing your results to others because nearly everyone has it  (Roberta J. Estes technical responder)

Roberta Estes; Colony Research Group Genealogy ~ DNA ~ Archaeology

Roberta’s genealogy specialty is southern colonial records, focused primarily in Virginia, Tennessee and NC. Minority records, reflecting her mixed heritage are of particular interest, specifically Native Americans, slaves, and other indentured individuals.

Added 1/29/2020 MSE

Melungeons, A Multi-Ethnic Population – PDF

Barbados-POW Scots 1650

Torys on selling Scots as slaves to The Colonies.



‘Sheep stealers from the north of England’: the Riding Clans in Ulster by Robert Bell

Jocelyn Bell Burnell was born in Armagh.  Any Bell or Elliott, transported as slaves by the Cromwellian Civil War, could have ended up in Portuguese then English Barbados, for their own freedoms live among the native people of America. For my freedom of speech since FTDNA, has kicked me off many blogs; I live in McKinley County, New Mexico, USA which is predominately Navajo, and among the Navajo I feel a greater freedom to speak.


Above 2 images added 12/22/2019 MSE

At 29 generations exact Y-DNA matches are the same for 12, 25 and 37 markers, Margaret Eliott of Redheugh, is the 29th generational chief, and the Anglo-Vikings with R-U106, and I2 add mixtures, are known to migrated from southern Denmark into today’s United Kingdom. The first chief 29 generations ago is Robert Elwald, along with the following ten of the same name. Robert Elwald 10 obtained the land of Redheugh, which the present chief resides on, and across the Hermitage from Redheugh is where Wee Jock Ellot is from which stabbed Queen Marie Stewart of Scotland’s third husband Boshwell, near The Hermitage Castle just north of Redheugh, an brought on this Scottish Poem;  – Wha Daur Meddle Wi’ Me?

The Harvard affect to genealogy, is a witch hanging affect, which witches/in-laws, are dismissed from the free speech from for instance FTDNA blog. Many great research down two lines; Daniel Elliot of my Y-DNA; ‘did it for  sport, they must have some sport’, and the Puritanical Harvard educated listen to these ladies one an adult, nineteen were hung and one was crushed. Today this mentality of presenting overwhelming evidences, and hanging people for researching family is still done by FTDNA.

Sharing research, and helping others with their research by recognizing felt correctness  or incorrectness done in The Family History Library (, in The Valley of the Great Salt Lake, because for family if one has ‘witches’ in their family they do not ‘hang’ them.

In the new year and decade this region is sponsoring rootstech it should be well informative for family historians, the true genealogists which share support and enhance; do not suppress information coming out of families, even if they are in-laws which seem like ‘witches’ in the fashion of the highly Harvard educated not the Brigham people of Provo would do to as they feel to sustained their felt ‘postion’, in the world of FAMILY HISTORY, and to sometimes utilized for their positional gains the information supplied by the people of families supplying their own family information. It should be noted that psuedo which claim to be these expert genealogists, in managing family genealogies for family groups and monopolizing and keeping these family histories to themselves and not sharing much like many so called genetic experts administering FTNDA blogs are doing, likely trying to publish independent writings on DNA results.

12/27&28/2019 MSE


mtDNA – Results (mtDNA – Mutations) – FamilyTreeDNA … › mtdna-myftdna › mt-results-page
Extra Mutations are those that you have but are not part of the modal haplotype for your assigned haplogroup          Extra Mutations  (H27a)      325.1c . . . .




Personal bias plus length, exact dates not on stone; Mom died on my birthday.

(should be mom’s mom’s mom a Ryan 9/29/2019)

The above gives result comparisons for 23andMe, Ancestry, FTDNA, and MyHeritage, on Nov 11, 2019.



Mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA) Murphy to Smith line migrating it in reverse from Ireland (Dublin region), into England (Co Lancashire).

Joseph Smith was Irish
DNA shows Joseph Smith was Irish
By Michael De Groote, Deseret News Published: Friday, Aug. 8 2008

Added 10/6/2019 MSE

In a species of bird, fink is German for finch.

“The following surnames occurring in the Isle of Man before the 17th century derive from the names of places in Lancashire, where some of them can be found at home so far back as the 13th century. ……Prescott, Preston, Parr,….” (12/10/2019 MSE)

The following surnames occurring in the Isle of Man before the 17th century derive from the names of places in Lancashire, where some of them can be found at home so far back as the 13th century. Those italicised are still extant in the Island, though it is possible that some of them may have re-entered later.
Aghton, Alcar, Aystogh or Ayscough, Bradshagh, Byllinge, Burscough, Crosse, Assheton, Bootle, Coupe, Gremshawe, Heywood, Haliwell, Halsall, Holland, Hendull, Ince, Kenyon, Lathom, Litherland, Langtre, Marsden, Prescott, Preston, Parr, Radcliffe, Rushton, Samlesbury (now Sansbury), Shakerley or Shakelady, Standish, Ughtynton (Oughtrington is just over the Cheshire border), and Worthington. Other early family names which are also English place- names are Ballard, Birmingham, Breden, Bydcrosse, Colcat or Calcott, Coupeland, Cotynghin, Creetch, Hampton, Iveno, Kent, Lake, Lecke,Haworth, Huddlestone Hartle, Higham, Moore, Fryssington, Sale (Sayle), Stanley, Twynham, Whetstones and Whinrowe. As Creetch may be of native growth it will be referred to again. Of the rest, many now extinct have left footprints in Manx soil as elements in land-names.


Added 12/2&3/2019 MSE

Joseph Smith was Irish
DNA shows Joseph Smith was Irish

By Michael De Groote, Deseret News Published: Friday, Aug. 8 2008

mtDNA line starting with mom’s mom

RYAN (Irish) > MURPHY (north Irish) > SMITH (Irish/English) >CROAK (English);

Y-DNA Descendants for Mark Stephen Elliott

The Border Elliots and the Family of Minto
By George Francis Scott Elliot



0. Elwald de Schinckel

. .

1. Alan Elfwald of Norfolk, E Anglia ca 1250.

2. Robert Elwald of Norfolk/Rimington, West Riding Yorkshire, Northumbria (Lancashire) 1304.

3. Robert 2

4. Robert 3

5. Robert 4

6. Robert 5

7. Robert 6

8. Robert 7

9. Robert 8

10. Robert 9

11. William Elwald of Gorrenberry

12. Robert Elwald (Archeis Hob) of Gorrenberry (adopted by uncle Archibald)

13. Andrew (Dand the Cowie) Elwald of Horsleyhill

14. Robert Elwald of Stobs/Gorrenberry (Clementis Hobs)

15. Dan-Daniel Ellot/Elliot/Elliott of Scotland/Tullykelter Fermanagh

16. Robert Ellot Tullykelter

17. Daniel Ellot/Elliot of Ulster/Massachusetts

18. Daniel Elliot Salem Trials

19. Johnathan Sr

20. Johnathan Jr

21. John

22. Comfort Elliott

23. SA (Sherburn Amando)

24. AW (Amando Wilcox)

25. Mark

26. Loren Spencer

27. Mark Stephen


Chiefs line is based on 1st, except chief 29, Margaret is an only child, therefore 29, to my 27, and figure she is my 17th cousin twice removed.

9/29/2019 MSE



Genealogy is FUN;

Note; Steve Young, spoke at Window Rock High School, Ft Defiance, Arizona, New Mexico line borders on the west, which is on the Navajo Nation, when I was teaching science there, mainly chemistry and physics.

The difference between football, and family history, in family history genealogy all are on the same team.

10/26/2019 MSE

More research is needed by Harvard or Yale or anyone else;

If Harvard or Yale does not want to get the history done as correct as the testimony of many great granddad for the Salem Village/Danvers, March 28, 1692. Knowing Harvard and Yale, like to have correct histories and especially for Harvard they do not care for the history their Puritan Harvard descendants wrote, and if today’s history from Harvard is to have any validity they need to correct it, to those who spoke accurately in the past in which they did not listen to and end up murdering and hanging nineteen innocent people as witches with many great granddad becoming a refugee of these trials, for speaking honestly;

Genealogy-Family History is not a censorship of information, like many great received from those which felt they are in authority on ones family and what they heard, and like to place history and historical Puritan propaganda, with information censorship into today’s scientifically done genetic DNA science which is one of the tools a genealogists uses to verify and find family, and best not used as a tool if it suffocates and falsifies as the Salem Trials did the history of families.

Petitioners-indentures would likely have sailing skills by the time they entered the American Colonies.

Cloise is Daniel of Salem Trials father-in-law’s father. Daniel Stone is younger brother to oldest brother John Stone sons of Rev. Gregory Stone, of Cambridge, land part of Harvard. Daniel Elliot’s father immigrant Daniel was indentured to build housing and mill at Otter Neck which became north Framingham, (Saxonville), Massachusetts.

Capt John and Rev Allen Thomas, where recorded from different localities in England, but knew each other well enough to be called brothers, and Capt John Allen had a son named Thomas.  It is highly likely that Rev. Thomas Allen, traveled aboard Capt John Allen’s ship to London, where he picked up the indentures, of Alexander Gordon, and Daniel Elliot. It would have been Daniel Elliot’s of Salem Trials father-in-law’s mother which gave Alexander Gordon hard labor, where such record was left.

Just called ‘brother of’, because they were close.

Note; Thomas Danforth knew Capt and Rev Allen and had land Danforth Farms which bordered the Stones land of Otter Neck where the mill was built, in now north Framingham, named after Framlingham, Suffolk, England where Thomas Danforth, judge in the Salem Trials, and President of the Colony of Maine, was born.

If historians can read research documentation, and I am freely as a family historian, genealogists for by genetic line of genealogy supplying it, which has shown accuracy at to the Salem Trials, of Daniel Elliot’s testimony and two family lines with the Y-DNA one of the first son and another of the six son, research to this Daniel, if historians do not utilize information given, then one can understand how much truth their is in today’s history;

Both Daniel Stone of Cambridge, younger to John Stone sons of Rev. Gregory Stone which built a mill at Otter Neck, Stones End, now Saxonville, Framingham, knew Thomas Kemble which brought POW Scots from the Cromwellian Civil War as Anglican Charles II Royalists, indentured to Colonial Puritans.


Daniel Stone and Daniel Elliot have both signed documentation which Thomas Kemble has signed, showing they both knew him.


Nathaniel is nephew to Daniel Elliot, son to brother Robert Portsmouth, first cousin to Daniel of Salem Trials.

Robert Elliot of Strawberry Bank

Robert Elliott, Portsmouth, NH uncle to Daniel of Salem Trials.

10/26/2019 MSE

At the Battle of Stamford Bridge the Saxons lost. Tracing my name to a Saxon name Elwald which in the UK is said not to exist, and in Germany, had exiled itself in the form of Peter Paul Ewald Ewald of Hitler’s Germany to speak freely by leaving for the UK. In America, my great arrives and speaks freely among the native people found in America. Son of the first Elliot immigrant speaks freely giving testimony to the Salem Trials, but his words are suppressed and nineteen innocent people are hung as witches. Today there are blogs which suppress the basic concept of people presenting the histories of their very own families in a manner of free speech being suppress by a corporation putting profits over families using free speech to find family.

The Normans are the winners for their worship of leaders they write the history . When it comes to families they families will insist on writing it, not governments or corporate profit makers.

Stamford Bridge east of York.

11/1/2019 MSE

The Church of Jesus Christ of the Latter Saints have done in the nature of genealogy in their highest of capacity, an from there exceedingly large experience of many of their members incorporating the following in there methods of genealogical research.

How family members are being successful at family history;

  1. The family knows best.
  2. Listen to others, especially of the opposite sex, to make family.
  3. Do not in a family search, get rid of the in-laws (Xs), though you may want to.
  4. Families fight, and likely not just one answer is correct, in the history.
  5. If the family’s history is done properly one does not get to pick their ancestors.

The Church of Latter Day Saints has been able to keep family history, that of the family’s genealogy with great success, separate from governmental, and corporate structure, to secure the family in a share experience which makes all which take part to feel a part of their own family and the history of the ancestors they find through the research becomes a part of their extended family.

Genealogy is a shared experience between family members, not an aspect where an individual can be place into a position of authority to bring about profits to a corporation, to segregate out by their own inherited prejudices, family members which do not cooperate in a fashion which they as dictator and not apart of the family decides  for the sake of there own authority corporate profits who is member to that family.

11/1/2019 MSE.

Before suffrage for the US or UK, the young ladies and men were playing basketball for my father’s not yet born, Mt. Ayr High School, Mt. Ayr, Iowa, USA;

Little known history;

Do our heroes of the west have to fight for woman’s suffrage, to be known as heroes to women’s suffrage? How many ladies know of the first woman who brought suffrage into the world, and who’s statue stands in front of the capital of her home state, and in the capitol of the United States?

The real “mother of women suffrage” is not a name you’ll find in most history books, not a name that comes immediately to mind as does Susan B. Anthony or Lucretia Mott.

I have assisted in drawing a grand and petit jury, deposited a ballot and helped canvass the voters after the electing, and in performing all these duties I do not know as I have neglected my family any more than [in] ordinary shopping. Esther Morris

It should be noted, that Esther H. Morris, was the first lady JP, Justice of the Peace, in a County where writer once lived; Sweetwater County, Wyoming.

Little known historical facts. Wyoming is the first government in which women had the right to vote. First four states where women could vote are, Wyoming, Utah, Idaho, and Colorado, which carry the major population of the ladies of the Latter-Day Saints.

Esther Hobart Morris, one most instrumental in women first voting, has a statue outside the Capitol of Wyoming, and inside the United States Capitol. She held a tea party for politicians, South Pass – Atlantic City, Wyoming region, where Latter Day Saints were captured in a storm and rescued from Salt Lake City, Utah, and Mark Twain (Samuel Clemens) travel through on Overland Stage. Though the Latter-Day Saints were able to vote, it was not until, ladies were active in reform in the east, in Rochester, and Seneca Fall, New York. On the monument for suffrage are ladies of the Unitarian, and Quaker persuasion. Between Rochester, and Seneca Falls, New York, is the farm of the first president of The Church of Latter Day Saints, Joseph Smith. It is the second President Brigham Young which helped bring the rights of the vote to women of The Latter-Day Saints, before the governments of the United States or Kingdom had laws where women could vote.

There were two presidents of The Religious Society of Friends – Quakers. Both ran against Catholic candidates; Hoover won to Alfred E. Smith, and Nixon lost to John F. Kennedy. Herbert was a mining engineer, and his wife Lou, was a geologist, both of Iowa, but graduates of Stanford, University, California.

It is Charles Curtis of Kansas which gives the above message; It is among the native population for a free society, people speak freely and it is from our differences not out sameness in which we learn.

This is the history Kansas (attended Junior High in Topeka, when Kansas history was being taught. Dad worked as an engineer for the USDAgriculture  SCS Soil Conservation Service out of Shawnee County, Kansas) gives about him;

A documentary short film about the Kansas years of Charles Curtis, the 31st Vice President of the United States. Produced by the Shawnee County Historical Society with the support of KHC Humanities grant

Those which do not censor, but listen to learn from people speaking about their family history, are the ones which are the family historians, and the genealogist likely to have the greatest recorded accuracy into the family history.

The hobby I have of family history, genealogy, is much more fun, when the Mormons join in on it.

11/1/2019 MSE

Elk (moose) Wolf, Elwald, Ewald, Poland to Germany near Berlin;

Basically, some of the older adopted names are from animals, and the Wolf is an example. Like the wolf, man is also a predator of the elk (moose).

It is said that the moose are following ancient trails to get to their ancient lands in Germany east of Berlin, where the ‘wald’, German for forest is. The only thing I can figure out is that the bull/father elk/moose, retains it’s historical history down it’s Y-DNA of the fathers, and the cow/mothers elk/moose, retains it’s historical history down it’s mtDNA of the mothers. That way they can get together and produce autosomal combo calf.

To get a name such as Elwald/Elliot of Proto-Germanic R-U106 Y-DNA, which refers to as ‘elk (moose) of the forest’, there has to it seems to be ‘elk (moose) in the forest’, where that surname came from. The closest German name I have been able to find near the name ‘Elwald’, is the name ‘Ewald’, and there is a concentration of the surname ‘Ewald’, where the elk (moose) are crossing over from Poland into Germany.

11/10/2019 MSE


Excellent reference on the Brigham surname family;

The history of the Brigham family; a record of several thousand descendants of Thomas Brigham the emigrant, 1603-1653


Mitochondrial mtDNA is felt to be a rather useless tool, in Anglo-European, surname society in determining kinship. Though their are indigenous American societies if researched down the mother’s line which is of the clan ship it may show possible use, but autosomal DNA is a far superior method to be applied to this type of genealogical research. Testing I have received, though the matriarchal line travels to southern Ireland, basically into the UK from Dublin, it shows that my mtDNA is most definitely from Finland in the far beyond most likely recorded past.

As the guide team shows that autosomal is the best way to go. The Y-DNA with it’s SNPs, if not incorporated in a fashion to produce maximum corporate profits, and to enhance the positions of educators which think it is all right to in TIP calculation to start with number of years a generation at two significant numbers and return and answer at four significant numbers, the resulting data from Y-DNA and SNPs can be integrated into established but enhance techniques which have been standard to genealogists, such as the utilization of place names, utilizing digitize on the computer mapping. Also the use of surname distribution census concentration mapping, showing ‘hot spot’, localities for given surnames. The use of linguistics of a surname will also show where that name is from. Translating a name can give whether it is occupational, what kind of place represented by the name or the terrain-topography the name may be from.

11/12/2019 MSE

Keynote speaker Rootstech 2020;

Emmitt Smith;



Though David Elliott of the Latter Day Saint’s Kirtland, Ohio Quorum of Seventy which carried my Y-DNA into Missouri, and back towards Salem, Iowa, where the abolitionist Quakers of my relation lived also moving away, from him leaving Salem, Iowa. Religious policies today within The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints, puts the black man on the same level of equality as the white man, what you do not find in the US today.

Making ones ancestors look notorious is a way to hide accuracy in today’s family history, and usurp the basis for democracy, of what is indigenous to the original people, and that is to speak freely.

Protestant beliefs seem to a line themselves with governments. In the UK the King became the head of religion. With the Catholics and Mormons this is not so, and can become threatening to those who feel that a regimented in the same concept should be the rule, because they must be right for the leaders they worship.

11/12/2019 MSE

11/16/2019 MSE

US Marine, Pacific Theater, WWII, Navajo Code Talkers;

Distribution of Haplogroup C-M217 Y-DNA map

Link to ‘Q’, Y-DNA image;

Though as the People of the Na-Dene; Athabaskan Language, migrate to the southwest US as Apache/Navajo, the amount of C-DNA gets diluted, more so with Navajo intermarrying with the pueblo Q-DNA, then the Apache which retain their more migratory status, and have a greater retention and less proportional lost of their C-DNA.

12/24/2019 MSE

The Athabaskan in the US southwest is that of the Navajo and Apache languages, which coincides with the displacement of the HG “Q” (Y-DNA), in the US southwest.

Been told by a couple who spoke Navajo, and had been to Japan, that some of the Japanese words are the same words as used in Navajo.

DNAeXplained – Genetic Genealogy Posted on May 26, 2019
Discovering Your Ancestors – One Gene at a Time

Honoring Veteran USMC William Tully Brown, Navajo Code Talker 

In responses;

Roberta Estes on  said:I’m reaching out to my blog followers in a way I have never done before. The family of William Tully Brown, USMC veteran Navajo Code Talker needs immediate assistance with his funeral expenses. 

11/16/2019 MSE (of McKinley County, New Mexico, USA, where a majority of the population is Navajo)


Dunbar and Cockburn R-S5750;

Dunbar & Cockburn Y-DNA U106 to S5750 near Scottish localities.

It seems that the above graphic is drawing some interest, well I had a little help from a Lecio Gomes.

Gomes is Portuguese, and when the name Lecio Gomes, went together it came out Brazilian. It is felt by looking at him he had indigenous American blood in him of the HG “Q” Y-DNA kind. He was on a blog an accidentally communicated in Portuguese, so it is felt he was utilizing a computer interpreter to communicate into an English FTDNA blog. Since a lot of the world speaks English, and a great part of the sampling would be in the English not the Portuguese language. It is felt that a great many Germans migrated to Germany and married into the native population.

Lecio, had Cockburn/Dunbar Y-DNA, and you can see the graphic below came from the Dunbar FTDNA activity feed. Castle of Dunbar was one of French Catholic Queen Marie Stuart’s castles. Cockburn and Dunbar shared similar Y-DNA.

Though discovering with Lucio, that Dunbar and Cockburn was near each other, and that the Y-DNA was most likely drawn from the Cockburn-Dunbar region. With Dunbar, and it’s castle on the ocean had been the location of many battles, and this is the reason it is felt the reason by the Dunbar surname was dispersed away from the surname locality, and Cockburn surname retain it’s place name locality, because the Cockburn did not go through the battles which the Dunbar went through.

Dunbar & Cockburn Y-DNA U106 to S5750 near Scottish localities.

So the Dunbar, and Cockburn are nearby, with R-S5750 Y-DNA similarities giving their surnames being drawn from the same R-S5750 Y-DNA pool in nearby respective place name localities of Dunbar, and Cockburn, with Dunbar going through battles and being displaced from their place name locality, Cockburn not going through these battle and staying at their place name locality.

Why should we worry about what others think... BY

Delores Chung, left, Susie Elliot and Linda Callaghan with the newly launched book at the Fiji Club in Suva on Saturday, June 01, 2019. Picture: JONACANI LALAKOBAU

The marker matches in what was West Germany, could be influence by the result of migration to the region during the time of West Germany after WWII.

Opportunities should be available in our homelands, the Scottish-English Borders but in the early seventeenth century it was the Ulster Plantation Co Fermanagh, now it seems to be Germany.,1996:Armstrong

11/17/2019 MSE

Wade Kotter

Wade Kotter

Seems to be instrumental in keeping me off the German FTDNA blog. One would think an individual with a mom named Alma would be welcomed on the blog. About half the German Kotter, of the United States live in Utah, Nevada, Idaho, and California, where there are sizable populations of Latter Day Saints-Mormons.,1996:Elliott,1996:Nixon,1996:Crozier,1890:Elliott,1890:Nixon,1890:Crozier

The R1B-U106 Y-DNA, found in what was once, West Germany, could easily be the cause of the ‘Cold War’.

12/2/2019 MSE

JOHNSON not to get mixed up with JOHNSTON (Ulster) from JOHNSTONE (Scotland), place names of; JOHNSTONE Castle

, or JOHNSTONE of Parish Church.,1890:Anderson,1890:Andersen,1890:Anders,1890:Ander

12/16/2019 MSE

Hope everyone  a Merry Chrismas  12-25-2019;

DNA is a tool of the genealogists, and Y-DNA can be grouped in family groupings. Which the three groups are called, Red, Blue, and Green. The Green group is the wildlife named group of the ‘finch and elk (moose)’, which I am in. The Red and Blue group likely have different origins. An individual suggest another method of naming likely correct for his particular family group. It is found a ‘de Finch’, a name which could me from/owner of land called Finch. One group above could be from the other group above could be owners of an estate called Finch. Red group to people list Sartanburg, SC. Since two list it and it is near the east coast it is likely all of the red group are from there or near there. It is a location of Scot-Irish (Ulster). Most likley from Ireland including the Scots of Ulster Ireland, to the Carolina. Religious preference, at first likely Presbyterian. Blue group shows, Stamford, CT. Stamford of Stamford Bridge near York indicates Anglican. There is migration from Anglia to this region. It is felt that this group likely migrated directly from the Suffolk (southern people of Anglia) to Connecticut, and settled around Stamford. The above is showing a family processing of grouping. One can snatch any image from an FTDNA blog, by right clicking the ‘cut and past’ (seems to work better in Google) the image address;
12/25/2019 MSE
FTDNA locality combined with ancestry pedigree program. Mother is my 5th cousin.
12/28/2019 MSE
Census distribution, and map name gives likely region of adoption for the surname Riddle, in Liddesdale. Among the Scott, Young, Porteous, and Wilson.,-2.7954197,17z/
1/2/2020 MSE

My Allele Results

YSEQ ID 4069

4069 free A2009 ChrY 16956842 16956842 G-
4069 free A2280 ChrY 13667926 13667926 C-
4069 free A6719 ChrY 8178421 8178421 G+
4069 2016-03-15 A6719 ChrY 8178421 8178421 G+
4069 free A6722 ChrY 15360712 15360712 T+
4069 2020-01-26 A6722 ChrY 15360712 15360712 T+
4069 free A6724 ChrY 16956830 16956830 C-
4069 2016-03-15 A6724 ChrY 16956830 16956830 C-

2/3/2020 MSE