A Hawick Word Book by Douglas Scott PDF
Die Riding Clans in Ulster von Robert Bell
Brigham DNA Gorrenberry google images
Use to using a different format, but the above is and example of lands, including an insert-map showing Braidlee, from Anglo-Saxon Broadlee, meaning a valley broad on the leeward side. Wolflee also Anglo-Saxon, meaning the valley of the wolf. Yes, there were wolfs in the region. They introduced them around here and the Navajo grandmas shoot them for going after their sheep. Put chief Margaret Eliott raised in Stobs, but of Redheugh, in the same category if Scotland decides to reintroduce wolfs. Her husband seems to have a Polish wolfish type surname.
Though I may observe him, do not want to make any distinctive moves. Past British Army MI6 you know, but on the same family side.
May have bumped elbows on an Armstrong in the Aberdeenshire region. Finding that Eliott-Elliot may have land connection with Douglas-In-graham in region. Those Graham they are English an seem to not want to claim Armstrong-Elliot as family. Maybe the Nixon and Crozier seem to have English connections they find more acceptable.
Kind of like staying in the Forest with the Fosters, they are English and seem to be not offended to be related to Armstrong and Elliot, from the English side like those Grahams. It is the Hunter and wolf, for they are predators of the elk-moose, I must watch out for.
The Crozier seem to be Saxon along with the Thorleehope (valley of Thor, god of lightning Thunder Valley). A couple of Crozier seem to match their Y-DNA and are not R-L193. It seem like if you are not R-L192 and are R-U106, Anglo-Saxon they like to silence and exterminate you. Mark Stephen Elliott
Daniel as a forename is not popular in Scotland. Many great in accordance with Douglas Scott of BC, Canada, Dand Ellot was banished from both Kingdoms in 1607, then shows up as Daniel Elliott, in Tullykelter, Co. Fermanagh, Ireland, as part of the Somerville Estate in-law to the Monea Hamilton. Names Somerville, and Ellott show up in 1610 Tyrone Muster, and a generation later in the Co. Fermanagh, Muster. James Somerville shows up in bother musters. 1610 James Somerville had son 1630 Somerville. Scots alias nickname for Andrew is Dand, Irish English it becomes Daniel from surname of Daniel-M’Daniel it may be obtained. Ellot family of Tullykelter were Anglican but nomally Catholic, from forenames show this, even the name in 1610 Ulster Muster of Co. Fermanagh, Marke Ellot shows this. Before 1650 the Scots used Ellot not Elliot with the Norman ‘i’. Daniel Elliott name in 1692 Salem Trials was spelled Elot, the ‘i’ was added likely because of a John Eliot (Eliot Hall Harvard) which came over on the Mayflower. Had a relative to a George Soul who’s ancestor those Armstrong may have melted in lead at Ninestanerig, 9 stone ridge. Did not seem to care much for this Soulis either. The Douglas and Armstrong seem to like, and this Douglas Scott who is from BC, Canada is active with the Hoik-Hawick Archaeological Society, and has this younger brother who is active also, and sings Scottish Ballads with this group called Scocha (Scott-Chapman), do not know being an elk-moose if I care for his middle name of Hunter, though I think he also is weary of the hunter.
A Hawick Word Book Douglas Scott.pdf (ubc.ca)
Robert Elwald 1484 receiving Redheugh-Larriston land from ‘Bell the…
The History of Liddesdale, Eskdale, Ewesdale, Wauchopedale and the …
Robert Elwald 1484 receiving Redheugh-Larriston land from ‘Bell the…
The History of Liddesdale, Eskdale, Ewesdale, Wauchopedale and the …
Ridale, Riddle, and Riddell, of Yorkshire and Roxburgshire DNA
History students’ Pammel Court exhibition brings back memories – Link MagazineLink Magazine (iastate.edu)
FTDNA Blankfled – Google images
FTDNA Gorrenberry – Google images
FTDNA Gorrenberry – Bing images
FTDNA Blankfield – Bing images

FTDNA Blankfled – Google images
FTDNA Gorrenberry – Google images
FTDNA Gorrenberry – Bing images
FTDNA Blankfield – Bing images
Лорен Спенсер Эллиотт, мой отец сказал бы, что инженер строит мост, по которому могут перейти другие. Генеалогическое древо ДНК построило мост от немецко-датской границы до Восточной Англии, который может пересечь сын Лорен, Марк Стивен Эллиотт.
Лорен Спенсер Елліотт, мій батько сказав би, що інженер будує міст, через який можуть перейти інші. Генеалогічне дерево ДНК побудувало міст від німецько-датського кордону до Східної Англії, який може перетнути син Лорен, Марк Стівен Елліотт.
Loren Spencer Elliott, mój ojciec powiedziałby, że inżynier buduje most, przez który inni mogą przejść. Drzewo genealogiczne DNA zbudowało most od granicy niemiecko-duńskiej do Wschodniej Anglii, który może przekroczyć syn Lorena, Mark Stephen Elliott.
Loren Spencer Elliott Môj otec by povedal, že inžinier stavia most, cez ktorý môžu ostatní prejsť. DNA rodokmeňa postavila most z nemecko-dánskych hraníc do východného Anglicka, cez ktorý môže prejsť Lorenov syn Mark Stephen Elliott.
Loren Spencer Elliott Apám azt mondaná, hogy egy mérnök hidat épít, amelyen mások átkelhetnek. A DNS családfa hidat épített a német-dán határtól Kelet-Angliáig, hogy átkelhessen Loren fia, Mark Stephen Elliott.
Loren Spencer Elliott Mein Vater würde sagen, dass ein Ingenieur eine Brücke baut, die andere überqueren können. DNA Family Tree hat für Lorens Sohn Mark Stephen Elliott eine Brücke von der deutsch-dänischen Grenze nach East Anglia gebaut.
https://en.wikipedia.org › wiki › File:Sasine_deed_148…
redheugh sasine from en.wikipedia.org
This has landholders Ker, Scot, Elwald, Gladstanis, which helped with ownership of the land Redheugh, Larriston, Hartsgarth, and others to be transfer to Robert …
The double L and single T Descent from Minto and Wolflee,
The double T and single L Mark the old race in Stobs that dwell.
The single L and single T The Eliots of St Germains be,
But double T and double L, Who they are nobody can tell.
10th Chief Robert Elwald Redheugh-Larriston land from Archibald ‘Bell the Cat’ Douglas
Что американский астронавт, побывавший на Луне, увидел в Советском Союзе?
Namensverbreitungskarte – Verein für Computergenealogie (genealogy.net)
named – Map your surname across the UK (publicprofiler.org)
Страница 259
В 1593 году наследственная вражда между Джонстонами и Максвеллами была возрождена, что вылилось в ожесточенную битву при Драйфф-Сэндс, недалеко от Локерби. В этой борьбе приняли участие самые известные и храбрые воины из семей Бордера. Лорд Максвелл, надзиратель Западных Маршей, Вооруженный королевской властью и насчитывающий среди своих последователей всех баронов Нитдейла, выставил свое знамя в качестве лейтенанта короля и вторгся в Аннандейл во главе 2000 человек. Баклюх, Эллиоты, Армстронги и Грэмы, теперь воссоединившиеся, пришли на помощь Джонстонам, чья армия, …
Camer angle and flash gave me red-eye.
Correction; Archibald Bell the Cat, killing Spens of Kilspindie.
Kilspindie Castle | Aberlady | The Castles of Scotland, Coventry | Goblinshead
29th Margaret Eliott of Redheugh, obtained from Archibald Bell the Cat. Families seem to like to fight.
20181107, Wednesday, November 7, 2018, Boston, MA, USA, Brigham Health, Brigham and Women’s Hospital, Brigham Research Institute held their annual Discover Brigham campus-wide research day on Wednesday November 7, 2018.
Your user name or IP address has been blocked by a WikiTree Leader.
Start of block: 21:01, 14 May 2018
Intended for: Elliott-11757
Suspected violation: Intentionally adding false information
Accepting my standards, are Ancestry.com, 23andMe.com, FamilyTree.com, familysearch.org, and gedmatch.com [DNA# A269034(lawismarkellot) Ancestry.com data
M904357(markellott) 23andMe.com data corrective Genesis NM6772478 23andme Gedcom#4997456] Gedcom#4997456 (over 4,000 in data base). With FTDNA sites active in Germany, East Anglia, and Norfolk, assist on NC Argyll Colony.] Gedcom#4997456 (over 4,000 in Data base). With FTDNA sites active in Germany, East Anglia, and Norfolk, assist on NC Argyll Colony.Professional research genealogists not of Wikitree utilizing https://elwald.com/, and http://gorrenberry.com/, are readily capable to find documentation on anything I have presented on researching my Y-DNA, of Clan Elliot
In silencing by hanging Salem Witches, or in McCarthyism, blacklisting Jewish playwrights for being communists. In the behavior of science and long-term planning, it is felt I am being kicked out for ‘intentionally adding false information’, the concept of witch hanging and blacklisting was silencing. Owning and operating, elwald.com, gorrenberry.com and clancrozier.com, it is the owner operator which does the silencing. Don’t think I have been silenced. Sincerely, Mark Stephen Elliott 2-19-2023
County Fermanagh, Johnston, of the Scottish Johnstone is second. https://www.familytreedna.com/public/Johnson/default.aspx?section=yresults https://www.familytreedna.com/public/Carruthers?iframe=yresults
Wonder where that I-CTS11603 Y-DNA is from.
Carruthers likely from a single male I-CTS11603 Y-DNA, which does not seem to have any matches to the Brus/Bruce family but relation of Mouswald Carruthers, seem to share the same shield with the Pickering of Oswaldkirk, Yorkshire, Brus/Bruce family relations. Noted, share Y-DNA first 12 markers with Cave ‘de Cave’, and Scarborough. The Bruce had land of Cave, North and South, in east Riding Yorkshire, and in Annandale, land also of the Nicholas Stuteville (Nicholforest), and Wake families. The Stuteville had land of Gresham Castle, and Scarborough region, also of The Mote, which had Liddel Strength Castle on it of the Wake and Stuteville. No previous is pretty rough, but feel people are checking the research. added 4/9/2020
https://www.familytreedna.com/public/Carruthers?iframe=ycolorized https://named.publicprofiler.org/
A lot of surnames can not attribute to a single father parentage especially ones of large numbers (Smith and so on), but ‘Carruthers’ is likely to. Carruthers William De CARRUTHERS, b. 1185 I-CTS11603
Carruthers William De CARRUTHERS, b. 1185 I-CTS11603 https://named.publicprofiler.org/ https://www.familytreedna.com/public/Johnson/default.aspx?section=yresults https://gorrenberry.com/wp-content/uploads/2019/08/Clan-Johnston.mp4?_=1
The SNP I-CTS11603 originated for surname adoption of Johnston(e) and Curruthers originated in the Irvine, Bonshaw Tower region. https://d3tije9h5o4l4c.cloudfront.net/social-photos/3454929?dpr=2&fit=max&h=334&w=590
Johnston is the Co. Fermanagh, Ulster Plantation, of the Johnstone of Johnstone Parish, Scotland near Bonshaw. The surname Johnston, in County Fermanagh, previously named County Maguire, is second to the Maguire surname in size. https://richardgwynallenblog.files.wordpress.com/2017/09/ulster_late_15th_century.png
Did not seem to find any I-M253 Irwin variants matching, though of region. Stoddard is a Johnstone (Castle) region name, though likely as a name originated in England. Stoddart may be more the Scottish spelling for the English Stoddard. https://www.google.com/maps/place/Stoddard+Square,+Elderslie,+Johnstone+PA5+9AT,+UK/@55.7834048,-4.4439194,10.92z/
Above added 3/3/2020 MSE
Muirhall Heritage Castle (Windy Edge) wind farm
Borders National Park
Neil Alden Armstrong Scottish Borders National Park
Scottish Borders National Park
Campaign for a Scottish Borders National Park
Photos from the Scottish Borders
Ask yourself who gets to pocket the wind farm money, and who gets to pocket the tourist money.
A GREAT NAME for the NATIONAL PARK would be; Neil Alden Armstrong Scottish Borders National Park
Appeal lodged over wind farm near Langholm
17 November 2018
An appeal has been lodged against the refusal of a wind farm described as “overly prominent and overwhelming” by planning officials.
A Scottish government reporter will now look at the case before delivering a verdict on the plans.
Just like Fallago Rig, and Windy Edge, now Hopsrig A Scottish government reporter; A pawn of the Nicola Sturgeon Government that will surpass the will of the Scottish Border Community to desecrate the birth place of Kinmount/Kinmont Willie Armstrong;
Branxholme and the Scott of Ewisdale supported Mary Queen of Scots, Buccleuch Knt, supported James VI.
Mary Queen of Scots, and Bothwell (James Hepburn), owner of The Hermitage Castle.
Yes, they are building it next to KINMOUNT.
CLAN CROZIER tees now available.
The Carrothers/Carruthers, of Debatable Lands and Fermanagh also carry I-M253
Carrutherstown, Dumfries Google map.
1654 in Co. Annandale, which is now of Co. Dumfries.
In the 13th century, the family rose to be the hereditary stewards of Annandale under the Bruces. Nigel de Karruthers became Rector at nearby Ruthwell and rose to become Canon of Glasgow Cathedral in 1351 and was chancellor to Robert, Steward of Scotland (progenitor of the Stewart monarchs).
During time of surname adoption, which and individual “de Karruthers” from Karruthers/Carruthers, would drop the “de” and become Carruthers, or adopted the surname of the Bruce, giving the Carruther and Bruce a stemming from the same Y-DNA father.
It should be noted that Karruthers in above are of Dumbfrieshire below. added 10/15/2017 MSE
De Curruthers becoming surname Curruthers;
“Mark, I am enjoying this tremendously. I have been matching up the Bruce YDNA Project to the info I have and it looks like the Bruce family is positive for the L22 and they CTS11603, with William De Carruthers 1185 – 1245