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Articles Pre Bruce, Y-DNA Fingerprint, Not to Believed

Articles pre Robert de Bruce Elwald-Elwold Y-DNA Fingerprint Not to be believed Name Seeking One’s Self Where Did My Elliott Come From Northumberland more updated 7/17/2013

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Elwald Towers

Elwald Towers

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Ker, Kerr, Carr

Family Tree DNA 的创始人贝内特·格林斯潘 (Bennett Greenspan) 在年轻时就对家谱学产生了浓厚的兴趣。对他的家族史来说更重要的是他从这些年长的亲戚那里获得的信息。家族史中最重要的是年长近亲的家族史。他们的 DNA 可以被采集和存储,但如果不像我父亲那样记录下来,他们的历史可能会丢失。     Daniel Elliot (1637–1704) • FamilySearch Capt John Allen Jr. Capt. John Allen, Jr., son of John Allen “the dyer” and his first wife Rebecca, bapt. Jan. 7, 1615/6 at

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Name Mapping

Elwald Name Mapping; It should be noted that locations of the prominent names of Redheugh; Robert, William, and John, can previous to 1400 can be found in south Northumbria, and south. Elwald Name Mapping The  information on name mapping can

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Y-DNA to locate.

Utilizing my Y-DNA, plus Family Tree DNA was able to find surname emergence for family genealogy. Using geographic surname correlation extra Able to use genealogy, for exact matches at twelve markers to find were the Elwald surname emerged. Three of

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