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Elliott, Doyle, and Loatman family

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Elliott Spencer Mt Ayr photos

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Stefan Stephanus Stephen Barna of Leluchów, (Galicia, Austria) Poland for FTDNA Ancestry & Familysearch

Genealogy Garage: Scottish Prisoners of War YouTube LA Public Library May 15, 2021       Stefan Stephanus Stephen Barna of Leluchów, (Galicia, Austria) Poland for FTDNA Ancestry & Familysearch Saints Cyril and Methodius | Description, Legacy, & Facts | Britannica Saints

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FTDNA North Ireland

Gorrenberry – Posts Muirhall Teviot north extension to Windy Edge Wind Farm   Posts – Elwald     Brigham This is the Place’ genealogy with DNA applied – Gorrenberry   Scottish Prisoners   Barbados-POW Scots 1650 Barbadian Banishment: The forgotten Irish of

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Gresham Grisham Gresham DNA published to FTDNA

Genealogy Garage: Scottish Prisoners of War YouTube LA Public Library May 15, 2021   Gorrenberry – Posts Muirhall Teviot north extension to Windy Edge Wind Farm   Posts – Elwald       Brigham This is the Place’ genealogy with DNA applied – Gorrenberry

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FTDNA Rain Rainer Raines Raynes Rains Reynes

Genealogy Garage: Scottish Prisoners of War YouTube LA Public Library May 15, 2021   Gorrenberry – Posts Muirhall Teviot north extension to Windy Edge Wind Farm   Posts – Elwald     Brigham This is the Place’ genealogy with DNA applied – Gorrenberry  

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FTDNA Elks and For the Elliot and my father Loren Spencer Elliott: instead of; could you please use; Thank you Mark Stephen Elliott 1/26/2024 Lidalia vel Lidisdalia regio, Lidisdail / Auct. Timotheo Pont. – Blaeu Atlas of

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McCall, McConnell, and McGown, Ulster Fermanagh DNA matches to Elliott

Genealogy Garage: Scottish Prisoners of War YouTube LA Public Library May 15, 2021   Gorrenberry – Posts Muirhall Teviot north extension to Windy Edge Wind Farm   Posts – Elwald     Brigham This is the Place’ genealogy with DNA applied – Gorrenberry  

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FTDNA Greenspan

    Posts – Elwald     Barbadian Banishment: The forgotten Irish of the world’s newest republic – The Irish Times Guy Hewitt: Barbados remembers Scots heritage on St Andrew’s Day (   Uncategorized – Clan Crozier   70 maps that explain America

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FTDNA Kempe, Kempf, Kemp, Kamp, Camp

Genealogy Garage: Scottish Prisoners of War YouTube LA Public Library May 15, 2021   Gorrenberry – Posts Muirhall Teviot north extension to Windy Edge Wind Farm   Posts – Elwald     Brigham This is the Place’ genealogy with DNA applied – Gorrenberry  

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