Category: Posts

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FTDNA Little Liddell

Genealogy Garage: Scottish Prisoners of War YouTube LA Public Library May 15, 2021   Gorrenberry – Posts Muirhall Teviot north extension to Windy Edge Wind Farm   Posts – Elwald     Brigham This is the Place’ genealogy with DNA applied – Gorrenberry  

Posted in Posts


Genealogy Garage: Scottish Prisoners of War YouTube LA Public Library May 15, 2021   Gorrenberry – Posts Muirhall Teviot north extension to Windy Edge Wind Farm   Posts – Elwald     Brigham This is the Place’ genealogy with DNA applied – Gorrenberry  

Posted in Posts

Scottish Middle March applied DNA

Genealogy Garage: Scottish Prisoners of War YouTube LA Public Library May 15, 2021   Gorrenberry – Posts Muirhall Teviot north extension to Windy Edge Wind Farm   Posts – Elwald     Brigham This is the Place’ genealogy with DNA applied – Gorrenberry  

Posted in Posts

Reivers applied DNA for a strong army;

Genealogy Garage: Scottish Prisoners of War YouTube LA Public Library May 15, 2021   Gorrenberry – Posts Muirhall Teviot north extension to Windy Edge Wind Farm   Posts – Elwald     Brigham This is the Place’ genealogy with DNA applied – Gorrenberry  

Posted in Posts

Crozier applied DNA for a strong army;

Genealogy Garage: Scottish Prisoners of War YouTube LA Public Library May 15, 2021   Gorrenberry – Posts Muirhall Teviot north extension to Windy Edge Wind Farm       Posts – Elwald     Brigham This is the Place’ genealogy with DNA applied –

Posted in Posts

Nixon applied DNA for a strong army;

Genealogy Garage: Scottish Prisoners of War YouTube LA Public Library May 15, 2021   Gorrenberry – Posts Muirhall Teviot north extension to Windy Edge Wind Farm     Posts – Elwald     Brigham This is the Place’ genealogy with DNA applied – Gorrenberry

Posted in Posts

Elliott applied DNA for a strong army;

Genealogy Garage: Scottish Prisoners of War YouTube LA Public Library May 15, 2021   Gorrenberry – Posts Muirhall Teviot north extension to Windy Edge Wind Farm   Posts – Elwald     Brigham This is the Place’ genealogy with DNA applied – Gorrenberry  

Posted in Posts

Armstrong applied DNA for a strong army;

Genealogy Garage: Scottish Prisoners of War YouTube LA Public Library May 15, 2021   Gorrenberry – Posts Muirhall Teviot north extension to Windy Edge Wind Farm   Posts – Elwald     Brigham This is the Place’ genealogy with DNA applied – Gorrenberry  

Posted in Posts

Armstrong applied DNA for a strong army;

Genealogy Garage: Scottish Prisoners of War YouTube LA Public Library May 15, 2021   Gorrenberry – Posts Muirhall Teviot north extension to Windy Edge Wind Farm Brigham This is the Place’ genealogy with DNA applied – Gorrenberry   Scottish Prisoners   Barbados-POW Scots 1650

Posted in Posts

FTDNA Ireland yDNA

Genealogy Garage: Scottish Prisoners of War YouTube LA Public Library May 15, 2021   Gorrenberry – Posts Muirhall Teviot north extension to Windy Edge Wind Farm   Posts – Elwald     Brigham This is the Place’ genealogy with DNA applied – Gorrenberry  

Posted in Posts