East Anglia FTDNA activity Rush then Hammer


477.Emma Ona [RUSH] ELLIOTT) [9] [261. Aaron 8, Benjamin 7, James 6,
Benjamin II 5, Wm. IV 4, Wm. III 3, Wm. II 2, Wm. I 1] born 17 Nov 1867 in
Rice Twp, Ringgold Co, IA, and died in Mt Ayr, IA, 1 Aug 1963. She married 10
Jul 1887 in the Methodist parsonage in Mt Ayr to Alamando Wilcox ELLIOTT
born 11 May 1865 in Avon, Fulton Co, IL. His parents were Rev. Sherburn
Alamando and Louisa Marie [Mark] ELLIOTT. `Al’ came to Iowa at the age of
three. His father was a pioneer Methodist circuit rider in southeast Iowa and
family moved frequently until moving to Rice Twp in 1871 to farm. His
grandfather, Rev. William F. Mark, was also a pioneer Methodist circuit rider
also serving in Illinois and Iowa with his last charge in Redding, Ringgold Co, IA.
After marriage, Emma and `Al’ settled on farm purchased in 1890 from his
father in Rice Twp where they lived until they moved to Mt Ayr in 1915. They
purchased in 1907 an additional 40 acres on the west side of this initial 80 acre
farm. This farm was rented to their oldest son, Mark, in 1915 and they retired
to Mt Ayr. They sold this farm in 1934 to this son. Their home in Mt. Ayr was
located at the present site if the Clearview Care Home for senior citizens.
Emma was the first resident of this fine center. They were active members of
the Methodist Church, having joined at Eureka east of Delphos, IA. `Al’ at five
feet eleven inches towered over his five-foot three-inch father. He detested the
name `Alamando’ and much preferred his friends to call him `Al’ or `A.W.’ He is
remembered for his fine sense of humor and cheerful disposition, always seeing
the bright side of everything. He enjoyed quoting poetry – generally ending by
giving credit to an author that may or may not have existed. He chewed
tobacco, always ‘saucered’ his coffee, and said `grace’ before every meal. The
`carom board’ was always readily available when the grandchildren arrived for
overnight stays. Alice, felt she gave these for nothing. The railroad
bordered the north edge of their lots with a trestle bridge crossing the street
bordering them on the east. They owned one automobile purchased new – a
1928 Whippet. Emma did the driving as `Al’s eyesight was very poor, having
lost an eye at the age of nine when a boyhood friend accidentally struck him
with an axe while watching him chop wood. Their house had a well located in
the east porch and a cave just east between house and garage. East of the
garage was the commonly referred to `two holer’ with that adjacent to a low
ceiling hen house with both covered with grape vines. They kept about a dozen
Rhode Island Red hens that produced very few eggs. She always had a jar full
of thick sugar cookies that really weren’t very good but she was a tremendous
grandma! They both enjoyed gardening and had many peach trees. Children of
Emma and `Al’;
800. i. Florence Modessa Elliott b. 9 Apr 1888 d. 9 Sep 1984
801. ii. Avis L. Elliott b. 5 Oct 1889 d. 30 Oct 1890
802. iii. Mark (nmn)3 Elliott b. 13 Mar 1891 d 30 Nov 1976
803. iv. Rees Wells Elliott b. 3 Feb 1893 d. 13 Mar 1919
804. v. Ethel L. Elliott b. 12 Aug 1894 d. 21 Jan 1899

3Mark was given the surnames of his two grandmothers – Mark & Hammer. He detested this combination and had
his name legally changed to “Mark” with no middle name. Suspect he was teased about his name as a kid. LSE.

805. vi. Hazel Bernice Elliott b. 22 Jul 1897 d. 14 Sep 1985
806. vii. Gladys Marie Elliott b. 30 Nov 1901 d. 15 Nov 1978
807. viii. Alice Marguerite Elliott b. 7 Nov 1907 d. 7 Jun 1984






Brigham ‘This is the Place’ genealogy with DNA applied

Robert Elwald 1484 receiving Redheugh-Larriston land from ‘Bell the…

The History of Liddesdale, Eskdale, Ewesdale, Wauchopedale and the …

Ellots of Redheugh



Through our ballads, the history of our family is conveyed. The Armstrongs can’t be led, they come into play, and like Elliott, I’m taking a very big risk trying to follow these Armstrongs. May end in hanging.

Через наши баллады передается история нашей семьи. Армстронгов нельзя вести, они вступают в игру, и я, как Эллиотт, очень сильно рискую, пытаясь следовать за этими Армстронгами. Может закончиться повешением.

The History of Liddesdale, Eskdale, Ewesdale, Wauchopedale and the Debateable Land: “From the Twelfth Century to 1530.” Robert

Pomery-Pomeroy, Cave, Gresham-Grisham-Grissom, Scarborough-Scorborough, Dennis, Elwald-Ellwood-Elliot-Elliott, Daniel Ellot marker Salem cluster first 12 markers.


FTDNA Blankfled – Google images

FTDNA Gorrenberry – Google images

FTDNA Gorrenberry – Bing images

FTDNA Blankfield – Bing images




FTDNA Irwin March 2020

History Ireland – Sheep stealers from the north of England: the Riding Clans in Ulster by Robert Bell

For about 1630 Ulster muster of R. J. Hunter Collection: for Johnson, use Johnston, Scott use Scot, Elliot use Ellot, Irvine use Irwin.


RUSH 1999 Loren S. Elliott

The History of Liddesdale, Eskdale, Ewesdale, Wauchopedale and the … – Robert Bruce Armstrong – Google Books





Your user name or IP address has been blocked by a WikiTree Leader.
Start of block: 21:01, 14 May 2018
Intended for: Elliott-11757

Suspected violation: Intentionally adding false information

Accepting my standards, are Ancestry.com, 23andMe.com, FamilyTree.com, familysearch.org, and gedmatch.com [DNA# A269034(lawismarkellot) Ancestry.com data
M904357(markellott) 23andMe.com data corrective Genesis NM6772478 23andme Gedcom#4997456] Gedcom#4997456 (over 4,000 in data base). With FTDNA sites active in Germany, East Anglia, and Norfolk, assist on NC Argyll Colony.] Gedcom#4997456 (over 4,000 in Data base). With FTDNA sites active in Germany, East Anglia, and Norfolk, assist on NC Argyll Colony.Professional research genealogists not of Wikitree utilizing https://elwald.com/, and http://gorrenberry.com/, are readily capable to find documentation on anything I have presented on researching my Y-DNA, of Clan Elliot

In silencing by hanging Salem Witches, or in McCarthyism, blacklisting Jewish playwrights for being communists. In the behavior of science and long-term planning, it is felt I am being kicked out for ‘intentionally adding false information’, the concept of witch hanging and blacklisting was silencing. Owning and operating, elwald.com, gorrenberry.com and clancrozier.com, it is the owner operator which does the silencing.  Don’t think I have been silenced. Sincerely, Mark Stephen Elliott 2-19-2023


In lieu of flowers the family suggests contributions to the Armstrong surname genealogical organization. Funeral directors, Deseret Mortuary.

Beccleuch warden of West March, Duke of Buccleuch of the Bauld (Bold) Buccleuch, has his home in Langholm, Scotland the hometown of Neil Armstrong.

Armystand 1396 (army-stand along Liddel Water), Armestrang (Arme-strang army-strong, strang and lang are strong and long in Scottish Auld and Bauld are Old and Bold in Scottish, like in Robert Burns ‘Auld Lang Syne’, ‘Old Long Since’.

References;(in the public domain) The history of Enniskillen with reference to some manors in co. Fermanagh, and other local subjects by Trimble, William Copeland, 1851-1941 page 218-9 https://archive.org/details/historyofenniski00trimrich/page/218/mode/2up

The History of Liddesdale, Eskdale, Ewesdale, Wauchopedale and the Debateable Land: By Robert Bruce Armstrong, Volume 1883 page 65 https://books.google.com/books?id=nFr7oQEACAAJ&pg=PA65&source=gbs_toc_r&cad=4#v=onepage&q&f=false Chronicles of the

Armstrongs; by Armstrong, James Lewis 1902 https://archive.org/details/chroniclesofarms00arms/page/259/mode/2up

id=nFr7oQEACAAJ&pg=PA65&source=gbs_toc_r&cad=4#v=onepage&q&f=false Chronicles of the

Armstrongs; by Armstrong, James Lewis 1902 https://archive.org/details/chroniclesofarms00arms/page/259/mode/2up

Search the Muster Rolls (therjhuntercollection.com)


Rosalind Elsie Franklin (1920-1958) – Find a Grave Memorial



The History of Liddesdale, Eskdale, Ewesdale, Wauchopedale and the … – Robert Bruce Armstrong – Google Books

The history of Enniskillen with reference to some manors in co. Fermanagh, and other local subjects : Trimble, William Copeland, 1851-1941 : Free Download, Borrow, and Streaming :

Internet ArchiveChronicles of the Armstrongs; : Armstrong, James Lewis : Free Download, Borrow, and Streaming : Internet Archive

named – Map your surname across the UK (publicprofiler.org)

Sheep stealers from the north of England’: the Riding Clans in Ulster by Robert Bell


The History of Liddesdale, Eskdale, Ewesdale, Wauchopedale and the … – Robert Bruce Armstrong – Google Books

Saxton-1579.jpg (4062×3183) (gorrenberry.com)

View map: Lidalia vel Lidisdalia regio, Lidisdail / Auct. Timotheo Pont. – Blaeu Atlas of Scotland, 1654 (nls.uk)

Chronicles of the Armstrongs; : Armstrong, James Lewis : Free Download, Borrow, and Streaming : Internet Archive

Albert Bird Armstrong Jr. (1900-1973) – Find a Grave Memorial

Chronicles of the Armstrongs; : Armstrong, James Lewis : Free Download, Borrow, and Streaming : Internet Archive

Чтобы заниматься генеалогией, нужно найти людей, которые смотрят на мышление под другим углом, чтобы преодолеть предрассудки. Монархи Англии и Шотландии повесили бы Армстронга и Эллиотта, если бы сами выглядели как монархи. Именно это случилось с Джонни Армстронгом, которого звали Гилноки, и Эллиоттом, который ехал с ним, шотландский король пригласил их встретиться, и он повесил связку.

Ballad “Johnie Armstrang” Armstrong – Reivers

Айвенго думал, что у вас, русских, русская печать, я не очень большой на аристократов. Семейная линия сэра Вальтера Скотта, из-за поместья Баклюх, которое сегодня является самым большим количеством поместий семьи Скотт. Во время Пограничного умиротворения, тех, кто поддерживал шотландского короля Якова VI, взятого у французской католической матери, Марии Стюарт Французской королевы Шотландии, ее мать была обезглавлена старшей Елизаветой I королевой Англии. Это гарантировало, что новый объединенный король, ни Шотландия, ни Англия не будут иметь католического монарха. Армстронг и Эллиотт поддерживали Мари Стюарт, когда Елизавета I умерла, Яков VI, стал Яковом I Английским и не нуждался в пограничниках, особенно в тех, кого звали Армстронг и Эллиотт. Хотя Соединенное Королевство называет это пограничным умиротворением, это было пограничное истребление и изгнание. Многие переехали в графство Фермана, Ирландия, теперь на границе ЕС и Великобритании. Потомки католического «Мака» и шотландского протестанта «Мак» из (Лондона) Дерри и Белфаста. Если эта граница между ЕС и Великобританией будет укреплена, то эта граница, скорее всего, превратится в поле битвы, где будут жить потомки шотландских пограничных семей, которые вступили в брак с ирландцами.


Namensverbreitungskarte – Verein für Computergenealogie (genealogy.net) Walsch

Rush German variant surnames.

How family members are being successful at family history; 

The family knows best.
Listen to others, especially of the opposite sex, to make family.
Do not in a family search, get rid of the in-laws, though you may want to.
Families fight, and likely not just one answer is correct, in the history.
If the family’s history is done properly one does not get to pick their ancestors.
When a person lets say MrX, on FTDNA MrX surname blog, says something about his family tree, and MZ says he is a liar, because MZ administrates the FTDNA blog, who is most likely correct MrX or MZ?
People need another point of view, and the family tree can not exist without males and females, because that is what it takes to make a family tree.
For instance the males carry the Y-DNA. To put a female MZ, in charge of FTDNA blogs MrA-MrY, with the power of kicking people out of the blog anyone she likes to is that genealogy or Corporate Profit Making?
Can a person be kicked out of their family tree?
Say two people of the same family have a disagreement on a point. One of the two researchers the other person’s position, and find it to be correct also. The other does not. Who has gained knowledge of the family tree, and is acting in the manner of a true family historian/genealogist?
Needs no commit.

Rush Rush

https://d3tije9h5o4l4c.cloudfront.net/social-photos/3606085?dpr=2&fit=max&h=305&w=590 Galicia, Ukraine, Births, Marriages, and Deaths, 1789-1905 Text-only collection;
Name: Isak Grünspan
Event Type: Marriage Marriage
Year: 1868
Marriage City: Husiatyn
Name: Uszer Grünspan
Event Type: Death Death
Year: 1892
Death City: Czortkow
South to southeast of; Ternopil (Тернопіль) Ternopil Oblast, Ukraine.
That FTDNA Y-DNA data is a great tool for the family history genealogist.
Mom’s maiden name is Barna, and other than mom she went by Alma Barna Elliott. Stephen Barna is the father of mom’s dad Stephen Peter Barna. My name Mark Stephen Elliott, comes from both my grand parents, dad’s dad containing the Y-DNA, Mark (no middle name) Elliott. Was given a middle name from a family name line on his birth certificate but rejected it. Stephen Peter Barna, mom’s father does not have Y-DNA or mtDNA but shows of it in autosomal DNA, but his wife Josephine Ryan carries the mtDNA, and is of southern Ireland. 6/7/2020
Family History as opposed to History, to identify individuals, has to utilize more documentation on the subject manner then History alone. When one goes back thirty generations, that generational line mathematically has more than a billion autosomal DNA ancestors, but only one female mtDNA ancestor, and one male Y-DNA ancestor, which all it takes to produce the next generation. For me to be kicked off of FTDNA blogs shows that FTDNA is a corporate money making machine and does not care anything about families except in profit dollars, for putting they say to much online. It is minute, in amount, it is the others which are not putting enough online which is where the complaint should be made.


Steve Rush, We have this thing more than half solved. Imaging a Rush from East Anglia, living in Australia, utilizing DNA, and going after one of the top genealogical problems of the day. Where is William Rush from in England, and today we can say it’s not Wales, and is most likely Suffolk, East Anglia. Still feel that the Rush of Anglia, and the Rusch of southern Denmark-northern Germany are of the same group. The spelling is felt not to travel, but the word pronunciation of “rush” travel over, then came into the written language, in Anglia, spelled Rush(e), in Denmark-Germany spelled Rusch. so both groups carry similar Y-DNA, which incorporates R-L21 and I-M253, the R-L21 basically fizzled out before going to Scotland, but the I-M253 made it with strength. With the Gresham, Grisham, and Grissom, of Gresham, Norfolk, about 75% have the R-L21 like you. These R-L21 acquire there name base from Gresham more than 800 years ago, which gives a spread in their Y-DNA, and evolution in their name where most which use the “i” are not from England. The other 25% are Non Parental Events NPE. So the name started as example, John from Gresham, John de Gresham, and the “de” was dropped to make John Gresham for instance. Because the name Rush is prominent in Suffolk, it is very unlikely your name change, maybe from something like “Rushe” to “Rush”, but it was never “Rusch”, that is the way it was phonetically spelled by the Danish-Germans, given similar pronunciation, like with the words “bear” and “bär”; same pronunciation, same meaning, but different spellings. Need a William Rush born in Suffolk, in or near 1615. Should be noted; names from region ending in “-ton” (farmstead/town), and “-ham” (manor-likely fortified), are place names. This is a genealogical problem, I knew of, but with the extensive research done on it by the Rush of the world, was going to allow the Rush to have it. It is my honor Steve to be working with you on such a major dilemma to this Rush line.
https://books.google.com/books?id=Xyv91vPq_voC&pg=PA30&dq=westmoreland+county+va+”William+Rush”&hl=en&sa=X&ved=0ahUKEwin6sP22NraAhWG3YMKHQstAxwQ6AEIKTAA#v=onepage&q=westmoreland%20county%20va%20″William%20Rush”&f=false https://www.google.com/maps/place/Howson/@54.3497123,-2.923976,10.5z/ http://named.publicprofiler.org/ Howsen of Suffolk is a form of Howson, which likely evolved from in Scandinavian “how sen”, in English “how son?”. Steve, ever know the surname Howsen? Steve, guess you are right the DNA comes from Suffolk, East Anglia.
Steve Rush, Burials extracted for Rattlesden (south of Elmswell), St. Nicholas, Suffolk https://www.google.com/maps/place/Rattlesden,+UK/@52.1465172,0.8756457,11.65z/ 2984 28/04/1597 William Rushe The elder. 2985 02/05/1597 John Rushe Senior, brother of William Rushe. Are 5 Howson buried there also. ANCESTORS, DESCENDANTS, & RELATIVES of AARON & NANCY MELVINA [HAMMER] RUSH1 1. William RUSH I [1] was born is listed by Miss Nellie F. Ayres in “Genealogy of the Rush Family ofVirginia and the Terrell Genealogy” as coming to America 21 May 1635 at the age of 20. He would have been born ca 1615. He was the father of at least one child; 20. i. William Rush II b. ca 1640 d. 20. William RUSH II] [2] [1. Wm. I 1] was born ca 1640 probably in Virginia. He married ca 1640 probably to Ann GRAY. He was with Sir Thomas Luntsford in 1650. Records show him listedin a deed of 12 Jan 1664 where he received a deed from a Howson for 100 acres. This land in Westmore, VA, was re-patented by him in 1704 and deeded to his son, William Rush on 22 Julb1689. They were parents of at least one son; 30. i. William Rush III b. ca 1666 d. 1707/8 by Loren Spencer Elliott Dad listed the deed as “Howson” Likely some descendants moved onto Buxhall (further south of Elmswell); https://www.google.com/maps/place/Buxhall,+UK/@52.10914,0.945968,10.83z/ History of the Parish of Buxhall in the County of Suffolk: With Twenty-four … By Walter Arthur Copinger https://books.google.com/books?id=9sc6zQkENbkC&pg=PA284&dq=%22William+Rush%22+Buxhall&hl=en&sa=X&ved=0ahUKEwikwNKNitvaAhUV24MKHQMgAdEQ6AEIKTAA#v=onepage&q=%22William%20Rush%22%20Buxhall&f=false Then utilized the family name of William Rush, also used in Virginia.
Steve Rush 21 hours ago Like I said you get that A159663 (*lkje) from the Johnson research site nobody would expect me to have a 7cMs match with some one YOU at 2-3 hundred years so a 5.8 Cma is pretty interesting to me. I am related to Issac C Rush and his son Cyrus Rush and so are you Mate. and LISTEN WE ARE NOT related to DR Benjamin Rush Or Sir Thomas Rushe and you can shuffle your numbers and your files about all you like DNA does Not Lie. my ancestry Tree is RUSH STUFF 1 Steve Can not find any disagreement with what you have said above. Even found, Cyrus Hayden Rush, and Isaac C. Rush in my family tree, along with a George Bedford Johnson. Steve, but how are we related?
Related to Benjamin Rush, dad recorded VA, others NC. At first I thought NC, but after looking at dad’s records now think VA. May be interested in some of dad’s research I put online; https://www.elwald.com/rush-research-loren-s-elliott/ He did a lot of research on the Rush family, and knew great grandma Emma O. Rush when she was alive. Died at 96, as I can recall, and was at the funeral. https://www.elwald.com/wp-content/uploads/2013/07/Rush-Virginia-Kentucky-Iowa.pdf https://elwald.com/wp-content/uploads/2013/07/Loren-S-Elliott-Rush-Family-Research-documents.pdf https://elwald.com/wp-content/uploads/2013/07/misc-Rush-family_1-30.pdf https://elwald.com/wp-content/uploads/2013/07/misc-Rush-family_31-60.pdf Feel that Rusch, being so much in East Anglia, is of Rusch in Germany; http://worldnames.publicprofiler.org
I have saved a lot of this and I thankyou for it the bit where You make out everyone from East Anglia is a bloody Saxon I think is a Load of B/S not everyone from East Anglia is an anglo saxon read Celt and Saxon Peter Beresford Ellis I think my DNA proves that my Rush family were there a long time before all the German tribes attacked and gave us the dark ages. is there anyone in this project interested in starting a sub branch of Celts of East Anglia Please contact me with your haplogroup. Regards Steve Rush Queensland Australia stevenali@optusnet.com.au GEDmatch T949599 Haplogroup R-A241 R-
Steve Rush, The genetic Anglo-Saxon part comes from an Oxford University study. https://www.peopleofthebritishisles.org/population-genetics of which surname analysis is not used. The part added, is a surname analysis given census distribution which I have contributed, which is not seemly agrees with the Oxford University study of Peoples of the British Isles. That words from the Germanic language, such as the word wolf and many others travel through the UK from Germany. With surname, when they travel between unfriendly nations sometimes the retention of the spelling of the former is not retains. For instance in north Germany where the Saxons migrated from there is a concentration of the name Rusch, and in the UK where the Saxons landed there is a concentration of the name Rush. Relations between England and Germany have always not be the best so the surname Rusch coming to England to indicate that it is not German would be changed in spelling to Rush. This surname analysis does not incorporate DNA. In a similar fashion the Oxford University DNA study People of the British Isles does not contain surnames.
Both aDNA & mtDNA results should be the same between siblings, as it is through the same parents. Were there 2 different companies used? L21 has the highest proportions in Celtic areas like Brittany, Ireland etc. Those involved in the Norman Conquest, came from different areas in the north of France and Flanders and could have come from different ethnic backgrounds. While the leading group may have been descended from the Vikings and would be likely be hg I2, the ordinary soldiers might be descended from Celtic France and be R-L21 or R-U152 or so on. More significant is the distribution of samples of the R-L1066 subgroup [which one group of Greshams are in]. Most of the FTDNA samples are in Ireland, Scotland or the western side of England. There is a lack of samples in Eastern and SE England, and on the continent. Presumably the Gresham in Norfolk is recorded in the domesday census, and one possibility is that the surname came from that place. Another possibility is that there was an unrecorded event early in America, and we would need a sample from a Gresham who is still in England.
Steve Rush and Mark Elliott comparison GEDmatch.Com Autosomal Comparison – V2.1.1(c) Comparing Kit A269034 (*lawismarkellot) and T949599 (Steven John Rush) Minimum threshold size to be included in total = 500 SNPs Mismatch-bunching Limit = 250 SNPs Minimum segment cM to be included in total = 7.0 cM Largest segment = 0.0 cM Total of segments > 7 cM = 0.0 cM (2228) No shared DNA segments found But another kit third cousins from a Benjamin Rush Comparing Kit A269034 (*lawismarkellot) and A159663 (*lkje) Minimum threshold size to be included in total = 700 SNPs Mismatch-bunching Limit = 350 SNPs Minimum segment cM to be included in total = 7.0 cM Largest segment = 29.8 cM Total of segments > 7 cM = 46.5 cM 2 matching segments Estimated number of generations to MRCA = 4.1 3th cousins, descended from Father: Benjamin Rush (b. 1782, d. 1843) Mother: Rachel Springer (b. 1786, d. 1874) Both groups have I-M253 in them. https://www.familytreedna.com/groups/rouse/dna-results https://www.familytreedna.com/public/Rush_Family?iframe=yresults
Like I said you get that A159663 (*lkje) from the Johnson research site nobody would expect me to have a 7cMs match with some one YOU at 2-3 hundred years so a 5.8 Cma is pretty interesting to me. I am related to Issac C Rush and his son Cyrus Rush and so are you Mate. and LISTEN WE ARE NOT related to DR Benjamin Rush Or Sir Thomas Rushe and you can shuffle your numbers and your files about all you like DNA does Not Lie. my ancestry Tree is RUSH STUFF 1
There is no record in my family tree, that we are related to Sir Thomas, but there is a record that I am not related to Dr Benjamin Rush. Not familiar with the Issac C and his son Cyrus Rush. Look below my Hammer line on ancestry.com shows an autosomal match going back a couple hundred of years. Could use more info on subject. Y-DNA goes back a long distance. Do you have any US surname matches, which may have submitted autosomal to gedmatch, which I could compare with?
ok and get back to you soon
In this group there are sizable proportions of R-L21 and R-U106 with sizable amounts of I-M223 and I-M253; https://www.familytreedna.com/public/east_anglia?iframe=yresults including some (Roman) G DNA.
http://worldnames.publicprofiler.org Hope people do not mine, but I am trying to do some genealogy, incorporating new DNA results I have just received. http://gorrenberry.com/geographic-surname-dna-correlation/ The German’s seem to treat me well since my MDA is from Germany; http://gorrenberry.com/genealogie-geographischer-name-dna-elliot/ Since are lines go back a least 27 generation, am sure we match in Norfolk. https://en.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?title=Beck_Hall&oldid=684515883 With; Alanus Elfwold 1248 Bec, Norfolk, many great. Tried to write a history back in 1248, but in writing from Gallup, New Mexico, USA, those people of the Norfolk, Anglia, England region must have think it was some sort of ‘spoof news’ or something. Us Elliott are not very good at spoofing people, except there is this one story we seemed to get away with; Hope people understand, this genealogy, incorporating DNA and many other things is a hobby to me; http://gorrenberry.com/cowie/ They kick me off of Wikipedia, but if you Google, Clan Crozier, I built a domain for them, and for Googling “Hermitage Castle”, for me Historic Scotland comes to the top not Wikipedia. Looks like progress is being made. Mr. Stanley Vaughn Grisham Jr. Y-DNA37 FF Roger de Gresham , b. 1300 and d. 1377 R-M269 4/21/2018 For 0 off in 12 for 24 generations 91% For 2 off in 25 for 24 generations 88½% FTDNA TIP calculator does not go beyond for some reason 24 generations.
https://www.familytreedna.com/groups/r-l21/about/results Has a good map, indicates Breton. It is felt Breton a seacoast region had migration from more toward the east. The map also show a small concentration in Sudfolk, where Steve Rush claims his R-L21 routes, and I with my R-U106, seemly migrating with I-M253, and I-M223, and having many exact matches with twelve marker matches going back 27 generations which for the test marker sets of 12, 25 and 67 as I recall seem to converge. https://www.familytreedna.com/faq-markers.aspx shows that am related with my R-U106, where my Y-DNA shows a migration from north-Germany south-Denmark.
Tom Grissom 4 hours ago Mark, You know that I am not that knowledgeable about anything prior to 1776! Even have German ancestry in America before that, a Hammer name. Though “Hammer” is listed for my grandfather on his birth certificate, he did not accept it, that is why he is Mark (nmn no middle name) Elliott, the Stephen, is Scottish, but it comes from my Slavic, Czech, German speaking mom’s Alama Barna Elliott granddad, Stephen Peter Barna, and the surname Barna is concentrated it that region, along with his DNA, which shows in the ancestry.com autosomal DNA. “Note N14Baltis Hammer and wife Elizabeth Meddogh are MRCA, DNA match with DixieBradley93.” https://www.wikitree.com/wiki/Hammer-1052 (Gaelic ‘Meddogh’ is English ‘MP’, likely became in The Colonies ‘McDough’) Did not know I had a German relative with a similar name married a Irish-Scot by the name of McDough, when I made that comment. “Note; Balthasar, not common in English, as translated by (Philipp) Gerhardt is an important forename to go by.” It is all right for the German to marry the highlander, because they did it before there was a United States of America. He must have been all right this German, because he moved to Washington County, TN, named after an American Revolutionary, and where my wife was born and raised. Those Highlanders force us border people to wear those tartan’s, and we border people in the Highland Ulster counties of Counties Antrim and Down, forced those Gaelic speaking highlanders to speak our form of Scots. If a German can marry a Gaelic Scots Highlander, then us Border Reiving Scots, since those highlanders have us wearing those tartans, can force those Gaelic speaking highland Scots living in norther Ulster, and would you believe they turned Presbyterian, could think what my ancestors lying in there grave from County Fermanagh, Ulster being Anglian-Episcopalian-Methodists think of that. They sure can tell the difference in dad’s home town of Mt Ayr (Ayr after Rabbie Burns home town, and he was good to write in Scot, not like that Sir Walter, or James VI Scotland then I of England, granddad banished from both his kingdoms in 1607, who put a bible in English). Steve Rush, Steve and Stephen are interchangeable, Europe, UK, and USA. Though in the UK, Steve, is English, and Stephen is Scottish, Elliott is English and Ulster, and Elliot is Scottish, Allen is English and Ulster, and Allan is Scottish, though in 1250 AD Bec, Norfolk, Anglia it was the Latin Alanus Elfwold. Personal names became for males forenames and surnames. http://named.publicprofiler.org/
http://named.publicprofiler.org/ correction away from nickname Steve, in the UK Steven, and Stephen are mainly found concentrated in Scotland.
Albert Horn Yesterday at 11:20am Headline in Suffolk Gazette today ‘police bring back stocks to deter criminals’ https://www.suffolkgazette.com/ Have a Y-DNA branch point (father with descended lines with to different sons.) in seventeenth; when stocks were used in Salem, Massachusetts during the era many g-granddad made defense. They hung people for being witches, then. Family were refugees of that era, and people who utilized stocks, and hung people as witches state of mine today would be in question.
Albert Horn 7 hours ago The Suffolk Gazette is a ‘spoof news’ jokey website. Have you tried the Ipswich Star or East Anglian Daily Times (both published by Archant) instead? I am finding that the UK is likely to have a corporate controlled – MI6 influenced Google search engine. For the sake of Albert Horn, is anyone outside the UK getting the above image?
Headline in Suffolk Gazette today ‘police bring back stocks to deter criminals’ https://www.suffolkgazette.com/
Heres a note to the editor of the Suffolk Gazette UK who is putting it on their Facebook page I hope we get some results. I have been tracing my family name Rush for many years and have been advised and helped in this by people also interested in what must be the trillions of Rush family members in these two counties, Last time I looked in the Suffolk phone book alone there were 148 Rush numbers and a similar amount in Norfolk given that most of us are on mobile phones I find this amazing. I am told by internet experts that some Norman Warrior Type turned up after 1066 and gave us names, so he could find us at tax time, it seems very odd to me he named most of us Rush even if it gets a bit soggy at times and there are a few Rushy places. I have the lowdown on 7 Rush families from this area and not one of them is related to the other, I find that also amazing, there are Rush folk Killed by a faulty trigger while out rabbit shooting, drowned while swimming with all his clothes on, one hanging off Norwich Castle for murdering his land lord, what East Anglian would ever dream of doing that, another whos Military Cross lies in the Norwich Museum, Oh and there’s a Sir Thomas Rush buried in Sudborne with whom at least ten thousand Americans claim a relationship, crikey I wish someone would get his DNA. There are Rush folk in every town, village, haystack and bar in Suffolk and there’s another mob that snuck across the marshes into South Lopham and hid up there for 300 years, Oh and there was one a farrier in the early 1700s shoeing horses and there are still Rush families shoeing horses. Whats my point well my point is one of these Rush people went to Virginia in the very early 1600s and is a founder of the USA his dna is still in Suffolk/Norfolk and I want it, any Rush out there has done some DNA talk to me, I will show you mine if you show me yours. Regards Steve Rush Queensland Australia stevenali@optusnet.com.au GEDmatch T949599 Haplogroup R-BY27610 http://www.milaminvirginia.com/ rush_family.html
For a Sudbourne, Southern Bourne, barony of the southern Danish Anglo-Saxon of the Bourne (Bear) family such as Osbourne https://www.google.com/maps/place/Sudbourne,+Woodbridge+IP12+2AX,+UK/@52.1228472,1.5060744,14z/ There is a Norborn, Bourne, of Peterborough, of the Northern Bourne (Bear) family such as Siward Fairbairn (fair bear-bourne). http://gorrenberry.com/barony-bourne-danish-bear/ https://www.google.com/maps/place/Norburn,+Peterborough+PE3+8NL,+UK/@52.6323113,-0.355632,9.15z/ https://www.google.com/maps/place/Bourne,+UK/@52.7679821,-0.396424,14z/ Sudfolk, those folk (Germany volk, like Volkswagen ‘folks wagon’, volks to folks, wagen to wagon, and Rusch to Rush) of south Anglia, Norfolk those folk of north Anglia.
e traced to Sir Thomas Rushe in any proven way Hundreds of Americans try to prove this and prove a relationship to Dr Benjamin Rush, it is All nonsense. Oh by the way I was born and bought up in Springfield the Village next to Boreham there are two families of Rushes who live there now they are not related. if you would show your GEDmatch number I will gladly show you mine. and theirs. I supose there must be Saxons who turned up and as soon as they learnt to read and write from the ancient Britons would change thier names to something local. that big lump on the East side of Briton was there long before any anglo saxon turned up waving thier swords about and we all know as soon as they did learn to read and write they rewrote history.
Mark Elliot Your GEDmatch and mine on One To One Compare on Chromasome 16 have a 5.8 at 462 Snps that is not much but my Rush family never left East Anglia and are still there, so at 300 years the match is interesting to me. When I put your number in with some of my American matches it got Very Interesting, I am 75% sure we have a common relation in Isaac C Rush 1832-1899 Tennessee, a problem is his son Cyrus Haden Rush 1861-1941 had 3 wives and a lot of children.one of his wives Johnsons family are very active in their DNA research……..Johnsonresearch@att.nett You and I both have good GEDmatches with them. I urge you to join the Rush project. I have no idea why I match with Isaac C Rush I know via GEDmatch that I do. there are thousands of people trying to prove they are related to Sir Thomas Rushe and Benjamin all the false Proof they have put on line makes it impossible to trace my own family lines, One thing for sure is my family DNA suggests I have very little Anglo or Saxon on my Y DNA. anyway Cheers Cousin.Regards Steve Rush Queensland Australia stevenali@optusnet.com.au GEDmatch T949599 Haplogroup R-BY27610 http://www.milaminvirginia.com/ rush_family.html
http://named.publicprofiler.org/ http://worldnames.publicprofiler.org Aaron Rush, married Nancy Melvina Hammer, 10 Feb 1847 Tompkinsville, Monroe Co, KY. Fifth great grand father of Richard McKendra Hammer is Baltis (Balthass) Hammer, born 28 Nov 1740, Oberjeingen, Germany marred an Elizabeth McDough. McDough and McKendra, Sotch-Irish names. https://www.google.com/maps/place/Oberjesingen,+71083+Herrenberg,+Germany/@47.5733955,9.8250529,6.62z/ http://worldnames.publicprofiler.org http://named.publicprofiler.org/ Rusch http://www.verwandt.de/karten/absolut/rusch.html In Deutschland gibt es 2083 Rüsch http://www.verwandt.de/karten/absolut/r%25C3%25BCsch.html In Deutschland gibt es 450 Rush http://www.verwandt.de/karten/absolut/rush.html In Deutschland gibt es 24 Hammer http://www.verwandt.de/karten/absolut/hammer.html In Deutschland gibt es 7942 “Hammer” of Germany-Austria is Scandinavian also, at a higher frequency. http://forebears.io/surnames/Hammer Country Incidence Frequency US 27,395 1: 11,691 Germany 23,536 1: 3,429 Austria 3,562 1: 2,394 Norway 3,554 1: 1,442 Denmark 2,778 1: 2,030 Shows by taking out and “c” in the German “Rusch”, one gets the English name “Rush”. Oxford University, has done excellent research with an international research team, on Peoples Of the British Isles DNA. They left out like they should for more accurate results the surname. Went autosomal, and were extremely particular in there sampling procedure, using rural individuals which were in region for generations. Finding that division in DNA groupings may be due to the language spoken. People speaking the same language may be more likely to pass on their DNA, instead of and English only with a German only speaker. https://www.peopleofthebritishisles.org/ https://isogg.org/wiki/People_of_the_British_Isles https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/People_of_the_British_Isles Garrett Hellenthal – The Genetic History of the United Kingdom: the POBI project https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6ANNHMzmxlI&t=52s Hellenthal, Germany; https://www.google.com/maps/place/53940+Hellenthal,+Germany/@50.4184034,6.3085775,11z/ Census Density for surname Hellenthal; http://forebears.io/surnames/Hellenthal (wonder where his surname came from) Genetics, properly done then the genealogy, can follow along.
“Robert Elwald of the Redheugh, Chief” in 1476, just south of The Hermitage Castle, According to a Pedigree dated c. 1704, this Chief is alleged to have been the 10th of his name. Arthur Eliott, of Redheugh-Stobs, the 28th chief. Since the chief is normally the first son (chief 29 is his daughter), giving 27 years a generation, for ten generations, makes 270 years. For about the first chief 1476-270 = about 1210 for the first chief. http://gorrenberry.com/wp-content/uploads/2015/04/Pedigree-Robert-Elwald-granted-Redheugh-is-10th-chief.jpg The earliest is 1290 maybe born much earlier, found having father named Alan, as in Alan Elwald (Alanus Elwoldus) 1248. Names exist in East Anglia. http://gorrenberry.com/wp-content/uploads/2018/01/Reiver-Trail-Magaret-Eliott-clan-chief.mp4 The name Elwald is found in thirdteenth century Norfolk, and in fifteenth century Liddesdale, near the Hermitage Castle. It is felt that the name Elwald travel up to Liddesdale from Anglia.
The ‘People of the British Isles’ project and Viking settlement in England Jane Kershaw & Ellen C.Røyrvik, https://www.cambridge.org/core/services/aop-cambridge-core/content/view/54E19CAFF9AC2BEB39EAEC826BEDBC63/S0003598X16001939a.pdf/people_of_the_british_isles_project_and_viking_settlement_in_england.pdf Since Alanus Elfwold father of Robert Elwald I (first chief), the name Alan was looked at; http://gorrenberry.com/alan-alani-allensurname-migration/ and, Robert Elwald I was looked at; http://gorrenberry.com/robert-elwald-clan-elliot-chief-1/
https://www.cambridge.org/core/journals/antiquity/article/people-of-the-british-isles-project-and-viking-settlement-in-england/54E19CAFF9AC2BEB39EAEC826BEDBC63/core-reader These articles are referring to one third Anglo-Saxon of England, part of an addmixture. So it means two-thirds of England is not Anglo-Saxon. Where most would likely not be Anglo-Saxon, but I with my R-U106 Proto-Germanic Y-DNA would have a higher likelihood of it. With having an Anglo-Saxon surname of Elwald evolved into Elliott, and being from south Denmark/North Germany, gives me even a higher likelihood of being Saxon. http://gorrenberry.com/proto-germanic-r-u106-haplogroup-dna-elwald-elliot/ MDA most distant ancestor; Elwald de Schinkel and Hedeby is nearby; https://www.google.com/maps/place/24214+Schinkel,+Germany/@54.3575322,9.9100793,13z/ https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hedeby
http://forebears.io/surnames/Hammer U106 myself, but; Margaret Eliott is the 29th Clan Elliot Chief; http://gorrenberry.com/wp-content/uploads/2016/06/Reiver-Trail-Magaret-Eliott-clan-chief.mp4 Granddad Dan Ellot of Scotland becoming Daniel Elliot of Ulster was banished in 1607 from both kingdoms, and moved to Ulster; https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Tullykelter_Castle If he had stayed what happened to Armstrong, would have likely happened to him; http://gorrenberry.com/wp-content/uploads/2015/02/Scottish-Clans-12-18-Clan-ArmstrongConverted-split-002731-002800-201704011351196358.mp4 Rowanburn, Scotland; https://www.google.com/maps/place/Rowanburn,+Canonbie+DG14+0RL,+UK/@55.086682,-2.9351251,15z/ being an Ellot living on the border. Fought with the Anglican Hamilton family of Scotland for Scotland and R-L21 Y-DNA Charles II, against Cromwell, and were “sold as slaves to the colonies” 1650. http://gorrenberry.com/wp-content/uploads/2015/01/SELLING-SCOTS-AS-SLAVES-IS-FUNNY-TO-THE-TORIES-2.mp4 The Bauld Buccleuch (Richard Scott); https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Richard_Scott,_10th_Duke_of_Buccleuch Should have R-L21, along with the Prince of Wales. When Prince Williams takes the throne we will finally have a Stuart/Stewart back on the throne, and he has R-L21. Charles II, did not have any children by his wife, but claimed twelve mistresses. History claims 16 or 17. The Buccleuch line starts with Charles II.
John Gresham has a question!
How do I compare the closest matches to my kit? I thought that it would automatically show a table with the close matches? Just beginning, sorry. 
It looks like you are a Celt either L21 or U152 no surname close matches. You need to look at the numbers in the columns and see which are closest to yours. There are tools for this. I think you may be looking at over 1000 years for the closest match. L21 are also known as British Celts and U152 Alpine Celts.
Mary, there are a number of very close Y DNA matches to your father’s sample, but in the Gresham … Project. Kit numbers: B4179, 651596, 342725, 140657, B76592, 173755, 151506, 321732, 174412, 269199. At least 3 have been tested as R-L21+ve, with 2 of these as far as R-Z2185 & one as far as R-L1066. Unfortunately that project hasn’t chosen to display any ancestry information. L21 is a celtic subgroup, while the Gresham family history suggests they came to Norfolk from Normandy [along with the conquest and one might have expected them to have been haplogroup I1 with ‘Viking’ ancestry given the prominence of the family from the 11th century on. It would be useful to see if some of those near matching Gresham samples were still living in England, as that would reduce the possibility of an unrecorded paternal event in america. R-M269>P312>L21>ZZ10>Z253>Z2186>L1066 There is a R-Z253 project group that you could join, they would probably require some testing to confirm it, There should be a Z253 SNP panel test for around $100. The family name and close marker match would suggest that you would be positive and the Nevgen statistical marker test infers 85% probability. The best testing would be by FGC or Yseq [among others], but they require a new sample and are around $800, but the cost could be shared among a number of Greshams if you can find interested parties. The bigY test by FTDNA was around $400, not quite as complete, but they can re-use your existing sample.
Mmmm my family have been in East Anglia since 1686 (paper Trail) and yet my DNA Big Why and Y111 and a Haplogroup of R-BY27610 suggest I am Welsh, I am informed by an admin person that I dont seem to have any Angles in my Y line(praise be to my Celtic Gods) I wonder if I should leave this project since we have only been in Norfolk/Suffolk for a few hundred years I dont know if my mob came to East Anglia with the Iceni or Henry 8th and the little crew of Taffies(Welsh) he and Mary (of the Bloody Hand) brought with them.Regards Steve Rush Queensland Australia stevenali@optusnet.com.au GEDmatch T949599 Haplogroup R-BY27610
John Gresham, Gresham with Y-DNA with exception of NPE, Gresham (Grisham, Grissom), is a locality name of Gresham, Norfolk, UK; https://www.google.com/maps/place/Gresham,+Norwich,+UK/@52.9003422,1.203002,14z/ http://gorrenberry.com/cave-gresham-scarborough-surname-location-y-dna/ http://gorrenberry.com/geographic-surname-dna-correlation/ https://www.familytreedna.com/public/Gresham_Grissom/default.aspx?section=ycolorized “The main place that you will see matches with many different surnames is the Y-DNA12 Marker Matches section. The time to a common ancestor for these matches may extend beyond genealogical records and the adoption of surnames.” https://www.familytreedna.com/learn/user-guide/y-dna-myftdna/y-matches-page/ It should be noted that with matches especially to Cave (N&S, East Riding, Yorkshire), and Gresham (Grisham-Grissom), was able to find near where my Y-DNA came into the British Isles, at Bec, Norfolk, near Gresham, Norfolk, where the surname Gresham exception of NPE originate from, c1200. With surname of Elwald, and Gresham, being adopted in the same region, this out of the same Y-DNA pool along with the Cave, this gave the names similar Y-DNA. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Beck_Hall Yes, about 1200 AD your family was of Gresham, Norfolk, UK. Given this is over 27 generation and the number of matches exact at twelve with the Grisham, and 2 markers off in 25 with a couple of Grisham, the probability nears very close to a 100% that I am related to the Gresham, of Gresham, Norfolk, therefore giving a locality in East Anglia to East Riding, Yorkshire. Given variant name locality of Elwald, this gives me most likely East Anglia, and that of Norfolk.
http://named.publicprofiler.org/ shows East Anglia, and Ulster, distribution for the surname Clarke. In the c1630 Ulster muster the surname Clarke comes up several times; http://www.therjhuntercollection.com/resources/muster-rolls-c-1630/search-muster-rolls/ Name is occupational for clerk, but spelled Clarke is strongly Anglia; http://forebears.io/surnames/CLARKE Clerk in German means SCHREIRBER http://forebears.io/surnames/SCHREIBER both names are sizable in numbers. Clarke is also found most concentrated in Anglican, nation of Barbados for reasons; http://gorrenberry.com/barbados-pow-scots/ of the Cromwellian, fighting Anglican Scottish Roylists.
Colin. I assumed that the FTDNA surname list was generated automatically, but perhaps not, and so I’ve never tried to alter it. I’m not sure where the numbers listed beside each name come from, as we don’t have 68 Smiths etc. and there are hundreds more than that in the FTDNA projects db. Copies of the master spreadsheets used for EA project can be downloaded from : https://drive.google.com/drive/u/0/folders/0BxgZFl5jlQ2RVDB2cXFtTV9uWFU PS, I’ve since attempted to paste in all the current surnames used in this project to its FTDNA db, but the location on the project site keeps crashing as well as wiping what once was there and I’m not keen in typing a thousand or so names, one at a time.
Some possibilies: 1. The Dyess/Davies FTDNA matches are relatively distant marker matches, which may anywhere between 500 – 2000 years ago. Your known family tree is back to late 17th century in Suffolk. FTDNA’s Family Finder is said to be limited to around 7 generations for a match from a single sample. So the time-frame is different for the 2 types of testing. [although Paul Brooker has far more knowledge than me on aDNA]. 2. Welsh surnames are relatively recent, there were apparently still families in 1841 census in central Wales who had none listed. And so it is often difficult to follow ancestry back far though the census & parish records. 3. I would be surprised if many men moved from Wales to East Anglia, before the 19th century. The geography seems too remote, a very long walk and a different language etc. English moved into parts of Wales, particularly to the south coast, and to work in the mines, and more likely would have come from the nearby counties like Devon. 4. Nearly all our samples of R-L21 in East Anglia seem to be a different branches to those typical in southern & central Ireland, Cornwall or in Wales. From FTDNAs maps, yours has more matches to samples in NE Scotland, than Wales.
From; Dave Cushing (Germany FTDNA) “Wish I could post the graphic of the dialect distribution.” https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Germanic_languages#/media/File:Germanic_Languages_Map_Europe.png Note; my Elwald-Ellot-Elliot,”Proto-Germanic” R-U106 (North) #19 Low Saxon, of Germany through (Anglo-Saxons migrating to Anglia?) #42 Anglican English to #40 Anglo-Scot (Anlgo-Scot from Anglia England?) of Ulster, northern Ireland. http://gorrenberry.com/proto-germanic-r-u106-haplogroup-dna-elwald-elliot/ http://gorrenberry.com/proto-germanische-r-u106-haplogroup-dna-elwald-elliot/ Trying to invade Britain from Germany (#42 Anglian, from north Saxon #19 Germany south of Denmark), the right way with genealogists.
Big Y tests With a drop in pricing for Big Y tests, a number of people in the project ordered them over the latter half last year, but the results have been slow in coming. FTDNA have been upgraded the system of identifying the locations of Y SNPs and added areas to test. Additionally they have been converting all their existing Big Y results to the same standard and testing the changes. This appears to have led to a substantial backlog, and the last I read, was that the completed results weren’t expected in ‘late Spring’. This particularly has affected access to the ‘BAM’ file part of the Big Y results, which is used by Yfull and a number of experts in interpreting the results of the samples from the raw information. On the plus side, FTDNA has been including both the Y111 STR panel in with Big Y results for no extra cost, and the values for several hundred more STR markers, not previously shown. Between this increased number of STR markers & SNPs, it should lead to more accurate matching and dating.
ed by Armstrong, James Lewis Publication date 1902 Topics Armstrong family Publisher Jamaica, Queensborough, N.Y., The Marion press https://archive.org/details/chroniclesofarms00arms “The Elliots were called Aelwolds, Elewalds, Elwods, Alwods, El- yards, Helwals, and by many other forms of the name which meant Elk-wood (Anglo-Danish Elgwalt, the name is expressed upon many of their shields).” “The elk-head and antlers stood for the names Elkford or Alford, and Elwald, Elkyard, or Elliot; the latter name originally meant Elk of the Forest.” Sigwalt und Sigridh. Stilicho. Walhall. Dramatische Werke (Auswahl) https://books.google.com/books?id=OgoPAAAAIAAJ Felix Dahn – 1898 “Wenige Nächte darauf ward König Elgwalt von seinem Nordhag her gemeldet, abermals habe Jarl Tosilg viele Helme seiner Herade aufgeboten und dänische Seeräuber um Sold geworben, abermals sei er eingefallen in die Nordmark von Halgaland und abermals Heere er furchtbar, mit Brand und Mord, nicht Weiber, …” “A few nights later King Elgwalt was reported from his northern hay, again Jarl Tosilg had summoned many helmets of his herd, and Danish pirates had solicited soldiers. Once again he had invaded the northern margin of Halgaland, and again he would be terrible, with fire and murder, not women , …” Halgaland; Heligoland, Germany,https://www.google.com/maps/place/Heligoland,+Germany/@54.0000362,7.9418736,9.21z/
Look for a Blackbourn(e) spelling for bourn, from the Danish bjørn meaning bear. For Lincolnshire, Barony of Bourne. Spelling has alterations like Elfwold for Elwald, when it comes in from Denmark-Northern Germany. Finding that Blackbourne may have been an early taxing region of Norfolk, Norwich, and northward. https://books.google.com/books?id=hrk7AQAAMAAJ&pg=PA182&dq=%22Blackbourne%22++Norfolk&hl=en&sa=X&ved=0ahUKEwjpvZCblJfYAhUG5WMKHUUwDscQ6AEIKTAA#v=onepage&q=%22Blackbourne%22%20%20&f=false Try submitting names Blackburn, Blackburne, Blackbourn, and Blackbourne into; http://named.publicprofiler.org/ Finding Blackburne for Norwich, Norfolk today seems to be the winner, but Blackbourn, and Blackbourne, not to far behind. Could be a dropped “o”, from a Lincolnshire spelling.
Joe Yfull has the following tree assuming L640 +ve G-P15>L1259…>P303>L140>PF3345 >CTS342>Z724>Z1903>CTS7045>Z3408> G-L640/CTS6010 * CTS2762 * Y78/Z6045 +39 other SNPs formed about 3800 ybp +/-700y, TMRCA 1100 ybp G-L640* id:YF01963 G-Y88Y88/Z3520 * Y87/Z6111 * Y76/Z3307 id:NA12777CEU id:YF00104
Already tested negative for Y88/Z3520, FGC348, FGC349 and Z17314. May be basal L640 (waiting for test results) or if not will be an entirely new sub-clade.
Mark Elliott – the spellings vary among known relatives in the records. One of the early ones was Blackbourne. And the original Gamaliel de Blakeborne is likewise often spelled variously. He was born in Normandy, and arrived with William. The L640 SNP test has been delayed for the *fifth* time, Batch 780 now scheduled for January.

FTDNA Irish Boston