1 hour ago
https://www.kdejsme.cz/prijmeni/P%C4%9Bnkava/hustota/ Czech surname name Finch is Pěnkava. Czech Republic 438, Slovakia 1, US 1 https://forebears.io/surnames/p%C4%9Bnkava
2 hours ago
https://nvk.genealogy.net/map https://forebears.io/surnames If Czech Republic, Poland, and Germany would use the name for the bird a finch as a surname, most likely the English would also. It would not be the only form of wildlife to be used for early surnames. The name Wolf, is also used in English, the name ‘Bear’, ‘Bär’ both have the same phonetics as with ‘Young’ and ‘Jung’. The pronunciation can first then the spelling. Stories such as the Armstrong from Germany to the Anglican, to the Anglo-Scottish Borders onto County Fermanagh with the Johnston, of Johnstone Scotland, and the Ellot today Elliott, traveled with the story of ‘Fair Bear’. https://archive.org/details/chroniclesofarms00arms/page/n13
January 1 @ 12:19pm
https://nvk.genealogy.net/map https://named.publicprofiler.org/ A little bird can get a lot done.
Like Carl Finch likes this
Mark Elliott
January 3 @ 10:00am
Y-DNA shows a match between Finch and Finn, but ‘hotspot’ distribution concurs with Carl Finch that his Y-DNA likely took the low (Smith) road to Ireland not going through the border region, but crossing a Y-DNA bridge from about Lancashire into Dublin, likely Gaelic, and a lot Anglicized to the number one US surname Smith, beginning to show at first English, and now showing Irish DNA. Finding for a lot of people the surname ‘Smith’, is what Gaelic names in and around Dublin, are Anglicized to. https://elwald.com/wp-content/uploads/2019/10/23andME-Geni-FTDNA-mtDNA-H27a-Ryan-Murph-Smith-Croak..jpg https://d3tije9h5o4l4c.cloudfront.net/social-photos/3210028?dpr=2&fit=max&h=411&w=590 https://forebears.io/surnames/croak In 1881 England census for surname Croak; Middlesex 14, Lancashire 9, and Kent 4. Carl your family it is to my understanding to where I need to go next, his family goes to where there is a concentration of my autosomal DNA, County Mayo. Carl Finch November 22 @ 7:43am “Mark, I came from Ohio and many there were Methodists. I did find a close match in the name of Conn, distance 1 in 25 markers from county Mayo (Ireland). My father told me that he thought his ancestors were German Hessian soldiers in Revolutionary war, most likely named Fink. That would more likely fit your German heritage.” Anglican>Episcopalian>Methodist. Where Gary Finn takes the Anglo Border road of the well used surname name Young, adopted along both sides of the border, from being a Young, like Young Dand [Elliot], where the older a Dand (Andrew) Elliot, and the younger a Dand Young.https://books.google.com/books?id=1T8NTKgBCLwC&pg=PA588&dq=Border+Papers+Young+Dand+Elliot&hl=en&newbks=1&newbks_redir=0&sa=X&ved=2ahUKEwiS0-joiejmAhXOGs0KHfOZA_0Q6AEwAHoECAQQAg#v=onepage&q=Border%20Papers%20Young%20Dand%20Elliot&f=false like Gary Finn (implies Finnish-Scandinavian, showing Finn distribution showing above well spread in Germany), takes the high road further north through the Borderlands, onto Ulster [North(ern) Ireland]. Though the Y-DNA matches the names Finch and Finn do not match, indicating a split, in the name, not the Y-DNA, which would have had an earlier Y-DNA formation, likely out of Germany. https://i.etsystatic.com/6852474/r/il/48d782/428917051/il_570xN.428917051_hok7.jpg https://www.peopleofthebritishisles.org/
Mark Elliott
Yesterday at 8:09pm
The concept to use 23andMe; https://elwald.com/wp-content/uploads/2019/10/23andME-Geni-FTDNA-mtDNA-H27a-Ryan-Murph-Smith-Croak..jpg https://d3tije9h5o4l4c.cloudfront.net/social-photos/3210028?dpr=2&fit=max&h=411&w=590 Came from a guide team video at Rootstech 2019; 2020 is at end of February, in Salt Lake City, Utah https://www.rootstech.org/ https://elwald.com/wp-content/uploads/2019/12/Your-DNA-Guide-Team-YOU-Can-Do-DNA-12-8-2019.jpg https://www.rootstech.org/video/you-can-do-dna https://www.yourdnaguide.com/about Guide team shows that various Y-DNA corporations have their attributes.
December 10 @ 8:52pm
https://www.findagrave.com/memorial/99578292/lucy-catherine-finch https://www.findagrave.com/memorial/99578573/samuel-finch https://www.joycetice.com/church/erinmech.htm https://www.findagrave.com/memorial/99578467/myrtle-finch Myrtle B. Finch in the New York, Death Index, 1852-1956 Name: Myrtle B. Finch Death Date: 12 Aug 1894 Death Place: Erin, New York, USA Certificate Number: 32871 Solomon O Finch in the New York, State Census, 1865 New York, State Census, 1865 Name: Solomon O Finch Gender: Male Relation to Head: Son Birth Year: abt 1858 Age: 7 Residence: Erin, Chemung, New York, USA Line Number: 38 Page Number: 31 Household Members: Name Age Samuel Finch 37 Lucy C Finch 36 Solomon O Finch 7 John P Finch 6 Ida B Finch 3 Franklin Finch 1 Lucy Finch in the 1880 United States Federal Census 1880 United States Federal Census Name: Lucy Finch Age: 50 Birth Date: Abt 1830 Birthplace: Pennsylvania Home in 1880: Erin, Chemung, New York, USA Dwelling Number: 161 Race: White Gender: Female Relation to Head of House: Wife Marital status: Married Spouse’s name: Samuel Finch Father’s Birthplace: Connecticut Mother’s Birthplace: New Jersey Occupation: Keeping House Neighbors: View others on page Household Members: Name Age Samuel Finch 53 Lucy Finch 50 Ida B. Finch 18 Franklin Finch 15 Delphine Finch 14 Anson A. Finch 12 Fredrick Finch 10 Victor T. Finch 7 Line died off in accordance to Elliott genealogists with the Cowie of Gorrenberry, https://d3tije9h5o4l4c.cloudfront.net/social-photos/3307692?dpr=2&fit=max&h=569&w=590 The Daniel Cluster was living in New England at the time. So I joined up with the Armstrong, Irwin/Irvine, Douglas(s), Rutledge/Routledge, Finch, Crozier http://clancrozier.com/ , Ellwood, Fairbairn, and Nixon. The Chief Margaret Eliott of Redheugh, likely thinks I am some sort of ‘vagabound’. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=y0LvU-EISTU Guess by not existing to many of the Elliott, and being vanquished unlike those Unvanquished Armstrong, do you know what I get to do, I get to play ‘Cowie’. A person can not help it if he is descended from ‘The Cowie of Gorrenberry’ Andrew (Dan the Cowie), or his second son the notorious thief; Clementis Hobs (IE Clement Crozier’s sister’s son Robert Elliott), can he? https://gorrenberry.com/wp-content/uploads/2015/01/Clemementis-Hob-hand.jpg http://clancrozier.com/wp-content/uploads/2017/12/Hunter-and-Elwald-Clement-Croziers-in-laws.jpg Some of your better records for the day are criminal records.
Mark Elliott
December 12 @ 12:58am
Samuel Fruck IE Finch in the 1870 United States Federal Census View1870 United States Federal Census View blank form View/Add alternate info Report issue Name: Samuel Fruck [Samuel Finch] Age in 1870: 43 Birth Year: abt 1827 Birthplace: New York Dwelling Number: 279 Home in 1870: Erin, Chemung, New York Race: White Gender: Male Post Office: North Chemung Occupation: Farmer Male Citizen over 21: Y Personal Estate Value: 600 Real Estate Value: 1700 Inferred Spouse: Lucy Fruck Inferred Children: Almond Fruck John Fruck Ida Fruck Franklin Fruck Delphine Fruck Anson Fruck Frederick Fruck Household Members: Name Age Samuel Fruck 43 Lucy Fruck 42 Almond Fruck 13 John Fruck 11 Ida Fruck 9 Franklin Fruck 7 Delphine Fruck 4 Anson Fruck 2 Frederick Fruck 2/12 Elisha Beckwith 75 Anna Beckwith 74 Now the in-laws are living with Samuel. Samuel Furch in the 1860 United States Federal Census View1860 United States Federal Census Name: Samuel Furch [Samuel Finch] Age: 32 Birth Year: abt 1828 Gender: Male Birth Place: New York Home in 1860: Erin, Chemung, New York Post Office: Erin Centre Dwelling Number: 684 Family Number: 633 Occupation: Farmer Real Estate Value: 350 Personal Estate Value: 200 Household Members: Name Age Samuel Furch 32 Lucy C Furch 31 Almond O Furch 2 John P O Furch 1
Mark Elliott
January 3 @ 12:31pm
https://nvk.genealogy.net/map/1890:Furch,1890:Furck,1890:Furk https://nvk.genealogy.net/map/1890:Furch,1890:Firch,1890:Fich,1890:Finck Not finding ‘Finch’ in 1890 Germany, but the closest is ‘Finck’, where in German ‘Fink’, means in English ‘finch’. The ‘ch’ sometimes exchanges with the ‘k’, like in ‘elch/elk’ (moose).
December 22 @ 4:46pm
Mic Barnette, DNA is a tool of the genealogists, and Y-DNA can be grouped in family groupings. Which the three groups are called, Red, Blue, and Green. The Green group is the wildlife named group of the ‘finch and elk (moose)’, which I am in. The Red and Blue group likely have different origins. An individual suggest another method of naming likely correct for his particular family group. It is found a ‘de Finch’, a name which could me from/owner of land called Finch. One group above could be from the other group above could be owners of an estate called Finch. Red group to people list Sartanburg, SC. Since two list it and it is near the east coast it is likely all of the red group are from there or near there. It is a location of Scot-Irish (Ulster). Most likley from Ireland including the Scots of Ulster Ireland, to the Carolina. Religious preference, at first likely Presbyterian. Blue group shows, Stamford, CT. Stamford of Stamford Bridge near York indicates Anglican. There is migration from Anglia to this region. It is felt that this group likely migrated directly from the Suffolk (southern people of Anglia) to Connecticut, and settled around Stamford. https://d3tije9h5o4l4c.cloudfront.net/social-photos/3403780?dpr=2&fit=max&h=455&w=590
Like Carl Finch likes this
December 22 @ 4:44pm
Like Carl Finch likes this
December 16 @ 9:50am
December 15 @ 11:05pm
Finn, seems to have a strong similar ‘hotspot’ to Fink-Finck. So it is felt for your Y-DNA line, of surname Gary Finn, is in that grouping. It is likely his line went through Ulster instead of I feel like yours went through Ireland. With the names of Finn, Fink, Finck, Finch evolving back in time easily picked up by Y-DNA, it is most likely Gary Finn will not be much use after Ohio, if you have indication of coming from the Ulster Plantation he could be of help. With the Daniel Elliot Cluster the line of the first son Daniel and the sixth son, not counting the one which died as a baby in Salem Village, came together in the 17th Century, and many take the test and do not have the genealogical background you have Carl. May be able with more info, help you shore up some of your documentation. Mic Barnette, Do not worry though this blog has 118 members, it is felt people will be searching out this info, on approaches, and parallel the aspects which are updated, but has a strong basis in genealogy. DNA is now one of the tools a genealogist may apply in sharing family history among their own family groupings. Unless fed info, on a particular family I really do not know anything about the family, but do know processes to find information, once given information. First ball I try to throw given information does not seem to go over the plate so I would suggest ducking.
Like Carl Finch likes this
December 15 @ 8:00pm
Note; Names may be obtained many different ways within a family. Carl and I match the first 25 markers, so it is likely our names were obtained in the same manner and may be others in the Finch FTDNA Y-DNA group. There are many ways a surname can be obtained. My is in accordance to Armstrong, likely Saxon lineage, named after wildlife, but there are many which do not match Carl, and my Y-DNA, so for them the naming pattern to Finch, not exactly in the region of the Fenn, I believe that individual which said his name was aristocratic in nature. May be estate named Finch. If you are doing family history look at the process, the biggest mistake could be accepting an analogy, which applies to the family of Carl and mine but not to yours. Thanks for; James M. Irvine, Irwin-Fairbairn-Elliott I-M253 admin FTDNA surname Irwin, link match-up. https://archive.org/details/chroniclesofarms00arms/page/7 In the Fair Bear (Fairbairn) stories out of Denmark onto Croyland/Crowland of the Fink/Finck, the I-M253 siblings the Bear (Fairbairn), Elk (moose; Elliott), ended up in the Borders of the Scottish Kingdom. https://d3tije9h5o4l4c.cloudfront.net/social-photos/3394373?dpr=2&fit=max&h=236&w=590 https://named.publicprofiler.org/ Chronicles of the Armstrongs; 1902 ed by Armstrong, James Lewis MD https://www.familytreedna.com/public/fairbairn?iframe=ycolorized https://www.familytreedna.com/public/elliott?iframe=ycolorized
December 15 @ 7:43pm
December 15 @ 7:14pm
December 15 @ 7:08pm
December 13 @ 12:11pm
The Fink and Finck are in the Fens. Crowland/Croyland; https://www.google.com/maps/place/Crowland,+Peterborough,+UK/@52.6735453,-0.1751426,15z/ https://archive.org/details/chroniclesofarms00arms/page/3 https://gorrenberry.com/wp-content/uploads/2015/08/elg-elk-moose-Kerr1.jpg https://d3tije9h5o4l4c.cloudfront.net/social-photos/3348780?dpr=2&fit=max&h=214&w=590 https://gorrenberry.com/elk-knows-the-wald-forest/ https://named.publicprofiler.org/ Fink>Finck>Finch. Y-DNA grouping dependent. Those Finck of Finch, traveled with the Ewald of Elwald. https://nvk.genealogy.net/map/1890:Ewald,1890:Finck https://nvk.genealogy.net/map/1890:Gr%C3%BCnberg https://gorrenberry.com/wp-content/uploads/2019/10/Gr%C3%BCnberg-German-distribution.jpg Carl your first twelve markers match also. Carl your first twelve markers match; https://d3tije9h5o4l4c.cloudfront.net/social-photos/3256662?dpr=2&fit=max&h=488&w=590 and this; https://d3tije9h5o4l4c.cloudfront.net/social-photos/3208729?dpr=2&fit=max&h=485&w=590 Carl Finch November 22 @ 7:43am “Mark, I came from Ohio and many there were Methodists. I did find a close match in the name of Conn, distance 1 in 25 markers from county Mayo (Ireland). My father told me that he thought his ancestors were German Hessian soldiers in Revolutionary war, most likely named Fink. That would more likely fit your German heritage.” Carl, think; ‘Fink>Finck>Finch’ fits both our heritages. Did it integrating surname distributions, place name correlation, wildlife names used as surnames, and translations between languages, Y-DNA with matching you Carl at 25 markers exactly. For your info please join; https://www.familytreedna.com/groups/gresham-grissom/about/background https://www.familytreedna.com/groups/cave-family-history-society-dna/about/background https://www.familytreedna.com/groups/scarborough/about/background https://gorrenberry.com/wp-content/uploads/2016/05/saxmap.png Lady friend would say, “do not throw out the baby with the bath water”. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Beck_Hall Guess what fink from New Mexico, was the first writer on this article. Wonder how that word ‘moated’ was put into the article? The Finch 02 group, most likely follow the same pattern. https://nvk.genealogy.net/map/1890:Bose,1890:B%C3%B6se DeBose is an all right name but Böse in German is said to mean ‘evil’, so it like ‘fink’ also may have been changed. For the DeBose in group would consider Colmar, France where the name Böse and Bose, and the Y-DNA is found in 1890. R-U106 shows some strength also in the SW Germany region, on the French border. Carl, yes you are related to those Germans, but you went a back way, through England and Ireland onto America. That Y-DNA goes far back, guess you are another trouble maker like me which went through England to the Borders to Ulster onto America. It is likely Joseph Smith traveled your route, and I the route of Brigham Young, as you know a couple of big trouble makers like ourselves. My mtDNA would have travel likely from Finland to Germany, onto Anglia England to across from Lancashire to Dublin region Ireland, then Co. Cork Ireland onto America. One can see the Finch surname going through Ireland also with you and other an exception travel from the Dublin region to Co. Cork. Will get a lot of disagreement from the supposed ‘highly educated’, Harvard types, but I have a tendency to lean towards the John Steward Bell, Jocelyn Bell Burnell, Alexander Graham Bell, Robert Bell types which were in with the Armstrong, and the Scott in 1596 on the rescue of Kinmont Willie Armstrong from Carlisle jail. The Scrope took him on a Truth Day. Four Bell were in on the rescue also. Though I will get a lot of disagreement, guess who’s DNA I used.
Like Carl Finch likes this
Carl Finch
December 13 @ 3:05pm
Mark Elliott, thanks for the above research. I have a family visitor at present and will have to study your above info later this week.
Carl Finch
December 15 @ 5:25pm
Mark Elliott, I joined the DNA groups you requested. Thanks.
Unlike You like this
December 13 @ 9:46am
https://nvk.genealogy.net/map/1890:Finch,1890:%20Fink That is like you Mark, having that up in Scotland odd ball, Proto-Germanic R-U106, to get stuck with a bunch of Proto-Germanic R-U106 ‘Fink’ like yourself. The German word for the English word ‘finch’ (a bird) is the word ‘fink’. Words for the American word moose, are the words ‘elch’ and ‘elk’. It is not in the spelling this time but it is the pronunciation which is important. Though both ‘finch’ and ‘fink’ (pronounced more like ‘fling’ in German) have different spellings they both could be pronounced alike, and most likely the word ‘fink’ in Germany is pronounced as the English ‘finch’. This would go for the words ‘bär’ and ‘bear’, if the umlaut is dropped spelled ‘baer’ in Germany. It is felt the English use ‘bear’, so it would not get mixed up with what could use a Scandinavian character ‘æ’. The name ‘Wolf’ is strong in Germany (195,172), also found in numbers in the United States (100,568) https://forebears.io/surnames/wolf The word, ‘elk/elch’ though ‘elk’ is used in England did not carry to America, because it is felt the since the ‘elk’ (moose), had been long extinct in England, so there took the word indigenous word ‘moose’ for the species in America, and when they saw a deer as big as a ‘moose’ they used the English/German word for ‘moose’ then called it an ‘elk’. The surname ‘Wolf’, retains it spelling during it’s travel from the German speakers of Europe, whether it travels directly from Germany to the United States, or travels through the United Kingdom, with these ‘Wolf’ surname people carrying their DNA with them. It is likely as shown in indigenous America, that some of the first names though pronounce not spelled are of wildlife. For the German ‘Fink’ they lowered the ‘f’, and changed the ‘k’ to a ‘ch’, becoming the English ‘finch’. Do not think very many English speakers would want ‘Fink’ as a surname, with it’s change in pronunciation, because of it’s derogatory context. https://forebears.io/surnames/fink Place Incidence Frequency United States 39,883 1:9,089 Germany 38,250 1:2,105 Austria 8,868 1:960 Russia 2,339 1:61,758 Brazil 1,743 1:117,327 Canada 1,554 1:23,710 Switzerland 1,400 1:5,866 Argentina 1,200 1:35,620 Slovenia 974 1:2,554 Denmark 914 1:6,176 May want to allow the ‘Fink’ into this group. https://www.ytree.net/SNPinfoForPerson.php?personID=6461 317041, Fink, Scotland, R-BY16540, 13, 23, 14, 10, 11-14, 12, 12, 12, 13, 13, 29, 17, 9-10, 11, 11, 24, 15, 19, 28, 15-15-17-17, 10, 11, 19-23, 15, 15, 17, 20, 39- .. Note; R-U106/S21 > Z2265 > Z381/S263 > Z301/S499 > L48 > Z9 > Z347 > Z328 > FGC10367 > Z319 > S1734 > FGC363 > FGC23165 > PH3837 > BY18730 > BY16540 with L48 contained among the Finch line like; ‘James W. Spencer’, though family search seems to bring up dad’s ‘Whitley’ and his uncle’s Alpha Spencer ‘Whitney’, that should not be place on the front page of familysearch, which I feel should be, and the way he spelled it ‘James W. Spencer’ should be used. Do not need family conflicts exposed up front, though ‘James W.’ may have been posthumously dunked. The Debose, group https://nvk.genealogy.net/map/1890:Bose,1890:B%C3%B6se likely follows the same pattern.
December 13 @ 9:22am
Carl Finch September 27 @ 3:11pm “Would like to contact 144133 Finch. thanks, Carl Finch. Mark Elliott, I can go back farther than Abraham A. Finch, but don’t have documentation to prove it. The worst thing in Genealogy research is to assume ancestors.” 851593 Finch Abraham A. Finch, b. 1829, Ohio and died 1862 R-M269 144133 Finch R-M269
December 12 @ 4:32pm
Name: Franklin P. Lee Spouse: Susan A. Whatley Marriage Date: 12 Dec 1880 Marriage Place: Sabine ‘Permit Lee’ would be a rare name today, but families have a tendency to reuse names.
Like Arthur Finch likes this
September 23 @ 2:50pm
https://named.publicprofiler.org/ In Armagh, Ulster Plantation it looks to be some Finch, among the Finn, these may likely be the ones which changed their name from ‘Finn’ to ‘Finch’. On this one I would need some input from Carl. It should be noted, that the name ‘Finch’ originated from another way, and it is felt that some of the people named ‘Finn’, adopted it. Because of the Finn, Finnie, and Finrock, matches which Carl has he is a likely candidate for this kind of name change. Given same surname and close marker matches both these individuals should try to find out family information from each other because they are definitely related through surname. Carl? 851593 Finch Abraham A. Finch, b. 1829, Ohio and died 1862 R-M269 144133 Finch R-M269
Like Carl Finch likes this
Carl Finch
September 27 @ 3:11pm
Would like to contact 144133 Finch. thanks, Carl Finch. Mark Elliott, I can go back farther than Abraham A. Finch, but don’t have documentation to prove it. The worst thing in Genealogy research is to assume ancestors.
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Carl Finch
December 12 @ 3:58pm
Mark Elliott, I have sent two emails to Lloyd Finch, 144133. He hasn’t replied.
Unlike You like this
December 12 @ 11:59am
https://nvk.genealogy.net/map/1890:Bose,1890:B%C3%B6se https://named.publicprofiler.org/ https://www.findagrave.com/memorial/76706941 German ‘Bose’, in Louisiana converted to DeBose, leaning towards the French. Note; Obedia Finch / Judith (Wilber) Finch Wales https://www.findagrave.com/memorial/33206143/victoria-finch Surname, Obedia is of French/English speaking nation including in Africa. Bose if German by DeBose could be eastern near Germany/Swaziland, or have French spelling before migration. Finch is found in France. Difficult looks, like not much help. Note the name; Eliot (Breton, French, Aliot place name of Southern, France) + Ellot (Angus, Scottish) = Elliot May be of interest; Victoria Finch BIRTH 12 Oct 1868 DEATH 8 Jan 1975 (aged 106) buried Sabine Parish, Louisiana. James Finch spouse born c1847.
December 11 @ 10:53pm
These Ulster, Finch-Beckwith, Anglican which became NY Episcopalian, then few Methodists would have a certain cultural compatibility with the second president of The Church of Latter Day Saints, Brigham Young. Ulster Finch ‘hotspot’, is in the near/Cavan Region, in Ireland, indicating the Cavan region in Ireland a likely place for the families to be from. https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/thumb/c/c3/Dioceses_of_the_Church_of_Ireland.png/220px-Dioceses_of_the_Church_of_Ireland.png Looks like the Clogher Parish region where my Anglican-Episcopalian ancestors are from. https://www.ireland.anglican.org/find-a-church/diocese/clogher https://www.ireland.anglican.org/find-a-church/parish/13770/kildrumferton-st-patrick-kilnaleck https://www.google.com/maps/place/Castlerahan,+Co.+Cavan,+Ireland/@53.7920133,-7.2276562,12.5z/ 1901 Ireland, not NI Place Incidence Ulster 56 Leinster 38 Munster 24 https://forebears.io/surnames/finch
Like Carl Finch likes this
Mark Elliott
December 12 @ 1:21am
If it gets to be to much I can delete the already access data.
Mark Elliott
December 12 @ 8:38am
The Bruce, of Robert de Bruce (does not seem to carry I-M253 https://www.familytreedna.com/public/bruce?iframe=yresults), are a strong family in Annandale, related to the I-M253 https://gorrenberry.com/wp-content/uploads/2016/05/ScreenHunter_413-Jan.-22-17.20.jpg Carruthers of Karruthers; https://gorrenberry.com/wp-content/uploads/2016/05/Mouswald-Karruthers-Annan.jpg https://gorrenberry.com/wp-content/uploads/2019/01/Karruthers-Carruthers.png The Armstrong and Elliott, were supported by the Black Douglas, do not think he married a Maguire, but feel the blood was in him of Liddesdale which carried the heart of Robert the Bruce, but did not make it to the Promise Land. https://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:Sir_James_Douglas_heart_casket.JPG Is next to the heart of Archibald ‘Bell the Cat’ Douglas known above as ‘Angus’ because he is the fifth Earl of Angus, which passed lands to there family squire Robert Elwald lands of Redheugh and Larriston, (Wm Elwald of Gorrenberry my many great) Note: Walter Scott son of David of Buccleuch; Duke of Buccleuch, and Walter Kerr of Cessford, Duke of Roxburghe, near Kelso; Fratri brother may be of Ferniehirst; Duchess of Buccleuch, and chief of Clan Kerr (Carr adult accuser at Salem Trials). Fernihirst ‘Kerr’, and the Cessford/Roxburgh ‘Ker”, guess because they are family are known to fight. https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/en/4/43/Sasine_deed_1484_for_Robert_Elwald_%28Elliot%29%2C_Redheugh%2C_Larriston%2C_Hartsgarth.jpg where our 29th Clan Chief Margart Eliott of Redheugh lives today. I am sure she still wears a steel bonnet, and she looks on me as a ‘vagabound’. Do you think she knows Buccleuch’s wife Elizabeth, now I know I am in big trouble. Figure 17th cousin because chief first exception is her, is first son, and twice removed. Am from the ninth of ten Robert Elwald then the surname became Ellot, after the ‘ellot’, those which farmed ‘lots’, measured onside with the standard of the 16th century, in length the Edinburgh ‘el’. Remember Scotland at the time was a separate kingdom. When the monarchs of both kingdoms were related, that is the time the monarchs did not seem to like the ‘Armstrong and Elliott’, the Stobs-Redheugh Eliott were taken in by the Buccleuch Scot. https://elwald.com/wp-content/uploads/2019/01/Buccleuch-lands-of-Mangerton-Gorrenberry-Whithaugh-and-Elliot-of-Midlem-mill.png https://elwald.com/wp-content/uploads/2018/09/Clan-Armstrong-tartan-and-clan-badge-in-German.png It should be noted; that the I-M253 Elliott are related to the Fairbairn (children of Fay Bear), https://gorrenberry.com/wp-content/uploads/2016/05/Fairbairn-I-M253-Elliott-Viking-add-mix.png and the name Armstrong is an evolved name from Alexandir Armystrand (army strand along Liddell Water), Armestrang (army strong of Scotland) https://gorrenberry.com/wp-content/uploads/2019/02/Scottish-Clans-Armstrong-BBC-Stewart-kings.mp4 (Anna Groundwater has published book titled THE SCOTTISH MIDDLE MARCH 1573-1625). Refer to the I-M223 ‘Proto-Celtic’ (Kotter, Utah; spelled Kötter in Germany), and I-M253, as a late Viking-Saxon admix to my R-U106 ‘Proto-Germanic’ Y-DNA. https://www.cambridge.org/core/services/aop-cambridge-core/content/view/54E19CAFF9AC2BEB39EAEC826BEDBC63/S0003598X16001939a.pdf/people_of_the_british_isles_project_and_viking_settlement_in_england.pdf Authors; Jane Kershaw & Ellen C. Røyrvik; [Jane Kershaw; ker (cherry) or Ker, shaw (orchard) Anglo-English, & Ellen C. Røyrvik Norwegian (red bay)] https://gorrenberry.com/wp-content/uploads/2017/02/Proto-Germanic-U106-M223-M253.jpg https://gorrenberry.com/wp-content/uploads/2015/05/Elwald-from-Schinkel-1024×754.jpg https://gorrenberry.com/wp-content/uploads/2018/02/Comparison-U106-to-Ewald-surname-to-Germanic-groups-1024×370.jpg https://gorrenberry.com/wp-content/uploads/2018/02/2359516.jpg https://gorrenberry.com/wp-content/uploads/2018/02/Genetic-History-UK-follows-U106-migration-history-1024×474.jpg https://gorrenberry.com/wp-content/uploads/2018/02/U106-Y-DNA-along-with-name-changes-personal-then-surname.jpg https://gorrenberry.com/wp-content/uploads/2015/05/PoBI-Viking.jpg https://www.familytreedna.com/groups/rutledge/activity-feed
December 11 @ 9:56pm
Samuel Finch from Erin, NY is living with his in-laws the Beckwith in NY, in the NY Census of 1855. All Finch and Beckwith, seem to be living on the farm the past four years. Catharine, Schuyler, New York, USA is at or near location of St John’s Episcopal Church NNW of Erin about 10 miles on map below.https://www.google.com/maps/place/Catharine,+NY+14869/@42.2923436,-76.8560013,11z/
December 10 @ 10:05pm
Episcopalian Scottish land, of New York. If those dang Armstrong, did not marry that black hair beauty Maguire princess would not be in the mess I am now with those Irish Gaelic Mag-Uidhir, https://www.familytreedna.com/groups/mag-uidhir/activity-feed
December 9 @ 8:32pm
To save, click on photo with right mouse button.
Carl Finch
December 10 @ 10:47am
Douglas Finch March 8, 2017 @ 2:18pm these are the New York FINCH boys Almon, Franklin, John, Frederick, Anson (who is my great grandfather. Their father was Samuel Finch 1827-1908 and their mother Lucy Beckwith 1829-1908. I am trying to determine who Samuel’s father was. John is the only brother to have left the state and he went to California with his sons and only returned to NY one time. This was when the picture was taken. 1940’s. Like
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December 9 @ 12:23pm
Am allowed into the links though; https://www.familytreedna.com/groups/elliott/links https://gorrenberry.com/robert-elwald-clan-elliot-chief-1/ https://gorrenberry.com/proto-germanic-r-u106-haplogroup-dna-elwald-elliot/ https://www.familysearch.org/search/ Descended from most notorious Border Reiver; ‘Clementis Hobs’ IE Clement Crozier’s sister’s son Robert Elliott (in genealogy you do not get to choose your ancestors, you get the ones you were born with) https://gorrenberry.com/wp-content/uploads/2015/01/Clemementis-Hob-hand.jpg http://clancrozier.com/wp-content/uploads/2017/12/Hunter-and-Elwald-Clement-Croziers-in-laws.jpg , and been excluded from the FTDNA Border Reiver activity site. http://freepages.rootsweb.com/~gallgaedhil/genealogy/ http://www.elliotclan.com/history/redheugh/ http://www.elliotclan.com/history/hermitage-castle/
December 9 @ 10:23am
https://www.rootstech.org/video/you-can-do-dna For the last half a century (library not that old, also included the stacks in the Church of Latter Saint’s office building on the other side of Temple Square) have never ever been excluded from the Family History Library, in Salt Lake City, Utah, for sharing family history, and approaches to solving genealogical family history problems, for other people’s families.
December 9 @ 9:30am
https://elwald.com/wp-content/uploads/2013/05/Daniel-Elliot-Salem-1692-testimony.jpg https://gorrenberry.com/wp-content/uploads/2015/03/ECS-Daniel-group-history-1.png https://gorrenberry.com/wp-content/uploads/2015/05/A6724.jpg Though Daniel Elliot, spoke properly Mar 28, 1692, and FTDNA & Yseq Y-DNA, plus genealogical research, through first and sixth son. Retired math, science, and computer instructor at university and secondary, as and English as a second language instructor, been excluded from Elliot(t). FTDNA must allowed censorship in the same fashion Daniel Elliot spoke at the Salem Trails, and nineteen were hung as witches, though he became a refugee of the trials. In 1965 though dad said to a tour guide about this the tour guide took no interest. When proper genealogical information is excluded from people proven to be accurate, then this forces inaccuracies of family information and another family member gets hung as a witch, which is a reality for my ancestry. https://shop.pbs.org/american-playhouse-three-sovereigns-for-sarah-dvd/product/TSFS601 Family which as refugees Daniel Elliot, migrated from Salem Village to Salem End 1693 (west Framingham, MA in1700) with. To excluded an Elliott which is of the sixth son of Daniel Elliott from the Elliott FTDNA is out right censorship by FTDNA, and any blog with excludes a family member from it is creating false family history genealogy. Been kicked off of Wikipedia for writing on Clan Elliot, my numbers went up more than ten times. Helped write a Clan Crozier Wikipedia site was excluded from Wikipedia for that but when one browser searches Clan Crozier, the domain I created clancrozier.com is on top. FTDNA is creating the world of historians, and a false world of family historians, in the exclusion of people which do not fit their model, that is how witches get hung, and censored out. In family history to get it right; the family knows best. So I have been excluded from FTDNA sites; Germany, East Anglia, Border Reiver, and Elliot(t) though asked to head a Maguire FTDNA site have not been accepted yet, but since the admin dropped do co-admin; https://www.familytreedna.com/groups/argyll-colony-north-carolina/ Feel if I try to Admin that FTDNA, will have their day in hanging another witch to force the outcome they want out of their data. Basically, if I am not in the FTDNA Elliot(t), blog, and my father’s research has been shown to be correct by two lines of sons descending from Daniel Elliot of the Salem trials with his testimony he got it correct even Arthur Miller free for speech he wrote a play when I was young called ‘The Crucible’, of this era of time. If FTDNA does not allow free speech which is a prerequisite to proper scientific use of data, then the science utilized by FTDNA is Salem Witch Trial science, producing a false family history based on false premises, for the sake of an authoritarian Hitler type outcome, to a superior Y-DNA race type of science.
December 8 @ 11:14pm
https://nvk.genealogy.net/map/1890:Finch,1996:Finch Migration into likely West Germany by the Finch, common among UK surnames. Likely changed some of the make-up of Y-DNA in western Germany.
December 8 @ 1:50pm
December 6 @ 11:46am
Carl are you checking to see if I can handle the research? https://elwald.com/brigham-this-is-the-place-genealogy-with-dna-applied/ Just a guy doing a bit of history on his Y-DNA line. Good money was paid from my test and felt would utilize the information from it. Can not trust the math of FTDNA, they take their TIP calculations to the nearest hundredths. Would not have done well if form my surface surveying lab in triangulation of the angel on top of the temple east of the Family History level if the answer was to the nearest hundredth of a foot, like can be obtained of the point of the N-S Utah Meridian and E-W Baseline at the southeast corner of Temple Square. To the nearest hundredth based on the measurement of years per generation, shows what type of math FTDNA is using. (12/8/2019)
Carl Finch
December 8 @ 6:03am
Mark, there is no doubt that you are doing great research and am sure that you can handle the research.
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Mark Elliott
December 8 @ 9:50am
The amount of material is getting to be a bit overwhelming for me. Being a graduate mining engineer, Dec 1979 from U of UT, with utilizing the Family History Library and before that the upper level of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints office building (dad also utilized this library on the floors of the LDS office building), know how good these Mormon researchers are, they sure beat Harvard on the east cost and Stafford on the west coast, can use a bit of help in this situation. The architects family which put the northern addition on the Hotel Utah, just south of the offices, on the east side of Main and Temple Square, his family was one of those Pioneers of 1847 which migrated into the Salt Lake Valley, with Brigham Young, a good Anglo-Border Reiving name. He is a high school grad, and passed his architectural exams for the state of Utah. Really I could use some help. Trying to research my families Y-DNA line back in time. Have a lot of help from research of the 29th Chief’s Margaret Eliott’s father Sir Arthur and his mother. Book was accessible in the Family History Library. Library; https://www.familysearch.org/search/catalog/312616?availability=Family%20History%20Library The Elliots : the story of a border clan, a genealogical history Statement of Responsibility: by the Dowager Lady Eliott of Stobs and Sir Arthur Eliott, 11th Baronet of Stobs Authors: Eliott, Dora, Lady, 1890- (Main Author) Magaret’s grandmother, Arthur’s mom. Eliott, Arthur, Baron, 1915- (Added Author) For some reason now it is in off site storage. It looks like may be I am being helped. “1591-1670 Robert Ellot the 17th. Lived in a new tower at Larriston. Redheugh declined in importance and, after the suppression of the clan system in 1605 and the imprisonment of Robert, the towers were probably destroyed and Robert’s tenants and followers dispersed. Redheugh was settled on Robert’s daughter, Margaret, in 1637 on her marriage to James Ellot, a younger son of Stobs. Their descendants were the Elliots of Larriston.” http://www.elliotclan.com/history/redheugh/ http://clancrozier.com/wp-content/uploads/2016/12/AglionbyPlatt.jpg (north end of map on Liddell Flu of Liddesdale, like Scotsman; Eric Liddell ‘Chariots of Fire’, 1924 Olympics in France) Where Neil Armstrong’s home town, and the Duke of Buccleuch, home is at is on the 1590 map as ‘Langhame’, to make it English turn the ‘a’ to ‘o’ it becomes ‘Longhome’. For ‘Brigham’, ‘rig’ means ‘ridge’, and ‘brig’ means ‘bridge’, and ‘ham’ is ‘hom(e)’, so ‘Brigham’ means; ‘Bridgehome’. ‘Brigham’ is a place name in the United Kingdom. ‘Hawick’, Scotland on old maps is spelled ‘Haik’, in English pronounced as ‘hoik’, the ‘a’ for purposes of pronunciation is changed to an ‘o’. It should be noted that there was an American community of Japanese descent relocated, in the Building of the First Salt Palace Arena, the place towards end of FEB 2020 is planned for Rootstech https://www.rootstech.org/. https://books.google.com/books?id=Fh9OAQAAIAAJ&q=Japanese+relocated+Salt+Palace&dq=Japanese+relocated+Salt+Palace&hl=en&newbks=1&newbks_redir=0&sa=X&ved=2ahUKEwjK9IrN7KbmAhVLvZ4KHcr_A7wQ6AEwAHoECAIQAg https://www.latimes.com/nation/la-na-japanese-american-hero-hiroshi-20170703-htmlstory.html “Hiroshi Miyamura and his hometown had a lot in common. They believed in America.” By JOE MOZINGOSTAFF JULY 3, 2017, Hiroshi Miyamura met and still alive is our hometown hero, in Gallup, NM, USA. Gallup, NM – Most Patriotic Small Town in America – Rand McNally Best of the Road Submission Sep 26, 2013 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ThGsXzfZ4gg
December 6 @ 12:50pm
Mic Barnette, https://named.publicprofiler.org/ https://forebears.io/surnames/barnett Montgomery carry J-M172 “Ancient Roman”, not the same SNP https://www.familytreedna.com/groups/montgomery/dna-results http://www.therjhuntercollection.com/resources/muster-rolls-c-1630/search-muster-rolls/ Suggested likely region where the J-M172 Barnett are and may have been.
December 4 @ 10:07am
The domain elwald.com, is owned and operated by me. The NPE James M. Irvine, from the Scottish borders of the Elliott-Fairbairn, it is felt to be one of the greatest finds in genealogy. James and I combine have over a century of family history genealogical research. His family is of Bonshaw Tower, of the Scottish Western March, my family is of Gorrenberry Tower, of the Scottish Middle March, as genealogists, and of the Scottish Marches we share information. It should be noted in a Google Image search ‘FTDNA Mormon’, images as this group knows I have uploaded to this activity feed are showing up. It is not Harvard or Stanford which are tops in genealogical research it is most definitely Brigham; Brigham Young University, Provo Utah, a Church of Jesus Christ of the Lady Day Saints which is definitely the top school in research family history-genealogy. The Church of Later Day Saints previous to the web had the largest collection of genealogical materials, first in the upper floors of their office building and now on the west side of Temple Square, Salt City Utah, in their Family History Library FHL, which has Family History Centers all over the world, and with it the largest single data base of materials online in https://www.familysearch.org/, for the most part available to the public. Though a project I helped dad Loren Spencer Elliott to work on it; https://www.familysearch.org/search/catalog/2346147 Not available. May have some privacy issues, people still living. Way it is listed it seems that The Church of Latter Day Saints is making good use of it. Created this online this link for The Mormons, and anyone else which have high standards in family genealogical research; https://elwald.com/brigham-this-is-the-place-genealogy-with-dna-applied/
November 19 @ 2:29pm
http://www.jb.man.ac.uk/~mcdonald/genetics/report-2017-ancient-revised.pdf Carl Finch, Though I seems that I am able to find name similarities and locality concentrations for Finn and Finch in East Anglia, England, there seems to be so far know R-DF13 among the Finch to show a Y-DNA linkage in East Anglia between the Finn and Finch, and feel that our R-U106 link would be in the Anglican-region of Counties Fermanagh-Armagh, Ulster, Ireland, especially if you are showing Anglican-Episcopalian, and maybe Methodist in your family history. It is felt that the name Finn is an early name, shows concentration locality to the Fenns in East Anglia, and might have propagated the given name. The name Finch is felt to be of a later people, which could have likely separated themselves, from the early Finn. In Ulster the Finn-Finch would have not likely been from NPE, but in adopting a similarly spelled name. For Finn to be Irish being an older name had more travel time. With the Irish Gaelic Anglicizing their name they likely took on the name Finn as a surname because of the Gaelic-Anglican compatibility, which I do not think the name Finch has that compatibility with the Gaelic, and not readily accepted in Ireland, but accepted in the Ulster Plantation, now a part of the UK. 231a1a2b1. R1b M269 > L151 > P312 > L21 > DF13 > FGC11134 > CTS4466 > S1115 > FGC84010 > A541 > S1121 > Z16252 > Z18170 > A150 N27645 Fowler-Finn Thomas Finn b.Nov 1849 and d.7 May 1925 Ireland R-A150 231a1b1a1. R1b M269 > L151 > P312 > L21 > DF13 > FGC11134 > CTS4466 > S1115 > FGC84010 > A541 > A1135 > A195 > A761 > A88 H1665 Hayes Michael Finn b 1790 Frenchpark, Roscommon Ireland R-M269 230110 Finn Finn, John, b. 1829, Ballyhaunis, Mayo d.? Ireland R-M269 https://www.familytreedna.com/public/Corca_Laidhe?iframe=yresults
Carl Finch
November 22 @ 7:43am
Mark, I came from Ohio and many there were Methodists. I did find a close match in the name of Conn, distance 1 in 25 markers from county Mayo (Ireland). My father told me that he thought his ancestors were German Hessian soldiers in Revolutionary war, most likely named Fink. That would more likely fit your German heritage.
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Mark Elliott
November 22 @ 8:52am
Came over in c1650, Boston, from London, but Daniel Elliot family was exiled by Border Pacification to Ireland in 1607, then transported as a slave by the Cromwellian, Parliamentarian? genocide government of the UK. https://gorrenberry.com/wp-content/uploads/2015/01/SELLING-SCOTS-AS-SLAVES-IS-FUNNY-TO-THE-TORIES-2.mp4?_=1 We had to deal with being refugees to an actual American Witchhunt; https://elwald.com/wp-content/uploads/2019/06/ECS-Daniel-group-history-1.png https://elwald.com/wp-content/uploads/2019/06/Anna-Hannah-Elliott-child-lost-in-Salem.jpg https://elwald.com/wp-content/uploads/2019/06/A6724.jpg https://elwald.com/wp-content/uploads/2019/06/James-Donald-and-Mark-Elliott-tree-LDS-Mesa-AZ-thankyou-1024×445.jpg https://elwald.com/wp-content/uploads/2019/06/Daniel-Elliot-of-Sudbury-of-Marlborough.jpg https://elwald.com/wp-content/uploads/2019/06/Daniel-Elliot-Salem-End-map-plus-Oxford-insert.jpg https://elwald.com/wp-content/uploads/2019/06/Framingham-Vitals.png Line found in Tullykelter, Fermanagh, Ulster, Ireland 1610. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Tullykelter_Castle Many great Daniel Elliot left testimony for Elizabeth Proctor of Arthur Millers play The Crucible; http://salem.lib.virginia.edu/n106.html https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_Crucible Which at a time when I was you of McCarthyism witch hunt Black Listing; showed the importance which I do not have on many FTDNA blogs, and incorporated in the Constitution of the United States taken for granted by the indigenous first Americans and that is to SPEAK FREELY especially about ones family.
Mark Elliott
November 22 @ 9:18am
Carl Finch, Built this link; https://elwald.com/brigham-this-is-the-place-genealogy-with-dna-applied/ For the school which I feel has the highest standard in genealogical genetics, not Puritan Harvard on the east cost, or Stafford on the west coast, but a school which has a name of an Anglo-Border Reiver, called Brigham Young University, and has an extensive department on DNA-genetics. Based on offering their church to their ancestors, have the top genealogical library called the Family History Library, FHL, Salt Lake City, Utah, and Family History Centers/Centres throughout the world, along with a free family history site online; https://www.familysearch.org/ which is available to all at no cost. Found these Mormons, Mormon volunteers, professional genealogists, which utilized the data base before the internet to be top level researchers, and having this bases of genealogical and family search, can add DNA as a tool to their genealogical tool box. Do not expect anyone to utilize the above link. Found it measurable to how many are addressing it, except those which are truly family searches and seekers, of which many Mormon grew up with being family history seekers and searchers, and that is why this link is addressed to only those which do family searching and seeking the family historian genealogists.
November 19 @ 1:18pm
Something which came up in research and seems to also place the name ‘Fin’ in the Suffolk (south folk) East Anglia region in the eleventh century.
September 3 @ 7:57pm
https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/%C3%86lfwald_I_of_Northumbria Ælfwald to Elwald to Ellot to Elliot which is a rare sequence for an Elliott, but my Y-DNA is Proto-Germanic R-U106. Note; Ælfwin Finche name above.
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Carl Finch
September 4 @ 6:43am
Interesting, Mark Elliott. Thanks for the input.
Mark Elliott
November 11 @ 1:31pm
Names for the most part, with maybe the exception of a place name, have various origins. https://d3tije9h5o4l4c.cloudfront.net/social-photos/3336470?dpr=2&fit=max&h=411&w=590 Germany a ‘Grünwald’; grün wald (green forest) Is an example of a name from the Germanic language which I match twelve markers exactly, and the people of the name are concentrated in the region, which has a Germanic place name description with it. Did not migrate and change and locality is of where a number of ‘wolf’ are of, and Germany and America utilize the older name Wolf as a surname. Wolf is a surname strongly used in Germany and a large number in the US also use that surname. Keep asking myself; how after more than thirty generations a line of over a billion grandparents; How can I not be related? http://wolfeducationinternational.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/11/GermanyWolfMap.png Wolfs eat elk (moose), and the elk (moose) are beginning to show where those wolfs are at. It is like those wolfs are waiting on those moose to show up. https://gorrenberry.com/wp-content/uploads/2018/10/elk-elg-elch-moose-distribution-Germany.png Man, also eats elk (moose). They as smaller in numbers going back many centuries would have likely waited on the elk (moose) also. If you lived back then, what would you want to eat?
November 3 @ 5:17am
Mark Elliott, I can pretty much eliminate the possibility that my Finch surname originated from the surname Finfrock. I researched Finfrock back to 1556, (marriage date) when Johannes Funfrock adapted his wife’s name (Anna F. Nfrock) born 1536, died 1614. I’ll keep digging.
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October 29 @ 9:28am
https://forebears.io/surnames/funfrock https://forebears.io/surnames/finfrock Carl Finch, This is when I need commits because my commit(s) could bias the situation. Mark
September 22 @ 11:43am
https://named.publicprofiler.org https://forebears.io/surnames/peck#meaning Arthur Finch 11 minutes ago “i also have a peck that was name Beck in Germany” For genealogists errors make for the best of findings;
Arthur Finch
September 23 @ 1:20pm
My DNA: (Arthur W. Finch) YDNA37, R-Z198,R-M269, and mtDNA Halogroup I. Check Familytree DNA for Linage. Kit# 40338.Exact Match:Confirmes my Linnage to (Sweden): Nicholas Larsson Frande/FRIEND my 9th GGrandfather Born:1594–1658 and therefore to Catherine Friend Peck, Born 1735-1790 and the Wife of Conrad Peck. THE FINCH FAMILY DESCENDED FROM HENRY FITZHERBERT, CHAMBERLAIN OF KING HENRY I, AND ANCESTOR OF THE HERBERTS, EARLS OF PEMBROKE. THEY ARE THOUGHT TO HAVE CHANGED THEIR NAME TO FINCH AFTER MARRIAGE TO AN HEIRESS DAUGHTER OF AN EARLIER FINCH FAMILY.
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Arthur Finch
September 29 @ 11:01am
The name Fitzherbert reached English shores for the first time with the ancestors of the Fitzherbert family as they migrated following the Norman Conquest of 1066. The name Fitzherbert is based on the English, French, and German personal name of Herbert, is made up of the elements, heri, which means army, and berht, which means bright. The prefix Fitz indicated that the bearer was the son of someone named Herbert. As Knights and Lords took over the Lands and holdings of other Propertys and or acres and holdings they sometimes took on the name of that place. This was done in order to identify with the Coat of Arms of that manor or Castle. Such was the case with Fitzherbert changing to Finche or Finch.
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Mark Elliott
September 29 @ 12:51pm
Carl and I for our surname do not carry the major Y-DNA. For Carl Finch of the Finch family the standard Y-DNA, and I, Mark Elliott, do not carry the standard Y-DNA for the Elliott family, but Carl Finch and I match at 25 markers which means in time we are related. Carl Finch have name Y-DNA matches with Finn, Finnie, and maybe Finrock, which would take time to branch. Most likely the name given census surname distribution, would be of Finn or Finch, from the region of East Anglia, and The Fenns, Fenland. Question would be for Carl did Finn become Finch or Finch become Finn. Since there has been deviation from the name this in no way, may I say no way would affect the naming pattern for those which do not carry Carl and mine’s odd ball Y-DNAs. It is felt though a lot of people do not seem believe, my lineage is compatible to what is given by Arthur Finch above. Anglo-Scots Borderer. https://elwald.com/brigham-this-is-the-place-genealogy-with-dna-applied/
September 29 @ 12:42am
For some reason the surname Finch made the Google search of Brigham FTDNA also.
September 3 @ 8:21pm
Carl Finch March 13 @ 5:50am “Arthur Finch, I would like to see your DNA kit number for comparison of my kit #851593. Thanks, Carl Finch” Since we are related on our family tree by Y-DNA. Here is my Y-DNA line, but I was not able to connect us. Maybe an Ælfwin/Æfwald link. 0. Elwald de Schinckel, Germany (just south of Denmark). https://gorrenberry.com/wp-content/uploads/2019/09/Elwald-of-Schinktlef.jpg https://elwald.com/wp-content/uploads/2019/01/Ewald-Elke-Hereby-Elwald-de-Schinkel.png . . 1. Alan Elfwald of Norfolk, E Anglia ca 1250. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Beck_Hall 2. Robert Elwald of Norfolk/Rimington, West Riding Yorkshire, Northumbria (Lancashire) 1304. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Rimington 3. Robert 2 4. Robert 3 5. Robert 4 6. Robert 5 7. Robert 6 8. Robert 7 9. Robert 8 10. Robert 9 https://gorrenberry.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/11/Gorrenberry-Family-Tree1.png 11. William Elwald of Gorrenberry https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/en/4/43/Sasine_deed_1484_for_Robert_Elwald_%28Elliot%29%2C_Redheugh%2C_Larriston%2C_Hartsgarth.jpg 12. Robert Elwald (Archeis Hob) of Gorrenberry (adopted by uncle Archibald) https://gorrenberry.com/wp-content/uploads/2018/06/Gorrenberry-Family-Tree112.png 13. Andrew (Dand the Cowie) Elwald of Horsleyhill https://elwald.com/wp-content/uploads/2019/02/Andrew-Dand-the-Cowie-son-Andrew-Dand-the-Cow.jpg 14. Robert Elwald of Stobs/Gorrenberry (Clementis Hobs) https://gorrenberry.com/wp-content/uploads/2015/01/Clementis-Hob-The-Thieves-of-Liddisdail-Ulster.jpg https://elwald.com/wp-content/uploads/2019/02/Clements-Hobs-and-Crosiers..jpg 15. Dan-Daniel Ellot/Elliot/Elliott of Scotland/Tullykelter Fermanagh https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Tullykelter_Castle 16. Robert Ellot Tullykelter https://www.elwald.com/wp-content/uploads/2013/10/muster-William-Robert-Ellot-Mungo-1630.png 17. Daniel Ellot/Elliot of Ulster/Massachusetts https://gorrenberry.com/wp-content/uploads/2015/05/A6724.jpg 18. Daniel Elliot Salem Trials http://staging.salem.lib.virginia.edu/texts/tei/swp?term=William%20Proctor&div_id=n106.9&chapter_id=n106 19. Johnathan Sr 20. Johnathan Jr 21. John 22. Comfort Elliott 23. SA (Sherburn Amando) 24. AW (Amando Wilcox) 25. Mark 26. Loren Spencer 27. Mark Stephen Chiefs line is based on 1st, except chief 29, Margaret is an only child, therefore 29, to my 27, and figure she is my 17th cousin twice removed. https://elwald.com/clan-elliot-29th-chief-margaret-eliott-of-redhuegh-stobs/ https://gorrenberry.com/robert-elwald-clan-elliot-chief-1/ Carl, we are likely related from Norfolk, East Anglia, but your family took the surname ‘Finch’, and my relative the surname ‘Elwald’, which evolved into ‘Elliott’. Carl, for the first 12 markers, how many ‘Gresham/Grisham/Grisson’, of Gresham Castle. Norfolk, East Anglia, do you match? How many ‘Cave’, from North and South Cave, of East Riding, Yorkshire, Northumbria, do you match? How many Scarborough from Scarborough (or Scorborough), do you match? All along the North (German) Sea. Eight centuries ago the land was Danish. http://www.emersonkent.com/images/british_isles_1300.jpg https://i.pinimg.com/originals/a1/1a/47/a11a47bc726dab3af6bfa5dbc0c73076.jpg Carl Finch April 10 @ 9:58am “Lloyd Finch, our DNA closely matches. Would like to see your family tree. thanks, Carl Finch” Since you have noted that Lloyd Finch is a close match, maybe he may want to check for the above given matches also. It would be good to get that Gary Finn, in on this also.
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Carl Finch
September 24 @ 10:28am
Mark Elliott, I checked Y DNA for Gresham and found they are distance of 3 in Y-DNA 25. (not as close as your Elliott line).
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Mark Elliott
September 24 @ 11:15am
If haven’t may want to try Cave, and Scarborough also. For 28 generations distance 3 is about 65% for 25 markers, and distance 0 for 12 markers at 85%. Given that I match Gresham, Cave, and Scarborough, and in the greater half of those being tested, and Gresham, Cave, Scarborough or Scorborough, are places near the coast line of the North Sea, the odds of my Y-DNA as being there brings it very close to 100%. Will not find any of the educated DNA specialists disagreeing with me because in time this will show there true level of knowledge on the subject. Elwald lived in Cottingham with Wake related to Stuteville, of Liddel Strength Castle, now ‘The Mote”. https://elwald.com/elwald-wake-cottinghamliddel/
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Carl Finch
September 26 @ 6:23am
Mark Elliott, I compared DNA with Finn y-DNA. Found a Gary Finn with a dist. =2, (Y-DNA37).
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Mark Elliott
September 27 @ 8:09pm
Rough guestimate 350±50 or 300-400 years. A lot of the Daniel Cluster which I branch off of in 1650-1700 are about 2 markers off in 37. Within that time period in America my family name of Elliot added a ‘t’ then became Elliott.
September 23 @ 2:41pm
For Carl in the region of East Anglia, his name could have be Finn from Fenn, at the time my name Elwald, came about from the same surname Y-DNA pool of the Crowland-Croyland region, then adopted the common Finch surname from the region, and therefore not representing like I do not represent where the major lines of Elliott come from he does not represent where the major lines of Finch is derived from. Though it looks as though the name Finn from Fenn, may have become, Finnie, Finrock, and Finch. Given surname distribution I looks as though it is the one most likely to travel to the English-Scottish Borders like mine has.
September 22 @ 1:15pm
https://www.google.com/maps/place/Finningham,+Stowmarket+IP14+4JX,+UK/@52.2663468,1.023018,12.56z/ https://named.publicprofiler.org/ http://www.finningham.com/village-history/ THE name of our village is said to mean the Hamlet or Encampment (ham) of the people (ing) of Finn (or Finna). Hence, Finn – ing – ham. We do not know who Finn or Finna was but the name has a certain Nordic ring to it so, it is likely that it comes from one of the raiders from across the North Sea. This area was, of course heavily populated by the Angles (East Anglia). Carl Finch, and I are matching in twenty-five markers, exactly. He may be proto-Germanic R-U106 like me. For the Elliott, the Daniel Cluster R-U106 is an unique Y-DNA and this would go for Carl Finch also. So need to hear more from his matches to the Finn surname. Mine being an Elwald-Elliot runs out.
Carl Finch
September 22 @ 3:49pm
Thanks, Mark Elliott. Really appreciate the help.
Carl Finch
September 22 @ 9:22pm
Mark Elliott, you may be right about me being Proto-Germanic R-U106. Back in 2017, I had my DNA tested by MyHeritage for $95 dollars. The test came back saying I was 96.2% from the area of Germany and France (North and West European). 3.5% Irish, Scottish and Welch.
Mark Elliott
September 22 @ 9:57pm
Some reason, would like response, 23andMe puts me at what FTDNA and Yseq R-S163631. which is down stream from U106. FTDNA could do a lot more if one is downstream they are also in the SNP upstream from them, and should be included in those groups upstream also. R-M269>U106>Z2265>BY30097>S12025>S16361> Maybe not far upstream, because it gets quite crowed the further upstream one goes, an out of genealogical time. Most SNP like S16361 the lower one really do not reach in to genealogical time frame, but with some they are beginning to, and it is felt that the FTDNA geneticists, need to realize that the SNP needs to apply to genealogy not prehistoric people.
September 22 @ 12:14pm
https://www.findagrave.com/memorial/38734448/albert-bird-armstrong “In lieu of flowers the family suggests contributions to the Armstrong surname genealogical organization. Funeral directors, Deseret Mortuary.” Introduced me to; Chronicles of the Armstrong ed James Lewis Armstrong MD, https://archive.org/details/chroniclesofarms00arms/page/n13 which talks of the Elwald-Elliot of Crowland/Croyland. https://www.google.com/maps/place/Crowland,+Peterborough,+UK/@52.6735583,-0.1751212,15z/
September 3 @ 7:54pm
https://named.publicprofiler.org/ Finch, Finn, and Finnie, likely variant name for me, of the region called THE FENS, swamp land with islands before they drained it around 1650. From the East Anglia region. To have variants it takes time. Going that far back in time it becomes near a 100% likelihood that I am related to Finch. To have so many variants of a name puts it back in time. Top ones are out of 25, bottom ones are out of 12 markers. Carl Finch, 851593 Finch Abraham A. Finch, b. 1829, Ohio and died 1862 Hopefully they will put me, in your group. Guess Carl you are likely East Anglia like me. At an exact match at 25 markers, in eight centuries we must be related.
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Carl Finch
September 21 @ 6:18pm
Mark Elliott, hey cousin, your comments were very enlightened for me. I see that Mic added your DNA to the Finch Y-DNA grouping.
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Mark Elliott
September 21 @ 7:10pm
Carl Finch, If next to you starting with 14 our first 25 markers would show match. Feel given map with all the name ‘Fenn’ in Cambridge region island in the Fenlands, and ‘Finn’ used as a surname in the matches, that ‘Finn’, came from ‘Fenn’. Chief puts us back to the twelve century; https://elwald.com/clan-elliot-29th-chief-margaret-eliott-of-redhuegh-stobs/ as a clan. The Armstrong and Elliott rode together in the borderlands until exiled to Ulster, or exterminated, by James VI or Scotland becoming James I of England and driving us off the Borderlands for his making of a Middle Shires. The Chronicles of the Armstrong, have the Elwald-Elliot of the Crowland-Croyland region in them with input of Armstrong from around the world; https://archive.org/details/chroniclesofarms00arms/page/n13 Given surname density patterns of Finn, and Finch in the region this is where I think our Y-DNA crossed paths. Elwald is an Anglo-Saxon name, becoming for me Elliott, as indicated by my Proto-Germanic R-U106 Y-DNA, with the Daniel Elliot Cluster first found in Massachusetts Colony. https://elwald.com/wp-content/uploads/2018/05/ECS-Daniel-group-history-1.png Note; 101829 Germany R-S16361 https://www.familytreedna.com/public/CaveFamilyHistorySocietyDNA?iframe=yresults 101829 Elwald de Schinkel Germany R-S16361 https://www.familytreedna.com/public/scarborough?iframe=yresults more so with Gresham-Grisham-Grissom, of Gresham, Norfolk, but all located near North Sea 101829 Elliott Germany R-S16361 https://www.familytreedna.com/public/Gresham_Grissom?iframe=yresults It should be I have many matches for the first twelve markers of place names along the North Sea for Gresham, Norfolk, North and South Cave, East Riding Yorkshire, and for Scorborough (Yorkshire) and/or Scarborough, UK. PoBi people been helping also; People of the British Isles Population Genetics and Facial Genetics https://www.peopleofthebritishisles.org/ Garrett Hellenthal – The Genetic History of the United Kingdom: the POBI project https://www.youtube.com/results?search_query=pobi https://www.cambridge.org/core/journals/antiquity/article/people-of-the-british-isles-project-and-viking-settlement-in-england/54E19CAFF9AC2BEB39EAEC826BEDBC63 https://www.yourdnaguide.com/ydgblog/2018/10/19/ancestor-reconstruction
September 20 @ 10:33am
September 20 @ 10:28am
September 17 @ 4:28am
https://named.publicprofiler.org/ It is my Y-DNA which migrated to the Ulster Plantation, showing migrations towards Aberdeenshire. This was like during border genocide, when King James VI of Scotland, became King James I of England also, with control of the English army he would on the borders if we did not relocate he would kill us Armstrong and Elliott.
September 17 @ 4:21am
Duncan and Finnie in Aberdeenshire carries similar Y-DNA. Note the Armstrong and Elwald (IE Elliott) in the sixteenth century used the name Ninian, as a forename.
September 17 @ 4:13am
https://elwald.com/wp-content/uploads/2018/05/ECS-Daniel-group-history-1.png https://www.familytreedna.com/public/CaveFamilyHistorySocietyDNA?iframe=yresults https://www.familytreedna.com/public/Gresham_Grissom?iframe=yresults Scarborough (de Scorborough) has nearby place duality; https://gorrenberry.com/wp-content/uploads/2016/05/Scarborough-FTDNA.png https://www.familytreedna.com/public/scarborough?iframe=yresults It should be noted that the Elwald, are in East Riding Yorkshire as the Southwell, and are Scandinavian. North and South Cave are of East Riding Yorkshire, and Gresham is of Norfolk. The region is Scandinavian, the name Elwald is Anglo-Saxon. At thirty generations exact matches of 12 markers rate the same for 25 and 37. At this time it is felt goes beyond surname adoption, so the greatest likelihood is that at the time of Elwald adoption, the Gresham which is a place name was adopted from the same Y-DNA grandfather line.
September 16 @ 4:27pm
May want to SNP test R-S16361.
September 16 @ 3:29pm
Earl Finch
August 9 @ 10:50am
I have been looking for the parents of my greatgrandfather for 30 years. The dna on this site is my dad’s. He died in 2017 at 101. He never knew his real father who died young. There is a match genetic distance 2 on this site with James R. A. Finch. They have been in Oklahoma since land run of 1889. I was just hoping someone here was also looking into this line.
March 13 @ 5:50am
Arthur Finch, I would like to see your DNA kit number for comparison of my kit #851593. Thanks, Carl Finch
Through our ballads, the history of our family is conveyed. The Armstrongs can’t be led, they come into play, and like Elliott, I’m taking a very big risk trying to follow these Armstrongs. May end in hanging.
Через наши баллады передается история нашей семьи. Армстронгов нельзя вести, они вступают в игру, и я, как Эллиотт, очень сильно рискую, пытаясь следовать за этими Армстронгами. Может закончиться повешением.
The History of Liddesdale, Eskdale, Ewesdale, Wauchopedale and the Debateable Land: “From the Twelfth Century to 1530.” Robert
How family members are being successful at family history;