Квакерские дамы самые большие повстанцы.
Нет ядерного паритета, когда знания ученого замалчиваются теми, кто не может исправить свои значащие цифры, что является стандартом для применения математики, и замалчивают тех, кто это делает.
Думал, что КГБ и ЦРУ уже знают об этом, когда решение об использовании боеголовки взрывчатого вещества и используется, потому что человек думает, что он прав, посмотрите, как люди думают, что они правы после того, как он взорвется, и желая, чтобы оно было направлено против них самих. Люди умерли, не прислушавшись к мнению ученых и приняв надлежащие меры предосторожности в отношении COVID.
У Америки есть президент, который, вероятно, получил свой пост из-за своего недоверия к русским. Из-за того же недоверия Америке, с демократом создал Вьетнам, с республиканцем вытащил нас. Можно верить в поляризованные слова данной группы людей или в общее разнообразие людей, говорящих свободно. Те, которые заставляют людей замолчать и имеют поляризованные идеологии, представляют ли они Звездно-полосатый или Юнион Джек? Благодаря мобильному телефону и возможности общаться на других языках люди игнорируют национальные границы и общаются через них.
Причина, по которой я общаюсь на русском языке, состоит в том, что я хочу общаться со своими соотечественниками, многие из которых стали тори и преклоняются перед замалчиванием геноцидного Юнион-Джека. Люди, которые не являются тори, их флаг – это не геноцидный Юнион-Джек, но звезды и полосы признают, что основа существования Америки – это свободное высказывание. Американцы свободно говорят на многих языках, включая русский, и те, кто любит слушать, переведут это сообщение.
Учитывая экспоненциальную прогрессию, основанную на бинарной математике на протяжении нескольких поколений, вы не поверите, что во мне есть русская ДНК.
Вы не можете заниматься генеалогией, если ваш родственник говорит что-то, что вам не нравится, тогда вы заставляете его замолчать. Подумайте обо всех родственниках, которых вы хотели бы заставить замолчать время от времени. Сколько членов вашей семьи было бы в вашем генеалогическом древе, если бы вы заставили родственника замолчать, потому что он сказал что-то, что вам не понравилось?
Our Elliot Ancestors of New England by Loren Spencer Elliott
Chronicles of the Armstrongs; by Armstrong, James Lewis
Genealogy of the Daniel Elliot family
by Marshall E. Lignian
Genealogy of the Daniel Elliot family Marshall E. Lignian to jpg
Couldn’t I’ve have been related to these Quaker Elliott, instead of those Baptists Elliot? One does not get to choose their ancestors; you’re born with them. Mark Stephen Elliott
In genealogy the hierarchy goes to the family not the historians even of Harvard, though they still seem to utilize techniques of silencing like Harvard Puritan Judges used at the Salem Witch Trials and Puritan Cromwell in his extermination of 200,000 Irish. It is likely that Rev. Thomas Allen and Capt. John Allen with seaman John Cloyse, said to be richest in Cambridge were on same ship going to London about 1650 which from money of Daniel Stone next younger to John Stone buried in Harvard Square Cemetery. immigrant indentured my many great Daniel Ellot/Elliot came to America.
Search the Muster Rolls (therjhuntercollection.com) use Johnston instead of Johnson.
Search the Muster Rolls (therjhuntercollection.com) use Johnston not Johnson.
It should be noted that Cromwellian Puritan which owned immigrant, POW Scots Charles II Hamiltonian Royalist is John Stone buried at Harvard in Cambridge, MA.
Those who silence family members, are anti-family historians, similar to the Harvard Puritans which hung witches in Salem, and Senator McCarthy which silenced Jewish playwrights like Arthur Miller who stood up for 1st Amendment Rights, writing a The Crucible with Elizabeth Proctor in it which many great left testimony in defense of referring to McCarthyism as a Communist Witch Hunt. Figure those doing the silence can not be Americans because Americans pitch-in, a allow people to speak freely.
Henry Louis Gates. I know that if white people move into communities such as MacGregor Park, Houston, Texas it may bring housing pricing down, but can you not allow a few of us Elliott that are not black to move in?
When reporters become engineers, engineers will become, reporters.
Tsunami in Japanese; 津波
Namensverbreitungskarte – Verein für Computergenealogie (genealogy.net)
Land-Kittery-and-Scarbough-of-Robert-Elliot-and-In-laws.pdf (elwald.com)
Mark Elliott Family Tree DNA kit number 101829 Daniel Elliot Cluster first 12 markers;
14 24 14 11 11-14 12 12 11 13 13 29
In lieu of flowers the family suggests contributions to the Armstrong surname genealogical organization. Funeral directors, Deseret Mortuary.
Beccleuch warden of West March, Duke of Buccleuch of the Bauld (Bold) Buccleuch, has his home in Langholm, Scotland the hometown of Neil Armstrong.
Armystand 1396 (army-stand along Liddel Water), Armestrang (Arme-strang army-strong, strang and lang are strong and long in Scottish Auld and Bauld are Old and Bold in Scottish, like in Robert Burns ‘Auld Lang Syne’, ‘Old Long Since’.
References;(in the public domain) The history of Enniskillen with reference to some manors in co. Fermanagh, and other local subjects by Trimble, William Copeland, 1851-1941 page 218-9 https://archive.org/details/historyofenniski00trimrich/page/218/mode/2up
The History of Liddesdale, Eskdale, Ewesdale, Wauchopedale and the Debateable Land: By Robert Bruce Armstrong, Volume 1883 page 65 https://books.google.com/books?id=nFr7oQEACAAJ&pg=PA65&source=gbs_toc_r&cad=4#v=onepage&q&f=false Chronicles of the
Armstrongs; by Armstrong, James Lewis 1902 https://archive.org/details/chroniclesofarms00arms/page/259/mode/2up
id=nFr7oQEACAAJ&pg=PA65&source=gbs_toc_r&cad=4#v=onepage&q&f=false Chronicles of the
Armstrongs; by Armstrong, James Lewis 1902 https://archive.org/details/chroniclesofarms00arms/page/259/mode/2up
Search the Muster Rolls (therjhuntercollection.com)
Internet ArchiveChronicles of the Armstrongs; : Armstrong, James Lewis : Free Download, Borrow, and Streaming : Internet Archive
named – Map your surname across the UK (publicprofiler.org)
Sheep stealers from the north of England’: the Riding Clans in Ulster by Robert Bell
Saxton-1579.jpg (4062×3183) (gorrenberry.com)
Albert Bird Armstrong Jr. (1900-1973) – Find a Grave Memorial
Though my family as recorded down many lines descended from Charles Carroll of Carrollton, the longest living signer of the Declaration of Independence cousin to John Carroll first bishop of the United States. Because my family is not Catholic or descendants thereof not Catholic, and likely an autosomal DNA connection, the question is would the Catholic Church accept DNA as verification of my relation to Charles Carroll of Carrollton, and first cousin first United States Bishop, or will they silence as anti-scientist (genetics is a science) or anti-family historians (genealogists) do is utilize silencing in the manner of Salem witch hanging judges.
Carroll Family
There were a great many more Founding Fathers, however, even if their names are not so familiar as the above. Several of those lesser-known men who played key roles in the creation of the United States of America were Catholics. Chief among them were three members of the Carroll family of Maryland: Charles Carroll, the only Catholic signer of the Declaration of Independence; his cousin Daniel Carroll; and Daniel Carroll’s brother John Carroll, who became America’s first Catholic bishop.
Catholic Founding Fathers – The Carroll Family CHARLES CARROLL CARTER
Though purchased from Family Tree DNA Y-DNA 111 marker test. SNP to R-S16361, full mtDNA testing. Am product purchaser, not allow to login to access it. The data belong to the ones which purchased. To be blocked from accessing, and not cleaning the FTDNA blogs from all that was added, and my DNA from the FTDNA data base, and not receiving a refund, Family Tree DNA has performed DATA theft. For all customers their access is not guaranteed to data paid from by the customer, including the submittal of the DNA. Family Tree DNA has taken access to my DATA away from me. A firm which preforms data theft can they be trusted with your data?
In the Texas Hill Country of Fredericksburg, where the US Naval Museum is but more towards Harpers, Texas, on the hill for Gold Bond Building Products, National Gypsum Company, was the supervisor on site of and exploratory program. National Gypsum drilled for data which I assembled. If that data was taken from them and they did not have access to it in mining that would be known as claim jumpers. Family Tree DNA data which I purchased an as a family historian, and instructing engineer computing and mathematics at the university level, may be considered quite well qualified to analyze my own data, except is being ‘claimed jumped’, taken from me and not allow my access to it by FAMILY TREE DNA.
Lemuel Rowell a Charles Carroll genealogical DNA link? – Elwald
История Лиддесдейла, Эскдейла, Эвесдейла, Уошопдейла и спорной земли: Роберт Брюс Армстронг, том 1
Namensverbreitungskarte – Verein für Computergenealogie (genealogy.net)
Чтобы заниматься генеалогией, нужно найти людей, которые смотрят на мышление под другим углом, чтобы преодолеть предрассудки. Монархи Англии и Шотландии повесили бы Армстронга и Эллиотта, если бы сами выглядели как монархи. Именно это случилось с Джонни Армстронгом, которого звали Гилноки, и Эллиоттом, который ехал с ним, шотландский король пригласил их встретиться, и он повесил связку.
Ballad “Johnie Armstrang” Armstrong – Reivers
Айвенго думал, что у вас, русских, русская печать, я не очень большой на аристократов. Семейная линия сэра Вальтера Скотта, из-за поместья Баклюх, которое сегодня является самым большим количеством поместий семьи Скотт. Во время Пограничного умиротворения, тех, кто поддерживал шотландского короля Якова VI, взятого у французской католической матери, Марии Стюарт Французской королевы Шотландии, ее мать была обезглавлена старшей Елизаветой I королевой Англии. Это гарантировало, что новый объединенный король, ни Шотландия, ни Англия не будут иметь католического монарха. Армстронг и Эллиотт поддерживали Мари Стюарт, когда Елизавета I умерла, Яков VI, стал Яковом I Английским и не нуждался в пограничниках, особенно в тех, кого звали Армстронг и Эллиотт. Хотя Соединенное Королевство называет это пограничным умиротворением, это было пограничное истребление и изгнание. Многие переехали в графство Фермана, Ирландия, теперь на границе ЕС и Великобритании. Потомки католического «Мака» и шотландского протестанта «Мак» из (Лондона) Дерри и Белфаста. Если эта граница между ЕС и Великобританией будет укреплена, то эта граница, скорее всего, превратится в поле битвы, где будут жить потомки шотландских пограничных семей, которые вступили в брак с ирландцами.
These MOMS Mothers Of Mormon Sons, are causing me a bit of difficulties, n the family tree one must have this line of ladies, where a mother has a daughter, that brought on the BYU DNA GUIDE TEAM, They say YOU CAN DO DNA. This is bringing on a next generation of mtDNA line, without the ‘Y’ in them at B’Y’U. If they do not have the ‘Y’ in them at BYU especially at BYU they can be a bunch of troublemakers.
Having my RUSSIAN put into a Vietnamese Love Story is going about far enough. These people really need the ‘Y’ in them. Do not know why they are accepted a BYU, but they are needed I guess to form a family tree.
If I am around any longer these MOMS, from Great, they become Great and Grand, then I will be in big trouble. These people without the ‘Y’ in them one cannot keep secrets from them. Should know had a mom myself, and am married.
BYU Brigham DNA – Gorrenberry (2022) MSE – Gorrenberry
Я не в возрасте DAD (папы и дочери), а в возрасте GRAND. Знаете ли вы, что это значит, я могу помочь вам с вашим вьетнамским языком из русской истории любви.
Когда я был в юности, у них не было никакого тестового оркестра на открытом воздухе ядерных взрывов, казалось, что это так.
Эрнест Йоахим Стернгласс (; 24 сентября 1923 — 12 февраля 2015) — почетный профессор Питтсбургского университета и директор проекта «Радиация и общественное здравоохранение». Он является американским физиком и автором, наиболее известным своими противоречивыми исследованиями о рисках для здоровья низкоуровневой радиации от атмосферных испытаний ядерного оружия и от атомных электростанций. Эрнест Стернгласс» из Википедии
понравилось, что он повлиял на мою щитовидную железу через изотоп йода открытого воздуха, и SAT для мормонов в Сент-Джордже, штат Юта, от близкого взрыва из Лас-Вагаса, штат Невада, так сильно, что президент Церкви Святых последних дней держал ракетную систему MX подальше от Юты, она досталась старой кавалерийской лошади по имени Уоррен, в Шайенне, Вайоминг. При регистрации на военную службу США, был на дополнительном от Armour, у которого был упаковочный завод, где я жил в Су-Сити, штат Айова. Хотя они нерешительно относились к войне во Вьетнаме, у них был вопрос при регистрации призыва, принимаете ли вы какие-либо лекарства. Честно говоря, написал «препараты для щитовидной железы». Во время Нама дали 4F, который встретил меня недостаточно здоровым, чтобы быть призванным в то время, что означало отсутствие войны во Вьетнаме.
DNA Migrates With Language
FTDNA Elliot Google Bing images 9/2022 – Gorrenberry
In Pennsylvania, Catholics hold a majority in the US Government, as State based on the concept of religious freedoms. In Des Moines, Iowa that Catholics south of Grand on the east side of 42nd Street, park in the parking lot of the Quakers on the west side. Though Charles II became Catholic on his death bed, my brother married to a Doyle refused to. Wife’s family were Catholic, she was raised Methodist. My family as Anglican fought against Cromwell on the side of the Catholics. The Catholics and Anglicans intermarried in Co Fermanagh, Ireland, but urbanized Catholics and Presbyterians, which I refer to as the Mc-Mac have brought their battlefield to the Irish Border and could very easily do so in the future. Am of the Middle March Clans, Armstrong, Elliott, Nixon, and Crozier, we were the ones which stood up for Queen Marie Stuart, The Queen of Scots, who was behead by Elizabeth I to keep England Protestant, plus her child James was taken by the Scottish Protestants which may make the EU-UK border another battlefield. Of the Border Reiver Pagans who are after extermination off the English-Scottish Border or exiled to Maguire-Fermanagh Co, Ireland though wants peace it still can become a UK battlefield.
Could the Catholic Church ask Rev William Nolan Archbishop of Glasgow, to extend his curse upon use Reivers of the Middle March, they Armstrong, Elliott, Nixon, and Crozier (the staff St. Patrick used to chase snakes out of Ireland). Since President Richard M. Nixon (raised Quaker), was noted to be the biggest liar, I am trying to top him since he pulled the troops out of Vietnam and opened trade to China, and many other things towards peace. It would be with great honor if I can top him among the Catholics of today as being a greater liar. May be as quarter of the world listen when Nixon talk to an Amstrong on the moon about peace on earth, maybe instead of calling us liars, they may want to believe in the Armstrong, Elliott, Nixon and Crozier, which support peace on the border, a on the border which they intermarried the Catholics, the EU-UK border. Sincerely, Mark Stephen Elliott
FTDNA Elliot Google Bing images 9/2022 – Elwald
1569 Marie Stuart visited to become third husband James Hepburn ‘Boswell’, at The Hermitage Castle soldiered by Ellot. Wee Jock Ellot (ie Little John Elliot) living at a location east across the Hermitage Water where chief 29 Margaret Eliott of Redheugh, now resides;
Scottish Poetry Selection – Wha Daur Meddle Wi’ Me? (rampantscotland.com)
Заговор был сформирован Эллиотом из Редхью и другими, чтобы убить Баклюха.
A plot was formed by Elliot of Redheugh and others to assassinate Buccleuch.
Занимался генеалогией, когда отец вождей сэр Артур Элиотт из Стобса и его мать из Алантика, штат Джорджия, США занимались генеалогией семьи Редхью. Маргарет, единственный ребенок, является первой женщиной-вождем из длинной линии из 28 мужчин-вождей.
Итак, ее отец и я, наши предки Y-ДНК, вероятно, были свидетелями, Роберт Элвальд 10, который пришел Эллиот из региона Хавик, переход земли от Арчибальда «Белла Кота» Дугласа к десятому вождю Роберту Эльвальду из Редхью, вместе с землями Ларристона. Buccleuch, который имеет генетический разрыв в линии Скотта во времена Карла II. Принц Уэльский и герцог Баклюх, у них не было сыновей, чтобы пройти по линии, как у Эллиотта с Маргарет.
Вождь – это семья, Маргарет – лучшее, что я могу считать, что мой двадцать седьмой двоюродный брат дважды удален. Как вы можете видеть, Баклюх до Пограничного умиротворения пытается сказать, что Эллиоты не претендуют на Редхью, вместе с шотландским правительством, пытающимся построить ветряную электростанцию рядом с замком Эрмитаж, родиной клана Эллиот.
«К югу от замка находится поместье Лангхольм, часть поместья Баклюх, которое выдвигает возражения. Загрязнять ландшафтный фон замка со всей его силой, чтобы вызвать историю и наследие шотландских границ, было бы не чем иным, как вандализмом», — подчеркивает герцог Баклюх.
Битва ветряных электростанций над шотландским замком – Country Life
Когда Нил Олден Армстронг приехал в Шотландию в 1972 году, он признал Лангхольм своим родным городом.
A Hawick Word Book by Douglas Scott – The Douglas Archives (ning.com)
ftdna ulster heritage – Bing images
Ulster for FTDNA uploads. – Gorrenberry
Before Border Pacification, exile and extermination of Scottish Middle March Clan families, of James VI/I, of the Bible published in English, we had a chieftain that the Bauld (Bold) Buccleuch want to kill, he married his sister then took on a mistress. The Armstrong, Elliott, Nixon and Crozier, went with Mary Queen of Scots, soldiered the Hermitage Castle for her third husband James Hepburn ‘Bothwell’. Exiled to Ireland we in County Maguire then Fermanagh married the Maguire, and McManus (son of hands). Asked if Christain along the border, the answer is We Are Armstrong and Elliott. Elliott cannot lead the Armstrong, because they will not follow. The Elliott follow the Armstrong. They are like a heard which when you try to direct them they scatter, because if they had a leader like Gilnockie the English or Scottish Monarchy would hang them, and the Elliott along with them.
We the Armstrong and Elliott just pitch-in do not care what people think. Though Dunbar ‘The Bishop of Glasgow’, and the Catholic Church has a Curse for us, we consider it quite a compliment, he would go to such effort.
In genetic genealogy, DNA is another tool of the historian, which just pitches in and shares information. It seems like I’m getting a world of help.
It is all right if peolple think I’m the biggest liar in the world, Nixon was and he opened trade with China, and pulled the troops out of Vietnam.
The engineer which said the ‘O-Rings’ were bad and people died in a shuttle explosion because they did not listen, during the Salem Witch Trials, and McCarthyism, in silencing by ‘hanging’ or ‘black listing’ they did not die.
They lost any level of authority they may have. In the modeling the silencers do not like the MOMS (mothers of Mormon sons), avoid take leads they go out an avoid them. If one does not search an seek they you know the level of knowledge they have about their family history.
Our language is of Bobby Burns, of Ayr, Scotland , like Mt. Ayr, IA, it is the Anglo-Saxon language of the Scots.
Mark Stephen Elliott
Correction; A.W. not W.A. , Clearview, Mt Ayr where folks died is on the land, of dad’s Elliott grandparrents. 8-11-2022.
MacGUIRE is a distinguished Gaelic or [K]eltic family. According to ‘The Origin Of Clan Maguire’ by Miss Ivy Rooney, the Maguire clan is said to have originated in the middle of Ireland in the County of Westmeath, in the province of Leinster and to have moved from there to the county of Fermanagh in the province of Ulster, modern day Northern Ireland. (source: Kathleen Neil Maguire Bulletin 1996 p.11)
The name is derived from the Irish Gaelic, Mag-Uidhir (Mag, Mac – son of & Uidhir – Dun colored, sallow). You can hear the actual pronunciation in Irish of the name at the PBS site Irish in America – Maguire.
Uidhir is the possessive form of the proper name of Odhar & an interesting fact about that name is that it was in common use at the time of our progenitor because people are prone to name their children after hero’s, Odhar being the name sake of a “hero-saint” who was St. Patrick’s servant & chariot-driver, who reputedly saved his master’s life by taking his place when his life was sought by pagans in about 452 A.D.
(For more information on this please consult The Catholic Encyclopedia, Volume XI and do a search on the page for the name of Odhran.
Today, the Maguire surname is approximately 39th place of the most common surnames in Ireland, but it definitely holds first place in the County of Fermanagh! The majority of those who use the spelling Maguire are chiefly associated with County Fermanagh, in Northern Ireland, and those who use the spelling MacGuire or McGuire usually originated from Mayo or Roscommon. Other various spellings of this surname are; MacGiver, MacGuier, MacGuiver, MacGuire, MacGwire, Macquer, Macquire, Maguier, Maguir, Maguyre, Magwire, McGuire, McQuire.
On looking up your website I thought that I should point out that our tartan is Scottish not Irish as I am recorded with the Lord Lyon as the first Scottish Maguire. I have attached a picture of the tartan so that it may be seen in real form rather than on print so that your potential customers may get a better idea of what the tartan looks like, I have also attached the Scottish crest that can be worn by any Scottish Maguire I do hope that this may be of help to you as any time that we wear the kilt people always remark on how nice the tartan is, thank you once again for your good work in setting this up for us. Would be kind enough to let us know if this gets through to you.
Kind regards
Frank Mcguire
Scots – Irish Clan and Families – Maguire (electricscotland.com)
Of Daniel Elliot 1615, granddad to Daniel Elliot of the Salem Trials.
It is felt that the Champernoun, did not have any sons, and likely Robert Elliot indentured carpenter at Boiling Rock had first son Robert, with sons Champernoun and Humphrey which lived on land of Boil Rock, on the New Hampshire side, across from Eliot neck Kittery-Eliot, Maine. Though Cahmpernoun and Humphrey Elliot seem to make it as South Carolina Baptists. Robert Elliot the immigrant, is felt to be Daniel Elliot’s older brother of the Salem Trials, son of Robert Elliott, of Tullykelter. was Robert, his second son was name Daniel after his father. This is how my Y-DNA ended up with Baptists, of Herbert Hoover Horton in Georgia. So line travels from Daniel Elliot (Dand Ellot) of Gorrenberry, Scotland, becoming in exile and banished from both kingdoms, Daniel Elliot of Tullykelter, Fermanagh, Ireland, son Robert (Robert likely older brother on John Hamilton lands in Armagh), which has sons Robert and Daniel which fight on the side of Hamiltonian Anglican Royalists against Cromwell, indentured as slaves, Robert to the Puritan Cutt family of Barbados then now Portsmouth (Strawberry Bank-Boiling Rock), New Hampshire, and Kittery, Maine. Daniel indentured to the Puritan Stone family of Cambridge then Sudbury-Maraborough, then Otter Neck – Stone’s End, Saxonville – North Framingham, Massechusetts.
Herbert Hoover Horton ‘Pete’, informed me he felt the Elliott he was related to came down as Bapitist to South Carolina;
by Leah Townsend, Ph.D.
After long acceptance of 1682 or 1683 as the year in which Rev. William
Screven came to South Carolina, it now appears certain that he was still in
Kittery (then under the jurisdiction of Massachusetts, now Maine) in January,
1696; and as the first record of his presence in South Carolina is a warrant for
one thousand acres of land dated December 7, 1696, he must have arrived in
South Carolina sometime in that year. f13 Mr. Screven is claimed to have come
to Kittery from Somerton, in Somersetshire, England, where some one of his
name (though not himself) subscribed a Baptist confession of faith in 1656. In
Maine his activity among his Baptist brethren brought him into disfavor with
the authorities. He was summoned for “blasphemous speeches about the holy
ordinance of baptism” and imprisoned for refusing to pay the fine imposed;
and finally, after having been licensed to preach by the First Baptist Church in
Boston on January 11, 1682, he was ordered to leave Maine. He seems,
however, to have remained for more than fourteen years before coming to
Carolina. During those years he was active in the life of Kittery and in the
Baptist cause, having collected a congregation which was organized as a
church on September 25, 1682. f14
The three probable reasons for Mr. Screven’s selection of South Carolina for
his final settlement were that toleration existed there; that the family of his
wife, Bridget Cutt (or Cutts), had lived for sometime in Barbados, and may
have received first-hand reports of the advantages of the settlement of 1670 on
the Ashley River, f15 and coming himself from Somersetshire, Mr. Screven may
have been in communication with the party brought over by Blake. Either
through previous acquaintance or by accident, Rev. William Screven appeared
in this province about the time that Joseph Blake again became governor. He
secured a second warrant, for fifteen hundred acres of land, in December,
1696, indicating that he had brought in a considerable number of people. In the
same month “Thomas Bulling had a warrt for five hundred acres of Land Lying
at Sumer towne, on the West Side of Stewart’s line,” and Robert Wetherick
had one hundred acres at “Sumerton;” he is described in the records of the
Court of Ordinary in 1700 as “late of New England, then of Sommerton in ye
County aforesaid [Berkeley].” f16 Again by purchase in 1698 and by grant in
1700 William Screven secured eleven hundred four acres on the west side of
Pooshee or Biggin Swamp near Wampee, more than forty miles fromCharleston.
This plantation he may have named Somerton, and it has since
1725 borne the title, but it is more probable that the whole community about
him was known to its members by that name; there was never a town in the
South Carolina sense. The neighboring grants were held by Permanow (or
Permanus) Screven, a son of Rev. William Screven, and by Elizabeth and
Robert Wetherick, Champernoun Elliott, and Humphrey Axtell, all Baptists
and all except the last in some way connected with Rev. William Screven.”
Henry A. M. Smith, “Some Forgotten Towns in Lower South Carolina,” in
SCHGM, XIV (1913), 135-6; there is an indication in Henry A. M. Smith,
“The Upper Ashley: And the Mutations of Families,” in SCHGM, XX
(1919), 162, of a connection between Daniel Axtell the Landgrave and
Daniel Axtell of New England; Humphrey Axtell was a near neighbor of
Rev. William Screven In Carolina; Howard, Cutts Genealogy, p. 16, and
Burrage, “Added Facts,” in Coll. Maine Hist, Soc., 1894, pp. 277-8, differ
in the relationships of these neighbors.
The three probable reasons for Mr. Screven’s selection of South Carolina for
his final settlement were that toleration existed there; that the family of his
wife, Bridget Cutt (or Cutts), had lived for sometime in Barbados, and may
have received first-hand reports of the advantages of the settlement of 1670 on
the Ashley River,” f15
Champernoun Elliott
Tullykelter Castle, Co. Fermanagh
D. M. Waterman
Tullykelter Castle
Who is going believe that a person born in the forties, of Border Reiving descent owns and operates a dot com? My actions as one time a behavioral scientist was meant to do that. Was able to sort out the admins. THE FAMILY KNOWS BEST, is how genealogy is done. The first person to put their foot on the moon, was and Armstrong an engineer, then towards the end of the American moon landings, a geologist of Harvard from New Mexico, with a middle name the same as my mothers-in-law’s maiden name core drilled the moon.
With the challenger a social studies teacher was sent into space, with an engineer saying the O-rings were bad.
If an FTDNA admin has kicked someone off their blog then I am saying having worked as a second generation engineer ‘Your O-rings are bad’.
Changed the model. Own and operate three dot coms. Utilize behavioral separation. The scientists-mathematicians-geneticists-genealogists, by their behavior of being seekers and searchers, the top ones have already done so, will go to Microsoft Bing, (that young man Bill Gates started Microsoft in New Mexico, can’t understand why he moved to Seattle). Knew silences do not check what is a necessary for proper science and genealogy, that is documentation.
That is the worst situation a engineer can be in, especially having a standard of studies in ‘strenghs and materials’.
Since people without base principals like sig figs, are trying to superimpose their concepts on people as the judges of the Salem Witch Trials, and Senator McCarthy in ‘blacklisting’ Jewish authors as being ‘communists’, feel these immigrants which came to American after the Apache and Navajo, and my relative on the Mayflower, for us it is standard. Freedom of speech and religion.
The best way for a deception is to be as accurate as an engineer, and have people think you are a liar.
Mark Stephen Elliott
Olofsen Surname Origin, Meaning & Last Name History (forebears.io)
Namensverbreitungskarte – Verein für Computergenealogie (genealogy.net)
Search the Muster Rolls (therjhuntercollection.com)
1630 Ulster Ireland muster try Elliott then Ellot.
Scottish Poetry Selection – Wha Daur Meddle Wi’ Me? (rampantscotland.com)
Hermitage Castle: Getting here | Historic Environment Scotland
Search the Muster Rolls (therjhuntercollection.com)
1630 Ulster Ireland muster try Elliott then Ellot.
Do not have acess to SEYDN FTDNA 101829 my own data through FTDNA so am obtaining it elsewhere.
Peter Cloyes-Cloyse-Cloyce is son-in-law to Edmund Littlefield and father-in-law to Daniel Elliot.
Anna-Hannah Cloyes-Cloyse Elliott, lost a child after her first, in Salem Massachusetts in 1690. The spectra of Wm Hobbs being was being accused in the death of her child. She was the oldest daughter of Anna-Hannah Littlefield and Peter Cloyse-Cloyes son of seaman John Cloyse which brought indentured Daniel Ellot/Elliot to America c1650. It if felt because she was the oldest when Peter remarried a Sarah Bridges Town, that the marriage between indentured Daniel’s son and Anna-Hannah Cloyse-Cloyes was arranged. Peter left two brothers in the town of Wells, Maine, originally founded by his father-in-law Edmund Littlefield of Wells, Maine. John oldest named after seaman John Cloyse, and Nathaniel, both used as names of children of Daniel and Anna-Hannah Elliott. Rev George Burroughs, of Wells, Maine was hung in the Salem Trials along with two Town older sisters to Sarah Town Bridges Cloyes-Cloyse, Peter’s second wife, Rebecca Nurse and Mary Eastey. 4/16/2020 MSE
Robert Elliot of Portsmouth-Strawberry Bank, New Hamphire and Scarborough, Maine
4/14/2020 MSE
Lee Bennett
Namensverbreitungskarte – Verein für Computergenealogie (genealogy.net)
1257. @B[Mark Stephen ELLIOTT] [11] [858. Loren S. 10, Mark 9,
A.W. 8, Sherburn 7, Comfort 6, John 5, Jonathan 4, 3, Daniel 2,
1] was born 22 Oct 1949 in the Greene Co Hospital, Jefferson, IA.
He was named to honor his grandfathers. He is ambidextrous. He
graduated from Roosvelt High School in Des Moines in 1968, having
attended grade schools in Manson and Sioux City, IA, and Topeka,
KS. He was involved in the Boy Scout program in Sioux City and
Topeka. He lettered his senior year in high school in wrestling.
He graduated with B.S. degree in history and economics from the
University of Wyoming in Laramie. While he was there he became a
member and resided in The TKE Fraternity. He joined an outdoor
club and heavily involved in mountain climbing and cross country
skiing. He scaled Devil’s Tower and several peaks in the Grand
Teton Range including the @I[Grand]. As of 1985 he had given up
Mountain climbing but still participated in cross country skiing,
back packing, and fishing. He worked for a short time in a trona
mine owned by FMC Corporation near Green River, WY, and became
interested in mining engineering. He returned to school at the
University of Utah in Salt Lake City and obtained a BS degree in
mining engineering in 1978. He was employed as a mining engineer
by National Gypsum in Shoals, Indiana, from 1979-83. He married
on 28 Feb 1978 in Salt Lake City, Utah, to @P[Mary Lou WATSON].
She was born in 1950 in Winston-Salem, NC. They were divorced in
1983 and had no children. Mark returned to school in 1983 to the
University of Indiana in Bloomington, IN, where he had resided
since 1979. He has been involved in a fellowship teaching and
working on a master’s degree in mathematics and computer science.
He took his practice teaching assigment the first five months of
1985 on an Indian Reservation near the Four Corners, located in
New Mexico. The summer of 1985 he was back at the University of
Indiana in school and teaching part time. The fall of 1985 he
accepted a job teaching in junior high at Crownpoint, New Mexico,
with 68 of his 69 students being native Americans. Crownpoint is
part of the Gallup school system. In 1986-87 he taught math and
computer science on the Zuni Indian Reservation south of Gallup.
He later taught in Sanders, AZ, and in 1995 was teaching in
Window Rock, AZ. He also taught a couple of college credit
courses at night in Gallup, NM. While in Indiana, he became a
member of the @I[Friends] Church. At a meeting in Gallup he met
Susan. On 27 Jun 1987 he married @P[Susan Roberta WARREN] in a
`Friends Ceremony’ in the Sacred Heart Retreat south of Gallup.
She was born in Johnson City, TN, 5 Mar 1955, and the daughter of
Hugh and Eloise WARREN of Garden City, SC. She served in the Air
Force and graduated from the University at Johnson City, TN. In
1987 she was a nutritionist working with the various Indian
tribes near Gallup. In 1989 she accepted the Home Economist
position for the county with office located in Gallup. In 1993
she accepted a position in Chinle in NE Arizona, employed by the
Federal Government in the health department working with the
Navajo Indians. She and Mark purchased a home in Gallup in 1987.
Mark has much interest in genealogy and his family history and
has made contributions searching libraries in Salt Lake City and
By dad Loren Spencer Elliott
Sometimes people inherit genealogical problems from their ancestors. Genealogically who’s Lemuel biological mother? Can DNA be used? It is about to today’s maximum time for auto-somal DNA. Would a DNA combination as a genealogical tool be useful?
Namensverbreitungskarte – Verein für Computergenealogie (genealogy.net)
Nixon-Armstrong Tartan:
(A woolen cloth woven in one of several plaid patterns, especially a pattern associated with a particular Scottish clan.)
Pendleton Lunard Tartan:
Designer: Pendleton Woolen Mills Pendleton, Oregon, USA. Tartan date: 01/01/1977.
Никсон-Армстронг Тартан:
(Шерстяная ткань, сотканная по одному из нескольких узоров пледа, особенно узору, связанному с определенным шотландским кланом).
Пендлтон Лунард Тартан:
Дизайнер: Pendleton Woolen Mills Пендлтон, штат Орегон, США. Дата тартана: 01.01.1977.
Ferniehirst Kerr arms of Duchess of Buccleuch.
Gorrenberry arms of Wm Elwald-Ellot-Elliot Goodman of Gorrenberry.
Clementis Hob
People who exclude family members from the family tree and refer to them as liars, can not consider themselves genetic genealogists. Are of the Adolph Hitler type, they may consider themselves as Harvard Historians of the type which hung my ancestors as witches, of the ones of McCarthyism, of my youth which black listed Jewish playwrights as communists during the early part of the Cold War.
Family Tree DNA BRIGANCE Surname DNA Project – Y-DNA Classic Chart
Namensverbreitungskarte – Verein für Computergenealogie (genealogy.net)
Seems that Russian is the language to use. To many of the Union-Jack speak English, and do not as my ancestors which made my nation of the Stars and Stripes, we in or nation created in 1776 share are religious freedoms and speak freely, which is needed in family sharing, to get the history of family, and in science also, as a standard for genetic scientists, which truly know to assist family researchers like myself, and amateur, like Bobby Jones the American golfer who is the only golfer to take the grand-slam, he is from where my chief’s mother is from. Alanta, Georgia.
FTDNA Elks 2022 – Clan Crozier
Jim (James) had red hair. Family his went, that dad told his mom, if the next one was not a girl, would be a boy with red hair. Dad had and older sister with red hair and a twin sister who was a blond. When I first looked at Jim his red hair was pointed out to me.
Correction; Archibald Bell the Cat, killing Spens of Kilspindie.
Kilspindie Castle | Aberlady | The Castles of Scotland, Coventry | Goblinshead
29th Margaret Eliott of Redheugh, obtained from Archibald Bell the Cat. Families seem to like to fight.
20181107, Wednesday, November 7, 2018, Boston, MA, USA, Brigham Health, Brigham and Women’s Hospital, Brigham Research Institute held their annual Discover Brigham campus-wide research day on Wednesday November 7, 2018.
Your user name or IP address has been blocked by a WikiTree Leader.
Start of block: 21:01, 14 May 2018
Intended for: Elliott-11757
Suspected violation: Intentionally adding false information
Accepting my standards, are Ancestry.com, 23andMe.com, FamilyTree.com, familysearch.org, and gedmatch.com [DNA# A269034(lawismarkellot) Ancestry.com data
M904357(markellott) 23andMe.com data corrective Genesis NM6772478 23andme Gedcom#4997456] Gedcom#4997456 (over 4,000 in data base). With FTDNA sites active in Germany, East Anglia, and Norfolk, assist on NC Argyll Colony.] Gedcom#4997456 (over 4,000 in Data base). With FTDNA sites active in Germany, East Anglia, and Norfolk, assist on NC Argyll Colony.Professional research genealogists not of Wikitree utilizing https://elwald.com/, and http://gorrenberry.com/, are readily capable to find documentation on anything I have presented on researching my Y-DNA, of Clan Elliot
In silencing by hanging Salem Witches, or in McCarthyism, blacklisting Jewish playwrights for being communists. In the behavior of science and long-term planning, it is felt I am being kicked out for ‘intentionally adding false information’, the concept of witch hanging and blacklisting was silencing. Owning and operating, elwald.com, gorrenberry.com and clancrozier.com, it is the owner operator which does the silencing. Don’t think I have been silenced. Sincerely, Mark Stephen Elliott 2-19-2023
Die Riding Clans in Ulster von Robert Bell
Clarification, the descendancy from a non-married couple where the father is Charles Carroll of Carrollton, who’s cousin is first United States Catholic Bishop. The Catholic Church may want to use silencing on my descendancy, and the Bishop of Glasgow, may want to add more words on the curse of border reivers and their descendants. The Catholics, English Grahams, and Jews may not want to admit they married Armstrong and Elliott, but they did. Those Jews like to use Mark and Elliott as forenames. Guess my name Mark Elliott must be Jewish, but they stuck Stephen from Greek Catholic Stephanus, mom’s Barna line into the middle name. A lot of Jews in Galicia, guess folks may wanted hide that Greek Catholic name from mom’s father into the middle name.
Dad, Loren Spencer Elliott, took me to see Nixon campaigning against Kennedy. All I could remember is his black hair that of an Irishman. He lost to Kennedy, but Kennedy got money for a space program to the moon. Feel dad voted Nixon in 1972, I voted being part Irish McGovern to take the troops out of Vietnam, which Nixon in loosing popularity did. He opened up trade with China, and the Office of Surface Mining for reclamation was created.
Though he lost and Kennedy got the money he talked to an Armstrong about peace on the moon. Raised a Quaker, he spoke peace on earth, though known to be a liar, he’s likely not believed. If not peace, then what?
Engineers applied the science and utilized scientific answers. An engineer goes by the science, and when they give you the scientific answers on O-rings. for a social studies teacher from where the Elliot got started in America previous to a Framingham an of Framingham’s Stone and Salem End, all that engineer can give is a scientific applied mathematical answer. Since Nixon was known to be a liar an he opened up trade with China, and pulled the troops out of Vietnam, and since no-one will die if I’m considered a liar, it will be the biggest honor to for Nixon not to be known as the biggest liar, please let me be it. Mark Stephen Elliott
It is likely my ancestors ate moose, an their DNA migrated from Asia to America, like the Y-Q242 DNA of the Zuni people which I taught math and computers to. Their ancestors build the ruins of Mesa Verde, Chaco Canyon and the temples of Mexico. Coronado in 1540 attacked the Zuni people. They carried the Rb1 from Galicia, Ukraine-Poland, to Galicia north Spain, to New Galicia, now Mexico. Am living in New Mexico, USA, in which people carrying Rb1, DNA with the DNA which came from Asia, the Asian not the European part is on a return trip. In 1540 my ancestors of the Border between kingdoms of England and Scotland wore a steel helmet. One of my kind an engineer of an engineering school, and of the borderland between the kingdoms of Scotland and England, wore a helmet not of steel when he placed the first foot print on the moon.
Mark Stephen Elliott
A Hawick Word Book by Douglas Scott – The Douglas Archives (ning.com)
A Hawick Word Book – by Dougla – Genealogy.com
Though the Stobs line of Harden received a large dowry, to Gib of the Golden garters for marrying a cousin to the Scott of Buecleuch, this is what happened when George Fox convinced in 1657, Elliot line in the English Colony of America at the time. Was raised a Methodist by a mother who was raised Catholic, but married and am of the Society of Friends;
There is an old proverb which assures that truth be told by laughing;
La Prision d’Édimbourg (The Prision of Edinburgh) (translated from the French)
By Walter Scott
“2 There is an old proverb which assures that truth be told by laughing. The existence Walter Scott third son of Sir William Scott of Harden is educated as they say by charter bearing the great seal Domino William Scott of Harden militi and Walter Scott “suo legitimo tertio genito terrarum” (world,legitimate begotten) of Roberton. (See the Baronage of Douglas page 215). The old gentleman left his four sons considerable estates and gave those of Eilrig de Raeburn to his third. He who is the ancestor of Scott Raeburn and Waverly. author 11 Appears to have converted to the Quakers or Friends’ doctrine and became a great advocate of principles. It was probably when George Fox, the apostle of the sect, made a nun in the north of Scotland about 1657 AC. It is on this occasion that he says that as soon as the horse had set foot on the land of Scotland he felt the seed of grace shining around him like countless sparks. At the same time no doubt that Sir Gideon of Highchester’s second son William and the ancestor of the friend and parent of the author the representative of the family of Harden also embraced Quakerism. Gideon the latter converted entered into controversy with the Rev. James Kirkton author of the true and secret history of Scotland, which is mentioned by my ingenious friend Charles Kirkpatrick Sharpe in this remarkable and curious edition of this work in 1817. Sir William Scott, the Brethren of the Brothers, remained in the midst of this defection an orthodox member of the church Presbyterian and us a uproot Walter de Raeburn to his heresy means that were more of persecution than persuasion. He was helped in his efforts by MacDougal of Makerston brother of Isabelle MacDougal wife of Walter and who like her husband had adopted the religion of Quakers Sir William Scott’s influence and that of Makerston were powerful enough to obtain two subsequent acts of the Privy Council of Scotland against Walter de Raeburn as heretic quakerism the co-inventor to be imprisoned first in the Edinburgh….”
Though sometimes you do not want to claim them and hate to admit who your family is.
Mark Stephen Elliott
The History of Liddesdale, Eskdale, Ewesdale, Wauchopedale and the … – Robert Bruce Armstrong – Google Books
Namensverbreitungskarte – Verein für Computergenealogie (genealogy.net)
Перфокарты, но с геометрическим бинарным прогрессом, мой компьютер подключен к сети, по которой выкладываю изображения. Хотя эти гарвардские типы, как и многие мои великие Дэниел Эллиотт, говорили им, что девочки «делают это из спорта», в защиту Элизабет Проктор, пьесы Артура Миллера (Мюллера) «Горнило», проводя параллель с маккартизмом, «черный список» еврейских драматургов как коммунистов. Ни капитализм, ни коммунизм не являются демократией. Именно свободы религии и слова необходимы для демократии, науки и генеалогии. Историк национального государства, неспособный выделить отдельных людей как членов семьи, использует такие слова, как «лжец», и заставляет людей замолчать.
У меня это молчание делается на английском языке, который не является родным языком Соединенных Штатов Америки, созданным независимым, в том числе и языком, от английского. Английский не является родным языком сэра Вальтера Скотта, это англо-шотландский язык, но такой же диалект, как украинский для России. Навахо называют навахо из-за их языка. Сначала одного из них звали навахо, потому что он говорил на навахо, как кого-то называли русским, потому что он говорил по-русски, и этот язык дошел до сегодняшнего Сан-Франциско, США. Другие языки также были перенесены с ДНК из Азии в Америку, в том числе атабаскские, навахо и апачи.
Навахо принадлежат к апачам, как показано на старых испанских картах региона. Галиция принадлежит Польше-Украине, старой Австро-Венгерской империи, хотя по-немецки говоря не Германской империи, и не Российской империи. Люди оказываются на границе, тогда как те, кто находится за границей, только слышат о зверствах другой стороны и говорят, что помогают, добавляя больше боев в ситуацию. В результате беженцы уезжают от границы, как мой двоюродный брат по ДНК, который работает дантистом в Москве, или мой дедушка Стефан Петер Барна (barna по-венгерски означает коричневый), переезжают в Америку и противостоят немцам.
Следует отметить, что основатель FTDNA, глава MyDNA, в настоящее время владеющей FTDNA, драматург Артур Миллер, я и Адольф Гитлер из немецкоязычной Австро-Венгерской империи. Если у нас есть враги, они обычно являются членами семьи, и поэтому у нас общая ДНК, и мы похожи на них. Один из способов найти семью — определить тех, кто ненавидит вас больше всего, а затем проверить их генеалогию, а теперь и их ДНК. Я не принадлежу к избранному народу и вступаю в смешанные браки на границе, у меня есть ДНК-маркеры русских, которые путешествовали на запад, в Америку, и коренные азиатские русские, которые используют русские символы для развития письменности до того, как во мне появились носители атабасков.
The elk-head and antlers stood for the names Elkford or Alford, and Elwald, Elkyard, or Elliot; the latter name originally meant Elk of the Forest. Page 77
Chronicles of the Armstrongs; by Armstrong, James Lewis
Голова лося и рога означали имена Элкфорд или Алфорд, а также Элвальд, Элкьярд или Эллиот; последнее название первоначально означало «Лось леса». Страница 77
Хроники Армстронгов; Армстронг, Джеймс Льюис
Microsoft Bing ‘moose entering denmark’
A wild moose has been observed in Denmark for the first time in almost 20 years Marianne Riis A wild moose (known as elk in Scandinavia) has swimmed from Sweden to northern Zealand, Denmark.
A wild moose has been observed in Denmark for the first time in al…
Microsoft Bing ‘moose entering Ukraine’
Recently the District Administrative Court of Kiev cancelled the order of the Ministry of Ecology and Natural Resources of Ukraine regarding entering of the European moose into the Red Book of Ukraine for protection and allowed hunting on this species.
Is the moose a threat to Ukrainian forests?
Microsoft Bing ‘лось входит в Данию’
Дикий лось был замечен в Дании впервые за почти 20 лет Марианна Риис Дикий лось (известный как лось в Скандинавии) плавал из Швеции в северную Зеландию, Дания.
Дикий лось впервые был замечен в Дании в…
Microsoft Bing ‘elk entering berlin, germany
The European elk, a species of moose, is venturing back into Germany, swimming across the Oder River from Poland and making its way along ancient forest trails known to it for generations. Unfortunately, those trails are crossed by roads and motorways these days.
Elks Make a Dangerous Comeback in Germany – ABC News
Microsoft Bing ‘elk входит в Берлин, Германия
Европейский лось, вид лося, отправляется обратно в Германию, переплывая реку Одер из Польши и прокладывая свой путь по древним лесным тропам, известным ему на протяжении поколений. К сожалению, в наши дни эти тропы пересекают дороги и автомагистрали.
Лоси опасно возвращаются в Германию – ABC News
Genetically Tom Elliott like Richard Nixon has the black hair of the Jew, but like the Armstrong having the hair of the gentile, unlike the Jew which retains their Y-DNA for generations, along with the Arab, the Armstrong married the County Maguire-Fermanagh, Irish and start having black hair and black Armstrong about the time of the Cromwellian Civil War 1650 which we were supporters of the Irish, which Cromwell genocide about 200,000, and sold as slave to the Cromwellian Puritans. It is interesting that the Duke of Buccleuch, and the Prince of Wales through a Spencer are descended from Charles II, but not his wife. Charles II, made king, but England did not bring back the Armstrong and Elliott which were solded as indentured slaves to the American (North and South) Colonies.
The Cromwellian Tories still laugh about it in England. Had an ancestor fought on the side of Washington, and we kicked those Tories out of our new nation. Just as my crazy ancestor ‘Catching lightning in a jar’, which signed two major documents for my nation, and was quite diplomatic, he with the statue on top of this nation’s capitol, those native to the land, we look to the sunrise the sun on the back of George Washington’s chair, of the chair of the constitution, it not a setting sun, but a rising sun.
Следует отметить, что хотя основатель Беннетт Гринспен, из избранных J-M267 сохранил свои браки среди избранных людей. Это своего рода честь, которую он назвал бы своим сыном Эллиоттом, наряду со многими из Земли Обетованной, призванной стать убежищем для этих избранных людей. Когда J-M267 (арабский язык, говорящий на иврите, является племенем), который превратил его в английское королевство на стороне англо-шотландской границы, в это англосаксонское имя Грэм-Грэм-Грэм-Грейм, хотя мы, Эллиот женился в те Netherby, будучи англичанами они не хотят признавать, что состоят в браке с Армстронгом или Эллиоттом. Мы не ставили границу, именно там, кажется, всегда происходит конфликт между людьми, которые чувствуют себя принадлежащими к этим национальным границам. Русские помогают семейной историей, они тоже пограничники. С большим количеством этих пересечений границы с языками предков, возможно, это поможет людям научиться разрешать конфликты, потому что именно так семейные историки, использующие науку о ДНК, находят семью. Mark Stephen Elliott
Armstrong Fairbairn I-M253 Y-DNA – Gorrenberry
FTDNA Irwin Clan Surname – Elwald
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The reason I present the screen is that different people get different screens. In genealogy on needs to research in the language of their ancestors or find someone who can. They are looking for new information which ties into their family lines. To teach technique though I try to use other families, on techniques of family. One is for the best research biased towards their own family.
Причина, по которой я представляю экран, заключается в том, что разные люди получают разные экраны. В генеалогии нужно исследовать язык своих предков или найти кого-то, кто может. Они ищут новую информацию, которая связана с их семейными линиями. Обучать технике хотя я стараюсь использовать другие семьи, на техники семьи. Одним из них является лучшее исследование, предвзятое к своей собственной семье.
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The History of Liddesdale, Eskdale, Ewesdale, Wauchopedale and the … – Robert Bruce Armstrong – Google Books
Crozier / Crosier
Clan Crozier – Clan Crozier
Clan Crozier (crosier, croser, cros, etc.) is one of the border reiving clans of Scotland, along with the Armstrongs, Elliots, and Nixons. Some sources cite the surname as a sept of the Armstrong clan, but the Scottish Parliament in 1587 identified the Croziers as a middle march clan.
Крозье / Крозье
Clan Crozier – Clan Crozier
Клан Крозье (crosier, croser, cros и т.д.) является одним из пограничных кланов Шотландии, наряду с Армстронгами, Эллиотами и Никсонами. Некоторые источники ссылаются на фамилию как на септ клана Армстронгов, но шотландский парламент в 1587 году определил Крозье как клан среднего марша.
Chronicles of the Armstrongs; : Armstrong, James Lewis : Free Download, Borrow, and Streaming : Internet Archive
Maguire Surname Origin, Meaning & Last Name History (forebears.io)
McGuire Surname Origin, Meaning & Last Name History (forebears.io)
Finch finch-fink FTDNA DNA – Elwald
Mofras, who visited California in 1840.[6] The name of the fort is said to derive from the Russian word rus or ros, the same root as the word “Russia” (Pоссия, Rossiya)[7] and not from Scottish “Ross”. According to William Bright, “Ross” is a poetic name for a Russian in the Russian language.[8]
Нынешнее название Форт-Росс впервые появляется на французской карте, опубликованной в 1842 году Эженом Дюфло де Мофрасом, который посетил Калифорнию в 1840 году. Название форта, как говорят, происходит от русского слова rus или ros, того же корня, что и слово «Россия» (Pоссия, Россия), а не от шотландского «Ross». По словам Уильяма Брайта, «Росс» — это поэтическое название русского языка в русском языке.
The Russian language is split character with development to the colonial America and being picked up by indigenous population to the east. Ros, and Los are forms of this migration.
Русский язык носит расколотый характер с развитием до колониальной Америки и подхвачен коренным населением на востоке. Рос и Лос являются формами этой миграции.