Fergus Greyme Grame Graham the Mote Moat of Lydysdale Liddesdale

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2 comments on “Fergus Greyme Grame Graham the Mote Moat of Lydysdale Liddesdale
  1. Alicia Graham says:

    Thanks very much for the posting of the Fergus Graham of Mote coat of arms. I was having trouble finding it.

  2. lawismarkellot says:

    The locality The Mote, Stuteville-Wake of Liddel Strength Castle.
    Fergus and Graham (grey home likely of limestone, and lime morter) names go back likely to Hadrians Wall, some Graham have ancient Roman about one out of four Graham males carry J-M267 Y-DNA which is ancient Roman.

    The Balliol Roll, the earliest roll of arms for Scotland.
    • Sr de Graham – Argent, on a chief Sable three escallops http://www.douglashistory.co.uk/history/heraldry/balliol_roll.html#.YstjITfMK00

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