Wind farm near Hawick heads to inquiry after council objects BBC
The Shields of Lords of Liddesdale of Old, RBA History 1880
Guy Hewitt: Barbados remembers Scots heritage on St Andrew’s Day (
File:Sasine deed 1484 for Robert Elwald (Elliot), Redheugh, Larriston, Hartsgarth.jpg – Wikipedia
Peace on the Border [Rick Kemp] ( Steeleye Span sings
Braidlee-Brailey Burn is between Dod Hill and The Hermitage Castle.
Though the Duke of Buccleuch, knows this land quite well, would question how well the Scottish Government, may a say a puppet of the English, and the Wind Farm industry, because they think a reporter is a land’s man. 29th Chief Margaret Eliott of Redheugh has and elwand, a Scottish standard of measurement on her shield. Elwood-Elwand-Ellot-Elliot-Eliott are Clan variant names. Am an Elwand of Gorrenberry, which measures. Did work as a mine engineer, but the Scottish government thinks that more than The Duke of Buccleuch, that a reporter knows more about land, and their reporter overturned the discission of not building Windy Farm, and name utilized by the English French but Scottish only in name wind farm industry. The heart of Robert never did make it to Jerusalem. If your government does not preserve this land into a National Park like the Duke of Northumberland, then without question they are a government of corporate English wind farms.
Mark Stephen Elliott December 30, 2023.
Braidlee-Brailey Burn is between Dod Hill and The Hermitage Castle.
For Windy Edge — (название корпорации EDF-Muirhall, используемое сейчас в Тивиот-Мюрхолле), замок Тивиот-Лиддесдейл-Эрмитаж, ветряные электростанции EDF-Muirhall; Брейдли Берн находится между замком Эрмитаж и холмом Дод(д). В конце концов, откуда мне знать, принять, что семья либо подверглась геноциду с этой земли, либо была изгнана, моя семья переехала из Горренберри, украденной земли, в Талликелтер, графство Фермана (Макуайр), Ирландия, на границе Великобритании и ЕС, и мы поженились на ирландце.
Итак, я шотландец-ирландец, и мы избавились от геноцида Юнион-Джека в 1776 году и преследуем геноцида кромвельских тори, которые, как я считаю, вытесняют ваш парламент из нашей страны. Пятьдесят звезд на флаге США, 49-я девятая была добавлена еще при моей жизни и я горжусь тем, что она пришла из России. Конечно, мы не смогли прогнать всех этих тори. В США еще есть такие. Именно они пытаются заставить замолчать свободу слова, за что мы и преследовали этих тори.
Если вам нужно знать о регионе, спросите Эллиота, герцога Баклю, он из Лангхольма, а не из Ховика, хотя, если можно верить людям из Лангхольма, таким как Нил Армстронг.
Известно, что парламентское консервативное правительство Великобритании, которое на крайнем севере тех, кто называет Дерри, Лондондерри, флагом Юнион-Джека, как нацисты развевают свастику, истребило по одному из каждых десяти ирландцев, вот почему мой англиканец, Ко Предок Магуайра (Фермана) сражался за Карла II на смертном одре католика, также сражался за католичку Марию Стюарт Французскую, у которой шотландцы-протестанты отобрали ее сына Джеймса, а когда он стал королем обеих наций, истребили Армстронга, а затем Эллота (не Нормана). «i»), затем Никсон (у Ричарда были черные волосы, как у ирландской семейной линии Тайронов).
Принц Уэльский и герцог Баклю являются потомками Карла II, и когда принц Уэльский с рыжими волосами викинга, если они у него еще есть, восседает на троне через Спенсера, бабушку Спенсера называли «морковной макушкой», Стюарт будет на троне. Будет ли лучше для Англии иметь семейную монархию или переданную по наследству диктатуру, то есть парламент Кромвеля, который считает, что репортеры, такие как на Windy Edge, а не герцог Бакклю, который веками управлял землями, имеют право принимать земельные решения. Если журналистам разрешено принимать решения по земле, то они, как думают многие страны, также имеют право принимать решения по ядерным боеголовкам.
Scottish Poetry Selection – Wha Daur Meddle Wi’ Me? (
Mary Stewart Marie Stuart Queen of Scots (
Border Spirit – Lock the Door Larriston
A Hawick Word Book by Douglas Scott PDF

Seem to be related to guys in skirts.
Iain H. Scott: Hawick, archeologist and Scottish Ballad singer.
Tour the Scottish Borders, a Peaceful Landscape with a Dramatic History
Could someone imagine a family traveling to their homeland from America, South Africa, New Zealand, or Australia, to visit The Hermitage Castle, to see a wind farm in the background. What is the morality of a government which would allow or do that?
BBC-Appeal lodged over wind farm near Langholm
(Hopsrig) 17 November 2018
Hopsrig gets Scottish appeal lift-off
Buccleuch Energy wins right to build 42MW project in Dumfries and Galloway
29 January 2019
Scottish ministers have given the green light to Buccleuch Energy’s 42MW Hopsrig wind farm in Dumfries and Galloway.
BBC-Wind farm near Langholm approved on appeal 29 January 2019
A council’s refusal of a wind farm described as “overly prominent and overwhelming” by officials has been overturned on appeal.
As expected; the Scottish Government, is enslaved by the wind farm industry and does not follow the wishes of it’s constituency.
Wind Turbines in the Kirkcudbright Area
Wind farm battle over Scottish castle
Emma Hughes July 29, 2013
People can see by the above map by Nicola Sturgeon’s Scottish Ministry, by approved placing of a wind farm, by their reporter is a completion to the genocide of all the families which once lived there, to genocide their heritage, and to try to sabotage the feasibility of a Scottish Borders National Park.
It is quite obvious when Northumberland National Park is on the English side of the border and the Hermitage Castle the greatest archaeological ancestral site for families of the borders on the Scottish side; when the Scottish Ministry is supporting archaeological ancestral desecration of sacred lands of the reivers which once lived there, had their families genocide from the region. The genocide of these families was for the making of a protected land such as a national park but referred to as The Middle Shires. Now the intention as an extension to this border pacification geneticist, is to genocide the family histories of these peoplas as though they never existed, otherwise the Scottish Ministry would be promoting a Scottish Border National Park for the protection which was meant for the Middle Shires.
Borders National Park
Neil Alden Armstrong Scottish Borders National Park
Travel firm AC Group targets Scottish ‘hotbed’ Saturday 29 December 2018
Scottish Borders National Park
Campaign for a Scottish Borders National Park
Photos from the Scottish Borders
Ask yourself who gets to pocket the wind farm money, and who gets to pocket the tourist money.
A GREAT NAME for the NATIONAL PARK would be; Neil Alden Armstrong Scottish Borders National Park
Appeal lodged over wind farm near Langholm
17 November 2018
An appeal has been lodged against the refusal of a wind farm described as “overly prominent and overwhelming” by planning officials.
A Scottish government reporter will now look at the case before delivering a verdict on the plans.
Just like Fallago Rig, and Windy Edge, now Hopsrig A Scottish government reporter; A pawn of the Nicola Sturgeon Government that will surpass the will of the Scottish Border Community to desecrate the birth place of Kinmount/Kinmont Willie Armstrong;
Yes, they are building it next to KINMOUNT.
Noted; Boyken Burn Farmstead
with the name Kinmount, and quarries indicated on map below, it is felt the fort is of an earlier date, and proper to use the term settlement of the region as indicated by later maps, which does not discount a peel tower fort of the region during the sixteenth century. On ground archaeology, may bring a clear answer if done extensively with time dating criteria.
Yes, they are building it next to KINMOUNT.
Whinstone likely quarried for fort-tower.
Dumfriesshire, Sheet XXXV
Only one Scottish Ministry supported Muirhall wind turbine to industrialize the medieval setting of The Hermitage Castle.
EDF owns Fallago Rig, and Muirhall Energy Ltd owns INFINIS, Windy Edge (Hermitage Castle), which I refer to as Muirhall’s Hermitage Castle Wind Farm, because who knows the locality of Windy Edge, besides a comparative few.
First Minister opens new EDF Energy centre in Edinburgh
Nicola Sturgeon defied warning by Big Six energy firm over state competitor plan
This will give the Scottish Government (Kingdom), the right as James VI head of the Scottish Government like Nicola Sturgeon, the right to rape and burn the archaeological ancestral history of The Borderlands, with wind turbine industrialization. Liked it was planned by Jame VI of Scotland becoming James I of England allowing the English army to do what they always want to do is to exterminate the border Scots such as my family, for the making of a Middle Shires. Now First Minister Nicola Sturgeon, wants again the destruction of the very concept of The Middle Shires by having the Scottish Government (Kingdom) to own their own energy company, so the energy company this time not the Scot, King James with his English army, but this time giving the Scot; First Minister of Scotland the power to rape historical archaeological ancestry antiquities of Borderers displaced into a “empire the sun did not set upon” like my family (Cromwellian Civil War, not brought back when Charles II became king in 1660), “transported as slaves to The Colonies”. If the history of the Borderers is exterminated then the extermination will be complete.
Priceless and Irreplaceable;
Hermitage Castle – The Douglas Archives
William Douglas, Lord of Liddesdale
Hermitage Castle | Elliot Clan Society
Liddesdale, Scottish Borders – Episode 5 – 1998
Reivers author ‘would have fought to save Hermitage’
The Southern Reporter – Published: 17:00 Sunday 23 October 2011
…BBC newsreader Fiona Armstrong who told us: “Yes, I know of this story and having filmed at Hermitage many times I would not like to see a wind farm there.
With the Clan Armstrong Trust, I set up the Reiver Trail five years ago and that takes in Hermitage. Many people use the trail, especially from abroad when they come to trace their borderland roots, and I fear a wind farm will not add to the magic of the area.
am not against wind farms per se – although I do have some doubts about their efficiency – but they have to be situated in the right place.
Margaret Eliott – Clan Chief;
“The Middle March” — Chief usually Capt of Hermitage Castle in Liddesdale
Liddesdale Heritage Association
As the UK Parliament says about my ancestors; Sold as slaves to The Colonies.
Here’s to Prince William taking the throne; Prince Williams, on the throne, a Stuart and a Spencer, degree at the Scottish University of St Andrews, Duke of Cambridge, Earl of Strathearn (Scotland), Baron Carrickfergus (Co Antrim, border Scots spoken there). Daniel Elliot immigrant to The Colonies, for fighting for his many great Charles II. Sold by parliamentary Cromwellians to the colonies as slaves;
Exclusive: UN ruling puts future of UK wind farms in jeopardy Tribunal warns that the Government acted illegally by denying public participation, Tuesday 27 August 2013 19:54 BST
The United Nations Economic Commission Europe has declared that the UK flouted Article 7of the Aarhus Convention, (Convention on Access to Information, Public Participation in Decision-Making and Access to Justice in Environmental Matters) which requires full and effective public participation on all environmental issues and demands that citizens are given the right to participate in the process.
Complaints to UNECE: Why the Scottish and UK windfarm policy should be tested in a court of law?Posted August 3, 2014
THE march of wind turbines across the UK and Scotland can be challenged in the courts on the grounds that Scottish ministers have failed to protect people who live in their shadow as a result of the rulings by UNECE meeting of parties (Mops).
When James VI of Scotland, became James I of England, indigenous populations of Armstrang, and Ellot and other reivers were genocide called Border Pacification, and moved out for THE MIDDLE SHIRES, then as the British Parliament has put it at the time of Cromwell for supporting Charles II, were transported as slaves to The Colonies. The Borderlands are our indigenous homeland, and the greatest historical, archaeological structure which is still standing The Hermitage Castle, when the families lived there during the sixteenth century, is being subjected to industrial desecration, and usurping from the people of the borders still living there; full and effective public participation. The ancient, archaeological historical environment, of The Hermitage Castle is being destroyed by the Scottish Government dominated by a wind farm industry.
The ruling by the UN committee, which also criticised the UK’s failure to give people the “necessary information” about the benefits or negative impacts of turbines, could call into question the legal validity of future wind farms unless Government policy is changed.
UN ruling casts doubt on future of wind farms
The future of UK wind farms could be under threat after a United Nations tribunal said that the Government acted illegally by denying the public decision-making powers over their approval.
By Peter Dominiczak, Political Correspondent 28 Aug 2013
The Daily Telegraph has learnt a new Government row over wind farms is blocking a report that could provide official confirmation that the controversial turbines can harm rural areas
The Scottish Government by not denying Hermitage Castle (Windy Edge) wind farm, or not allowing the rural border people, to determine the outcome; is still acting illegally by denying the public decision-making powers.
A single individual determining the outcome such as “a reporter”, that is outright denying the public decision-making powers.
The appeal of Hermitage Castle (Windy Edge) Wind Farm, by the Scottish Government, was in the same honest fashion the Scottish government gave to Johnie Armstrong – Gilnockie at Carlinrigg.
Previous to Border Pacification; Before James VI of Scotland also became James I of England in 1603; in 1541 the strong army of an independent Kingdom of Scotland was know by the surname Armistrang (army strong). After 1603, they were no longer the strong army of Scotland, and adopted the name which Johnie Armstrong Gilknockie used, and that was the name Armstrong.
Micheil Armstrong, on educating people on what happen along the Reiver Trail. Gilnockie’s (Johnie Armstrong’s) Tower at Hollows, along with the Hermitage Castle are sites along the Reiver Trail.
But INFINIS has been approved by, a reporter appointed by Scottish Ministers.
Approved appeals such as…..Fallago Rig, and….Windy Edge, felt to be fixed…. (based on math modeling)
Knowing the outcome of Fallago Rig’s appeal, in following using close to the same procedure for Windy Edge’s appeal one would expect the same results;
Windy Edge wind farm scheme rejected 29 June 2015 BBC
Windy Edge wind farm appeal succeeds 9 June 2016 BBC
Approving INFINIS, for MUIRHALL, to build the HERMITAGE CASTLE wind farm, which is referred by an obscure locality name WINDY EDGE wind farm, by people of the wind farm industry, inclusive likely of the Scottish Ministry. The name HERMITAGE CASTLE is a better known locality name. Only people bought and paid for by corporations trying to industrialize the region would use an obscure name such as WINDY EDGE.
Walking in the Southern Uplands: 44 best hill days in southern Scotland
Ronald Turnbull – 2014 –
With notes on points of interest along the way as well as on transport and accommodation, the guide gives all the information walkers need.
Dod Hill/Fell (above)
On the eleventh hour, of the eleventh day, of the eleventh month of this year is the 100th anniversary of the Armistice, but next year is the 50th anniversary of Neil Armstrong, who’s family is from Fermanagh, Ulster, Ireland, (like my ancestor Daniel Elliot), standing on the moon.
The land above is my families, which in 1541 as Elwald of Gorrumberry, ancestral land. In 1376, the Groves of trees have place names. It is felt that those which were to become Elwald, were living in these forest groves, with personal names and by 1541 had surnames of Elwald, then about 1560 Ellot, then about 1650 Elliot.
Scottish Borders National Park
Neil Alden Armstrong Scottish Borders National Park
Feasibility study for a proposed Scottish Borders National Park
Campaign for a Scottish Borders National Park
Ask yourself who gets to pocket the wind farm money, and who gets to pocket the tourist money.
Next year will be the fiftieth year for Neil Alden Armstrong, which claims hometown Langholm, Scotland put the first foot on the moon. For us Borderers, it would be good to have a Neil Alden Armstrong Scottish National Border Park. People which many have roots to The Borders would travel around to see it. It should be protected as James VI of Scotland/James I of England, when he exterminated/genocide the populations which lived there, meant it to be a protected area in which he referred to it as a Middle Shires. In is felt for everyone involved that Armstrong National Park, would be better then calling it Middle Shires National Park.
If the Scottish Ministry, is a corporate turbine industrial puppet, they will try to look at only costs with an over inflated number. Scottish Ministry of this type will not note that the costs will be extremely superseded by a extreme profit, which will show a great monetary not counting the social return. Scottish Ministry if they are paid for politicians of the wind farm industry, and do not at all represent their border constituency you will be receiving extremely high costs, with a negation of benefits. Overall profits from tourists and people researching their family histories, and following the footsteps of their ancestors, coming from a world of displaced Scottish Borderers, wanting to come back their ancestral homelands will not be disclosed.
The US National Park Service would not allow a wind farm to be seen along with it’s antiquities at Chaco Canyon.
These are ancestral lands to the Zuñi, and other indigenous American Nations, of isolated linguistic languages. The United States Government had been protecting the national historical archaeological antiquity of Chaco Canyon for more than a century.
Hermitage Castle – Statement of Significance
Richard Scott of Buccleuch,
Sure do not want him to speak out for me, though he would be honest and truthful, because in the position he is in there, are people who do not want to believe him, and this is why I would not want Richard Scott of Buccleuch to speak out for me. His wife would do a better job of it.
Buccleuch Appoints New Energy Director | News | Buccleuch
Apr 3, 2017 – Buccleuch is pleased to announce the appointment of a new Energy Director, Alan Wilson, to lead its expanding portfolio of projects in the …
Buccleuch is he another Muiron?
Buccleuch, felt bad about your coming in 15th out of 19, on a Google Image search of Muirhall Energy 11/24/2018, since you are with the Scottish Ministry’s Muirhall Energy these days. comes in at 1st, 4th, 7th, 14th, and 18th, they have five come in. comes in at 3rd, 5th and 12th having 3 come in. comes in 2nd with their Muirons, 6th with their wind farm, 13th with their electric wind turbine.
Wonder who and are, maybe some sort of ‘Cowie’.
Know traditionally Buck-Buccleuch, you as one of us goes with the Scottish Government. This time you may want to consider otherwise.
What pawn reporter of the Scottish Ministry, is going to dictate the accepting the appeal this time Buccleuch?
Appeal lodged over wind farm near Langholm
An appeal has been lodged against the refusal of a wind farm described as “overly prominent and overwhelming” by planning officials. Dumfries and Galloway Council rejected the 12-turbine Hopsrig project near Langholm. It concluded that the impact on the setting in the Eskdale valley meant the scheme should not proceed. However, developers argue that the project could go ahead with “appropriate conditions”. Buccleuch Energy has teamed up with wind farm developer Muirhall Energy to take the scheme forward.
Against wind farms which utilizes a system of industrial dictatorship to overturn decisions previously made by a democratic system. That is why my family rebelled against the government of the United Kingdom in 1776.
When my family was genocide by the making of a Middle Shires by James VI of Scotland becoming also James I of England, with the concept that the Middle Shires were to be protected, and free from development. The sanctity of these lands which can be past down through the generations of ancestors will only be desecration by industrialization to those who would want to at some future date return to their ancestral homelands.
With our families being in on the rescue of Willie from Carlisle Castle, who was likely genocide by the English army and tower destroyed completely, in the heart of Armstrong Country, Bauld Buccluech you know better;
Kinmont died peacefully in his own bed in around 1610, at the age of 60.
Though; Born William Armstrong, of Kinmont in around 1550, but better known as Kinmont Willie
Could easily be correct, with likely towers of Kinmont and Morton Rigg taken out by English army of James VI of Scotland which became James I of England, during and around his death at the time of border pacification.
The birth place of Kinmount Willie.
Kinmount’s Morton Rig Tower is on the 1576 SAXTON at a locality shown on above map;
During Border Pacification Kinmount Willie living on Sark River (1576 and 1590 maps), but received the name Kinmount, from near Hopsrigg.
The Border Antiquities of England and Scotland:by Walter Scott 1817
Richard Scott, of Buccleuch said, NOTHING SHORT OF VANDALISM, and they began to think it was his castle he is trying to protect, not the HERMITAGE CASTLE, owned by Historical Scotland, which is an historical antiquity to the United Kingdom and ancestors of Border People of this region, displace to north, Scotland, north Ireland and, around the world.
Renovation in the nineteenth century of Hermitage Castle;
Buccleuch is in support of the proper location for wind farms;,_10th_Duke_of_Buccleuch
The Duke is a trustee of the Royal Collection Trust, President of the Georgian Group and an Honorary Member of the Royal Institution of Chartered Surveyors
Has a strong background in preservation and land management, yet the Scottish Ministries pick a reporter. Though, my family came through Scotland and always seem to claim Scottish Heritage, with what the Scottish Government has bestowed upon my family in the past, and the type of protection it is giving towards my family’s historical ancestral antiquities today, I claim that I am of German ancestry.
Renovation, was done with the support Buccleuch family. Today it would be at an extreme cost.
It was easy to model the Infinis appeal after the North British Windpower appeal, to realized it would go through in the same fashion.
It was taken for granted given a “reporter” that the appeal for Windy Edge Hermitage Castle would follow in the same manner as Fallago Rig, North British Windpower NBW.
The construction of a golf course in itself can be an intrusion on lands of indigenous peoples; Crisis
CANADA; In 1959, the town approved the development of a private nine-hole golf course, the Club de golf d’Oka, on a portion of the disputed land. The Mohawk suit filed against the development did not succeed. Construction also began on a parking lot and golf greens adjacent to the Mohawk cemetery.
The wind turbines, do not impact new construction in the same fashion as they would impact historical antiquities such as; the St Andrews Golf Course or the Hermitage Castle.
First Minister Nicola Sturgeon took a swipe at Donald Trump over climate change ahead of the US president’s visit to the UK. Wonder if Nicola Sturgeon in the tradition of border pacification, the Middle Shires, is taking a swipe at Scottish Borderers, and their heritage in the protection of the greatest archaeological historical structure in the borderlands by supporting the industrial desecration by a Muirhall Energy’s Hermitage Castle (Windy Edge) wind farm?
The biggest question I would like to ask Nicola Sturgeon, is who does she work for? Does her biggest pay check come from the people of Scotland, or the Scottish Wind Farm Industry?
First Minister Nicola Sturgeon has announced. ..the Muirhall Wind Farm Extension…
3/18/2018 MSE
US President Theodore Roosevelt protected US archaeological historical antiquities more than a century ago, but had difficulties with corporate powers controlling the media, and driving out of honest public officials.
Archaeological, Historical, for Scottish Clan groups, and tourist groups dependent upon preservation of the historical, archaeological, environment of THE HERMITAGE Castle.
Hermitage Castle & Mary, Queen of Scots – Marie Stuart Society
Buccleuch, you have been known in 1569 to support a similar sort of government which Scotland has today of James IV, over the Branxholm and Scott of Ewisdale, and other border families which supported the Mary Queen of Scots, and the Bothwell Hermitage Castle. Buccleuch also supported along with my family of Gorrenberry the escape of Kinmount Willie Armstrong from Carlisle Castle. Now I guess you are back supporting the government which is trying to genocide the history of The Borders, and The Borderers.
Hermitage Castle | Elliot Clan Society
Hermitage Castle | Newcastleton | The Castles of Scotland, Coventry
Hermitage Castle – The Douglas Archives
Map of Elliot Territory
The grayne of Martyn Eliot of the Bradley hyghe in the Lyddall :-:M:artyn
Ellot of the Bradley; Sime Eliot his sonne; Gowan Ellot called the Clarke; Hobbe Eliot his brother; Arche Eliot his brother; Joke Ellot called Copshawe ; John Eliot of Thornesope; Will Ellot of the Steele; Dand Ellot of the Brandley; John Eliot of the same Seme Eliot of Hardin. All theise Ellotes and manie more of them are at Robin Ellotes comaundment and dwell betwixt the Armytage in Lyddisdall and Whethough towre=-fewe of them marryed with Englishe women.
Keith Elliot Hunter – Elliot Clan Historian.
Martin Eliot (Ellot, correction for OCR Optical Character Recognizer software biased to a known spelling that of Eliot) of the Bradley hygh in the Liddall [high on the Liddell-(Liddesdale) Water, not in Teviotsdale]. Martin Ellot is included in the Ellots of Liddesdale.
John Sadler, Military Historian, and Kieth Elliot Hunter Elliot Clan historian both utilize the Calendar of Border Papers, a major source in the history of border clans, such as the Armstrangs and Ellots.
The grayne of Martyn Eliot of the Bradley hyghe in the Lyddall is of major importance when referenced by Keith Elliot Hunter.
It should be noted under THE ELLOTTES OF LYDDISDALL: that the proper reading from the text is; The grayne of Martyn Ellot of the Bradley hygh in Lyddall;. It should also be noted there is an interpretation difference between of the and just of Bradley. Where of indicates ownership, of the indicates living there. It is felt that as on the Elliot Clan map there was a Bradley in Teviotdale that is own by Martin Ellot. So Martin Ellot was sometimes called of Braidley. West of the the Hermitage Castle the region had been referred to as Broadlee, which is a valley broad on the east leeward side. When the Ellot of Braidley lived there the name of the region was changed to Braidley.
Bradley-Braidlie of Martin Ellot, locality of planned Hermitage Castle (Windy Edge) Wind Farm;
at Robin Ellotes comaundment and dwell betwixt the Armytage in Lyddisdall and Whethough towre
Between the Hermitage (Armytage) in Liddesdale and Whitehaugh Tower of the Armstrongs.
4/17/2018 MSE
Reason the Reivers of The World need to defend The Heritage Castle, and why they no longer live in The Borders;
Margaret Elliot (correct spelling of 29th chief of Redheugh-Stobs is Eliott) talks about how the
BBC Four Smailholm Tower (above) and the Border Reivers
Reivers were opportunists who were a law unto themselves. (Broadcast: 8/5/2008)
Last statement of BBC Smailholm Tower presentation; …..the most famous even reached the moon; Neil Armstrong.
Do you want to walk in the footsteps of your ancestors?
Janet & Libby in Newcastleton and Hermitage Castle
8/14/2018 MSE
‘Sheep stealers from the north of England’: the Riding Clans in Ulster by Robert Bell
For Armstrong and Johnston, use those spellings, but for today’s Ulster spellings Elliott and Scott, for 1630 use Ellot and Scot, without an “i” and the second “t”.
8/19/2018 MSE
HUME CASTLE Wind Farm decision results;
9/4/2018 MSE
And We Ride – SCOCHA
What’s in a Name? Allegiance, for Border Reivers
Ancestry: Clans of plunderers operated between England and Scotland from the 14th to 17th centuries. Forebears of U.S. presidents may have been among them.
Reivers by Name;
The 74 family names in surviving documents about the Border Reivers:
Archbold, Armstrong, Beattie, Bell, Burns, Carleton, Carlisle, Carnaby, Carrs, Carruthers, Chamberlain, Charlton, Charleton, Collingwood, Crisp, Croser, Crozier, Cuthbert, Dacre, Davison, Dixon, Dodd, Douglas, Dunne, Elliot, Fenwick, Forster, Graham, Gray, Hall, Hedley, Henderson, Heron, Hetherington, Hume, Irvine, Irving, Johnstone (Johnson), Kerr, Laidlaw, Little, Lowther, Maxwell, Milburn, Musgrove, Nixon, Noble, Ogle, Oliver, Potts, Pringle, Radcliffe, Reade, Ridley, Robson, Routledge, Rutherford, Salkeld, Scott, Selby, Shaftoe, Simpson, Storey, Tailor, Tait, Taylor, Trotter, Turnbull, Wake, Watson, Wilson, Woodrington, Yarrow, Young
What’s in a Name? Allegiance, for Border Reivers
Associated Press added 10/24/2018 MSE
10/24/2018 MSE