Please see the invitation below from Denholm village – Oct 12th 6-8pm (2017) in the small village hall
Dear all
There are so many different wind farms being targeted at this area “Carpet Bombing”, it is becoming very confusing as to what actually is the state of play with the multitude of applications.
The Denholm Drop In
Denholm CC has grasped the nettle and is doing a drop in session so local residents can get an idea of what is going on. It is not envisaged to have the developers themselves in attendance.. (“my one is better than your one “) . Instead we should have basic information on the various developments and where they all fit in (or not ), and what stage they are in the planning process .. and how one can participate. We hope to answer your questions (or some of them) with some of the plans and Maps. This is not just for Denholm residents and should be of interest to a wider audience
Location : Denholm Village Hall .Small Hall
Date: 12th October
Time: 6pm-8pm ..
Drop In (rather than a presentation )
The initiative is being driven by Gwen Crew . Some idea of numbers would help simply from a logistic perspective (if known)
The developments that will be covered
Langhope Rig ..Greencoat Uk Wind . Operational 10 turbines (121.5 m high)
Windy Edge ..Muirhall Consented 9 turbines (110 and 125m high) .. Likely to see an application to increase the height
In planning
Birneyknowe ..Banks ..15 Turbines 132 metres high. Heading to appeal. pre enquiry meeting due at the end of the month (25th)
Pines Burn . Energiekontor .12 turbines 130 and 149.9m high . Planning Committee 2nd November
Barrel Law .. ABO Wind.. 7 turbines 132 metres high .. Just been filed .. responses due unless extension requested
Wauchope East .. EDF .50 turbines 132 metres high
Wauchope West.. EDF 20 turbines 132 metres high
Newcastleton Forest EDF 20 Turbines 132 metres high
In Scoping
Cliffhope. Community Windpower 46 turbines 200 metres high
also Withdrawn
Highlee Hill ..RES 13 turbines (11 176m high, 2 150m high)
Cummings Hill ..Infinis 7 turbines 126.5m high
Running total
10 operational
9 consented (which will need to be increased in size )
34 in Planning
136 Scoping
20 Withdrawn
It is hoped that the evening will help inform on the various schemes and allow those looking to make responses on applications to have more information. It could also enable discussion on potential impact of such schemes on the Railway Extension and the proposed National park.
12/6/2017 MSE