Muirhall Hermitage Castle wind farm

Muirhall Hermitage Castle wind farm

Muirhall Castle Hermitage wind farm

Muirhall Hermitage Castle wind farm – Gorrenberry

Muirhall Hermitage Castle wind farm

Travel firm AC Group targets Scottish ‘hotbed’  Saturday 29 December 2018

EDF operates Fallago Rig, (purchased from; North British Windpower NBW) wind farm and Muirhall Energy Ltd owns INFINIS, Hermitage Castle (Windy Edge) wind farm.



Windmills threaten an ancient border fortress
Fears about a proposed wind farm

6:59AM BST 05 Oct 2011
SIR – For centuries Hermitage Castle has guarded the Scottish Borders. Once the home of the 4th Earl of Bothwell, second husband of Mary Queen of Scots, the castle stands on the banks of Hermitage Water surrounded by a wild landscape that has remained unchanged for hundreds of years.

Its solitary grandeur and romantic history make it one of the most visited sites in the south of Scotland. But all this is about to change if current plans come to fruition. A proposal has been submitted to the Scottish Borders Council for the Windy Edge wind farm – 20 wind turbines within a short distance of the castle. These windmills, 125 metres tall, will destroy the castle’s romantic setting, forever changing visitors’ perception of it. While some short-term jobs may be created in the construction of the wind farm,

the overall effect will be to reduce employment in the area as tourists will have less reason to visit the castle.

There is no doubt that Britain needs alternative sources of energy, but to erect windmills here would be to commit cultural vandalism. To build a wind farm within sight and sound of a historically important and well-preserved 15th-century castle would set a terrible precedent.

No historic building would be safe from the threat of wind farms being built adjacent to it.  

(safe from; THE  march of wind turbines across the UK and Scotland…Scottish ministers have failed to protect people…)

Ivo Hesmondhalgh
London W11

10/1/2018 MSE

Reivers author ‘would have fought to save Hermitage’

Author; George MacDonald Fraser, book; THE STEEL BONNETS

The Southern Reporter – Published: 17:00 Sunday 23 October 2011

BBC newsreader Fiona Armstrong who told us: Yes, I know of this story and having filmed at Hermitage many times I would not like to see a wind farm there. With the Clan Armstrong Trust, I set up the Reiver Trail five years ago and that takes in Hermitage.  Many people use the trail, especially from abroad when they come to trace their borderland roots, and I fear a wind farm will not add to the magic of the area.     ….am not against wind farms per se – although I do have some doubts about their efficiency – but they have to be situated in the right place.

Borders National Park

Neil Armstrong – in the Scottish Parliament on 25th October 2012.

Feasibility study for a proposed Scottish Borders National Park

Campaign for a Scottish Borders National Park

Ask yourself who gets to pocket the wind farm money, and who gets to pocket the tourist money.




It is insulting to be offered a wind turbine industry pay out, which allows destruction of the environment of an iconic, ancestral, archaeological, historic border structure, The Hermitage Castle.

Money for The Hermitage Castle, runs along side Americans, paying money for land the Indians did not want to sell in the first place. It is to help relieve the consciousness, of a corrupt government.

HERMITAGE CASTLE – Douglas History

Hermitage Castle – Elliot Clan Society

Map of Elliot Territory



The Southern Reporter  Published Date: Monday 06 July 2009

By Walter Elliot

My own theory is that we have been here in the Northumbrian/ Borders region since Anglo-Saxon settlers came across from northern Germany in the 5th to 8th centuries. I base this on the fact that most of the 36 early ways of spelling the name are Anglo-Saxon — Aelwold, Ellwald, Elaund, Elwaird etc. The name continued written as ‘Elwalde’ with its variations into the 1500s when it became Elyot, Eliot and Ellote. There are no recognisable Gaelic spellings and only one Dalliot. I rest my case, but everybody will continue to believe as they wish anyway.

Publications by Walter Elliot    Elliot Clan Store

  • Shepherds — £5
  • Working the Land / Harvesting the Forest — £5

Ellot (Angus-Scot) + Eliot (Brenton-French) = Elliot

Le Clan Des Elliot (Ecosse)

Keith Elliot Hunter 16/07/2017 14:00
Translated response; Keith Elliot Hunter – Clan Elliot Historian

The results of the Elliot DNA Project show that the Elliot are of Celtic-Breton origin. The name is the result of the ‘deformation by francization’ of the oldest Breton name Elegoët, which is itself a variant of the name Halegouët or Halgoët, the other variants are Allegouet, Elegouet, Alleouet, Elleouet, Helliot, Aliot etc. The Alliott and Allott variants are mainly found in Yorkshire, Lincolnshire and Lancashire. All Elliot (Eliot, Eliott or Elliott) are the descendants of the Breton mercenaries who participated in the conquest of England by William the conqueror, Duke of Normandy, in 1066.


Scot’s Ellot plus i becomes Elliot;

Ellot to Elliot

Many Elliot, came from Anglia, to the Anglo-Scots border. The ones which came from Anglia with the name Elwald were Anglo-Saxon.

Kjerr in Norwegian means thicket.
The Elwald are the elk(moose), of the forest(wood) and the Kerr are the elk(moose), of the thickets; the marsh dwellers. The Elwald went from Denmark/Germany to East Anglia, UK, the Kerr went from Germany to Norway to Normandy, then to UK. They split about at the Danish-German border and came back together again in the UK. It should be noted that indigenous names which have been Anglicized, have names which originated from animals in their environment,  it is most likely that some early European names would also originate from names for animals. Wolf is one which has come from Germany, traveled through England and onto America, likely first as a personal name then becoming a surname.

(note; chief’s husband had been and maybe still is corporate executive in wind farm industry, and MI6, so changes made after the proposed HERMITAGE CASTLE wind farm, known in obscurity as WINDY EDGE, on the Border Elliot(t) History are unreliable)

It should be noted that after The Hermitage Castle (Windy Edge) wind farm had ben proposed, historians, exception of Jackson W. Armstrong, Walter Elliot, and Sir Arthur Elliot, and extermination of the Elwald name appears, in such a manner which governmental historian would try to exterminate the history of a family group. This was propagated by the proposed Hermitage Castle (Windy Edge) wind farm on Elwald into Ellot into Elliot into Elliott history. For historians, not Eliott, Elliot, or Elliott to say a well researched line by highly established Sir Arthur Eliott of Redheugh-Stobs, and Border Historian Walter Elliot of Selkirk, by border Scottish historians, not of the Eliott, Elliot, or Elliott, is a way to try to place a barricade to the extending of the Elliott to Elliot to Ellot to Elwald, back into time beyond Border Pacification with the Angus-Scottish name; Ellot, and the era of  Anglo-Saxon Scots Border with the Saxon name Elwald.

Jackson W. Armstrong historian The University of Arberdeen on Armstrong, Elwald, Kerr, Scott, and Hume.

Saxon-Danish border reivers are unruly so they do not have rulers.  Ælfweald for weald, likely had and umlaut ä as in bär, which is pronounce the same but spelled bear. The ea spelling is used to distinguish it from the Danish æ.


The R-U106 Y-DNA, which I carry is said to be; Proto-Germanic.

The name Elwald is Saxon. To exterminate the name Elwald is to exterminate me, and that is genocide. Therefore since the Scottish historians, are trying to do just that I am not Scottish, but a Borderer of the Middle March Clans; Armstrong, Elwald-Elliot, Nixon, and Crozier, an Anglo-Saxon-Germanic. 

Dedicate the above to a couple of Ulster-Episcopalian-Anglicans, which arrived in Boston, MA. First Daniel Elliot County Fermanagh, of the Daniel Elliot Cluster about 1650, who I descend from, and about 300 years later, a John Elliott, County Donegal descendant of James V. Elliott which set up the;


Elliott (And Border Reivers)  DNA Project



Wood as in Birnam Wood, is a region of trees, smaller than a forest, sometimes referred to as a park or a grove.  So Elwald, where wald means wood, became Elwood, (Clan Ellwood, seems to agree; that this is the way their name had been derived;  that Clan Ellwood is derived from Elwold to Elwood, also especially in the region of Cumbria/Cumberland. 

Elliott DNA Lineages By James V. Elliott
Elliott (and Border Reivers) DNA Project

Liddesdale, Scottish Borders – Episode 5 – 1998



Do you want to walk in the footsteps of your ancestors?


Janet & Libby in Newcastleton and Hermitage Castle

Nancy & Joan’s Ancestral Journey – HERMITAGE CASTLE

Elliot Family’s Ancestral Tour

Rutledge Journey; Liddesdale, Scotland, to Ulster

by Dan Rutledge of Canada with Rutledge of US.

Routledge near Brackenhill Tower, Carlisle – History 


Searching Ancestral Border Family History-Genealogy;

Langholm Archive Group

Papers of the Dukes and Dukedom of Roxburghe

Ker, Innes- family, Dukes of Roxburghe

Hawick Archaeological Society





Margaret Eliott – Clan Chief;


8/17/2018 MSE

Dan the Cowie would go down to Gorrenberry, bordering Liddesdale Braidley on the west, which bordered the Hermitage Castle on the west, to visit his second son Clementis Hobs (Robert Ellot), it was this Cowie which the family kept hidden because he was a fugitive, which became The Cowie of Gorrenberry.  Father, likely step-father to Gilbert, Gavin the Baillie for Bothwell, which the name land name Bailliellie is from, son likely Gavin the Clark (clerk). Son Dan the Cow was Burgess to Selkirk.  Clementis Hobs (Robert Elliott), first son Robert, second son Andrew referred to as Dan in Gorrenberry, Scotland, and Daniel in Tullykelter, Co Fermanagh, Ulster, Ireland. Daniel of Tullykelter, had a son named Robert with sons Robert and Daniel, of the New England Colonies.

Can not help it if people feel that the last of the Gorrenberry Elliot, died off with Adam Elliot of 1682, when there were Gorrenberry Elliot, living in New England at that time.

Margaret Elliot of Stobs-Redheugh, family has the strongest background in Clan Elliot genealogy that I know. Margaret has done so well at chief, I think the daughter would do the best, but the son is next in line.

The ELLOT CLAN Dora Hopkins, Margaret’s grandmother’s genealogy.
Dora Hopkins, the Dowager Lady of  Stobs.

 above; The Elliots : The Story of a Border Clan by Arthur Eliott, 1986 HB



History of Clan Elliot from Germany;

History of the Elliot Clan from Australia




Luving Letter of Nicola Sturgeon;

Complaints to UNECE: Why the Scottish and UK windfarm policy should be tested in a court of law? Posted August 3, 2014

THE  march of wind turbines across the UK and Scotland can be challenged in the courts on the grounds that Scottish ministers have failed to protect people who live in their shadow as a result of the rulings by UNECE meeting of parties (Mops).

The ruling by the UN committee, which also criticized the UK’s failure to give people the necessary information about the benefits or negative impacts of turbines, could call into question the legal validity of future wind farms unless Government policy is changed.

Luving Letter of Nicola Sturgeon;

by First Minister Nicola Sturgeon head of the Scottish ministers;

Scottish government will create … energy company to destroy the archaeological, ancestral, historical, antiquities, of the Borderland, in the same fashion people were exterminated and genocide making the Middle Shires, but this time it’s the destruction of the Middle Shires, not by James VI of Scotland, but by First Minister Nicola Sturgeon of Scotland.

The Scottish Trail of Tears

Guy Hewitt: Barbados remembers Scots heritage on St Andrew’s Day



Communities are still powerless to stop wind farms



Plans for a wind farm near 14th century Scottish castle…rejected by councillors 30 June 2015



Windy Edge wind farm appeal succeeds 9 June 2016

A wind farm rejected by a council as “incongruous and anachronistic” has been approved on appeal.

added 10/24/2018 MSE





The appeal of Hermitage Castle (Windy Edge) Wind Farm, by the Scottish Government, was in the same honest fashion the Scottish government gave to Johnnie Armstrong – Gilnockie at Carlinrigg.


Johnnie Armstrang – Lori Watson

REIVER TRAIL – Micheil Armstrong

Borders National Park

Feasibility study for a proposed Scottish Borders National Park

Campaign for a Scottish Borders National Park

Neil Alden Armstrong Scottish Borders National Park

Neil Armstrong – in the Scottish Parliament on 25th October 2012.

would be a great name for it.

INFINIS (Muirhall Energy) Hermitage Castle (Windy Edge) Site Location Map.

Micheil Armstrong, on educating people on what happen along the Reiver Trail. Gilnockie Tower, Carlinrig along with the Hermitage Castle are sites along the Reiver Trail.

Gilnockie Tower Reiver Centre

The Clans Armstrong & Elliot

Scotland Mag 89; Oct 2016 Clans Armstrong & Elliot
In 1531, when he felt that the Borders were becoming even more fractious than usual, James V took 10,000 soldiers south to sort things out. Johnnie Armstrong, son of the chief and the most successful reiver of his time, collected 36 of his followers – including some Elliots – who put on their best clothes and jingled their way to meet with the king, under safe conduct, to ask for pardons for past misdeeds. The king expected humble supplicants for his favour and did not approve of their arms, their arrogant postures and lack of humility. So he hanged them without trial. It was little wonder Borderers showed scant respect for lawful authority. Later in the century the most influential of the Liddesdale leaders was Martin Elliot of Braidley (between Gorrenberry and The Hermitage Castle).


HERMITAGE CASTLE – Douglas of Angus, History

Heart of Robert the Bruce on Douglas shield. Sir James Douglas who carried the heart, his heart is next to Archibald “Bell the Cat” Douglas V Earl of Angus, in Old Church of St Brides, Douglas, Scotland, and is the Earl of Angus which passed lands to Robert (Elwald ie Ellot/Elliot), to become of Redheugh.

(Older maps spelled Haik, and today pronounced hoik.)

K. Patrik on map; Old Gaelic; Kilpatrik, Scots, Kirkpatrick; church of St Patrick.  Like the president’s, mom, a lot of Americans, are of  Gaelic-Scottish descent. Though on St. Patrick’s Day, we in America celebrate the Irish, the American Scot-Irish, of Gaelic Ancestry, their saint is St. Patrick, the bishop which drove the snakes out of Ireland with his crozier.  An individual of K. Patrik, obtained barony lands of Colquhoun (variant spellings) in the region of Dumbartonshire.  It is common to name families after their estate/barony, so these people of the Colquhoun Barony, acquired the surname Colquhoun, and in the US; Calhoun.

Cavers Castle (Douglas), Denholm, Hawick, Scottish Borders, TD9 8LJC

The surnames Douglas and Elliot concentrations are centered near Hawick (pronouced hoik).

MUIRHALL ENERGY HAS NOT BEEN APPROVED, but INFINIS has been approved by, a reporter appointed by Scottish Ministers.

Rowanburn, Scottish Borders

MUIRHALL ENERGY HAS NOT BEEN APPROVEDBut INFINIS has been approved by, a reporter appointed by Scottish Ministers.

Approved appeals such as…..Fallago Rig, and….Windy Edge,  felt to be fixed…. (based on math modeling)

Knowing the outcome of Fallago Rig’s appeal, in following using close to the same procedure for Windy Edge’s appeal one would expect the same results;

Approving INFINIS, not MUIRHALL (pending), to build the HERMITAGE CASTLE wind farm, which is referred by an obscure locality name  WINDY EDGE wind farm, by people of the wind farm industry, inclusive likely of the Scottish Ministry. The name HERMITAGE CASTLE is a better known locality name. Only people bought and paid for by corporations trying to industrialize the region would use an obscure name such as WINDY EDGE.

Walking in the Southern Uplands: 44 best hill days in southern Scotland
Ronald Turnbull – 2014 –
With notes on points of interest along the way as well as on transport and accommodation, the guide gives all the information walkers need.

Gorrenberry House Certificate of Excellence for 2017.

Gorrenberry House – UNIQUE COTTAGES


Land Braidlie, Schawis (down Hermitage Water), Mosspatrickhope (ie Braidleyhope), was first passed from Archibald ‘Bell the Cat’, to his brother William of Cavers, then onto Patrick Hepburn first Boswell to own lands of the Hermitage Castle.  Castell of the Ermitage (ie Hermitage Castle), which the Buckcleuch (Buccleuch), in 1469-70 “the keping and governance of his castell of the Ermitage’. At one time the Hermitage and the governance of it belonged to the Buccleuch, family but not now.

It is only a corrupted government following that of James VI of Scotland, to genocide the border people, to further do so by building a wind farm in the vicinity of The Hermitage Castle. The Middle Shires after the genocide, was set aside and protected in the same fashion, memorials to the Jews in Germany are protected. These are lands which my family were genocide on; I feel great people; were removed, and banished from.  Even though you my have governmental historians, genocide the family line by trying to kill off the Elwald line in the aftermath of the proposed Hermitage Castle wind farm.

The father of the chief, Sir Arthur Eliott, border historian Walter Elliot of Selkirk, and  the son of Loren Spencer Elliott, and George Francis Scott Elliot also said;

The Border Elliots and the Family of Minto, George Francis Scott Elliott


Clan Ellwood, seems to agree; that this is the way their name had been derived;  that Clan Ellwood is derived from Elwold to Elwood, as Clan Ellwood, and in images; Clan Ellwood also.

Only a dictatorship, does not listen to there constituency, and are slaves to the industrial wind turbine industry.

a well known American genealogist of the Y-DNA proven Daniel Elliot cluster line, all concur on the existence of an Elwald line. Only a corrupt government in this case after the proposed Hermitage Castle Wind Farm; put’s their own historians in position to genocide an Elwald line which the Eliott, Elliot, and Elliott, family of Scotland and around the world knows exists.

In term ownership of the lands around the Hermitage Castle was in the hands of Archibald ‘Bell the Cat’, Douglas, 5th Earl of Angus, brother William of Cavers, before Patrick Douglas of Bothwell obtained them.

Name Patrick from Patrick Hepburn (Anglo-Saxon Northumbria), own estate near Glasgow, called Bothwell Castle (Douglas owned it also), and obtained Hermitage Castle from Archibald ‘Bell the Cat’ Douglas.

LOCK THE DOOR LARRISTON – electricscotland


Malcolm McGregor response letter PDF;

Johnny Armstrong a Rob Roy MacGregor on the Western Marches;

Old Gorrenberry, Newcastleton, Borders, TD9

Previous to Border Pacification; Before James VI of Scotland also became James I of England in 1603; in 1541 the strong army of an independent Kingdom of Scotland was know by the surname Armistrang (army strong). After 1603, they were no longer the strong army of Scotland, and adopted the name which Johnie Armstrong  Gilknockie used, and that was the name Armstrong.

On the eleventh hour, of the eleventh day, of the eleventh month of this year is the 100th anniversary of the Armistice, but next year is the 50th anniversary of Neil Armstrong, who’s family is from Fermanagh, Ulster, Ireland, (like my ancestor Daniel Elliot), standing on the moon.

The land above is my families, which in 1541 as Elwald of Gorrumberry, ancestral land.  In 1376, the Groves of trees have place names. It is felt that those which were to become Elwald, were living in these forest groves, with personal names and by 1541 had surnames of Elwald, then about 1560 Ellot, then about 1650 Elliot.

The US National Park Service would not allow a wind farm to be seen along with it’s antiquities at Chaco Canyon.

Borders National Park

Feasibility study for a proposed Scottish Borders National Park

Campaign for a Scottish Borders National Park

Neil Armstrong – in the Scottish Parliament on 25th October 2012.

These are ancestral lands to the Zuñi, and other indigenous American Nations, of isolated linguistic languages.  The United States Government had been protecting the national historical archaeological antiquity of Chaco Canyon for more than a century.


Hermitage Castle – Statement of Significance

Richard Scott of Buccleuch,

Sure do not want him to speak out for me, though he would be honest and truthful, because in the position he is in there, are people who do not want to believe him, and this is why I would not want Richard Scott of Buccleuch to speak out for me. His wife would do a better job of it.



The Border Antiquities of England and Scotland:by Walter Scott 1817

Richard Scott, of Buccleuch said, NOTHING SHORT OF VANDALISM, and they began to think it was his castle he is trying to protect, not the HERMITAGE CASTLE, owned by Historical Scotland, which is a historical antiquity to the United Kingdom and ancestors of Border People of this region, displace to north Scotland, north Ireland and, around the world.


Renovation in the nineteenth century of Hermitage Castle;

Buccleuch is in support of the proper location for wind farms;

The Duke is a trustee of the Royal Collection Trust, President of the Georgian Group and an Honorary Member of the Royal Institution of Chartered Surveyors

Has a strong background in preservation and land management, yet the Scottish Ministries pick a reporter.  Though, my family came through Scotland and always seem to claim Scottish Heritage, with what the Scottish Government has bestowed upon my family in the past, and the type of protection it is giving towards my family’s historical ancestral antiquities today, I claim that I am of German ancestry.

Renovation, was done with the support Buccleuch family. Today it would be at an extreme cost.


It was easy to model the Infinis appeal after the North British Windpower appeal, to realized it would go through in the same fashion.

It was taken for granted given a “reporter” that the appeal for Windy Edge Hermitage Castle would follow in the same manner as Fallago Rig, North British Windpower NBW.



The construction of a golf course in itself can be an intrusion on lands of indigenous peoples; Crisis
CANADA; In 1959, the town approved the development of a private nine-hole golf course, the Club de golf d’Oka, on a portion of the disputed land. The Mohawk suit filed against the development did not succeed. Construction also began on a parking lot and golf greens adjacent to the Mohawk cemetery.

The wind turbines, do not impact new construction in the same fashion as they would impact historical antiquities such as; the St Andrews Golf Course or the Hermitage Castle.

First Minister Nicola Sturgeon took a swipe at Donald Trump over climate change ahead of the US president’s visit to the UK.   Wonder if Nicola Sturgeon in the tradition of border pacification, the Middle Shires, is taking a swipe at Scottish Borderers, and their heritage in the protection of the greatest archaeological historical structure in the borderlands by supporting the industrial desecration by a Muirhall Energy’s Hermitage Castle (Windy Edge) wind farm?

The biggest question I would like to ask Nicola Sturgeon, is who does she work for? Does her biggest pay check come from the people of Scotland, or the Scottish Wind Farm Industry?

First Minister Nicola Sturgeon has announced. ..the Muirhall Wind Farm Extension…

3/18/2018 MSE

Donald Trump’s mother, Mary Anne MacLeod, Scottish Gaelic, Lewis Island. ;  Genealogy is based on family not politics. Politicians based decisions on family up bringing (9/26/2018 MSE).

Scottish Gov’t headed by First Minister Nicola Sturgeon to set up Energy Company.

Nicola Sturgeon; why don’t you write the Armstrongs a luving letter, and note; what a gallant company the Armstrong and Elliott makeInsanity is doing the same thing over again, but expecting different results.


Feasibility study for a proposed Scottish Borders National Park

Campaign for a Scottish Borders National Park

INFINIS (Muirhall Energy) Hermitage Castle (Windy Edge) Site Location Map.

INFINIS (Muirhall Energy) Hermitage Castle (Windy Edge) Site Layout Map.

THE HERMITAGE CASTLE is our ancestral historical and family heritage, our indigenous lands which many people of the borders living around the world with their ancestors exterminated off them and they resettled from, and sometimes as Parliament has disclosed “transported as slaves to the colonies”.

These people want preservation of THE HERMITAGE CASTLE,  not money to the powerful in a corrupted government which has not changed it’s policy of extermination and genocide, as James VI of Scotland becoming also James I of England, in the making of THE MIDDLE SHIRES. THE MIDDLE SHIRES is to be a natural and preserved region of peace between two Kingdoms, and not the descration of ancestral land which is still the indigenous lands to a population distributed around the world. Border people of a land between two kingdoms, are now of a land “the sun never sat upon”. Their indigenous homeland referred to as THE MIDDLE SHIRES, is not to be destroyed by political corporate paid money grabbers, through industrialization, because they are paying them off with tidbits when the politicians get the funds giving them an excuse to desecrated and destroy the environment, of indigenous to the land historical antiquities such as THE HERMITAGE CASTLE.

9/18/2018 MSE


US President Theodore Roosevelt protected US archaeological historical antiquities more than a century ago, but had difficulties with corporate powers controlling the media, and driving out of honest public officials.

President Theodore Roosevelt signed the US Antiquities Act of 1906, which protected for the world Chaco Canyon National Monument, of the United States National Park System, which attracts, people to the region from all over the world, and protects for indigenous nations of peoples with in today’s United States, such as the people of Zuñi, and other people of indigenous pre-Columbia communities, which build with stone such as Acoma‘s Sky City, and Hopi‘s Old Oraibi. Yes, there are pueblos (towns) in the Southwest United States, that were here before Columbus, first landed, and are still inhabited.

Borders National Park;

Feasibility study for a proposed Scottish Borders National Park

Campaign for a Scottish Borders National Park

Above shows that Chaco Canyon has been protecting, ancestral land of indigenous Americans, living today, for all people around the world to see, but my ancestral lands have been proposed to be desecrated by corporate profits and industrialization. Which are the lands of THE HERMITAGE CASTLE.

Wetherill from befriending the Utes, and hosting them on their ranch, the Utes informed the Wetherill of the great archaeological sites, that the Wetherill discovered for themselves being allowed to graze stock by the Utes on the Ute righted land. added 8/9/2018

3/19/2018 MSE


EDF’s Fallago Rig

EDF’s (formally NBW’s) Fallago Rig Windfarm;

EDF Energy Renewables is committed to continuing the
growth of its renewables business in Scotland – where
it already operates 319MW of green power projects. The
company’s new office in Edinburgh was opened by First
Minister Nicola Sturgeon in January 2017, creating 35
new jobs.

Industrial impact the power of Scotland’s renewables sector trial-Impact-Case-Studies-2017.pdf

EDF is a firm which supports as the UN does effective community input, and it is felt they do not support media and control of governmental officials, along with destruction of historical archaeological antiquities of the UK in placement of wind turbines near them. Muirhall, if they wish to be approved for a wind turbine matrix, in the region what is known as Windy Edge (Hermitage Castle), am sure that EDF will support a proper approval system as the UN has specified. added 4/11/2018

Exclusive: UN ruling puts future of UK wind farms in jeopardy Tribunal warns that the Government acted illegally by denying public participation, Tuesday 27 August 2013 19:54 BST
The United Nations Economic Commission Europe has declared that the UK flouted Article 7 of the Aarhus Convention, which requires full and effective public participation on all environmental issues and demands that citizens are given the right to participate in the process. 

Key phrase; effective (not fixed) public participation.

3/19/2018 MSE

James Thomson statue pictures, Hawick, Scotland – BBC

Borders National Park;

Neil Armstrong – in the Scottish Parliament on 25th October 2012.

Feasibility study for a proposed Scottish Borders National Park

Campaign for a Scottish Borders National Park

Iain Hunter Scott  (Scocha)

Archaeological, Historical, for Scottish Clan groups, and tourist groups dependent upon preservation of the historical, archaeological, environment of THE HERMITAGE Castle.

Historic Environment Scotland

Hermitage Castle & Mary, Queen of Scots – Marie Stuart Society

Hermitage Castle | Elliot Clan Society

Hermitage Castle | Canmore

Hermitage Castle | Newcastleton | The Castles of Scotland, Coventry

Hermitage Castle – The Douglas Archives

Hermitage Castle, “Scottish Borders”. In the Footsteps of the Artists.

Border Reivers Tales of Hermitage Castle

The Scots Magazine – Hermitage Castle


by David P. Elliot

Clan, (a novel set in Liddesdale) by David P. Elliot — £7.99




Map of Elliot Territory

The grayne of Martyn Eliot of the Bradley hyghe in the Lyddall :-:M:artyn
Ellot of the Bradley; Sime Eliot his sonne; Gowan Ellot called the Clarke; Hobbe Eliot his brother; Arche Eliot his brother; Joke Ellot called Copshawe ; John Eliot of Thornesope; Will Ellot of the Steele; Dand Ellot of the Brandley; John Eliot of the same Seme Eliot of Hardin. All theise Ellotes and manie more of them are at Robin Ellotes comaundment and dwell betwixt the Armytage in Lyddisdall and Whethough towre=-fewe of them marryed with Englishe women.

Keith Elliot Hunter – Elliot Clan Historian.

Martin Eliot (Ellot, correction for OCR Optical Character Recognizer software biased to a known spelling that of Eliot) of the Bradley hygh in the Liddall [high on the Liddell-(Liddesdale) Water, not in Teviotsdale]. Martin Ellot is included in the Ellots of Liddesdale.

The R. J. Hunter Collection Ulster 1630 muster

Robert (affectionately known as Bob) Hunter specialised in the history of the early 1600s, the period of the Ulster Plantation…

Note, names Ellot, and Scot, use a single t, and no i.

John Sadler, Military Historian, and Kieth Elliot Hunter Elliot Clan historian both utilize the Calendar of Border Papers, a major source in the history of border clans, such as the Armstrangs and Ellots.

Time Team History Hunters (1998-9) – Episode 5 – Scottish Border


John Sadler’s Military Historian; CALANDAR OF BORDER PAPERS;

Martin Elliot of the Braidley;

Bradley-Braidlie of Martin Ellot, locality of planned Hermitage Castle (Windy Edge) Wind Farm;

Martin Elliot of the Braidley;

Windy Edge Wind Farm
4.7.29….The addition of a turbine into the former western array and the increase in height of the turbines leads to a slight increase in their general visibility, and specifically to the south of the proposed development, just to the east of Old Braidlie. (Braidley)


Martin Elliot of the Braidley;

Martin Elliot of the Braidley;

The Martin Ellot/Elliot brother to Robert of Redheugh/Lariston, live on Bothwell land at Braidlie/Braidley, therefore of the and not of  Braidlie/Braidley, but a Martin son or grandson of the line, had a tower as Prickenhaugh, which was so closed to the Redheugh/Over and Nether Larriston lands, and the Crozier of Nether and Over Riccarton, that is was most likely part of the original Redheugh accusation;

Report on A1 Clade / R-L193     Crosier / Crozier Surname DNA Project – Y-DNA Colorized Chart

John Crozier born 1782 Durham   R-L193 > BY651 > BY11221 > BY14138. (likely an Elliot)

The Liddesdale  Crozier-Ellot, lived in nearby localities when R-L193 surname adoption took place.

at Robin Ellotes comaundment and dwell betwixt the Armytage in Lyddisdall and Whethough towre

Between the Hermitage (Armytage) in Liddesdale and Whitehaugh Tower of the Armstrongs.

4/17/2018 MSE

Reason the Reivers of The World need to defend The Heritage Castle, and why they no longer live in The Borders;

BBC Four Smailholm Tower (above) and the Border Reivers

Margaret Elliot (correct spelling of 29th chief of Redheugh-Stobs is Eliott) talks about how the Reivers were opportunists who were a law unto themselves. (Broadcast: 8/5/2008)


note; Haik on map is pronounce “hoik”, and now spelled Hawick.

Also note; Scottish border communities; Selkirk, Melres (Melrose), and Kelso, at top centre far north on map.


That James Turnbull, looks as though he could bull dog a bull, and get it turned. Note he’s from Gorrenberry.

Full Report: Restoration completed on iconic Borders landmark

Turnbull’s FATLIPS CASTLE; The funding for the project was received from Historic Scotland, Scottish Borders Council, Landfill Community Fund and the Elliots of Minto.


The Great Historic Families of Scotland
The Scotts of Buccleuch

(parts of)

The battle, though fiercely contested, was short, as the Borderers were unequally matched against the armed knights in the forces of the Douglases; and the Homes and the Kers returned on hearing the noise of the conflict, and, attacking the left wing and rear of Buccleuch’s little army, put them to flight. About eighty of the Scotts were slain in this engagement and the pursuit. The only person of importance who fell on the side of the Douglases was Sir Andrew Ker of Cessford, who was killed by one of the Elliots, a retainer of Buccleuch, while eagerly pressing on the retreating enemy.

Buccleuch was obliged to retire to France, in order to escape the vengeance of Angus for this attempt to emancipate his sovereign from the yoke of the Douglases.

The favour which the King cherished towards Buccleuch did not, however, prevent him from imprisoning that chief, along with the Earl of Bothwell, Lord Home, Kerr of Ferniehirst, [This is the manner in which the Ferniehirst family spell their name, which differs slightly from the spelling of the Cessford Kers.]

Strenuous efforts were made by influential friends to heal the deadly feud between the Scotts and Kers, and with this view Sir Walter Scott, who was now a widower, married, in January, 1530, a daughter of Andrew Kerr of Ferniehirst (today Richard Scott-Buccleuch is married to a Kerr of Fernieherst), the head of one of the branches of this clan. A bond was also entered into between the heads of the chief branches of the two clans that, on the one hand, ‘Sir Walter Scott of Branxholm shall gang, or cause gang, at the will of the party, to the four head pilgrimages of Scotland [Scone, Dundee, Paisley, and Melrose], and shall say a mass for the souls of umquhile Andrew Ker of Cessford and them that were slain in his company, in the field of Melrose; and upon his expense shall cause a chaplain saye a mass daily, when he is disposed, in what place the said Walter Ker and his former friends pleases, for the weil of the said souls, for the space of five years next to come.’ The chiefs of the Kers came under a corresponding obligation to make pilgrimages, and to say masses, for the souls of the Scotts who fell in the battle of Melrose. Walter Scott also bound himself to marry his son and heir to one of the sisters of Walter Ker of Cessford.

But, as the Minstrel of the clan wrote with reference to this long-breathed feud—

‘Can piety the discord heal
Or stanch the death-feud’s enmity?
Can Christian love, can patriot zeal,
Can love of blessed charity?
No! vainly to each holy shrine,
In mutual pilgrimage they drew;
Implored, in vain, the grace divine
For chiefs their own red falchions slew;
While Cessford owns the rule of Carr,
While Ettrick boasts the line of Scott,
The slaughter’d chiefs, the mortal jar,
The havoc of the feudal war,
Shall never, never be forgot.’

Both Duke of Buccleuch, and Duke of Roxburgh, are related and like to feud, like the Hatfield and McCoy. They seem to be continuing this feud, when it comes to the historical protection of The Hermitage Castle. It does not seem to help Buccleuch being married to a Kerr of the Ferniehirst Castle either, because they have been know to feud with the Ker of Cessford-Roxburgh, and now Floors Castle.

It should be noted that a Douglas wrote the history that an Elliot of Stobs which was not around at the time, (nor around, to rescue Kinmont Willie) killed Cessford.  James Elwald (ie; Ellot/Elliot) traitor  to James V previous to the hanging of Gilnockie (as a traitor and hung his company of Armestrang and Elwald/Ellot) is  likely which I’m please to say my relative, and would have not killed a Buccleuch, or a Cessford (Roxburghe), because, as in 1526 as it is today these are stewards of the Scottish Borderlands, and hopefully they will get on board to make the Borderlands a National Park. Would like to see Kelso, Hawick, and Langholm, along with Debatable lands included.


Guys I’m an Elliott, which they are trying to exterminate my Elwald-Ellot of Gorrenberry line, the line which rode with the Bauld Buccleuch to rescue Kinmont (kin to to Gilnockie, and Mangerton, mounted up on the slope) Willie Armstrong from Carlisle Castle, not the Sir Gilbert Ellot-Elliot of Stobs, guy which the Bauld Buccleuch was trying to promote and the Douglas some would like to blame for killing Cessford. To those that do not believe I exist I am The Cowie of Gorrenberry. Us Gorrenberry Elwald-Ellot sure know how to feed people a line, to protect a loved one.

That Cessford should know better, and Bauld Buccleuch, your wife of the house of Ferniehirst, which need archaeological protection also,  can not put up with this. Just because Cessford your castles at Cesford and Roxburgh, near where you now live at Floors, are in ruins, does not mean the boarder lands do not need protecting from a corrupt Jame VI Scottish Kingdom, type government utilizing the power of England to exterminated us Borderers, our family names and our family lines, by trying to destroy our family histories in order to place industrialization in a region know as the Middle Shires, which is suppose to be protected from industrialization.  The making of the Middle Shires, by genicide of Borders, by the King of Scotland, when he got his hands on the English army to destroy by any means those on the borders to make a Middle Shires. Today’s Scottish govenment, is following in suit by the Scottish Ministry’s placement without listening to people of  The Borders, a wind farm, next to the greatest border icon THE HERMITAGE CASTLE.

Feasibility study for a proposed Scottish Borders National Park

Campaign for a Scottish Borders National Park

Neil Armstrong – in the Scottish Parliament on 25th October 2012.

(Hate to admit it but the Bauld Buccleuch, has Belties on his land also. Anyone raising Belties can’t be all that bad.) Bet the better Beltie is the Gorrenberry Beltie, and not the Buccleuch Beltie.


Gorrenberry Farm, Report No.1909

Scions of the Elliots and the Scotts lived at various times here. The Brownie of Goranberry, a helpful supernatural being which cleaned the building nightly, was reputed to live in the tower with one of the Elliots.

The history of the Hermitage Valley is very much tied up with that of Hermitage Castle which lies to the east of Gorrenberry. The history of this important national monument and the lands around it have been reported in a fascinating monograph by Professor Richard Oram of Stirling University (Report of Hermitage Castle).

5/11/2018 MSE

Bonshaw Irving Tower

Clan Irwin Surname DNA Study – Y-DNA Classic Chart – FTDNA

The History of Liddesdale…, Vol.1, By Robert Bruce Armstrong

(republication photo copy by: Clan Armstrong Trust, 1992)

Towards a United Borderlands.

“The Border Marches,” Reiver Surnames, Heraldry, and Place Names.

Brian Charlton MacDonald Moffatt

A page from Robert Bruce Armstrong’s classic History of Liddesdale

Moffat and Elliot are allies of  The Armstrong.

The Grahams of the 16-17th century Anglo-Scottish Border


Note; Gilnockie’s tower, was likely in ruins in 1576, and not on map. Since it was in ruins, it was not destroyed during Border Pacification and the making of a Middle Shires by James VI of Scotland, also James I of England.

Clan Crozier

With the Armstrongs, Elliots, and Nixons. Some sources cite the surname as a sept of the Armstrong clan, but the Scottish Parliament in 1587 identified the Croziers as a middle march clan.



Would say that near 100%, of people are being honest about their direct family line. To be in error is to say they are lying about their family line. When an individual is honest about their family line, and one takes it they are lying, then it is the one which takes they are lying which creates the lye. MI6, in covert activities may utilize lies, but I am finding the best cover, with the extermination and vanquishing The Cowie, and the Gorrenberry line is to be honest, with people thinking I am lying creating a cover. Today, the Cowie and Gorrenberry are vanquished, with the Elwald line. The English Ellwood, a variant of the Elwald of York in England know of the Elwald line existence, along with Clan Armstrong, and the Clan Elliot chief Margaret Eliott.

Not of Redheugh and the Armstrong know I exist, though father Loren Spencer Elliott was of the Clan Elliot Society for decades, today to be unvanquished I am an Armstrong. The Elwald/Ellot of Gorrenberry rode with brother and loyal to the chief Martin Ellot (likely married to and not feuding with the Armstrong) of Braidlie high in Liddesdale,  between Gorrenberry and the Hermitage Castle. Martin Ellot soldiered the Hermitage Castle for Boswell lease land of the Braidlie, therefore did not have a peel tower. Had on in the region of the Redheugh then Larriston Ellot of Over and Nether Larriston, and of the Crosser/Crozier, of nearby Over and Nether Riccarton, at Prickenhaugh.

As long as I present with high correctness from my point of view, and my Elliott history is considered accurate by the Ellwood, Armstrong and the chief, and not a part of today’s Clan Elliott history, to be Unvanquished is to be an Armstrong, but can help the Clan Elliott by truth being said a lye, giving the cover the Andrew ‘Dand’, father of Andrew ‘Dand’ the Cow Burgess of  Selkirk older brother to Clementis Hobs, to be the Cowie of Gorrenberry.  Andrew ‘Dand’ the Cowie, fathered Andrew ‘Dand’ the Cow, and Clementis Hobs (Hobbe Elwode Clemyt Crossier syster sone, ie Clement Crozier’s sister’s son Robert Elliott).

6/18/2018 MSE

Reivers are Riding – SCOCHA

REIVER – Teespring tee-shirt

And we Ride – SCOCHA

The borderline, the lands divide

And many brave and honest men have died

But this proud land was yours and mine

Lang before they ever drew the line

Though claim the Middle March Clans; Armstrong, Elliot, Crozier and Nixon, as family, but can not claim as an American; England or Scotland.  I claim the borders as my ancestral homeland. Yes, being from Gallup, New Mexico, USA, my ancestry, is that of the borders, and my ancestral lands are the borderlands.

Simply said;

I’m Borderer

Of the Middle March family of Border Clans; Armstrong, Elliot, Nixon and Crozier.

7/21/2018 MSE


Johnston, Armstrong, Elliott, From Borders to Co Fermanagh, Ulster Ireland;

‘Sheep stealers from the north of England’: the Riding Clans in Ulster by Robert Bell

Names, Armstrong, Armstrang, Armestrong, Armestrang, and Johnston, use as is, but for Elliott, and Scott, use without i and a single t, as Ellot and Scot. Ellot and Scot are the proper 1630 Ulster spellings, of today’s County Fermanagh, Ulster, Ireland, names of Elliott, and  Scott.

8/19/2018 MSE

HUME CASTLE Wind Farm decision results; 

9/4/2018 MSE

What’s in a Name? Allegiance, for Border Reivers

Ancestry: Clans of plunderers operated between England and Scotland from the 14th to 17th centuries. Forebears of U.S. presidents may have been among them.

Reivers by Name;
The 74 family names in surviving documents about the Border Reivers:

Archbold, Armstrong, Beattie, Bell, Burns, Carleton, Carlisle, Carnaby, Carrs, Carruthers, Chamberlain, Charlton, Charleton, Collingwood, Crisp, Croser, Crozier, Cuthbert, Dacre, Davison, Dixon, Dodd, Douglas, Dunne, Elliot, Fenwick, Forster, Graham, Gray, Hall, Hedley, Henderson, Heron, Hetherington, Hume, Irvine, Irving, Johnstone (Johnson), Kerr, Laidlaw, Little, Lowther, Maxwell, Milburn, Musgrove, Nixon, Noble, Ogle, Oliver, Potts, Pringle, Radcliffe, Reade, Ridley, Robson, Routledge, Rutherford, Salkeld, Scott, Selby, Shaftoe, Simpson, Storey, Tailor, Tait, Taylor, Trotter, Turnbull, Wake, Watson, Wilson, Woodrington, Yarrow, Young

What’s in a Name? Allegiance, for Border Reivers

Associated Press     added 9/26/2018 MSE


The Lost City of Roxburgh Roxburgh, Scottish Borders – Time Team

Caledonia, George Chambers VolII ChII Roxburghshire 1810 PDF

The Scottish History Society

10/11/2018 MSE

Enjoy the views of  THE HERMITAGE CASTLE, without the Scottish Ministry approved to be built, Muirhall Energy wind farm in background;


Caledonia Wild – Hermitage Castle

Published on Sep 22, 2017

10/13/2018 MSE


previous to The Scottish Ministry’s  MURHUIR WIND FARM

(to be built at some future date)


Scottish Ministry’s wind farm in view (Muirhall’s Hermitage Castle’s wind farm after being built will be in the above view) .

10/22/2018 MSE


10/28/2018 MSE

The Earls of Angus, the Douglas, brought ellots to Liddesdale to soldier THE HERMITAGE CASTLE.

10/31/2018 MSE