Buccleuch Elliott Hermitage Castle Crozier Nixon – Google Search
Crozier / Crosier
Clan Crozier – Clan Crozier
Clan Crozier (crosier, croser, cros, etc.) is one of the border reiving clans of Scotland, along with the Armstrongs, Elliots, and Nixons. Some sources cite the surname as a sept of the Armstrong clan, but the Scottish Parliament in 1587 identified the Croziers as a middle march clan.
Крозье / Крозье
Clan Crozier – Clan Crozier
Клан Крозье (crosier, croser, cros и т.д.) является одним из пограничных кланов Шотландии, наряду с Армстронгами, Эллиотами и Никсонами. Некоторые источники ссылаются на фамилию как на септ клана Армстронгов, но шотландский парламент в 1587 году определил Крозье как клан среднего марша.
It is not Protestant-Catholic Conflict it is a Catholic Mac- becoming a Presbyterian Mc- Conflict.
Could they have moved when the violence ‘The Troubles’, was going on along the County Fermanagh border? Guess if there is any hardening of the border, people of County Femanagh may want to move to Germany to get away from violence.
No wonder my ancestors got rid of those Tory’s, even today the UK Tory media, is saying it is a Protestant-Catholic conflict. Take offense to it and feel like stringing up Tories. My family fought as Charles II, Anglican Hamiltonian Royalists, against the Tory Cromwellian Parliamentarian Dictatorship. A dictatorship, when what is voted on is denied.
My relatives were County Fermanagh, Anglican Charles II, Royalists, and fought on the side of the Irish, against Cromwell, as the Tories are laughing at ‘transported as slaves to the colonies’. County Fermanagh Ulster, Ireland farm country, the Anglican and Irish are still on the same side; NO BORDER. This is not an Protestant-Catholic thing, but a Presbyterian which were Catholics – Catholic thing, the same type of Presbyterian Protestant mentality which exiled my Elliott along with Armstrong to County Fermanagh, Ulster Plantation, and tried to genocide those left on the Scottish-English Border, making the Union-Jack the flag of genocide for the Border People as the Nazi flag is the flag of genocide for the Jew. The Irish of County Fermanagh we married. Those which think this is a Protestant – Catholic conflict are in denial. It is a conflict between anyone which would even think of imposing another genocidal violent border in Ireland, and the people who do not want there families divided by a border or by the violence it brings in. It is the Irish and Anglican Protestant against Tories which would laugh at ‘transporting Scots as slaves to the colonies’, and not realizing that these Scots fought for Charles II which became king after Cromwell left, who the Prince of Wales is descended from.
County Fermanagh Maguire have been marrying Armstrong for centuries.
Chronicles of the Armstrongs; by Armstrong, James Lewis 1902 page 327-8
Are you seriously considering putting check points on animals coming in and out of Ulster?
The worst thing which can happen to families living with no border is having a border dividing them, and violence coming onto County Farmanagh from the large cities of Londonderry, and Belfast, killing their children, which has been known to happen before The Good Friday Agreement. 12/5/2019 MSE.
11/16/2019 MSE
Boris Johnson, On Irish border Oct 28, 2019
The Brexit deal explained – Irish border issue
Brexit deal ‘could spark loyalist disorder’ in Northern Ireland, says police chief – BBC Newsnight Oct 24, 2019
A Brexit deal that threatens the union between Great Britain and Northern Ireland could lead to civil disorder by loyalists, the head of the Police Service of Northern Ireland has said.
If your family lived all sides on the same piece of land called Ireland, and someone put a border in keeping your family apart. Would you be mad at your family or those which put the border in? Which group would be for the violence which followed. The group which was against the border in the first place or the group which put it in?
If people voted to leave a group of people, but not to put a fence in after they left, but it was decided to put the fence in anyway, would one call that democracy? Is democracy when people vote on something, but the vote is not followed?
FRANCE 24 English Published on Aug 22, 2019
Guardian News
Published on Jul 27, 2019
British Prime Minister Boris Johnson cautioned the European Union that the Irish backstop, which he said was undemocratic, needed to be ditched if they were to strike a Brexit divorce deal. He has repeatedly warned that if the EU continues to refuse to renegotiate the Withdrawal Agreement agreed by his predecessor, Theresa May, then he will take Britain out without a deal. His biggest demand is that the most hotly contested element of the Brexit divorce agreement – the Irish border backstop – be struck out of the Withdrawal Agreement, a demand that has angered Ireland and perturbed other EU capitals. ‘If we get rid of the backstop, whole and entire, then we are making a lot of progress,’ Johnson said, when asked if it is was only the Irish border backstop that he wanted changed.
In 1607 my family as a supporter of Catholic Queen Marie Stuart of Scotland, exiled from both kingdoms the Union of the Crown, which exiled or extermination of the Armstrong and Elliott from the borders is represent by the Union Jack. The
Elliott along with the Armstrong, by supporting Charles II, and the local Catholic population as Royalists we fought against Cromwell then transported as slaves to the American Colonies. Charles II, did become king, which today is a better government then their continuence of a genocidal policy of getting rid of the backstop. These Armstrong and Elliott of County Femanagh, Ireland no longer need a border of violence rapped around them.
In 1776 family rebelled in America against such a government, and now I truly understand why. Prime Minister Johnson, would understand why also if his name was instead spelled Johnston.
Sincerely Mark Stephen Elliott
What is the Irish border backstop.
Trump compares post-Brexit Irish border issue to plans for US-Mexico wall
Donald Trump’s mother: From a Scottish island to New York’s elite
It is felt America; Republican or Democrat, do not want a border in Ireland.
Nancy Pelosi eruonews on Brexit-Ireland Border, Published on Apr 18, 2019

About one-fifth of the colonial population remained loyal to the Crown, including African Americans, Indians, ethnic minorities, tenant farmers, British colonial officials, and Anglican clergy. Patriots cracked down on Loyalists. As many as 50,000 fought for the king and 80,000 fled the country after the Revolution. The most infamous British supporter was Benedict Arnold. Refer to photo of The Tory’s day of judgment, p. 183.
Was Oliver Cromwell the father of British democracy? BBC
My ancestors fought for Anglican king Catholic on death bed, Charles II about 1650. Tories of Cromwell’s Cambridge, laugh at the concept of my ancestors being “transported as slaves to the colonies”. Fighting for Catholic Queen Mary Stuart of Scotland, when Scotland was independent of England, family exiled to County Fermanagh, Ulster, Ireland, for a Tory planned EU-Brexit border to be wrapped around it. With others of my family being genocide by the Protestant son of Mary, James VI of Scotland becoming James I of England, killing borderers off for the making of a Middle Shires.
With today’s Tories voting NO making for a Border of Violence where relatives of mine intermarried Irish Catholic and exile Borderers around County Fermanagh; No wonder my ancestors to make an independent nation of the United States of America strung those Tories up. Anyone voting NO to produce a No Deal Hard Border in Ireland, is of a Cromwellian Dictatorship, and not of a democracy. The cost is so extreme to the freedoms of people of UK Ulster that only a politician in support of a dictatorship in the UK Parliament on a Cromwell bases would vote NO, against a Brexit agreement brought forth by the Prime Minister, and agreed upon by the European Union.
It should be noted, that after Cromwell; Charles II, became king of England, of the Stewart line, who Prince William Duke of Cambridge, is in line for the throne. Upon taking the throne, a Stewart and a Spencer, educated at the first university of Scotland, St. Andrews, will be back on the throne. When Charles II became king though my family supported him, they never did return us back to Tullykelter, County Fermanagh, Ulster, Ireland.
Teresa May is going to be looked upon as one of the UK’s finest leaders, because she insists upon being lead by her nation and not her party. The party of peace in Ireland, is the party of no border in Ireland.
The Members of Parliament, which are of the genocidal Cromwellian Union Jack, which want to see the trouble brought back to Ireland, are easy to spot because they are the ones with genocidal dictatorial extermination towards those which live on the EU-Brexit border in Ireland, THEY VOTE NO.
Great things can happen when a nation’s religions, and parties work together. Nixon a Quaker ran against, Kennedy a Catholic. Kennedy a Catholic won, received money from the US Congress to go to the moon, by the end of the 60’s decade. Nixon was president, when and Armstrong stood on the moon, July 20, 1969. Armstrong and Nixon, are of the Middle March Scottish border region between the kingdoms of England and Scotland. Their families were exiled to Ulster, Ireland.
The NO VOTE by UK MPs, is keeping the UK from doing a greater thing then putting a individual on the moon, and that is finally bringing peace to Ireland by maintaining a no border policy.
Ireland Border dictatorial MPs, which are locking up the UK’s government are the NO VOTERS.
Next time those NO VOTERS which are locking up government, and bringing a genocidal type of violence to the Borders come up for office it should be a NO VOTE, for the NO VOTERS on Brexit without a backstop. Proven peace is NO BORDER IN IRELAND. Therefore only vindictive genocidal dictatorial anti-democratic politicians would not vote for the backstop, which is totally represented by the MP’s NO VOTE.
To have democracy, peace freedom from violence has to be for all the nation’s people otherwise expect dictatorship.
The European Union, have many people with many different languages, like renowned scientists, and they are able to communicate. The United Kingdom, has many people which mainly speak a single language, are they able to communicate?
Reivers do it for family and freedom, not kingdom.
Like the European Union states, and like the history which formed the Union-Jack of the flags of Scotland and England, by genocide and exiling Armstrong, Elliott, and Johnston which controlled the border as reivers of Scotland and England. Brexit can never make a border in Ireland because it will belong to my family Armstrong, Elliott and Johnston. Mark Stephen Elliott; NO MORE BORDER.
Though it is noted that the Ulster Plantation, was previous to the American Plantation, which Cromwell sold my ancestors as slaves to. With help from those Catholics, we were able to get rid of those Tory, Loyalist, Unionist in 1776. See they seem to be still hanging around the Ulster Plantation.
If those people go for a no deal Brexit, trying to put a border in where there is essentially no border, I of the Ulster Plantation would certainly by now get those Catholics to help our country gain their independence from those red coats. They seem to help against Cromwell which was kind of a disaster. Believe some of those Irish Catholics were sold as slaves also. The American Revolution worked well for us though in 1776, that is when the Tory Loyalist of a United Kingdom went home.
BBC-Royals, rebels and religion: Scotland and the road to Union
BBC-Was Oliver Cromwell the father of British democracy?
Sky News; Ireland peace broker George Mitchell warns of risks of hard border:
KIRKPATRICK (kirk, Scottish for church. So Kirkpatrick is a place name for the church of St. Patrick.) St. Patrick’s day is a Gælic Scots-Irish holiday, of Catholics and Presbyterians, which come from a Gaelic Scots and Irish background. Sometimes the surname Kirkpatrick leans Gaelic as Kilpatrick, where gil-kil is the Gælic for church. The word Gælic with it’s æleans to the Scandinavian-Viking which brought the I-M253 DNA with the genetic red hair as found in with the Catholic Gælic speakers of eastern Nova Scotia (new Scotland), Canada to the region.
Clan Map from douglashistory.co.uk
The Elliots : the story of a border clan : a genealogical history
by Eliott of Stobs, Dora, Lady; Eliott of Stobs, Arthur, Sir, 1915- joint author 1974
father and grandmother to chief 29, Margaret Eliott of Redheugh-Stobs;
To put check points in where there is no border, is like giving up on peace for this border region. Wrapping around a border around border families which kept the Kingdoms of Scotland and England separate at one time. After people have had a taste of peace they do not want to see violence coming back again.
Das Setzen von Grenzpunkten ist wie das Aufgeben des Friedens für diese Region. Um eine Grenze um die Grenzfamilien herum, die einst die Königreiche Schottlands und Englands voneinander trennten. Wenn die Menschen Frieden haben, wollen sie nicht, dass Gewalt wieder kommt.
Maritna Anderson Sinn Féin (North not Northern Ireland party of Ourselves), Member of the European Parliament (MEP).
Nicola Sturgeon Pàrtaidh Nàiseanta na h-Alba (Scottish National Party SNP), Head Minister of the Scottish Government.
Both ladies are against Brexit, but there is a difference, one is of the party of Ourselves, and is family. The other has genocidal James V tendencies towards Border Reivers the Scottish National Party SNP. Never made peace with England, in following suit with England like with Northumberland NP, to have a English-Scottish National Peace Park, to protect The Middle Shires like they are supposed to be protected from desecration by Nicola Sturgeon’s Scottish Wind Farm Company Muirhall Energy Ltd.
The party of Ourselves stand up for family first, which names are etch on a floor in Carlisle England which include the names Elliot, and a name of German origins, and of the English Middle March is that of Anderson. Like I said Anderson is family. Would you believe that being an Elliott, the Armstrong are closer family. For us of the Middle March of Scotland (Armstrong, Elliott, Nixon, and Crozier), it is family first then kingdom second.
Mark Stephen Elliott (Cowie of Gorrenberry), is saying to you Nicola Sturgeon if you can understand the Scots;
Saxon Anglia surname Sturgeon, Sherman, Swan migration; https://forebears.io/surnames
Garrett Hellenthal – The Genetic History of the United Kingdom: the POBI project
The only reason for a NO DEAL BREXIT is to bring back James I – Cromwellian genocidal dictatorship, and violence to Ireland. PEACE and DEMOCRACY is NO BORDER in IRELAND.
If Scotland is to be an independent nation instead of a puppet nation of England, they must as the United States has done support those people which help make America independent the borderers, and Scotland at one time independent of England.
Protect these borderlands as they were meant to be as a Middle Shires (homeland of people which were exiled living around the world) from industrialization, so borderers which were exiled from these lands can come back to their family home. Because;
We’r Fur Hame
Above distribution away from the border for Elliott matches with 27 in NI-Scotland to 2 in Ireland-England.
It should be noted the importance of the Catholic sisters, on the border with Mexico;
We met no one to fear at the border – Dominican Sisters of Peace, El Paso, Texas, USA.
And the Catholic sisters from India in my hometown of Gallup, New Mexico, USA;
fresh wave of devolution for Scotland
- Scotland’s First Minister demanded new powers for Holyrood after Brexit
- Nicola Sturgeon called for Labour to join a ‘new consensus’ and fresh devolution
- Intervention comes ahead of Commons vote tonight on EU Withdrawal Bill
Only political dictators would go against a democratic vote of their nation.
Scotland is of a Union-Jack nation, until a democratic vote indicates otherwise.
The voice of your constituency against wind farms in the Middle Shires and next to The Hermitage Castle in Scotland is being ignored. The voice of the people of Scotland for a Scottish Border National Park of Peace with England is being ignored also by Nicola Sturgeon.
Only a dictator would not support a Borders English-Scotland National Peace Park, they would support Scottish ownership of a wind farm company in which they can desecrate the lands of the Middle Shires set aside to remember the families of borders which were genocide there in the manner which Hitler genocide the Jews.
Wind farms threaten Scotland’s future national parks
The Cheviots or Borders National Park, which would cover much of the historic county of Roxburghshire, is also at risk.
Councillors had rejected the plan for nine 410ft turbines at Windy Edge, near Hermitage Castle, as “incongruous and anachronistic”.
Only a puppet government of England in Scotland would not act against electric turbine industrialization of historic Roxburghshire, to protect The Hermitage Castle, and promote a Peace Park in conjunction with of the Cheviots, Northumberland National Park on the English side of the Border. As far as electric turbine destruction and sending the electricity on grid to England from Scotland does Nicola Stugeon represent subordinate to England, or does she in this National Peace Park support industrialized destruction in her outright of the wind turbine industry represent England, not Scotland?
BBC News South Scotland Windy Edge wind farm appeal succeeds 9 June 2016
A wind farm rejected by a council as “incongruous and anachronistic” has been approved on appeal. The nine-turbine Windy Edge project south of Hawick has been given the green light by a Scottish government reporter. Scottish Borders Council rejected the plans about a year ago due to concerns over its effect on the landscape. A reporter found it would have “no unacceptable environmental impacts” and ruled it could proceed. The project attracted more than 300 letters of opposition, along with more than 100 in support of the scheme. Planning officials recommended refusal and councillors voted by six to two to reject the proposals. Supporters of the scheme claimed the turbines would have less of an impact on the landscape than forestry, and that it would help combat climate change. Now the Scottish government reporter has decided the project can go ahead. He concluded the development “would not impact on the setting” of the nearby Hermitage Castle and chapel.
When a Scottish government reporter makes a decision which should have been made by an independent archaeologist, it is indicated that the decision was fixed, or the Scottish Government is not being administered at a democratic contingency representative governmental level.
Nicola Sturgeon;
As an Elliott, do not support the flag of Armstrong-Elliott genocide of our Borderlands, and the Elliott home place The Hermitage Castle. With the destruction of it by industrial desecration, a symbolic representation of promises not kept like Americans are noted for also doing for their indigenous population. The Union-Jack, to me runs parallel to what the Nazi flag must seem to the Jews.
Elliott family freed itself from the flag of border genocide in 1776.
Mom’s father a Barna is of German speaking Europe and her mother of southern Ireland, a Ryan, like president’s Nixon’s wife.
In the United States we celebrate St Patrick chasing snakes out of his country with his CROZIER.
My ancestors, living on the Scottish Side of the border were the army which kept Scotland an independent kingdom from that of England, and supported the Catholic Queen Mary of Scots.
We were genocide by Catholic Queen Mary of Scot’s son James taken by the Protestants, and raised separately, supported by the border gentry, like they today are supporting your desecration of our border homeland by industrial electric generators strung through out, in a land which is meant to be preserved as a buffer land of peace on the border lands between the two kingdoms of now United with a continuum of desecration of my family’s homeland.
England has done its part with the preservation with Northumberland National Park. Scotland is still in pursuance of genocide of the border lands of a people you are trying to get support from. For my group, it is family first, then support of a nation that protects our homelands, like they do on the English side of the border with a National Park in County Northumberland, otherwise you and the Scottish gentry are still pursuing a policy of extermination of my Middle March Family; Armstrong, Elliott, Nixon, and Crozier.
Been kicked off of Wikipedia, for helping the Crozier with their history. Just web search Clan Crozier, and see who’s domain you get. They are family and I stand up for them.
Nicola Sturgeon, my family supports the Catholics, Queen Mary of Scots, and Charles II, which we were as Parliament says transported as slaves to the colonies.
Theresa May reaches judgement day with Tory MPs just a handful of letters short of challenge
The solution in the illustration is an American solution for not the Prime Minister, but for those NO VOTING TORY MEMBERS OF PARLIAMENT, which are locking up their party, their nation, and the nations of the European Union, by VOTING NO and not even supporting their TORY Prime Minister Teresa May. The United States of American solution would be to string up these NO VOTING TORIES which in their NO VOTE would want to bring violence back to Ireland, block progress in their nation of the UNITED KINGDOM (not states), and progress in the Nations of THE EUROPEAN UNION. Do they even deserve another term for all the troubles they have bestowed on this world?
The Tories are a people which laugh at transporting Scots as slaves to American. They are the same type of people which would harden the Irish border to support violence in Ireland and laugh at the violence they created by hardening the border.
Prince Williams and the Bauld Buccleuch are descendants of Charles II, who’s wife did not have any children. Well I am a descendant of Charles Caroll of Carollton the longest living survivor of The Declaration of Independence, cousin to the first Catholic Bishop of the United States, but not through his wife.
One can support those Catholics without being Catholic themselves. Since I support family I also support Catholic Ireland, being a part of the EU. Do not support Scotland which in their desecration of family home border lands are a part of the Union Jack, a symbol of genocide to my family, like the Nazi flag is a symbol of genocide to the Jews. Even Germany has parks for people they genocide in the past.
Nicola Sturgeon, I live where I am a minority among the Navajo in Gallup, New Mexico, the part New Spain of the United States. Many great granddad Daniel Ellot (Elliot now Elliott) was as the Cromwellian Parliament of the Union Jack states transported as slaves to the colonies. Family instead of ending up in sunny Barbados and Jamaica as plantation slaves, we were unlucky an ended up among Cromwellian Puritans, in New England colony of Massachusetts. Daniel’s son (Y-DNA verified at a branch point of two family lines) Daniel’s step-mother-in-law lost two sister’s which were hung as witches in Salem. Moved on to land of Salem End west Famingham (after the birth place of a trial judge, Framinglham, Suffolk, East Anglican, England),MA, provided to refugees of the Salem Trials. Basically we lived among indigenous Americans.
Daniel Elliot, brought up that one of the accusers said did it for sport, which was not accepted by the court. Noted, I take after my family, and measure behavior also so Nicola Sturgeon, you being the classification of those who hung witches, I know you do not believe me either.
Border Reivers, are now throughout the world, and communicate across the internet, between nation states. It will be interesting to see what happens, in this continuum of shared information along the internet, with these Reivers, first supporting family over nation states, being a law unto themselves what is going to happen.
It makes the Cromwellian, dictatorial Union-Jack Cromwellian Parliament seem a bit antiquated, in the methods they are trying to utilized, which it is felt by me a lot of Members of Parliament MPs are in sabotage non-agreement conflict mode towards any agreement, so they which as dictators and not really leaders which are being lead by their respective, constituencies can force non agreement, and force what they of England want, but not they of Scotland want for the people of the United Kingdom.
Mark Stephen Elliott
Cost of maintaining a border in Ireland, for less than 3% would be financially extremely high.
Bring back the violence upon these borderers which had already been many times genocided by the kingdoms of Scotland and England who’s flags make up the Union Jack, with no colo(u)r of green in the flag. If it is a United Kingdom inclusive of the North of Ireland then where is the green in the Union-Jack? The American, flag, has fifty stars, for fifty states, and 13 stripes, for the thirteen colonies (freedom from NO VOTING Tories). But the Union-Jack does only represents the flags of Scotland, and England. There is no green in the flag for the annexed plantation of Ulster.
This flag of Scotland, England, and Ulster, as truly a United Kingdom.
The party of peace is the party of no border, no violence.
I am very thankful for the research of;
Robert Bruce Armstrong, of Edinburgh, Scotland
Who’s known for;
The Irish and the Highland Harps by R B Armstrong
Election over May 24, 2019. Win or loose Border Brexit is the concern for Ireland.
His work which helped the most is;
The history of Liddesdale, Eskdale, Ewesdale, Wauchopedale and the Debateable land,
by Robert Bruce Armstrong. Published: Edinburgh, D. Douglas, 1883.
The party of genocidal extermination is the party of the Cromwellian dictatorship, of a NO VOTE on a BACKSTOP, in hopes a hard border of Cromwellian genocidal violence and the “transportation of slaves to The Colonies”, can be put in place.
UK did to my family was exiling them to County Fermanagh, Ultser, and “transporting the as slaves to the colonies”, most likely the same thing happened to Neil Alden Armstrong, Langholm, Scotland descendants also. The Armstrong, Elliott, Nixon, and Crozier, are of the Middle March Scottish side of the Border family. Nixon as president fifty years ago saw an Armstrong put the first step onto the moon.
Our family which got rid of you Cromwellian dictatorial genocidal, NO VOTING TORIES in 1776, and as the American Plantation, which I feel the Ulster Plantation needs to do, we created our own nation. Back in 1776 we created the United States of America.
5/9/2019 MSE
Only people such as Nazi’s, which would want to bring back the violence on people they want to get rid of, and would support bringing back the border to Ireland. This is considering the extremely high cost of having and maintaining a border which all on the border would ally themselves against, like they allied themselves against the genocidal parliamentarian dictator Cromwell at one time.
This is what I think of Scotland’s democratic system;
As an American of the United States an Elliott, I believe in the people of Langholm, Scotland, the Bauld Buccleuch, and the Armstrong. Nicola Sturgeon, you have words which do not mean much to me, unless you do not desecrate my sacred homeland and my home place that of Clan Elliott, The Hermitage Castle with a wind farm obscurely called with a place name not The Hermitage Castle Wind Farm, but Windy Edge which is north of land my family once owned at Gorrenberry, now referred to as Gorrenberry Farms along with the people of Gorrenberry House do not want this wind farm. Nicola Sturgeon for you to expect United States citizens to listen to you, like the Bauld Buccleuch, you must listen to them first.
Unless, Scotland recognizes the Border Clans, which were a part of their standing army at the time of Robert The Bruce, and protect their ancestral lands where they do not have to defend them against a despotic Scottish government they may be able to go back to protecting Scotland from a despotic English government. Before one can have a democratic state it must recognize their constituency even if they were Reivers defending Scotland when it was truly a separate kingdom from that of England.
With our chief Margaret Eliott, we are able to conquer the world.
Guy Hewitt: Barbados remembers Scots heritage on St Andrew’s Day by GUY HEWITT 11/30/2016 (November 30th, is St Andrew’s Day)
Descendants of Scots as the English Parliament says like my family transported as slaves to the colonies;
My family did not get to end up in sunny Barbados, they ended up with those dang Puritans, in Massachusetts refugees of the Salem Trials with their Cromwellian Parliamentarian, dictatorial attitude. Lucky there were natives of America, we first lived among.
Americans, which resettle from Scotland and Ulster go back to what is now the UK, to find roots, and do not really want their home places desecrated, like what is being proposed by obscurely named Windy Edge wind farm, but would be better described as Hermitage Castle wind farm.
A place of history for the Scotts, home place for the border Elliott, The Hermitage Castle;
Wind farm battle over Scottish castle
A Pilgrimage to the Elliot Clan Gathering By Laird James Bruce Battles & Laird James Elliott Battles
[Rick Kemp]
Some were hung, some sent away
To Ireland and the low countries
Great was the price they had to pay
God bless their memory
And god bless you and me
By Robert Bell, of Ulster, Ireland, in 1994, after the violence settled down for the North of Ireland, without a Brexit-European Union Border;
“Sheep stealers from the north of England the”: Riding Clans in Ulster by Robert Bell copy PDF
“Sheep stealers from the north of England”: the Riding Clans in Ulster by Robert Bell net PDF
“Schafdieb aus dem Norden Englands”: Die Riding Clans in Ulster von Robert Bell PDF
Tullykelter Castle – English Wikipedia
The Academic Study of Ulster-Scots: Essays for and by Robert J. Gregg PDF
Steeleye Span recorded their bass player
Rick Kemp’s song Peace on the Border
for their album Back in Line
Published on Nov 8, 2014
Provided to YouTube by Entertainment One Distribution US
Peace On The Border · Steeleye Span
Album Back in Line
Peace On The Border
After the riding we dispersed
We drifted home in twos and threes
Through cold and rain we spat and cursed
This ancient war of families
Margaret Elliot (correct spelling of 29th chief of Redheugh-Stobs is Eliott) talks about how the
BBC Four Smailholm Tower (above) and the Border Reivers
Reivers were opportunists who were a law unto themselves. (Broadcast: 8/5/2008)
Last statement of BBC Smailholm Tower presentation; …..the most famous even reached the moon; Neil Armstrong.
Clan Armstrong Scotland’s Clans Series 1 Episode 1 of 6
Armies past and then returned
They killed and raped, they stole and burnt
So from the cradle we have learnt
To be as hard as stone
And learned to stand alone
Clan Armstrong Scotland’s Clans Series 1 Episode 1 of 6
Cloak and dagger, crime on crime
Anarchy in the borderlands
The king’s men came with a valentine
To break to power of the border clans
Neil Armstrong: 25 Oct 2012: Scottish Parliament debates …
Oct 25, 2012 – That the Parliament notes with sadness the death of Neil Armstrong, the first … With great pleasure, I offer a few words in memory of Commander Neil Alden Armstrong, who ….. I thank Bill McArthur for sending me those words.
Ancestral Home of the Clan Armstrong
Press Release
Gilnockie Tower Anniversary Weekend – Press Release Short PDF
Colin Armstrong came up with the idea that as Gilnockie Tower was 500 years old and that 2019 was the 50th anniversary of the moon landing, a celebration event should be held. The moon
landing was on 20th July 1969 followed by the historical steps taken onto the moon on the 21st July
1969. To commemorate these historical events, a special anniversary weekend is taking place at
Gilnockie Tower on the weekend of 20th and 21st July 2019.
The History of Liddesdale, Eskdale, Ewesdale, Wauchopedale, and the Debateable Land
Robert Bruce Armstrong
Neil Alden Armstrong hometown Langholm, Scottish Borders, reported by FIONA ARMSTRONG BBC NEWS
Some were hung, some sent away
To Ireland and the low countries
Great was the price they had to pay
God bless their memory
And god bless you and me
The broken towers that stand today
Stand for peace and order
Reminding us until the day
That we need no more borders
Living among the Glendenning of Mt Ayr (Ayr, like with Robert Burns), Iowa, USA
Dad is Loren
Glendinning is a place name in Scotland;
Glendinning, Eskdale 1654 Blaeu map
The Old Schoolhouse – Glendinning Farm Cottages, Langholm, Scotland, UK
Mount Ayr (Bobbie Burns birthplace; Ayr) Record-News
Mount Ayr, Ringgold County, Iowa
Thursday, September 15, 2011
Glendenning wins title at Corning speedway
GLENDENNING was especially pleased that Dick ELLIOTT (first cousin) helped get the new car back in action…
A giant leap for an ‘Ulsterman’…
Distant Irish relatives mourn moonwalker Neil Armstrong
To have a change of name from MacManus to McManus within Ulster indicates a change to the protestants, which would be Anglican at first, evolving to Episcopalian, then Methodists, because of the lack of Presbyterians in region. The displaced from the Scottish Border Reivers were Anglican like the Hamilton family which were landholders of the region. Not Comwell was a Puritan, and the Hamilton like Charles II were Anglicans, this is why my Elliott family of Tullykelter, Co Fermanagh, Ulster, Ireland fought one the side of the Hamilton, which the Alexander Hamilton, First Secretary of the Treasury, with and opera named after him, family of Nevis Island with a Charlestown on it were as the Tories laugh at; transported as slaves to the colonies.
Breaking the deadlock: O’Donnell backs a confirmatory Brexit vote
When we were Ellot (spelling in c.1630 Ulster muster) on the borders, could we married those English women.
(hate to admit it but the English women we married are likely those Graham and Anderson women)
That president of ours does not know where a hard border should go. It should go between Texas and New Mexico, not New Mexico, and Old Mexico. It’s been over a century ago since Pancho Villa, attacked us at Columbus, New Mexico, USA.
A lot of those Texan’s are descended from Borderers also, and they also have ballads. A ballad writing culture was brought from the Scottish Borderlands, into Ulster, Ireland, and onto the United States. Tennessee and Texas, are known for country music which contain ballads.
If I were to ride the commons you would have to provide me with a western or Mexican saddle, not an English saddle.
Americans even the ones from Texas (border commit, since I am from New Mexico and we share about a 600mi/1,oookm border with Texas), like to return home to Ulster, and kind of concerned about our relations along those borders, like of Northern Ireland about half the length of our Texas-New Mexico Border, and our border is more than six times as longer than the Scottish Border. Though they seem to make a fuss over the one which Texas and New Mexico, share with Old Mexico, an international border. Guess our hard border is between the US and Mexico, and the soft border is between Texas and New Mexico. Hope you all in Ireland can keep a border like that one, and not a hard border like we have with Mexico.
Family came over from Tullykelter on the Cromwellian Plan. Those dang McDaniel, people most likely influenced a good Scottish Andrew nicknamed Dan to become Daniel. Those McConnell, which I feel related to are relatives and of the 1610 Ulster Muster.
The British Parliamentary Cromwellian Plan which seem to meet their approval;
Could you imagine marrying a Graham. Guess those Graham got better after their move to Ulster.
The Armstrong, Elliott, and Johnston, of County Fermanagh, Ulster, Northern Ireland, their ancestors certainly have had experience in making a hard border separating the kingdom of Scotland, from the kingdom of England. Do they really need another hard border?
It is read from my Y-DNA, Mark Elliott, the genocide of Elliott from the English-Scottish Borderlands;
Fermanagh South Tyrone, where President Nixon, and Neil Armstrong ancestries are from; candidates for office.
The rest of the United Kingdom how would you vote if you shared a border with the European Union? If you did not have us, Armstrong, Elliott, Johnston, and other Border Reiving families on the border between the European Union and Brexit, and shared a border with the European Union, a border which was in conflict, but now has Peace on the Border.
Elliots from Scotland arrived in Ulster during the Plantation of 1609.
Easy to see that those which voted for Brexit in Northern Ireland, did not have a border with Northern Ireland.
Yes, the village of Newtownbutler in above map.
With a Border, I guess you want to bring back us Armstrong, Elliott, and Johnston living in County Fermanagh as Borderers.
May be the Border Reivers; Armstrong, Elliott, and Johnston, of County Fermanagh can not be without a border.
‘Sheep stealers from the north of England’: the Riding Clans in Ulster by Robert Bell
Elliot and Armstrong reiver, answer to religious differences;
A sixteenth century traveller in what was known as the ‘cockpit’ of the Borders, on finding no churches, asked a Borderer ‘Are there no Christians in Liddesdale?’. To which he was answered ‘Na, we’s all Elliots and Armstrongs’! ‘Sheep stealers from the north of England’: the Riding Clans in Ulster by Robert Bell
Note; Hermitage was transferred from the Douglas Earls of Angus to the Hepburn of Bothwell about 1500, an it was a James Hepburn of Bothwell near Glasgow, which became Mary’s husband;
In Mathematical Physics, his main teacher was Professor Peter Paul Ewald, …
How Brexit threatens Irish science’s cross-border collaboration
The ‘People of the British Isles’ project and Viking settlement in England – PDF
Jane Kershaw1 & Ellen C. Røyrvik
Paul Peter Ewald, Fellow of the Royal Society (b.Jan 23,1888 Berlin, Germany – Aug 22,1985 Ithaca, NY, USA), 1937 he emigrated and took a position at Cambridge. Today also German, UK and US scientists will choose to employ themselves in regions of free thought.
Moffat(t), Moffet, of Uslter muster c.1630;
The R. J. Hunter Collection Ulster muster c.1630
For Elliot use Ellot, Scott use Scot, Irvine use Irwin, and Johnson use Johnston, 1630 Ulster spellings.
Armstrong, Armstrang, Armestrang, and Armestrong, County Fermanagh, Ulster muster c.1630;
ELLOT of Fermanagh, Ulster 1630;
JOHNSTON of Fermanagh, Ulster 1630;
Borders National Park
Travel firm AC Group targets Scottish ‘hotbed’ Saturday 29 December 2018
Neil Alden Armstrong Scottish Borders National Park
Auld Mid Raw last part sung by Iain H. Scott, words by James Thomson;
In pictures: James Thomson statue
Though Queen Elizabeth, may not have approved, but Gorrenberry, along with the warden on the Scottish side Buccleuch, were in on this rescue of Kinmont Willie Armstrong from Carlisle Castle;
History Hunters – Border reivers – the Walter Scott team
History Hunters – Ballad of Kinmont Willie;
There is a story of the Harden of Scott, being influenced by Quaker George Fox. They just laughed it off like the Tories laughed off Scots being transported as slaves to the colonies.
La Prision d’Édimbourg (The Prision of Edinburgh)
By Walter Scott
2 There is an old proverb which assures that truth be told by laughing. The existence Walter Scott third son of Sir William Scott of Harden is educated as they say by charter bearing the great seal Domino William Scott of Harden militi and Walter Scott “suo legitimo tertio genito terrarum” (world,legitimate begotten) of Roberton. (See the Baronage of Douglas page 215). The old gentleman left his four sons considerable estates and gave those of Eilrig de Raeburn to his third. He who is the ancestor of Scott Raeburn and Waverly. author 11 Appears to have converted to the Quakers or Friends’ doctrine and became a great advocate of principles. It was probably when George Fox, the apostle of the sect, made a nun in the north of Scotland about 1657 AD.
Langhame (Langholme);
Kinmont’s tower on Serk/Sark Flu near his spot of burial is shown, along with Hollas/Hollows of John Armstrong known as Gilnockie hung with Elwald-Ellot in 1530 (another border ballad). Tower still standing.
Map shows in 1590 where; Will Ellot, goodman of Gorrenberry, and John Ellott, called of the Copshawe, family moved from the north end of today’s new Newcastleton north. Rober Ellot of Redhuegh is at Larriston on as shown on map. Also shows locality of Hermitage (Armitage), and Martin Ellot family.
Can you believe this? Still today there is a Bauld Buccleuch; Richard Scott Duke of Buccleuch.
Would take the three Dukes, of Buccluech, of Roxburghe (Cessford “brother” to Ferniehirst), of Northumberland, over any of the Ministry of the Scottish, Government and all the Members of Parliament you have. They feud like family because they are family, and part of the family of borderers, which their descendants will be living in the borderlands. These are the people I trust to not genocide my values or the values of people still living on the borders. This migration of borderers from the borderlands is a modern day of exile needs to stop.
No wind turbines, but a Scottish Borderlands National Park;
Wind farms threaten Scotland’s future national parks
(should note; Iain is part of a Hawick ‘hoik’ Scottish border ballad singing-writing-comedy group Scocha; Iain Scott-Chapmann, David Chappy pronounced Scotia)
Feasibility study for a proposed Scottish Borders National Park
Campaign for a Scottish Borders National Park
Neil Alden Armstrong Scottish Borders National Park
Neil Armstrong – in the Scottish Parliament on 25th October 2012.
Willie Coffey Scottish National Party (part of one of many)
With great pleasure, I offer a few words in memory of Commander Neil Alden Armstrong, who died in August this year.
As everyone surely knows, Commander Armstrong was the first man to set foot on the moon on 20 July 1969. From that moment, he became a hero to not only the American people, but the people of the world. His carefully prepared line:
That’s one small step for man; one giant leap for mankind,
People from Indiana and the mid-west US, speak with a soft a; which needs insertion; That’s one small step for (a) man; one giant leap for mankind
My hero did something special about a century earlier where no place on the surface of the earth was this happening, but in Wyoming. Gives reason why Neil Armstrong did insert a soft a. With it well planned out in 1969 one would consider because of the women’s rights movement, equal work equal pay an so on it would have been improper to say man and not refer to women. In 1869 in Wyoming for equal work as a teacher, women received equal pay, and in Wyoming because of my hero Esther Hobart Morris, Justice of the peace, Wyoming was the only place on the surface of the earth in which women could vote. It took about fifty more years for women to vote throughout the US and the UK, about the length of time since Neil Alden Armstrong stepped onto the moon.
which he said as he stepped from the ladder of the lunar module on to the moon’s powdery surface, is surely one of the most significant and enduring quotations in human history. It announced that we, as a species, had made the first journey from earth to another world.
Neil Armstrong was born in Ohio in America in 1930. He was the oldest of three children and was of Scottish and German ancestry. I have no doubt that other members will reflect on his family connections with Langholm. I have watched a clip of the 1972 ceremony, and it is possible to see the sense of pride that Neil Armstrong had in his Scottish roots when he accepted an invitation, only three years after the landing, to become a freeman of the muckle toon.
Only if the a Scottish Minister is supporting peace on the Scottish Borders, they have already made it known of their support of a Scottish Borders National Park. Otherwise they are supporting desecration of the region called the Middle Shires by wind farms, where the feasibility of the region drops in it becoming a Scottish Borders Peace Park, joined with Northumberland National Park on the English side of the border.
There can be no great accomplishment without risk – Neil Armstrong
Scottish Borders Greens Published on Apr 5, 2017 (election obviously over)
Charles Strang is an architect-planner based in St Boswells since 1979. He has worked for planning authorities, for the National Trust for Scotland (latterly as board Director responsible for its buildings, collections, gardens and policies), and on his own account.
He is a Vice-President of the Association for the Protection of Rural Scotland, Committee Member of the Scottish Campaign for National Parks, (both bodies are promoting a Scottish Borders National Park), and a Director of the Southern Uplands Partnership.
Charles Strang makes a good point that England has a Borders National Park, called the Northumberland National Park. The USA has Glacier National Park borders Canada’s Waterton Lakes National Park. With the history of families around the world displaced from the Scottish Borders into Ireland, the Low Countries, and the English Colonies, what type of government is Nicolas Sturgeon’s Scottish Ministry, utilizing Scottish Corporation such as Muirhall Energy Ltd, to destroy the National Park attributes by supporting the placement of electric generating wind turbines next to the greatest historical archaeological ancestral iconic structure the borders has to provide is that of The Hermitage Castle? It is a continuum of genocidal history of those borderers which are to this day still relocating because of non representation, and dictatorial demands by their Scottish government such as that they must incorporate Muirhall Energy Ltd electric generating wind turbines into the landscape of The Hermitage Castle.
It is felt a great bulk of the tourists will be descendants to those families which once lived in the Borderlands of Scotland, from what were once the English Colonies. Preservation is important for those families returning to their ancestral homelands.
Armstrong is the strongest English-Scottish border name to be found. The name Neil (Gaelic), Alden (Anglo), takes on many of the names passed onto The Colonies, and the most recognizable border individual is that of Neil Alden Armstrong, which also has German roots. This name will serve people of the English-Scottish borders to bring the international tourist. It is felt that from the international community the greatest draw which the tourist will come from. The international community is drawn to Grand Canyon National Park. It is felt that a Neil Alden Armstrong Scottish National Park, would be a big drawing card for so many Americans, which ancestors came from The Borderlands of England and Scotland.
If the Dukes of Buccleuch, Roxburghe, instrumented the Neil Alden Armstrong, Scottish Borders National Park, and got together with the Duke of Northumberland, to combine it with the Northumberland National Park, a long time coming, it would be better than a Middle Shires, like Waterton of Canada combined with Glacier of the USA to make Waterton Glacier Peace Park; Northumberland combined with Armstrong could be a Northumberland Armstrong Peace Park.
Clan Elliot 29th Chief Margaret Eliott’s invitation to visit The Borders;
(Extremely knowledgeable in family history research on Clan Elliot.)
As you can see above a reenactment group The Borderers is helping out.
8/25/2018 MSE Revision 11/7/2018-2/14/2019 MSE
The Reivers – Making of the Borders Alistair Moffat (2)
The Reivers by Alistair Moffat
The Reivers (paperback) — £10
The above published by the father of today’s 29th Clan Elliot Chief Margaret Eliott, of Redheugh-Larriston-Stobs, Sir Arthur Eliott the 28th chief and his mother, Lady Dora Eliott of Stobs.
11/18/2018 MSE
July 20, 1969, Nixon as president watches an Armstrong putting the first step on the moon.
Did see, candidate Richard M. Nixon run for president. The one who won Kennedy, first Catholic president, said the US would put a man on the moon by the end of the decade. The one who lost Nixon, was president when it happened. Was one of the few which voted for the Vietnam War peace candidate McGovern, but it was a Quaker, a Nixon, which pulled the US out of Vietnam, and was noted for his visit to China.
Milhaus; mill-haus, where haus is German for house it becomes mill house, the house of a mill.
Mom’s mom a Ryan, from southern Ireland.
Land ownership of Redheugh-Larriston acquired in the late, fifteenth century, was put in question by Buccleuch. Walter Scot of Edschan/Edshaw, is the son of David Scot of Buccleuch. Gorrenberry, was represented at both times. Willielmo Elwaldo de goranbery 1489, his descendant; William Ellot of Gorrumberrie 1613. John Crosar, and Quyntin Crosar ie Crozier, are witnesses to the land.
Clan CROZIER Border Reivers Teespring tee shirt.
11/19/2018 MSE
Of the Middle March Clans; Armstrong, Elliott, Nixon and Crozier.
11/23/2018 MSE
What’s in a Name? Allegiance, for Border Reivers
Ancestry: Clans of plunderers operated between England and Scotland from the 14th to 17th centuries. Forebears of U.S. presidents may have been among them.
Reivers by Name;
The 74 family names in surviving documents about the Border Reivers:
Archbold, Armstrong, Beattie, Bell, Burns, Carleton, Carlisle, Carnaby, Carrs, Carruthers, Chamberlain, Charlton, Charleton, Collingwood, Crisp, Croser, Crozier, Cuthbert, Dacre, Davison, Dixon, Dodd, Douglas, Dunne, Elliot, Fenwick, Forster, Graham, Gray, Hall, Hedley, Henderson, Heron, Hetherington, Hume, Irvine, Irving, Johnstone (Johnson), Kerr, Laidlaw, Little, Lowther, Maxwell, Milburn, Musgrove, Nixon, Noble, Ogle, Oliver, Potts, Pringle, Radcliffe, Reade, Ridley, Robson, Routledge, Rutherford, Salkeld, Scott, Selby, Shaftoe, Simpson, Storey, Tailor, Tait, Taylor, Trotter, Turnbull, Wake, Watson, Wilson, Woodrington, Yarrow, Young
What’s in a Name? Allegiance, for Border Reivers
Associated Press
First man on the moon Neil Armstrong in secret visit to Scotland.. to …
The Scottish Middle March, 1573-1625: Power, Kinship, Allegiance
By Anna Groundwater
Am fairly certain, that I’m related to James Elwald, that treasonous traitor which rode with Branxholme. Suspect a relative of yours Buck, mean his grace the Duke of Buccleuch. Notice that you supported James VI, and my gang the Armstrong the major part of it we all followed, supported Mary Queen of Scots, and defended The Hermitage Castle. The Protestants took James VI/I away from his mother Mary Queen of Scotts, Catholic. Though Buck, you and Prince William which I like he’s a Spencer like my dad’s mom, are illegitimately descended from Charles II, which my family as Anglican, Episcopalian Royalist fought for against Cromwell. Tories in the UK Parliament laugh at us; being transported Scots as slaves to the colonies.
As an American, would take greater pride in being associated to the European Union, then the despotic United Kingdom. With today’s technology, as Germany has shown it is easy to communicate with others in the European Union, and benefit from what each has to offer.
Tories take note;
Tories take note; Family fought on side of Catholic Queen Mary of Scotland, exiled to County Fermanagh Ulster. Fought on side of Charles II transported as slaves to The Colonies. Got rid of you Tories in our American Revolution. Loved the Catholic; neither the Plantation of Ulster or America needs the Tories. It was good reddens for the American Colony.
When I was able to get back into today’s Scotland with Buck (Duke of Buccleuch), and Roxy (Cessford now Duke of Roxburghe), still around with my genealogy that was a great joy, but noting they were feuding like the Hatfields and McCoys did not find that too favorable/favourable though. If Buck and Roxy can stop their feuding we may be able to bring peace to the Borderlands.
Though I know you are related to Mary Queen of Scots, people need to know you had a break in your Y-DNA, and not until becoming a descendant of Charles II, last of his known illegitimate sons; though Anglican, and Catholic on his death bed he stayed married, and his wife did not produce children.
Buck your wife is right, there sure is a lot of misunderstanding about you, you could use some image improvement. Your certainly are much better than those governmental people, but you do not beat those Armstrong.
James Elwald, was a traitor to James V, which hung Gilnockie, and his gallant company of Armestrang-Armstrang- Armstrong and now the name is Elliott.
Though the Armstrong, and the Clan Elliot Chief, and would you believe a Walter (Walter a noted Scott name but uncommon among Elliot), Elliot border historian from Selkirk also recognizes the Elwald line. It is like they want to write my line out of their history.
The greatest honor a despotic, can bestow on an ancestor is that of traitor, and I wish that Nicola Sturgeon Head Ministry of the Scottish Government, in the despotic manner in which wind turbines are placed on my ancestral lands in the borders, it would be with great honor if she would call me a traitor.
The Scots in Teviotdale hid away Andrew (alias Dan) from the Douglas, and when he visited Gorrenberry, his second son’s family, sister’s son to a Clement Crosar/Crozier, a Hob Elwode ie Robert Elliott, better known as Clementis Hob, living in Gorrenberry would make-up this story about a Cowie which would come to help the Elliott family out. Guess since people do not believe I exist today, over in Scotland, I get to be that Cowie.
Wha daur Meddle wi Me: A history of the Elliot “Riding” family – From the 14th to the 17th century
To Derek James Stewart for killing off my family line of Andrew-Dan-Daniel forenames, and of Elwald-Ellot-Elliot surnames, to you I say; Wha daur Meddle wi Me.
12/17/2018 Mark Stephen Elliott
Derek James Stewart, family was on the side of Mary Stuart Catholic Queen of Scots, not Protestant James VI, and rode as Ulster Scots with the Hamilton in support of Charles II, then transported as slaves to the colony of Massachusetts, about 1650, from loosing the Cromwellian Civil War. Gilbert of Golden Garters, son William at first supported the ideologies of Sir John Eliot an English Cornwall-St German-French Brenton of Aliot in southern France line, and at first changed name towards the French Breton name of Eliot, single l&t. William then started to side with the Hamiltonian Royalist Scots supporters of Charles II, then evolved the Stobs family name into Eliott, to differentiate it from the Cromwellian Parliamentarians. Since Cromwell was usurping land, as a Cromwellian Civil War Tax, to save the estate, and to retain it for future generations, William Eliott of Stobs son of Gilbert of Golden Garters, hung himself. Gilbert of Golden Garters received a large dowry to marry into the Buccleuch-Harden family. Gilbert’s mother was supposedly the sister of Buccleuch. Did you every hear of a Margaret Kidd from Saughtree? One of the daughters of Robert Ellot XV was named after her.
The lineage of the chieftain change by Buccleuch influence, and went down the Stobs line. Since the Stobs line supported Charles II, with at first leanings towards the Presbyterian cause, William’s first son Gilbert became Sir Gilbert Eliott of Stobs. The chief does hold Redheugh lineage, though there are those which may think that it should travel down aristocratic male lines, the chieftain of Clan Elliot is down the Redheugh line, which retains the family history. Margaret the 29th chieftain, the first female has made an excellent clan chief. She has a son but her son does not have offspring so eventually the line clan line will travel done the daughter’s family, which I assure you will be an excellent clan line, knowing the representation the clan has received from Margaret.
Though historically family supported Mary Stuart, and Charles II, our first loyalty is to the Middle March family of Armstrong, Nixon and Crozier.
Derek James Stewart, since you do not seem to recognize that for an Elliot, I carry a very rare among Elliot(t) R-U106, Y-DNA of a Proto-Germanic-Saxon-Anglo line, of which the name Elwald-Saxon was generated from. It seems as though you subscribe to the thought of supporting the established Scottish government, and their despotic attitude with their Scottish wind turbine firm to place wind turbines anywhere they feel free to in the Scottish Borders, and that is why your present day ministerial government of Scotland is supporting people which do not have an Elliot(t) surname which say the Elwald line never existed, and today that is why in Scotland I exist as a Cowie of Gorrenberry, trying again to help Clan Elliot. Seem to have a brother-in-law the Armstrong like which also supports the concept that the Elwald line does not exits, though the Armstrong support the concept it does exist. One of the basic rules of genealogy in order to get it correct, no manner what conflicts may incur with the in-laws, you do not get rid of them. Because if you do you can not get the genealogy correct.
12/18/2018 Mark Stephen Elliott
History Hunters – Ballad of Kinmont Willie Armstrong.
Wonder where those Armstrong, Elliot, Nickson, Little, Beattie, Thomson, Irving, Bell, Johnstone, Glendinning, Routlege, Henderson, and Scott of Ewisdale, which fought for Mary, Queen of Scots ended up;
And if any of those notorious Thevis, are related by Y-DNA?
Family Tree DNA – Clan Irwin Surname DNA Study
Happy 57th Steve Irwin, 2/22/2019 MSE
Why couldn’t my name be a McElliott or something like that? Finding that one certainly can not choose, with the exception of spouse, ones relatives.
Mary, Queen of Scots (1971 film), Hermitage Castle at time soldier by Clan Ellot (Elliot/Eliott).
That today the Bauld Buccleuch; Richard Scott resides in Langholm, where the castle of the Armstrong is at, where Neil Alden Armstrong, ancestry starts, and where the Border Reivers including the Armstrong, Elliott, and Nixon of the Middle March, fought on the side of Mary Stuart, Queen of Scotland.
12/23/2018 MSE
A hardening of the Irish border would be damaging to the peace process
EU Reporter be)
Published on Dec 3, 2017
Dr Katy Hayward of the Queen’s Universtiy of Belfast explains how EU membership was a fundamental baseline for the Good Friday Agreement (GFA). A recent study carried out by Hayward of the mid-border region found that people surveyed would find a hardening of the border as damaging to the peace process and undermining to the 1998 (GFA) agreement. (added 4/3/2019)
1/9/2018 MSE
1/19/2019 MSE
Hopsrig gets Scottish appeal lift-off
Buccleuch Energy wins right to build 42MW project in Dumfries and Galloway
29 January 2019
Scottish ministers have given the green light to Buccleuch Energy’s 42MW Hopsrig wind farm in Dumfries and Galloway.
BBC-Wind farm near Langholm approved on appeal 29 January 2019
A council’s refusal of a wind farm described as “overly prominent and overwhelming” by officials has been overturned on appeal.
As expected; the Scottish Government, is enslaved by the wind farm industry and does not follow the wishes of it’s constituency.
1/30/2019 MSE
Muirhall Energy Ltd, is a Scottish firm regulated by the Scottish Ministerial Government.
A government that supersedes the wishes of it’s constituency is a despotic government.
Lets see if Brexit is created against the wishes of it’s people with a hard border, which in the past was noted for conflict. If so it will identify the UK as an English Kingdom which governs against the wishes of Ulster-Northern Ireland, and not Scotland because it is a pawn a puppet government of England, installing wind farms where they are not wanted and desecrating the lands of people which they genocide in the borderlands, and today do not have a saying about the ancestral land they had to move off of or be killed if they stayed upon it. The hard border is to be placed around these border family pushed off the Scottish-English border, where they now live in County Fermanagh, Ulster, Northern Ireland.
To ancestors of border reivers how does the Union Jack, differ from the Swastika Flag?
1/3/2019 MSE
Germany lost WWII, and has parks of peace for people they genocide. The Border Reivers supported Catholic, Mary Queen of Scots, which was beheaded, and son James, taken raised by the Scottish Protestants. When Queen Elizabeth of England died leaving no heir to the English throne, James VI king of Scotland, became also became James I of England, and utilized the English army to exterminate the Border Reivers which acted as the Scottish army. This was a genocide of those on the Scottish side of the Borders. The Kingdom became United, as symbolized by their flag the Union Jack. Since they are the winners, the Scottish Government as with the Scottish Kingdom is now of England, and acts in a fashion of the English army to genocide the archaeological history, by having a wind farm place next to a castle my ancestors for the grain (support) of Martin Ellot (Angus-Scots spelling), brother to Robert of Redheugh-Larriston, soldiered for James Bothwell and Mary Queen of Scots. The English winners get to persist with their genocide of the sacred lands of my ancestors, by industrializing going out of there way to place a wind farm next to The Hermitage Castle on a land which even James VI of Scotland as James I of England thought should be preserved for peace as a Middle Shires.
2/1/2019 MSE
added 3/19/2019; It is important to realize, for the most part people lived on lease land which the stewards of the land would protect. For my family it was mainly the Scott, landholders of Teviotdale, safely away from the border. Though my family managed land for the Hepburn (Northumberland name) of Bothwell (estate near Glasgow previously land of Douglas, which when Bothwell obtained the land of Hermitage Castle, the Bothwell estate was to be transferred back to the Douglas family) of The Hermitage Castle, the owner was William Ellot Goodman (landholder) of O'(living over) Gorrenberry East of the Hermitage Castle. If Sir Walter Scott of Buccleuch did not support the future king James of both kingdoms, he would have lost his estate, and not be any use to people of the land. He was able to establish the line of Stobs-Redhuegh, related to my line of Gorrenberry, which also supported relations Stobs line in their landholdings, and likely passed on knowledge of land management. The Teviotdale Scotts did a lot to support this line where it obtained knighthood. The lost of the knighthood, which I am happy to see by having an only child a daughter, which certainly has my support as chief, along with her lineage.
The Hume/Home did assist families of borders to get settled in the region of Tullykelter where my line settled; https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Tullykelter_Castle
One thing I really hate to say; That Bauld Buccleuch, RICHARD SCOTT, is really just one of us BORDER REIVERS.
22/2019 MSE
Can technology and ‘max fac’ solve the Irish border question? Expert explains
May 23, 2018 5.29am
One time I received a ticket from AZ photo radar. The legislature passed a law against it, and the governor signed the bill. In Star Valley, Arizona, USA, there is no longer technology for speed control. If you plan on having people which approve it, making rules for the management of the technology it fails.
2/7/2018 MSE
3/18/2019 MSE
“Irishman, Scotsman and Englishman at a bar, Englishman wanted to leave, so everybody had to leave”
Will Brexit Stop at the Irish Border?
New York Times Published on Mar 12, 2019
3/21/2019 MSE
Roots of the Scots-Irish – ‘From Here to the White House’. (Wilson). Exclude the part saying Presbyterian. How about Nixon, likely reiver-Anglican, then Quaker, ancestry?
Basically; (O’-Galic Irish), (Mc- Presbyterian from Mac- Catholic Gaelic Scots), (-son Anglo-Scandinavian) (Armstrong; the army strong of an independent kingdom of Scotland before James VI of Scotland became James I of England and form a kingdom to genocide them, their history, and their lands of the border reivers, especially; Armstrong, Elliot, Nixon, and Crozier, the Middle March family).
First time a in the US presidential campaign a Quaker ran against a Catholic, the Quaker born in Iowa and worked as a mine engineer, like myself, and died during my life time Herbert Hoover won. He was put in charged of feeding programs in Europe after WWI&II. Second war he as a Republican was assisting the Democrat Truman. Did see the next Quaker Nixon which ran against a Catholic from Massachusetts a Kennedy, which said he was going to put a man on the moon by the end of the decade, the looser to that election Nixon did see it happen as president.
The only state Democrat McGovern took in the 1972 election was Massachusetts. Voted for him because he was said to be the peace candidate when Vietnam war was on. Nixon pulled the troops out of Vietnam, and opened up relations with China. A country which voted overwhelmingly for him wanted to see him impeached.
When the Democrats and Republicans work together within a decade a Nixon as president, can see an Armstrong putting the first step on the moon.
Democracy is what is voted on. Dictatorship is what is dictated;
Voted on;
Brexit with a Backstop.
Ulster Plantation, near the border in County Fermanagh, was a place of exile for Border Reivers at the time of James VI of Scotland, James I of England, son of beheaded, Catholic Mary Queen of Scots which was taken by the Protestants. It is those Protestants, of the United Kingdom which are against the backstop which are supporting the concept of ancestors of reivers and native Irish killing themselves off. This is a modern method of border genocide supported by despotic government. Families such as Armstrong, Elliott, and Johnston, and those which rode with them , are now world wide future trading partners of the UK when Brexit goes through. You, the UK may want to consider how you want to treat these future trading partners in your Brexit agreement.
May addresses MPs concerns about the Irish backstop
FRANCE 24 English Published on Nov 26, 2018
President Obama on the influence of Ulster settlers on America. BBC in Belfast.
Published on Jun 18, 2013
3/24/2019 MSE
About 370 years ago, my many great Daniel Elliot, as today’s Cromwellian United Kingdom Parliament laughs at like Germans during WWII use to laugh at Jews being slaves; was transported as a slave to the American Colony. It would have not been so bad, but he ended up in Massachusetts.
His grandfather Daniel Elliott, was banished from both kingdoms in 1607, and by 1610, lived in Tullykelter, County Fermanagh of the Ulster Plantation. Family of Gorrenberry left behind were most likely genocide (hung), with their peel tower taken to the ground. This is just west of The Hermitage Castle, and today the people of Gorrenberry, are against a nearby Gorrenberry-Hermitage Castle wind farm, called by an obscure name Windy Edge wind farm.
The words of the constituency against are being totally ignored by Nicola Sturgeon who is going beyond genocide of these border people but to the genocide of their history like they never existed, as the United Kingdom has accuse Germany of doing with the Jews, they themselves are doing with the ancestors of border reivers.
3/25/2019 MSE
46 years of terrorist attacks in Europe, visualized
By Chris Alcantara Updated: July 17, 2017
Keeping the Peace | THE IRISH TIMES
added 4/30/2019
Northern Ireland, is less than 3% of the population of the UK. Considering the costs of having a EU-Brexit Border, it seems to give corrections to people which think politicians need their heads examined. No border in Ireland is the way to go for peace, and profit. (added 4-9-2018)
3/29/2019 MSE
Those who voted for Brexit in Northern Ireland, do not have a border with the Republic of Ireland.
AP Archive; (1 Apr 2019) Sinn Fein President Mary Lou McDonald and a party delegation stressed the importance of the Irish border issue in the Brexit process when they met with key EU Brexit negotiators on Monday.
Martina Anderson, us Elliot likely married those English Middle March Anderson. When they moved to County Fermanagh, Ulster Ireland, they married the Maguire and MacManus. Borderers still to this day are being genocide by Scotland, history, land desegregated by wind farms, and migration to other countries. Martina Anderson, you are one of us. Stand like you have been doing for your people of Ireland, do not stand for the governmental despotic officials of Scotland in the process still today in trying to destroy the borderlands, and the opportunities of those which still live there.
Martina Anderson, your solution to have North Ireland stay with the European Union is a solution; If you listen to the North Irish people, and do not bring the corrupt government of Scotland into the picture, which sides with Scotland in their words, and England in their actions, you should do find.
Know that people think it was our great fighting that kept us reivers alive in County Fermanagh, but I feel it was most likely, like what we did with the English worked in Fermanagh, we married the Irish and made them our kin.
3/31/2019 MS Elliott
Following gives genealogy, and DNA information showing I am of a Daniel Cluster, of Elliot.
For Battle of Worcester, date 1641, likely a typo is 1651. Born in Salem, MA. Salem should be dropped to read Massachusetts. Most likely born c.1665, in a neck called Otter Neck of the Sudbury River, in which indentured Scots first built housing then a mill dam. Still there in north Framingham, MA, referred to as Saxonville. (corrections added; 4/5/2019 MSE)
Paweł Ussorowski (a Polish name) directed me to this information;
The Nicolaus Copernicus grave mystery A dialogue of experts
Edited by Michał Kokowski PDF
(scientists will gravitate with the internet to regions of the world which have free thought)
Receive name; MARK STEPHEN ELLIOTT from both grandfathers. Mom’s Stephen Peter Barna, Kesmark, Slovakia, and dad’s Mark (no middle name, rejected German, name pre-American Revolution on birth certification of a line of the family of HAMMER). The surname MARK comes from a family line of MARK, which I descend from. The ELLIOTT, are European-American, pioneers of Mt. Ayr, Iowa, USA, just north of the Missouri Border, which at one time was different between slave and free.
Mt. Ayr, where Mt. for mount a high point like in kin-mount, of kin, and Ayr, Scotland the place of Scottish poet, Robert Burns of Auld (old, and bauld bold) Lang (long, and strang strong) Syne (ago), ‘old long ago’.
That HAMMER from Germany, married a Gaelic-Irish-Scot. Those guy’s fought for the Swedes. He moved into the area of Tennessee in which my wife was born.
Above with help from the excellent administration
Eugen Hartmann
Robert Gabel
Tiger Mike Walsh
Germany-YDNA (Family Tree activity feed)
- 7269 members
4/2/2019 MSE
Is Brexit is amplifying old tensions in Northern Ireland?
SBS Dateline Australian public broadcast. Published on Apr 2, 2019
4/3/2019 MSE
4/12/2019 MSE