It is not Protestant-Catholic Conflict it is a Catholic Mac- becoming a Presbyterian Mc- Conflict.
It is a Catholic MacDonald family conflict with those which became Presbyterian McDonalds, which want to bring conflict into any hardening of the Irish border, to Anglican-Catholic families living on the Brexit-EU Border, which were exiled there for border Pacification-Extermination-Genocide-Exile, of families on the English-Scottish Border. If Hitler won the war there would be no parks for people they genocide, and that is why the Cromwellian Parliament, does not Protect the Middle Shires from wind farms, and those Tories in power want to harden the border in Ireland to create a continuance of the genocide of those Catholics intermarried with exiled border Anglicans along the Brexit-EU border. The newscasts need to say it is a conflict between the Mac and Mc bestowed upon the Irish and exiled Border Peoples. As an American Patriot would like to see as my ancestors had done around 1776 for the Torries of their genocidal government to be strung up and tarred and feather them. Any Tory not against a border in Ireland is not against this on going genocide of border people.
Unless Scotland is protecting the area of Scottish Border Pacification; that of the Middle Shires set out to be protected from development such as wind farms they are a sub government of England, and they are more genocidal then James VI of Scotland/James I of England, to the descendants of border people and more genocidal to the Border People then Germans were to the Jews, because the Germans have set aside parks for the Jews.
Family fought as Anglican Charles II, Royalists of County Fermanagh, Ulster on the side of the Irish. Today in County Fermanagh it is not an Irish Catholic-Protestant Anglican conflict because today as centuries ago they are on the same side NO BORDER IN IRELAND. Who they oppose are those who would even insinuate a border in Ireland, a border which would likely bring in violence, and be placed between where their families live, and more likely bring in the killing of their children. It is the Protestant and Catholic in County Fermanagh, which are together on this like they were together against the violence Cromwell centuries ago brought in, they are against the violence a border would bring in and those which would bring in that border.
Many of the voters which voted for Brexit in Northern Ireland, voted with the understanding that if Brexit passed there would be no border in Ireland. To put a border in Ireland would go against the intention of voters for Brexit in Ireland, and with show that England will override Northern Ireland’s democratic vote, which would make this an antithesis of a democracy, and show the people of Northern Ireland the power of England to supersede democracy, for what was thought was a vote for Brexit without a border in Ireland. See how long it will take for Northern Ireland by processes set out by The Good Friday Agreement to get rid of a border installed by England, against the intentions of their vote for Brexit in Northern Ireland, in which once again Northern Ireland will have no border. 12/28/2019 MSE
In 1607 my family as a supporter of Catholic Queen Marie Stuart of Scotland, exiled from both kingdoms the Union of the Crown, which exiled had extermination of the Armstrong and Elliott from the borders called it Border Pacification, is represent by the Union Jack, the symbol of Border Genocide.
Elliott along with the Armstrong, by supporting Charles II, and the local Catholic population as Royalists we fought against Cromwell then transported as slaves to the American Colonies. As Tories state;
Cromwell’s invasion of Ireland Why Does Everyone Hate The English
The Royalist are Anglican, Protestants, which St. Peters church gets shot up.
Resent the saying Catholic Protestant, because my family as Anglican-Royalist were transported as slaves to the American Colonies, and as Royalists supported the Catholics and Charles II which became king of England after Cromwell.

About one-fifth of the colonial population remained loyal to the Crown, including African Americans, Indians, ethnic minorities, tenant farmers, British colonial officials, and Anglican clergy. Patriots cracked down on Loyalists. As many as 50,000 fought for the king and 80,000 fled the country after the Revolution. The most infamous British supporter was Benedict Arnold. Refer to photo of The Tory s day of judgment, p. 183.
My ancestors had a solution for those Tories and even Loyalists who would laugh at us being transported as slaves to The Colonies.
Charles II, did become king, which today is a better government then their continence of a genocidal policy of getting rid of the backstop. These Armstrong and Elliott of County Femanagh, Ireland no longer need a border of violence rapped around them.
In 1776 family rebelled in America against such a government, and now I truly understand why. Prime Minister Johnson, would understand why also if his name was instead spelled Johnston.
Should be noted that the Clan Families of the Scottish Middle March, are Armstrong, Elliott, Nixon and Crozier.
Half century ago, when an Armstrong first to put foot on the moon, a Nixon was president.
Mark Stephen Elliott
Democracy is what is voted on. Dictatorship is what is dictated;
Voted on;
Brexit with a Backstop.
The Union Jack is of the Scottish and English flags, and not of the Ulster Plantation.
No-deal Brexit: Tony Blair warns of ‘devastating’ consequences for peace in Northern Ireland
Speaking to Sky News’ Sophy Ridge, the former Labour Party leader says no one could “responsibly” propose a no-deal Brexit. Sunday 10 February 2019, UK
Teresa May address backstop. Maintaining the Peace without making a border in Ireland is needed for peace. Because Ireland has peace basically with no border, and with a border had thousands dying as a result of the trouble.
Any party not recognizing need for the backstop is a party of genocide of border people in Ireland, when the the Armstrong, Elliott, and Johnston, were exiled and genocide from the English-Scottish Border, and moved an concentrated themselves today on the County Fermanagh Ulster Brexit – EU Border. These border people do not need a second round of genocide bestowed onto them, when they stood on the moon fifty years ago for peace for all peoples on the earth.
Today the homeland is not being protected as it was meant to be as the Middles Shires but is being desecrated by the Scottish Government by industrial electric turbine arrays, including their home place The Hermitage Castle.
Clan Map from
The Elliots : the story of a border clan : a genealogical history
by Eliott of Stobs, Dora, Lady; Eliott of Stobs, Arthur, Sir, 1915- joint author 1974
father and grandmother to chief 29, Margaret Eliott of Redheugh-Stobs;
Scotland’s Sturgeon on why failure to reach a Brexit deal would be ‘catastrophic’
PBS NewsHour Published on Feb 4, 2019
Nicola Sturgeon, neither kingdom, and especially the genocidal one which is united, is not of my family, and you do not represent my family, unless you protect the lands of the descendants of those families spread around the world, which are of the borderlands. It is I which supports family, especially the families of Armstrong, Elliott, Nixon and Crozier, and even in-laws, like the Bauld Buccleuch. Elizabeth did not seem like it but Bauld Buccleuch’s, and my family of Gorrenberry, were able to rescue Kinmont Willie Armstrong, who was taken on a day of truth, from Carlisle Castle. Dictators are ones which do not represent their family contingency, and protect the sacred lands of the family ancestors as meant by James VI of Scotland, who became James I of England; The Middle Shires are and are to be protected from all types of development. A buffer zone of peace between two but now united kingdoms. It is I which supports family of the Middle March clans; Armstrong, Elliott, Nixon, and Crozier, and that of the Bauld Buccleuch, not you Nicola Sturgeon.
The Duke of Buccleuch – Crawick Multiverse •Jun 9, 2015
Like you Nicola Sturgeon, if I can believe your words I believe in the European Union, but do not believe in dictatorships, and do not believe in the United Kingdom, which genocide families in the Scottish Borderlands.
From someone the UK Parliament laughs at us because our family referred to as Scots being transported to the American Colonies as slaves, this is the type of family European Union, formed in the American Colony of the genocidal United Kingdom, I support.
Can Scotland remain in the EU after Brexit?
Sionaidh Douglas-Scott The European Union should not dispossess Scots of their rights and EU citizenship if it votes to split from its Eurosceptic neighbours England and Wales Wed 29 Jun 2016 07.37 EDT Last modified on Wed 14 Feb 2018 11.05 EST
Can Scotland remain in the EU after Brexit?
Scotland can not ween itself from it’s dependence on Britain, which is shown by their puppet ministerial government, still in the process of genocide, of the peoples of the borderlands, where they are still migrating away to nations such as Germany to make a living, and their archaeological history which was to be preserved as a MIDDLE SHIRES is being desecrated and destroyed by the Unionized Scottish Government of Ministers headed by Nicola Sturgeon, which wants the Scottish Government to own a wind farm company so the Scottish Kingdom United with the English Kingdom, can complete the genocide of borderers from their borderlands, by destroying them even in a manner which borderers spread around the world will not want to come back and visit them. If Scotland chooses to proceed to genocide the homelands of the army which kept them independent from England they then deserve to be enslaved by the English Government.
It as one can see pertains to family;
The United Kingdom can laugh at those they transported as slaves to the colonies, at the fiftieth anniversary this year with a Nixon as president, and as they had said at the Calgary, Canada, winter Olympics, The Eagle Has Landed, but it is not an Eddie, but a Neil Armstrong which puts the first footprint on the moon. It is family the Armstrong, Elliott, Nixon, and Crozier, which I as Mark Stephen Elliott support, not a genocidal dictatorship.
This is what I think of Scotland’s democratic system;
As an American of the United States an Elliott, I believe in the people of Langholm, Scotland, the Bauld Buccleuch, and the Armstrong. Nicola Sturgeon, you have words which do not mean much to me, unless you do not desecrated my sacred homeland and my home place that of Clan Elliott, The Hermitage Castle with a wind farm obscurely called with a place name not The Hermitage Castle Wind Farm, but Windy Edge which is north of land my family once owned at Gorrenberry, now referred to as Gorrenberry Farms along with the people of Gorrenberry House do not want this wind farm. Nicola Sturgeon for you to expect United States citizens to listen to you, like the Bauld Buccleuch, you must listen to them first.
With our chief Margaret Eliott, we are able to conquer the world.
Also besides kilts you guys, you can get T-Shirts.
Guy Hewitt: Barbados remembers Scots heritage on St Andrew’s Day by GUY HEWITT 11/30/2016 (November 30th, is St Andrew’s Day)
Descendants of Scots as the English Parliament says like my family transported as slaves to the colonies;
My family did not get to end up in sunny Barbados, they ended up with those dang Puritans, in Massachusetts refugees of the Salem Trials with their Cromwellian Parliamentarian, dictatorial attitude. Lucky there were natives of America, we first lived among.
The History of Liddesdale…, Vol.1, By Robert Bruce Armstrong
(republication photo copy by: Clan Armstrong Trust, 1992)
[Rick Kemp]
Some were hung, some sent away
To Ireland and the low countries
Great was the price they had to pay
God bless their memory
And god bless you and me
Key finding; DNA stays with language. People seem to marry those which speak the same language. Language evolves, from it’s indigenous, locality, or may pick-up new words such as hominy and moose, when it moves on.
In the above the Gaelic Scotof the US president’s mother, is most likely represented by the green triangles; North Ireland, and West Scotland. The Ulster Scot most represented by the yellow circles; North Ireland, and South Scotland. The Academic Study of Ulster-Scots: Essays for and by Robert J. Gregg
Steeleye Span
Published on Nov 8, 2014
Provided to YouTube by Entertainment One Distribution US
Peace On The Border · Steeleye Span
Album Back in Line
Peace On The Border
After the riding we dispersed
We drifted home in twos and threes
Through cold and rain we spat and cursed
This ancient war of families
Clan Armstrong Scotland’s Clans Series 1 Episode 1 of 6
Margaret Elliot (correct spelling of 29th chief of Redheugh-Stobs is Eliott) talks about how the
BBC Four Smailholm Tower (above) and the Border Reivers
Reivers were opportunists who were a law unto themselves. (Broadcast: 8/5/2008)
Last statement of BBC Smailholm Tower presentation; …..the most famous even reached the moon; Neil Armstrong.
Armies past and then returned
They killed and raped, they stole and burnt
So from the cradle we have learnt
To be as hard as stone
And learned to stand alone
Clan Armstrong Scotland’s Clans Series 1 Episode 1 of 6
Cloak and dagger, crime on crime
Anarchy in the borderlands
The king’s men came with a valentine
To break to power of the border clans
Neil Alden Armstrong hometown Langholm, Scottish Borders, reported by FIONA ARMSTRONG BBC NEWS
Some were hung, some sent away
To Ireland and the low countries
Great was the price they had to pay
God bless their memory
And god bless you and me
The broken towers that stand today
Stand for peace and order
Reminding us until the day
That we need no more borders
For County Fermanagh, the EU-Brexit border is on the southeast, southwest, and northwest sides, but not on the northeast side.
Living among the Glendenning of Mt Ayr (Ayr, like with Robert Burns), Iowa, USA
Dad is Loren
Glendinning, Eskdale 1654 Blaeu map
The Old Schoolhouse – Glendinning Farm Cottages, Langholm, Scotland, UK
A giant leap for an ‘Ulsterman’…
Distant Irish relatives mourn moonwalker Neil Armstrong
The border people stood for Catholic, Mary Stuart Queen of Scotland, and her son James taken by the protestants, when he became king of England, hung those Armstrong and Elliot and whoever rode with them, destroying their forts and peel-pele towers, on the Scottish-English border. Many moved to County Fermanagh, which is planned for a Brexit-EU border.
Even within our Y-DNA the riding clans as being from the same fatherly line. Even the English Graham come over with us.
Eu Reporter
Published on Dec 3, 2017
Dr Katy Hayward of the Queen’s Universtiy of Belfast explains how EU membership was a fundamental baseline for the Good Friday Agreement (GFA). A recent study carried out by Hayward of the mid-border region found that people surveyed would find a hardening of the border as damaging to the peace process and undermining to the 1998 (GFA) agreement.
When we were Ellot (spelling in c.1630 Ulster muster) on the borders, could we married those English women.
Could you imagine marrying a Graham. Guess those Graham got better after their move to Ulster.
The Maguire Sept did not come to predominate in the County of Fermanagh until the 14th century when they became the highest ranking nobles in Ulster. They were Barons of Enniskillen in Fermanagh for the next three centuries, their chief being the most important in Ulster.
Maguire seem like good people for those of Border Reiver ancestry.
Americans even the ones from Texas (border commit, since I am from New Mexico and we share about a 600mi/1,oookm border with Texas), like to return home to Ulster, and kind of concerned about our relations along those borders, like of Northern Ireland above half the length of our Texas-New Mexico Border, and our border is more than six times as longer than the Scottish Border. Though they seem to make a fuss over the one which Texas and New Mexico, share with Old Mexico, an international border. Guess our hard border is between the US and Mexico, and the soft border is between Texas and New Mexico. Hope you all in Ireland can keep a border like that one, and not a hard border like we have with Mexico.
The Antrim, and Down region of Ulster Scots, was a region with took border Scots in when they were forced off the borders from Protestant King James VI or Scotland becoming also James I of England, and with the English Army hung or chased borders off the borders, some ended up in County Antrim taken in by Gaelic Scots living there.
Easy to see that those who voted for Brexit in Northern Ireland do not have a border with Ireland.
An Elliott which may think differently;
With the Johnston, and Elliott above it helps to show that the border reiving Armstrong, Elliott, and Johnston, moved from the Scotland-England border to the Ulster with Ireland border.
This stretch of border shows why Brexit will be an enormous headache to manage – we went to talk to locals
James VI of Scotland which became also James I of England genocide us from the borders and sent us to Ireland so we would not longer be Borderers. Nicola Sturgeon’s Government is trying to exterminate the archaeological ancestral family of the borderlands known as The Middle Shires between England and Scotland, with Scottish owned power company and electric turbine generation set next to even The Hermitage Castle. Us Armstrong, Elliott, Johnston and other Borderers seem to be caught in the middle-Middle Shires, and made to look notorious and evil, to usurp our heritage, and our lands, and to put the borders we do not want in, which breaks up the Peace on the Borders.
Elliot and Armstrong reiver, answer to religious differences;
A sixteenth century traveller in what was known as the ‘cockpit’ of the Borders, on finding no churches, asked a Borderer ‘Are there no Christians in Liddesdale?’. To which he was answered ‘Na, we’s all Elliots and Armstrongs’! ‘Sheep stealers from the north of England’: the Riding Clans in Ulster by Robert Bell
David Bell, a lay minister at St. Columb’s, a Protestant cathedral in Londonderry, told me that some of his neighbors and friends voted yes to Brexit. But Bell said he voted no, for a few reasons.
The economic uncertainty, the lack of a plan, and the effect it would have on the constitutional status of Northern Ireland, Bell said. [Northern Ireland] is an integral part of the United Kingdom and wishes to remain so, unless the population here decides otherwise.
Suddenly, after the Brexit vote, there is renewed talk about a united Ireland, Bell said. He and other Protestants here are not happy about that. In the meantime, he said the political fight over what happens with the border is threatening to unravel the peace process.
That is a real possibility, Bell said. What happens if this whole thing implodes? And it could happen. Let’s not kid ourselves.
‘Sheep stealers from the north of England’: the Riding Clans in Ulster by Robert Bell
The R. J. Hunter Collection Ulster muster c.1630
For Elliot use Ellot, Scott use Scot, Irvine use Irwin, and Johnson use Johnston, 1630 Ulster spellings.
The Reivers by Alistair Moffat
The Reivers (paperback) — £10
Neil Alden Armstrong Scottish Borders National Park
Moon walker Neil Armstrong celebrated in Langholm, Scotland – The Guardian The most difficult place to be recognised is in one’s own home town, I consider this, now, my home town.
Auld Mid Raw last part sung by Iain H. Scott, words by James Thomson;
In pictures: James Thomson statue
(should note; Iain is part of a Hawick ‘hoik’ Scottish border ballad singing-writing-comedy group Scocha; Scott-Chapman, David- pronounced ‘Scotia’)
Feasibility study for a proposed Scottish Borders National Park
Travel firm AC Group targets Scottish ‘hotbed’ Saturday 29 December 2018
Campaign for a Scottish Borders National Park
Neil Alden Armstrong Scottish Borders National Park
Wind farms threaten Scotland’s future national parks
Neil Armstrong – in the Scottish Parliament on 25th October 2012.
Only if the a Scottish Minister is supporting peace on the Scottish Borders, they have already made it known of their support of a Scottish Borders National Park. Otherwise they are supporting desecration of the region called the Middle Shires by wind farms, where the feasibility of the region drops in it becoming a Scottish Borders Peace Park, joined with Northumberland National Park on the English side of the border.
There can be no great accomplishment without risk – Neil Armstrong
Scottish Borders Greens Published on Apr 5, 2017 (election obviously over)
Charles Strang is an architect-planner based in St Boswells since 1979. He has worked for planning authorities, for the National Trust for Scotland (latterly as board Director responsible for its buildings, collections, gardens and policies), and on his own account.
He is a Vice-President of the Association for the Protection of Rural Scotland, Committee Member of the Scottish Campaign for National Parks, (both bodies are promoting a Scottish Borders National Park), and a Director of the Southern Uplands Partnership.
On the English side of the borders, in which Borderers were not displaced from is English-Northumberland National Park, but on the Scottish side which James VI of Scotland also James I of England, made into the Middle Shires like a Scottish Kingdom National Park in his day, there is no National Park, in a land which was once the northern part of Danish Northumbria. Nicola Sturgeon, takes a kingdom-dictatorial approach in assigning a Scottish Ministry Reporter to all appeals against wind farms in the border region of Scotland, so they they are overturned and wind farm being approved in a manner to desecrate this sacred land to the many ancestral families relocated to English colonies which once lived there, in which they would not want to return for a visit to what is not anymore beautiful as landscape, but landscape inundated by the Scottish Kingdom’s Wind Turbine Farms.
It is felt a great bulk of the tourists will be descendants to those families which once lived in the Borderlands of Scotland, from what were once the English Colonies. Preservation is important for those families returning to their ancestral homelands.
Armstrong is the strongest English-Scottish border name to be found. The name Neil (Gaelic), Alden (Anglo), takes on many of the names passed onto The Colonies, and the most recognizable border individual is that of Neil Alden Armstrong, which also has German roots. This name will serve people of the English-Scottish borders to bring the international tourist. It is felt that from the international community the greatest draw which the tourist will come from. The international community is drawn to Grand Canyon National Park. It is felt that an Neil Alden Armstrong Scottish National Park, would be a big drawing card for so many Americans, which ancestors came from The Borderlands of England and Scotland.
If the Dukes of Buccleuch, Roxburghe, instrumented the Neil Alden Armstrong, Scottish Borders National Park, and got together with the Duke of Northumberland, to combine it with the Northumberland National Park, a long time coming, it would be better than a Middle Shires, like Waterton of Canada combined with Glacier of the USA; Armstrong combined with Northumberland would be a Reiver Peace Park.
Borders National Park
Maybe someday the Scottish Borders National Park (Neil Alden Armstrong Scottish National Park), could combine with Northumberland English Borders National Park, and make a Reiver Peace Park. Like Waterton of Canada, and Glacier of the United States makes a Peace Park on an International Border.
Clan Elliot 29th Chief Margaret Eliott’s invitation to visit The Borders;
(Extremely knowledgeable in family history research on Clan Elliot.)
8/25/2018 MSE Revision 11/7/2018
As you can see above a reenactment group The Borderers is helping out.
Mary Queen of Scots (1971 film)
The Reivers – Making of the Borders Alistair Moffat (2)
The above published by the father of today’s 29th Clan Elliot Chief Margaret Eliott, of Redheugh-Larriston-Stobs, Sir Arthur Eliott the 28th chief and his mother, Lady Dora Eliott of Stobs.
11/18/2018 MSE
July 20, 1969, Nixon as president watches an Armstrong putting the first step on the moon.
Will Trump Be Nixon in China? By ANDREW PRESTON June 11, 2018
Clan CROZIER Border Reivers Teespring tee shirt.
11/19/2018 MSE
Of the Middle March Clans; Armstrong, Elliott, Nixon and Crozier.
11/23/2018 MSE
What’s in a Name? Allegiance, for Border Reivers
Ancestry: Clans of plunderers operated between England and Scotland from the 14th to 17th centuries. Forebears of U.S. presidents may have been among them.
Reivers by Name;
The 74 family names in surviving documents about the Border Reivers:
Archbold, Armstrong, Beattie, Bell, Burns, Carleton, Carlisle, Carnaby, Carrs, Carruthers, Chamberlain, Charlton, Charleton, Collingwood, Crisp, Croser, Crozier, Cuthbert, Dacre, Davison, Dixon, Dodd, Douglas, Dunne, Elliot, Fenwick, Forster, Graham, Gray, Hall, Hedley, Henderson, Heron, Hetherington, Hume, Irvine, Irving, Johnstone (Johnson), Kerr, Laidlaw, Little, Lowther, Maxwell, Milburn, Musgrove, Nixon, Noble, Ogle, Oliver, Potts, Pringle, Radcliffe, Reade, Ridley, Robson, Routledge, Rutherford, Salkeld, Scott, Selby, Shaftoe, Simpson, Storey, Tailor, Tait, Taylor, Trotter, Turnbull, Wake, Watson, Wilson, Woodrington, Yarrow, Young
What’s in a Name? Allegiance, for Border Reivers
Associated Press
Clan Scott? Hate to tell you English folk, but the Bauld Beccluech is one of us.
First man on the moon Neil Armstrong in secret visit to Scotland.. to …
It should be noted that Prince William, and the Bauld Buccleuch, are descended from Charles II, which wife did not have any children, but is descended from Charles II, which my family fought for and Cromwell had my family transported as slaves to the American Colonies. Charles II, became Catholic on his death bed.
That today the Bauld Buccleuch; Richard Scott resides in Langholm, where the castle of the Armstrong is at, where Neil Alden Armstrong, ancestry starts, and where the Border Reivers including the Armstrong, Elliott, and Nixon of the Middle March, fought on the side of Mary Stuart, Queen of Scotland.
Armstrong, and Elliott stood up for Mary, Queen of Scots, and Charles II; It is my understanding, Prince William, a Spencer in line for the throne, then there again will be of the Stewart family a king on the throne, of England, educated not in Paris, but at Scotland’s first University, St Andrews. Wonder if that Allistair Moffat, an Armstrong ally, knows Prince William, he was Rector of St Andrews at one time.
BBC-Royals, rebels and religion: Scotland and the road to Union
BBC-Was Oliver Cromwell the father of British democracy?
Could recall the Germans used to make fun of the Jews. It is felt that those Tories, could learn something from the Germans.
Those (above) Cambridge Cromwellian Parliamentarians never did bring family back after Charles II who Prince William, and Buccleuch are descended from became king. Guess for all they care they rather see our type sent to the moon.
The Tories in the English Parliament laugh about, transporting Scots as slaves to the colonies. Kind of wonder how funny they would think their commits are if it was their ancestors which they were transporting … as slaves to the colonies.
Family came over from Tullykelter on the Cromwellian Plan. Those dang McDaniel, people most likely influenced a good Scottish Andrew nicknamed Dan to become Daniel.
12/28/2018 MSE.
Armstrong and Elliot have strong associations with the surname Little, also found in County Fermanagh;
Chronicles of the Armstrongs;by Armstrong, James Lewis
Chronicles of Muckkledale 1736–1827 PDF
being the Memoirs of
Thomas Beattie of Muckledale, 1736–1827
Edited by Edward J. Cowan
Before I proceed farther I think it necessary to give some account of the
Armstrongs and Elliots, two leading clans in this country and the Family
name of my Mother’s Father & Mother. The Armstrongs had been in Sorbie
time immemorial; it is reported they were descended from the ancient family
of Whithaugh in Liddesdale. The first that we hear of was John Armstrong
of Sorbie,….
…. my Grandfather
was descended. Robert Elliot, Laird of Unthank, was said to be descended
from the family of Lariston.
Report on A1 Clade / R-L193 – Gorrenberry [PDF]
12/28/2018 MSE
Hopsrig gets Scottish appeal lift-off
Buccleuch Energy wins right to build 42MW project in Dumfries and Galloway
29 January 2019
Scottish ministers have given the green light to Buccleuch Energy’s 42MW Hopsrig wind farm in Dumfries and Galloway.
BBC-Wind farm near Langholm approved on appeal 29 January 2019
A council’s refusal of a wind farm described as “overly prominent and overwhelming” by officials has been overturned on appeal.
As expected; the Scottish Government, is enslaved by the wind farm industry and does not follow the wishes of it’s constituency.
1/30/2019 MSE
Muirhall Energy Ltd, is a Scottish firm regulated by the Scottish Ministerial Government.
A government that supersedes the wishes if it’s constituency is a despotic government.
Lets see if Brexit is created against the wishes of it’s people with a hard border, which in the past was noted for conflict. If so it will identify the UK as an English Kingdom which governs against the wishes of Ulster-Northern Ireland, and not Scotland because it is a pawn a puppet government of England, installing wind farms where they are not wanted and desecrating the lands of people which they genocide in the borderlands, and today do not have a saying about the ancestral land they had to move off of or be killed if they stayed upon it. The hard border is to be placed around these border family pushed off the Scottish-English border, where they now live in County Fermanagh, Ulster, Northern Ireland.
To ancestors of border reivers how does the Union Jack, differ from the Swastika Flag?
1/3/2019 MSE
Germany lost WWII, and has parks of peace for people they genocide. The Border Reivers supported Catholic, Mary Queen of Scots, which was beheaded, and son James, taken raised by the Scottish Protestants. When Queen Elizabeth of England died leaving no heir to the English throne, James VI king of Scotland, became also became James I of England, and utilized the English army to exterminate the Border Reivers which acted as the Scottish army. This was a genocide of those on the Scottish side of the Borders. The Kingdom became United, as symbolized by their flag the Union Jack. Since they are the winners, the Scottish Government as with the Scottish Kingdom is now of England, and acts in a fashion of the English army to genocide the archaeological history, by having a wind farm place next to a castle my ancestors for the grain (support) of Martin Ellot (Angus-Scots spelling), brother to Robert of Redheugh-Larriston, soldiered for James Bothwell and Mary Queen of Scots. The English winners get to persist with their genocide of the sacred lands of my ancestors, by industrializing going out of there way to place a wind farm next to The Hermitage Castle on a land which even James VI of Scotland as James I of England thought should be preserved for peace as a Middle Shires.
2/1/2019 MSE
22/2019 MSE
Can technology and ‘max fac’ solve the Irish border question? Expert explains
May 23, 2018 5.29am
One time I received a ticket from AZ photo radar. The legislature passed a law against it, and the governor signed the bill. In Star Valley, Arizona, USA, there is no longer technology for speed control. If you plan on having people which approve it, making rules for the management of the technology it fails.
2/7/2018 MSE
Though Scottish, the MP is speaking a faster form of English, similar to Apache being a faster form of Navajo. All you would need for him to speak into an apparatus, which in output would slow his English down so other members of parliament could understand him like brought up by the MP originally from New Zealand. Does not really need a translator. As an American, communicating in a foreign language of English to people who speak a truly American language of Navajo, learned to utilize visuals, for them to understand my foreign language less foreign because it is American-English and contain words such as hominy and moose which one of English-English language may not understand.
Scottish language is in County Antrim, Ulster.
Of Scottish Presbyterians Gil-Kil-Kirk-Church of Scotland. Many could have been previous Gaelic Scots speakers leaning more towards dialectical languages around the globe of English. Language of County Fermanagh, border normally Catholic-Anglican border Scot which arrived because about 1610 because of being genocide if the remained in their borderland homes, would differ from those migrating from near Glasgow, Counties Antrim and Down, in Ulster, Ireland. These Anglican-Border Scots were never of a United Kingdom which Union Jack is of the flags of Scotland and England, with no green in it representing Ireland.
For the United Kingdom to preserve their Scottish language (somewhat a dialect as Navajo compared to Apache), it is the Ulster Scot which needs preservation. In my area Navajo is broadcasted on the radio which helps preserving an American indigenous language.
Though Sir Walter Scott, King James VI of Scotland which became King James I of England, Robert Burns of Ayrshire, and James Orr, of Ulster Scotland, are of Scottish descent it is Robert Burns and James Orr which wrote in the Scottish language. Sir Walter Scott could also write in French, which he seem preferred to write in then his native Scottish language.
Note; The European Union though many of it’s members speak various languages, seem to do a much better job in their communication on Brexit, then the British Parliament.
The Scot’s language has been driven into the north Ireland.
Was having difficult communicating in the English language. My language of math is more universal to individuals which speak that language, and worked at one time as a mining engineer. Finding it was mainly the content not my writing skills speakers of the English language seem to object to. It seems like historians, and English teachers would object to content. Since own operate this domain, there is no one but myself to kick me off it. Though it is felt to been under attack, so I built another one administered by another firm; , which I have the skill set to do.
So I built this link, though I do not speak German;
Think the Germans are getting something out of it. The people of the European Union speaking a number of different languages, know to try their best to at least communicate to someone which does not speak their language. The reason Germany is a growing nation it is taking advantage of the knowledge basis of other nations in the European Union. It is the accepted diversity of the United States which made it great, and with the government of the United States paralleling that of the United Kingdom, it is in question they will be a great nation. Taught physics to students of the Navajo at Window Rock High School, Fort Defiance, Arizona. After leaving my position they began importing immigrants into the science department. Were I taught the staff was like People of the British Isles staff would have international colleges, and plus I had a benefit those of indigenous America on it. For us math-science people we go where ever free thinking are allowed. Because we want to share concepts with others, and told through accessible and documented evidence that a concept is incorrect, not by people which say your concept is incorrect and do not have any concept of the background you are from. The internet does not have borders, and in the past people were leaving Germany because other nations allowed for free thinking, and now free thinking people are migrating towards Germany, but being from the Western Hemisphere Brazil seems more attractive to me these days, and they speak Portuguese, and have an indigenous American population.
“Scotland is an European country” RT UK Published on Jun 27, 2016
Angus Robertson issued a warning to the House of Commons that Scotland is a European country and that if it was taken out of the EU, it would “completely undemocratic”.
As Scotland seems like it is not being recognized by the United Kingdom, the people of the English Borderlands are being recognized by England, with Northumberland National Park, but the people of Scotland are not recognizing the Borderers in Scotland, with a Scottish Borderlands National Park. All the Scottish Government is trying to do is put wind farms in the region of the proposed Scottish Borderlands National Park to not recognize the borderland constituency, like the English Parliament does not recognize Scotland.
What is needed to protect the supposedly protected Middle Shires from industrial sabotage, from a work throwing a shoe in the gear, of a very beneficial Scottish Borderlands National Park bordering the English Northumberland National Park and making them a pair of peace parks, and representing and attracting tourist around the world is a Neil (Gaelic) Alden (Anglo) Armstrong (English-Scottish Borderlands name) Scottish Borders National Park. This would help to recognize the borderers, and the engineers, like Neil and my father was. Dad had a college which he worked with which also went to Purdue University, Indiana like Neil did. Neil Armstrong, like the Armstrongs, and the Bauld Buccleuch (Richard Scott) considers(ed) Langholm, on the border of-in Scotland his hometown. What a concept an engineer instead of like the Scottish Government likes to do is to have their reporter make a decision on wind farms. Guess they must feel a reporter not and engineer could make better decisions. Dad, was a watershed planning engineer. Maybe some of that long range planning as being an engineer myself rubbed off on me.
There are two ways to create deception. One is to tell a falsehood, and have people believe you. The other way is as a mathematical scientist, since people do not seem to believe analytical answers, is to present what you believe with the upmost of accuracy, to have people not believe. Being a descendant of Andrew, alias Dand the Cowie of Gorrenberry; love for these people which do not believe me to be playing The Cowie of Gorrenberry, which comes back to help his Elliot Clan out. Sometimes even the Bauld Buccleuch needs some help from family.
This will keep the archaeological home place of Clan Elliot protected, which they defended for and at the time of Mary Stuart Queen of Scots, from a devastation by today’s dictatorial nature of the Scottish Government. To genocide the history and the homeland of my family which once owned and lived at Gorrenberry, just west of said castle, and rode for the brother of chief Robert, named Martin of the (on land of Bothwell), Braidlie between and neighboring Gorrenberry and the Hermitage Castle. By not recognizing the borderers on the Scottish side of the border, where the English recognize them with a National Park, is announcing that Scotland is a dictatorship, and genocides it’s people as Germany did during WWII.
2/14/2018 MSE
8/27/2019 MSE