DSL glen dinning
- Home
- “Schafdieb aus dem Norden Englands”: Die Riding Clans in Ulster von Robert Bell
- * Armstrong Fairbairn (Fairy Bear-Fair Beorn)
- * Cowie of Goranberry Gorrenberry
- *Archbishop 1525 Armstrong-Elwald Curse
- *Armstrong Fairbairn part 2
- *Helen Kid’s Curse
- *Hobbie Noble
- *Jock O’ The Syde
- *Johnie Armstrong
- *Johnnie Armstrong
- *JOHNNY ARMSTRONGs last Goodnight:
- *Little Jock Elliot
- *Lock the door Lariston
- *LORD SOULIS of Hermitage Castle
- *The Flowers of the Forest
- *The Pride of Lockerbie
- *Thieves of Liddesdale
- Aliot name distribution; + Irish forms of Eliot/Ellot
- Allen, Reverend Thomas, and Captain John 1640 Charlestown, MA
- Alma’s-mom’s; mtDNA H27a 16129A; 16316G; 263G; 315.1C
- Amynta by G. Eliott “MY sheep I neglected”
- Ander Anders Andersen Anderson Andersson, autosomal DNA, yDNA, family tree genetic genealogy
- Andrew Eliot of Beverly de Aliot (& correction 11/22/2013)
- Angus; Ellot and Arbirlot?
- Archaeology and Culture HAG
- Armstrong Fairbain Origins;
- Armstrong Armstrang Armestrang Armestrong Ellot Ellott Elliot Nixon Hunter Steele Thomson Thompson Ulster Muster 1610 1630 Scottish Middle March
- Armstrong Fairbairn
- Armstrong Fairbairn (Fairy Bear)
- Armstrong for Family; Milnholm Cross made into a Sword
- Armstrong Gilnockie and Tower
- Armstrong mix;
- Armstrong, and Buccleuch, Thank You
- Armstrong, Elliot, Crozier, Nixon, Johnson, Graham; Ulster-Scot.
- AZ Photo Radar
- AZ WDI Termite Form
- Border Reivers; Armstrong, Elliott, Nixon, Crozier of Middle March 1587
- Braidley; between Hermitage & Gorrenberry
- Brigham ‘This is the Place’ genealogy with DNA applied
- Brigham genealogical surname migration UK , family.
- Brigham genealogical surname migration UK intro.
- Brigham genealogical surname migration UK locality.
- Brigham genealogical surname migration UK, retribution.
- Carruthers I-M253 Y-DNA
- Cavers
- Census Variants Which Became Elliott
- cessford-ferniehirst-redheugh-and-sbc-borderland-traitors
- Chasing My Y-DNA series
- Chiefs Kerr & Elliot, Duke of Roxburghe NBW NBWP
- Chronicles of the Armstrongs; (1902) James Lewis A. excerpts rf Elwald
- Clan Crozier censored
- Clan Elwood, Ellwood
- Clan Nixon images
- Clementis Hob genealogical line
- Cockburn, Dunbar, Coker, Haddington, Longton, FTDNA DNA
- Conclusion
- Crowland-Croyland, possible localities of Alfwold Elwald Ellot Elliot origins.
- Daniel Elliot indentured Scot, into 17th century Boston.
- Daniel Elliot, Salem by Loren S. Elliott
- Daniel Ellot Elliot Tullykelter & Salem
- Dear Bob, re: Hermitage Castle wind farm HAG
- Dear Buck (Edschaw, Branxholm, Bucccleuch)
- Dear Maggie,
- Douglas, Douglass, Elliot, Elliott FTDNA DNA
- Douglas, Elliot, Scott, Hawick of Hermitage Castle;
- East Anglia FTDNA activity Rush then Hammer
- Elgin, Elkin, elg/elk (moose)
- Ellot to Elliot
- Ellot to Elwald
- Ellwood of Elwold/Elwald Distribution-Migration
- Elwald Elwold Ælfwald Ellot Ellwood Northumbria
- Elwald Naming
- Elwald of the Wake Cottingham/Liddel
- Elwald to Ellot
- Elwald to Ellot
- Elwald Towers
- Elwand > Pen (La Pluma) > Sword
- Elwandis Elwand Elwald (elwand, ell eln wand, ell stick)
- Elwood and Ellwood
- family photos; Elliott, Spencer & others
- Father’s Father
- Fenwick
- Finch finch-fink FTDNA DNA
- First Chief of the Elwald (Ellot, Elliot, Elliott)
- Folk’s corner; Franklin, Rush, Spencer, and Barna genealogy
- Frieden an der Grenze
- FTDNA Argyll Colony NC
- FTDNA Argyll Colony NC, USA
- FTDNA Border Reivers
- FTDNA Denmark
- FTDNA Elliot
- FTDNA Genealogy
- FTDNA Germany
- FTDNA Glendinning
- FTDNA Greenspan Blankfeld Behar Hammer Estes Walsh
- FTDNA Irwin March 2020
- FTDNA Mag-Uidhir Maguire McGuire Fermanagh
- FTDNA R-L513 and Subclades
- FTDNA Ryedale Yorkshire to Roxburghshire
- FTDNA Scotland
- FTDNA Yorkshire
- Gallup, NM 08/11/2018 Ceremonial parade pictures by MSE
- Genealogical Photo Album by L S Elliott
- Genealogically locating Young Brigham
- genealogy by dad; Loren S. Elliott
- genealogy by dad; Loren S. Elliott
- Genealogy Scotland to US reference research maps
- Geographic Genealogy Mapping
- German images for FTDNA
- Graham, Graeme, Grame
- Hermitage Castle; Protecting & Preserving
- Hollows Tower from Gilnockie
- Horseliehill seals crest arms
- Howard – Elliot farm Croydon, NH
- I’m Borderer-Hermitage Castle
- In Memory Robert Loren Elliott 1950-2010
- Infinis Tidal?
- Irwin FTDNA January 2020
- James W. Spencer tree-DNA
- Jamieson Surname FTDNA
- John Johns Johnsen Johnson Johnsson Johnston Johnstone, autosomal DNA, yDNA, family tree genetic genealogy
- John, Robert and Wm Elwalds-Kirk/St Andrews, Hexam, & York
- Ker Kerr Carr migration;
- La Mancha Project-Hermitage Castle Action Group HAG
- Lemuel Rowell a Charles Carroll genealogical DNA link?
- Lilliesleaf, Ashkirk & Midlem Community Council
- Little, Liddell, of Liddell Water I-M253 Fairbairn Carruthers R-L193 Elliot
- Mark Elliott family photos
- Mark Elliott farm photos png
- Mark Elliott Mt Ayr photos
- Martin of Braidley Migration
- Muirhall Heritage Castle Windy Edge Wind Farm
- Muirhall Hermitage Castle (Windy Edge) wind farm
- Muirhall Hermitage Castle wind farm
- Muirhall Hermitage Castle wind farm
- No Border Brexit
- Northumberland FTDNA
- Northumberland FTDNA
- on Elliots; Bretons+ Keith Elliot Hunter
- Only You Can Prevent;
- Origins
- Paybay Loans- Paypal, ebay, Comenity Capital Bank
- Peace is No Border
- Peace On The Border
- Peace on the Border
- Protecting the Peace
- Proto Germanic R-U106 Haplogroup DNA Elwald Elliot
- Proto-Germanic R-U106 haplogroup DNA Elwald-Elliot
- Proto-Germanische R-U106 Haplogroup DNA Elwald Elliot
- Redheugh Elwald to Larriston Ellot of the Elliot
- Ridale, Riddle, and Riddell, of Yorkshire and Roxburgshire DNA
- Robert Elliot of Strawberry Bank
- Rush Research by Loren S. Elliott
- Rutherford & Home (Hume) (Holme-Holm)
- Scott FTDNA
- Spencer and Long Mt. Ayr, Iowa obituaries.
- Surname Comparisons; UK, US, Australia
- UK Armstrong, with Buccleuch, Kinmont & Gorrenberry what more?
- US Navy WWII Farragut, ID LSE letters
- Y-DNA (FTDNA) SNP E-M35 Humphrey Kirkpatrick of Colquhoun (Calhoun)
- Y-DNA Fingerprint for Mapping Genealogy
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