Robert-and-Humphrey-Elliot-ME-SC PDF

Chasing my Y-DNA part 51
The Will of Robert Elliott | Maine Genealogy
Addition to Robert Ellot-Ellet-Elliot;
Land Kittery and Scarbough of Robert Elliot and In-laws
Robert and Humphrey Elliot ME&SC
Robert Elliot fam 3-25-2012 add
Margery Batson and Sarah Saunders
are drafts of the past.
Robert Elliot was a tenant (lessee) of Rev Robert Jordan, near Scarborough, Maine
Baptismal Font Used by Rev Robert Jordon of Cape Elizabeth before 1676
Can see the Jordan and Elliot of Robert are of Falmouth, Maine.
Also Robert Jordan of land of Robert Elliot when he moved to the Great Island.
Have concluded that Robert Elliot like the Ellot of Tullykelter, Fermanagh, Ulster is an Episcopalian/Anglican.
Earlier in his life Robert Elliot of Great Island, which is of Portsmouth, previously referred to as Strawberry Bank on the arrival of Robt Ellot, of Tullykelter, Ulster, Scot, and Episcopalian (Church of-Anglican), Royalist, who lost in battle and was indentured to likely a Richard Cutt, brother to John Cutt first president of New Hampshire, both of Strawberry Bank, living in a region on the north, Strawberry Bank at Boiling Rock, and rock in the river given a special height in the river would make the rock look as though it was boiling.
Ulster-Scots were indentured to Puritans, and Robert was an Episcopalian of Rev Robert Jordan a ardent Royalist . This can be seen when Robert became an early tenant of Rev Robert Jordan, in the Scarborough.
Rev Joshua Moody, Puritan and John and Richard of the same church;
Joshua Moody living in Boston, spoke out against the Salem Witch Trials.
At the time Ulster-Scots from the English Civil War were receiving land because of finished indenture ships, Robert Ellet received his land, in what was Strawberry Bank. In 1654 because it felt being a port at a mouth of a river would be a better name, the community became Portsmouth, NH, and is still called the same today.
Robert Ellot indentured, like most Ulster-Scots, name went through various changes. From Ellot to Ellet then finally Elliot the spelling used on the Borders of Scotland to this day.
It is felt John Batson is brother to Robert Ellet wife.
Robert Ellot-Ellet-Elliot, had two sons;
Robert Eliot Jr (of Harvard College, and has a John Eliot of Harvard College surname) is the one which is going to be talked about;
Some claim that Eliot, Maine is named after this Eliot.
The Jordan which make the claim are likely descendents of Rev Robert Jordan, Episcopalian.
In 1705 is Robert Elliot, senior, but it is also Robert Eliot, junior. Note the differences in spelling. Robert senior’s name Ellot had undergone changes Ellot to Ellet then Elliot, so it was accepted because of the English Puritan population, and that Robert junior was educated at Harvard College that he changed his name to Eliot.
The most famous Eliot, Rev John Eliot, apostle to the Indians, and well known patronage of Harvard College, spelled his last name as Eliot, like others with similar names would spell them. The Puritans dominated the Scottish Episcopalians at the time, given many years, a lot of Elliott families of America today, think they are English, but come from Scottish roots. Society, erasing the borderers from today’s England, erased then from the America Plantation.
As far as Eliot, Maine is concern, because Robert Eliot Jr of Harvard College has little impact on the region it could be question whether the name came from him.
Have concluded because the difference in spelling Robert Elliot Sr did not give his name to the town of Eliot, Maine.
It is felt the Eliot spelling, came from William de Aliot of France, a Norman name which came to England, and in the English Plantation a name the Robert Eliot adopted at Harvard College around 1700.
Mark Elliott 6/15/2013
Addition to Robert Ellot-Ellet-Elliot;
Land Kittery and Scarbough of Robert Elliot and In-laws
Robert and Humphrey Elliot ME&SC
Robert Elliot fam 3-25-2012 add
Margery Batson and Sarah Saunders
are drafts of the past.
Marriage records of Robert Sr, and 2nd son to Robert Jr, Nathaniel.
MSE 11/11/2013
Note reference below gives Robert Elliot born 1643, old enough with younger brother to fight in English Civil War.
MSE 10/30/2015
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