Sasine deed 1484 for Robert Elwald (Elliot), Redheugh, Larriston, Hartsgarth
“The introduction of an ‘i’ into the name ‘Ellot’ was, without doubt, unfortunate. It immediately confused th Clan with the weL-known English Norman family of St. Germains, settled in the West County of Wales and in no way related, whose name was derived from ‘Alyot’. And it confused still further the already indeterminate origin of those whose name was spelt with tow ‘Ls” and two ‘Ts’.”
28th chief Sir Arthur Eliott of Stobs, father of present 29th chief Margaret Eliott of Redheugh.
Proto-Germanic Surname Migration Evolution with Y-DNA Integration.

FTDNA Blankfled – Google images
FTDNA Gorrenberry – Google images
FTDNA Gorrenberry – Bing images
FTDNA Blankfield – Bing images
Религиозное общество Друзей – Квакеры (
For about 1630 Ulster muster of R. J. Hunter Collection: for Johnson, use Johnston, Scott use Scot, Elliot use Ellot, Irvine use Irwin.
Google images FTDNA 101829
Три из пяти женщин, организовавших съезд в Сенака-Фолс, были квакерами. Будьте счастливы, эти дамы не верят в крещение.
Прилежные навыки этих мормонских бабушек Я не хочу ошибаться, потому что мои генеалогические исследования могут навлечь на меня массу неприятностей. Как вы думаете, почему Юта и Вайоминг заняли первое место в голосовании среди женщин. Мы, жители Запада, в которых есть буква «Y», не хотим иметь проблем с теми, у кого ее нет.
Хорошие квакеры подобны евреям, которые не крестят. Представьте себе все проблемы, которые у меня могли быть с женщинами-квакерами.
Квакерские дамы самые большие повстанцы.
4 По закону крови 2 Есть старая поговорка, которая гарантирует, что многие истины произносятся со смехом Существование Вальтера Скотта, третьего сына сэра Уильяма Скотта из Хардена, проинструктировано, как говорится, хартией, скрепленной большой печатью Домино Вильельмо Скотт из Harden militi и Waltero Scott suo filio legitimo tertio genito terrarum of Roberton См. Баронство Дугласа, стр. 215 Богатый и пожилой джентльмен оставил значительные поместья своим четырем сыновьям, а имения Эйлрига и Реберна передал своему третьему сыну, который является предком Скоттов. Реберна и автора Уэверли Похоже, что он обратился в доктрину квакеров или Друзей и стал великим защитником их принципов Вероятно, это произошло, когда Джордж Фокс, знаменитый апостол секты, совершил экспедицию на север 1657 г. Именно по этому поводу он сказал, что, как только его лошадь ступила на шотландскую землю, он почувствовал, как семя благодати сияет вокруг него, как бесчисленные искры. Уильям и предок друга и родственника автора, нынешний представитель семьи Харден, также приняли квакерство. Гидеон, последний новообращенный, вступил в спор с преподобным Джеймсом Кирктоном, автором «Истории истинной и тайной шотландской церкви», о которой упоминается в моем изобретательный друг мистер Чарльз Киркпатрик Шарп в своем замечательном и любопытном издании этой работы в 40 1847 г. Сэр Уильям Скотт, старший из братьев, оставался среди этого отступничества ортодоксальным членом церкви, пресвитерианином и использовал его, чтобы похитить Уолтера де Реберна из его ересь средствами, которые были скорее преследованием, чем убеждением.В его усилиях ему помогал Мак Дугал из Макерстона, брат Изабель Мак Дугал, жены Уолтера и которая, как и ее муж, приняла религию квакеров. Сэр Уильям Скотт и Макерстон были достаточно могущественны, чтобы добиться следующих двух актов Тайного совета Шотландии против Уолтера де Реберна как еретика, обратившегося в квакерство, приговаривая его сначала к заключению в Эдинбургской тюрьме, а затем в этой тюрьме.
La Prision d’Édimbourg – Walter Scott – Google Books
Гиб с «золотыми подвязками», женится на сэре Вальтер Скотте, семья Харден получает большое приданое. В конце концов мою семью продают в качестве законтрактованных рабов в Америку, а Джордж Фокс уговаривает одного из членов семьи Харден, и его сажают в тюрьму Эдинборо. Предков не выбирают, они рождаются вместе с ними.
Квакерские дамы самые большие повстанцы.
May consider other spellings for Crozier.
First Name Surname Barony/Lands Landlord/Estate County
John Croser Magherboy G. Hume Fermanagh
George Courser Magherbuy Sir W. Cole Fermanagh
William Grocer Magherbuy Sir W. Cole Fermanagh
William Grocer Dungannon Captain A. Sanderson Tyrone › wiki › File:Sasine_deed_148…
redheugh sasine from
This has landholders Ker, Scot, Elwald, Gladstanis, which helped with ownership of the land Redheugh, Larriston, Hartsgarth, and others to be transfer to Robert …
Мир людей любит общаться с каждым. Это можно сделать с помощью текстовых переводчиков и картинок. Хотя языков много, их использует гораздо меньшее количество. Их строки символов и будут использоваться. Некоторые идут вертикально, вверх и вниз, некоторые справа налево, некоторые слева направо. Кажется, что во всем мире принимается формат слева направо. С русским двойным набором у русских, кажется, есть набор персонажей, путешествующих на запад в Европу, и другой набор в Восточную Азию, который используют нерусскоязычные народы. Имея большую площадь неосвоенных земель, кажется, что у русских есть большое будущее, к которому можно предвидеть. Это сделано потому, что люди поняли, что в двойственности символы используются горизонтально слева направо, причем один набор символов для Европы, другой для Азии, эти наборы вместе опоясывают мир.
Die Riding Clans in Ulster von Robert Bell
Our Elliot Ancestors of New England by Loren Spencer Elliott
Chronicles of the Armstrongs; by Armstrong, James Lewis
Genealogy of the Daniel Elliot family
by Marshall E. Lignian
Genealogy of the Daniel Elliot family Marshall E. Lignian to jpg
Couldn’t I’ve have been related to these Quaker Elliott, instead of those Baptists Elliot? One does not get to choose their ancestors; you’re born with them. Mark Stephen Elliott
Tsunami in Japanese; 津波
If the German Funrock can become Y-DNA Fivecoats, can the German Elks, become Y-DNA Moose?
Tell that Bennett Greenspan, I have a good Jewish name Mark Elliott; like Mark Zuckerberg, or Elliott Greenspan, at least my nephew and his wife picked and good non-Jewish name for their son from the state not to the west of Iowa, but to the east of Iowa, ‘The Land of Lincoln’, they named him Abraham, and call him Abe
If Henry Louis Gates is a genealogist, he will look for the stone of John Stone. If he is not, he will not look for the stone. If he is an anti-genealogist he will ignore, like the Harvard educated ignored many great granddad Daniel Elliott in his defense of Elizabeth Proctor. If history is correct as far as my ancestry is concerned like my many great which testified in defense of Elizabeth Procter of the Salem Trials, I should also be ignored.
Namensverbreitungskarte – Verein für Computergenealogie (
Namensverbreitungskarte – Verein für Computergenealogie (
ELLIOTTLoren.pdf (
LOREN SPENCER ELLIOT – Mount Ayr Record News (
Image 313 of Biographical and historical record of Ringgold and Decatur counties, Iowa.
1257. @B[Mark Stephen ELLIOTT] [11] [858. Loren S. 10, Mark 9,
A.W. 8, Sherburn 7, Comfort 6, John 5, Jonathan 4, 3, Daniel 2,
1] was born 22 Oct 1949 in the Greene Co Hospital, Jefferson, IA.
He was named to honor his grandfathers. He is ambidextrous. He
graduated from Roosvelt High School in Des Moines in 1968, having
attended grade schools in Manson and Sioux City, IA, and Topeka,
KS. He was involved in the Boy Scout program in Sioux City and
Topeka. He lettered his senior year in high school in wrestling.
He graduated with B.S. degree in history and economics from the
University of Wyoming in Laramie. While he was there he became a
member and resided in The TKE Fraternity. He joined an outdoor
club and heavily involved in mountain climbing and cross country
skiing. He scaled Devil’s Tower and several peaks in the Grand
Teton Range including the @I[Grand]. As of 1985 he had given up
Mountain climbing but still participated in cross country skiing,
back packing, and fishing. He worked for a short time in a trona
mine owned by FMC Corporation near Green River, WY, and became
interested in mining engineering. He returned to school at the
University of Utah in Salt Lake City and obtained a BS degree in
mining engineering in 1978. He was employed as a mining engineer
by National Gypsum in Shoals, Indiana, from 1979-83. He married
on 28 Feb 1978 in Salt Lake City, Utah, to @P[Mary Lou WATSON].
She was born in 1950 in Winston-Salem, NC. They were divorced in
1983 and had no children. Mark returned to school in 1983 to the
University of Indiana in Bloomington, IN, where he had resided
since 1979. He has been involved in a fellowship teaching and
working on a master’s degree in mathematics and computer science.
He took his practice teaching assigment the first five months of
1985 on an Indian Reservation near the Four Corners, located in
New Mexico. The summer of 1985 he was back at the University of
Indiana in school and teaching part time. The fall of 1985 he
accepted a job teaching in junior high at Crownpoint, New Mexico,
with 68 of his 69 students being native Americans. Crownpoint is
part of the Gallup school system. In 1986-87 he taught math and
computer science on the Zuni Indian Reservation south of Gallup.
He later taught in Sanders, AZ, and in 1995 was teaching in
Window Rock, AZ. He also taught a couple of college credit
courses at night in Gallup, NM. While in Indiana, he became a
member of the @I[Friends] Church. At a meeting in Gallup he met
Susan. On 27 Jun 1987 he married @P[Susan Roberta WARREN] in a
`Friends Ceremony’ in the Sacred Heart Retreat south of Gallup.
She was born in Johnson City, TN, 5 Mar 1955, and the daughter of
Hugh and Eloise WARREN of Garden City, SC. She served in the Air
Force and graduated from the University at Johnson City, TN. In
1987 she was a nutritionist working with the various Indian
tribes near Gallup. In 1989 she accepted the Home Economist
position for the county with office located in Gallup. In 1993
she accepted a position in Chinle in NE Arizona, employed by the
Federal Government in the health department working with the
Navajo Indians. She and Mark purchased a home in Gallup in 1987.
Mark has much interest in genealogy and his family history and
has made contributions searching libraries in Salt Lake City and
By dad Loren Spencer Elliott
Namensverbreitungskarte – Verein für Computergenealogie (
Nixon-Armstrong Tartan:
(A woolen cloth woven in one of several plaid patterns, especially a pattern associated with a particular Scottish clan.)
Pendleton Lunard Tartan:
Designer: Pendleton Woolen Mills Pendleton, Oregon, USA. Tartan date: 01/01/1977.
Никсон-Армстронг Тартан:
(Шерстяная ткань, сотканная по одному из нескольких узоров пледа, особенно узору, связанному с определенным шотландским кланом).
Пендлтон Лунард Тартан:
Дизайнер: Pendleton Woolen Mills Пендлтон, штат Орегон, США. Дата тартана: 01.01.1977.
Ferniehirst Kerr arms of Duchess of Buccleuch.
Gorrenberry arms of Wm Elwald-Ellot-Elliot Goodman of Gorrenberry.
Clementis Hob
Brigham Young’s on the Trail of DNA Tales – Los Angeles Times
Family Tree DNA BRIGANCE Surname DNA Project – Y-DNA Classic Chart
Namensverbreitungskarte – Verein für Computergenealogie (
FTDNA Elks 2022 – Clan Crozier
A Hawick Word Book Douglas Scott
A Hawick Word Book by Douglas Scott – The Douglas Archives (
Correction; Archibald Bell the Cat, killing Spens of Kilspindie.
Kilspindie Castle | Aberlady | The Castles of Scotland, Coventry | Goblinshead
29th Margaret Eliott of Redheugh, obtained from Archibald Bell the Cat. Families seem to like to fight.

20181107, Wednesday, November 7, 2018, Boston, MA, USA, Brigham Health, Brigham and Women’s Hospital, Brigham Research Institute held their annual Discover Brigham campus-wide research day on Wednesday November 7, 2018.
Your user name or IP address has been blocked by a WikiTree Leader.
Start of block: 21:01, 14 May 2018
Intended for: Elliott-11757
Suspected violation: Intentionally adding false information
Accepting my standards, are,,,, and [DNA# A269034(lawismarkellot) data
M904357(markellott) data corrective Genesis NM6772478 23andme Gedcom#4997456] Gedcom#4997456 (over 4,000 in data base). With FTDNA sites active in Germany, East Anglia, and Norfolk, assist on NC Argyll Colony.] Gedcom#4997456 (over 4,000 in Data base). With FTDNA sites active in Germany, East Anglia, and Norfolk, assist on NC Argyll Colony.Professional research genealogists not of Wikitree utilizing, and, are readily capable to find documentation on anything I have presented on researching my Y-DNA, of Clan Elliot
In silencing by hanging Salem Witches, or in McCarthyism, blacklisting Jewish playwrights for being communists. In the behavior of science and long-term planning, it is felt I am being kicked out for ‘intentionally adding false information’, the concept of witch hanging and blacklisting was silencing. Owning and operating,, and, it is the owner operator which does the silencing. Don’t think I have been silenced. Sincerely, Mark Stephen Elliott 2-19-2023
A Hawick Word Book by Douglas Scott – The Douglas Archives (
A Hawick Word Book – by Dougla –
by Loren Spencer Elliott;
It was passed on to Naomi [ADAIR] HENDRICKSON from Ida Spencer HICKERSON that [#273.] Malinda Jane FRANKLIN wanted descendants to remember that she was a fifth cousin of BENJAMIN FRANKLIN. The “Portrait and Biographical Album” of Greene County, Ohio, lists George SHIGLEY, Jr., and calls attention that his mother [Malinda’s Aunt] [#252] Olivet [FRANKLIN] SHIGLEY was of “English descent, and a descendant of the family to which the famous philosopher, Benjamin Franklin, belonged.” A cousin, [#532.] Ann MALLETT, reported it had been handed down to her that they were related to the FRANKLIN that caught lightning in a jar!
by Loren Spencer Elliott;
NOTE: Thanks must be given to the many people that held this family in high regard and retained the available records.Included among this group is the second wife of #251. James SmythFRANKLIN – Mildred `Milly’ [QUICK]; her daughter – #273. Malinda Jane [FRANKLIN] SPENCER; Malinda’s granddaughter – #559. Ilah Malinda [SPENCER] ELLIOTT [My mother]; Mark S. ELLIOTT [this compiler’s son] who has researched Indiana records; #420. Ann MALLETT, 1156 East 58th St., Indianapolis, IN 46220 [gt-gr-daughter of #255. Rebecca (FRANKLIN) TRENARY]. Ann may have been researching this family longer than anyone living as she just celebrated her 78th birthday 24 Dec 1984. The most recent contributor, a descendant of #272. Henry H. FRANKLIN, isRoberta Jo HAWK, MD, 6048 Chandler Dr., Baton Rouge, LA 70808 (1996).> Loren Spencer Elliott

Additions 1/19/2020;
Muster Roll for Tullyhogue (Tullaghoge) 1610 Transcribed by Teena
William SCOTT no arms.
First Name | Surname | Barony/Lands | Landlord/Estate | County |
Peter | Scot | Loughty | Sir S. Butler | Cavan |
Walter | Scot | Oneallan | Sir W. Brownlow | Armagh |
John | Scot | Oneallan | Sir W. Brownlow | Armagh |
Alexander | Scot | Fewes | Sir A. Atchison | Armagh |
John | Scot | Fewes | Sir A. Atchison | Armagh |
James | Scot | Fewes | Sir A. Atchison | Armagh |
Ralph | Scot | Fewes | Sir A. Atchison | Armagh |
Walter | Scot | Fewes | J. Hammelton | Armagh |
Walter | Scot | Orier | Sir C. Poyntes | Armagh |
Robert | Scot | Magherstafeny & Clankelly | James, Lord Ballfowre | Fermanagh |
Robert | Scot | Magherstafeny & Clankelly | James, Lord Ballfowre | Fermanagh |
Archball | Scot | Magherstafeny & Clankelly | James, Lord Ballfowre | Fermanagh |
David | Scot | Magherstafeny & Clankelly | James, Lord Ballfowre | Fermanagh |
William | Scot | Magherbuy | Sir W. Cole | Fermanagh |
Thomas | Scot | Clougher | Sir J. Erskin | Tyrone |
John | Scot | Clougher | Sir J. Erskin | Tyrone |
Walter | Scot | Clougher | Sir J. Erskin | Tyrone |
David | Scot | Clougher | Sir J. Erskin | Tyrone |
John | Scot | Clougher | Sir J. Erskin | Tyrone |
Alexander | Scot | Clougher | Sir J. Erskin | Tyrone |
Alexander | Scot | Clougher | Sir J. Erskin | Tyrone |
John | Scot | Clougher | Sir W. Steward | Tyrone |
Robert | Scot | Clougher | Sir W. Steward | Tyrone |
William | Scot | Clougher | Sir H. Tychborne | Tyrone |
John | Scot | Clougher | Sir W. Parsons | Tyrone |
Robert | Scot | Clougher | R. Coape | Tyrone |
William | Scot | Dungannon | H. Steward | Tyrone |
William | Scot | Dungannon | A. Richardson | Tyrone |
William | Scot | Dungannon | R. Lyndsay | Tyrone |
Richard | Scot | Omy | Lord Hastings | Tyrone |
Robert | Scot | Omy | Sir P. Crosby | Tyrone |
Robert | Scot | Omy | Sir P. Crosby | Tyrone |
Archbald | Scot | Omy | Captain Mervin | Tyrone |
John | Scot | Strabane | Master of Abbercorne | Tyrone |
John | Scot | Strabane | Sir W. Hammilton | Tyrone |
James | Scot | Strabane | Strabane Town | Tyrone |
George | Scot | Strabane | Strabane Town | Tyrone |
Christopher | Scot | Dungannon | Lord Primate of Armagh | Tyrone |
John | Scot | Dungannon | Lord Primate of Armagh | Tyrone |
John | Scot | Dungannon | Lord Primate of Armagh | Tyrone |
James | Scot | Dungannon | Lord Viscount Chichester | Tyrone |
Michaell | Scot | City and Liberties | Londonderry (including Goldsmiths’ estate) | Londonderry |
Richard | Scot | City and Liberties | Londonderry (including Goldsmiths’ estate) | Londonderry |
James | Scot | Sir R. Macclelan (Haberdashers) | Londonderry | |
Robert | Scot | Town and Liberties | Coleraine | Londonderry |
Thomas | Scot | Loughinisolyne | Churchlands of Maghera & Desert Martin | Londonderry |
Allen | Scot | Dunluce | Earl of Antrim’s British tenants | Antrim |
William | Scot | Dunluce | Earl of Antrim’s British tenants | Antrim |
Richard | Scot | Dunluce | Earl of Antrim’s British tenants | Antrim |
John | Scot | Dunluce | Earl of Antrim’s British tenants | Antrim |
John | Scot | Glennarme | Earl of Antrim’s British tenants | Antrim |
Robert | Scot | Glennarme | Earl of Antrim’s British tenants | Antrim |
William | Scot | Tome | Mr Adare | Antrim |
John | Scot | Tome | Mr Adare | Antrim |
Robert | Scot | Belfast | Mr Edmonston | Antrim |
Robert | Scot | Belfast | Mr Edmonston | Antrim |
John | Scot | Masreyne | Sir J. Clatwoorthy | Antrim |
William | Scot | Masreyne | Sir J. Clatwoorthy | Antrim |
John | Scot | Masreyne | H. Upton | Antrim |
John | Scot | Rapho | Duke of Lynox | Donegal |
William | Scot | Rapho | Duke of Lynox | Donegal |
George | Scot | Rapho | Sir J. Conningham | Donegal |
James | Scot | Rapho | Lady Conningham | Donegal |
James | Scot | Rapho | R. Harrington | Donegal |
Alexander | Scot | Boylagh and Bannagh | Earl of Annandall | Donegal |
Thomas | Scot | Boylagh and Bannagh | Earl of Annandall | Donegal |
George | Scot | Boylagh and Bannagh | Earl of Annandall | Donegal |
John | Scot | Boylagh and Bannagh | Earl of Annandall | Donegal |
John | Scot | Eneshone | Lord Chichester | Donegal |
Donnell | Scot | Eneshone | Lord Chichester | Donegal |
William | Scot | Earl of Kildare | Down | |
John | Scot | Earl of Kildare | Down | |
James | Scot | Lord Crumwell | Down | |
James | Scot | Lord Crumwell | Down | |
William | Scot | Lord Viscount Ards | Down | |
John | Scot | Lord Viscount Ards | Down | |
Michaell | Scot | Lord Viscount Ards | Down | |
Thomas | Scot | Lord Viscount Ards | Down | |
Mathew | Scot | Lord Viscount Ards | Down | |
John | Scot | Lord Viscount Ards | Down | |
George | Scot | Lord Viscount Ards | Down | |
Thomas | Scot | Lord Viscount Ards | Down | |
Robert | Scot | Lord Viscount Ards | Down | |
James | Scot | Lord Viscount Ards | Down | |
John | Scot | Lord Viscount Ards | Down | |
John | Scot | Lord Viscount Ards | Down | |
William | Scot | Lord Viscount Ards | Down | |
William | Scot | Lord Viscount Ards | Down | |
John | Scot | Lord Viscount Ards | Down | |
Walter | Scot | Lord Viscount Ards | Down | |
John | Scot | Lord Viscount Ards | Down | |
Guy | Scot | Lord Viscount Ards | Down | |
John | Scot | Lord Viscount Ards | Down | |
John | Scot | Lord Viscount Ards | Down | |
John | Scot | Lord Viscount Ards | Down | |
William | Scot | Lord Viscount Ards | Down | |
Archbald | Scot | Town of Bangor | Lord Viscount Clannaboyes | Down |
George | Scot | Lordship of Duffrin | Lord Viscount Clannaboyes | Down |
Thomas | Scot | great Ardes | Lord Viscount Clannaboyes | Down |
Archbald | Scot | great Ardes | Lord Viscount Clannaboyes | Down |
Andrew | Scot | Towne and lands of Holliwood | Lord Viscount Clannaboyes | Down |
Walter | Scot | Towne and lands of Holliwood | Lord Viscount Clannaboyes | Down |
George | Scot | Towne and lands of Holliwood | Lord Viscount Clannaboyes | Down |
Peter | Scot | Towne and lands of Holliwood | Lord Viscount Clannaboyes | Down |
Andrew | Scot | Towne and lands of Holliwood | Lord Viscount Clannaboyes | Down |
Walter | Scot | Bishop of Down, P. Savage & R. Savage | Down | |
John | Scot | town of Dunmoore [Dromore] and Lower Euvagh | Bishop of Dromore | Down |
Richard | Scot | Dartry | E. Auldridg | Monaghan |
Thomas | Scot | Dartry | E. Auldridg | Monaghan |
1/19/2020 MSE