There is ane, callit Clement’s Hob,
Fa ilk puir wife reivis her wob,
And all the lave,
Whatever they have:
The devil resave therefor his gob!
Aganis the Theives of Liddisdaill
Of Liddisdaill the commoun theiffis
Sa pertlie steillis now and reiffis
That nane may keip
Hors nolt nor scheip
Nor yit dar sleip for thair mischeiffis.
Thay plainlie throw the countrie rydis
I trow the mekill devil thame gydis
Quhair thay onset
Ay in thair gait
Thair is na yet nor dure thame bydis.
Thay leif richt nocht quhair ever thay ga
Thair can na thing be hid thame fra
For gif men wald thair housis hauld
Then waxe thay bald
To burne and sla.
Thay have neir hand hereit haill
Ettrik forrest and Lawderdaill
Now ar thay gaine
In Lowthiane
And spairis nane that thay will waill.
Thay landis ar with stouth sa socht
To extreme povertie ar brocht
Thay wicked schrowis
Hes laid the plowis
That nane or few is that ar left ocht.
Bot commoun taking of blak maill
thay that had flesche & breid & aill
Now ar sa wraikit
Maid puir and nakit
Faine to be staikit with walter caill.
Thay thefis that steillis and tursis hame
Ilk ane of thame hes ane to name
Will of the lawis (William Ellot of the Hill)
Hab of the schawis (Robert Ellot of Shawis; Trees)
To mak bair wais thay think na schame.
Where lawis became of the hill.
Thay spuilyie puire men of thair pakis
Thay leif thame nocht on bed nor bakis
Bayth hen and cok
With reill and rok
The lairdis Iok all with him takis. (laird’s Jok;
Armstong’s man likely John Ellot of Copschaw)
Correction laird’s Joke, is of the laird (landholder) of Mangerton, an Armstrong, and John is an Armstrong also.
Thay leif not spindill, spone nor speit
Bed, boster, blanket, sark nor scheit
Ihone of the park (John Ellot of Park)
Rypis kist and ark
For all sic wark he is richt meit.
He is weill kend Ihone of the syide
(John Ellot of Syde)
A gretar theif did never ryide
He never tyris
For to brek byris
Our muire and myris our gud ane gyide.
Thair is ane callit Clementis Hob
(Clement’s Hob; Clement Croyser’s
Robert Ellot, of Gorranberry, Robert
Ellot is the nephew of Clement Croyser)
Fra ilk puire wyfe reiffis thair wob
And all the laif
Quhat ever thay haif
The devill ressaif thairfoir his gob.
To sie sa greit stouth quha wald trowit
Bot gif sum greit man it allowit
Richt fair I rew
Thocht it be trew
Thair is sa few that dar avowit.
Of sum greit men thay have sic gait
That redye ar thame to debait
And will up weir
Thair stollin geir
That nane dar steir, thame air nor lait.
Quhat causis theiffis us our gang
Bot want of Iustice us amang
Nane takis cair
Thocht all forfair
Na man will spair, now to doe wrang.
Of stouth thocht now thay cum gud speid
that nather of men nor god hes dreid
Yit or I die
Sum sall thame sie
Hing on a trie, quhill thay be deid.
Ralph Stewart
Armstrong, and Buccleuch, Thank You | Elwald
I want to thank Clan Armstrong, and the Duke of Buccleuch for going against the wind farm industry, and not supporting the placement of a wind …
Been working for years to get it in it's proper location. It is felt that Redheugh, which the clan chief is; faught on the side of the Buccleuch in a feud against the Gorrenberry and Braidley Ellot, and her husband being in support of wind farms, and part of the aristocracy of the UK which are willing to destroy the ancestral, historical, antiquities of the UK by putting wind farms anywhere and challenging the centuries old protection of the Buccleuch family of the Hermitage Caste, is willing not to relocate Braidley to its proper locality so a wind farm can be built on Hermitage Castle Hill. (feel that Martin Ellot owned land in Teviotdale called Braidley/Braidlie, and lived on Bothwell's lease land east of Hermitage Castle also called Braidlie/Braidley giving confusion. In Calandar of Border Papers Martin Ellot is "of the" Braidley, in Liddesdale, which differs from "of" Braidley, which shows ownership, and oldest son leased from Bothwell, no tower built by the Hermitage Castle was nearby. Martin Ellot was "of the" Braidley in Liddesdale 9/5/2018 MSE) Mark Elliott 4/19/2014
Please support;
Hermitage Action Group
Hermitage Action Group are a local community group who aim to successfully defeat an industrial-scale ‘Windy Edge Wind Farm’ application, adjacent to …
Been trying for years to get Braidley located by the Elliot Clan Society it’s proper location between Gorrenberry and The Hermitage Castle. Now that I am riding with the Armstrongs, and Buck (Buccleauch), it is felt I found the answer why the Elliot Clan Society is not willing to move Martin’s Braidley to it’s proper locality.
Though the Elliot Clan say Braidley is in Treviotdale,
it is in Liddesdale, near Gorrenberry;
Martin’s Braidley is high (north) in Liddesdale on land from the Armstrong’s Whitehaugh Tower north to the Hermitage (Armytage) Castle.
The reason The Elliot Clan Society does not want to support moving Braidley to the locality it should be located at because they support the propose INFINIS wind farm which will vandalize the Hermitage Castle.
Christopher Powell Wilkins is the husband to the clan chief.
As one can see he has an Redheugh, Newcastleton, Roxburghshire, plus a lot of connections to many a wind farm company.
One can see he has links to MI6 and likely a knowledge of covert activities.
One can see also that a lot of aristocracy a putting money, and may be more power from that money a head of land protection. It should be noted that the Buccleuch family has been providing and today in going up against the Infinis proposed wind farm on Hermitage Castle Hill are still providing protection for the Hermitage Castle and it’s surrounding, so people like myself who may want to visit Scotland their family homeland from across the sea will not have there homeland desecrated by electric power wind turbines.
It should be noted that even the Prince of Wales, does not want to have a small wind turbine near him in the month of August.
MSE 4/29/2014

Classic and Contemporary Poetry
First Line: Of liddesdale the common thiefis [thieves]
Alternate Author Name(s): Lethington, Lord
Subject(s): Capital Punishment; Crime And Criminals; Lynching; Hanging; Executions; Death Penalty
Of Liddisdale the common thievis
Sa pertlie stealis now and reivis,
That nane may keep
Horse, nolt, nor sheep,
Nor yit dar sleep for their mischiefis.
They plainlie through the countrie ridis;
I trow the meikle devil them guidis;
Where they onset
Ay in their gate
There is na yett nor door them bidis.
They leif richt nocht; wherever they gae
There can na thing be hid them frae;
For, gif men wald
Their houses hald,
Then wax they bauld to burn and slay.
Thae thievis have nearhand herreit haill
Ettrick Forest and Lauderdale;
Now are they gane
In Lothiane,
And sparis nane that they will wale.
Thae landis are with stouth sa socht,
To extreme povertie are brocht;
Thae wicked shrewis
Has laid the plowis,
That nane or few is that are left oucht.
By common taking of black-mail,
They that had flesh and bread and ale,
Now are sa wraikit,
Made pure and naikit,
Fain to be slaikit with water-kail.
Thae thievis that stealis and tursis hame,
Ilk ane of them has ane to-name:
Will of the Lawis,
Hab of the Shawis;
To mak bare wa’is, they think na shame.
They spuilye puir men of their packis;
They leave them nocht on bed nor backis;
Baith hen and cock,
With reel and rock,
The Lairdis Jock, all with him takis.
They leave not spindle, spoon, nor spit,
Bed, bowster, blanket, serk, nor sheet:
John of the Park
Ripes kist and ark;
For all sic wark he is richt meet.
He is weil kend, John of the Side;
A greater thief did never ride:
He never tires
For to break byres;
Owre muir and mires owre gude ane guide.
There is ane, callit Clement’s Hob,
Fa ilk puir wife reivis her wob,
And all the lave,
Whatever they have:
The devil resave therefor his gob!
To see sa great stouth wha wald trow it,
Bot gif some great man it allowit?
Richt sair I rue,
Though it be true,
There is sa few that dar avow it.
Of some great men they have sic gate,
That ready are them to debate
And will up-wear
Their stolen gear,
That nane dar steir them, air nor late.
What causes thievis us our-gang
Bot want of justice us amang?
Nane takis care
Though all forfare:
Na man will spare now to do wrang.
Of stouth thoch now they come gude speed
That neither of men nor God has dreid
Yet, or I die,
Some sall them see
Hing on a tree whill they be deid.
MSE 5/8/2014
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