Genealogically locating Young Brigham

Young Dand [Elliot] in index Calendar of Border Papers

Young is a name utilized by people of the border to indicate that there is an older one. Like in the case of Young Dand, his father is likely Dand also. If he had not adopted a surname, the name Young may come to be adopted, as a surname.


Researching Family History: What’s in a name? Origins can offer a lot of family history
Russell Bangerter

Published: June 27, 2009 12:23 am

Young showing in surname density programs indicate the Young are most concentrated on the Scottish side of the border.

1. A bridge over a stream, gutter, etc. Early examples occur in place-names, as Prestesbrige (c 1150), Risibrigg (c 1240), HatherbrigScatbrig or -breg, and as a first element in Brigham (c 1190), Briggate(c 1266), Brighous (1337; cf. BARB. XVII. 409), Bryghend (1359).(a)

So Brigham brig-ham, in Scottish basically in English means; bridge home.

Brigham History, Family Crest & Coats of Arms – House of Names

The Anglo-Saxon name Brigham comes from the family having resided in Yorkshire, where they lived in the village named Brigham. The place-name Brigham is derived from the Old English words Brycg and ham which literally mean bridge and homestead. The surname Brigham was first found in Yorkshire where they held a family seat from very ancient times, some say well before the Norman Conquest and the arrival of Duke William at Hastings in 1066 A.D.


6/3/2019 MSE

Surname, evolution from place name ‘de Brigham’; of Brigham, East Riding, Yorkshire. The ‘de’ (of) is dropped for the surname to become BRIGHAM.

Yorkshire Brighams

6/17/2019 MSE



6/24/2019 MSE

John and Alexander Young, found on the 163–AD muster, Co Fermanagh, Ulster Ireland.

Do not see a Young surname on map from the Library of Family History in Salt Lake City, Utah, but a lot of Border Reiver names like Young, or Armstrong, Elliott, and Johnston.

Above fairly recent as compared to 1630, was not able to find the surname Young in Co Fermanagh, Ulster, Ireland. Though Murphy is a family name down the mtDNA;

6/26/2019 MSE  Mark S. Elliott (Ulster, Ireland c1630 spelling Marke Ellot)

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