4 hours ago
BAER, BEER, BEHR: http://www.jewishencyclopedia.com/articles/2325-baer-beer-behr https://nvk.genealogy.net/map/1890:Baer,1890:Beer,1890:Behr By: Richard Gottheil, Isaac Broydé “Jewish prænomen and family name, derived from the German “Bär” (bear). The Jews of Germany, like those of other countries, borrowed their names from their non-Jewish fellow-citizens; chiefly when equivalents of these names could be found in the Bible. Because the patriarch Jacob (Gen. xlix. passim) compared the qualities of some of his children to those of certain animals, the Jews eagerly adopted as proper names the German designations for these animals, such as “Baer,” “Wolf,” “Löwe.” The older forms “Bera,” “Bero” https://nvk.genealogy.net/map/1890:Bera,1890:Bero occur in the Memorbuchs (compare the old High German “Bero”).” Among the Polish and Russian Jews, the name “Baer” assumed various diminutive forms, such as “Baeril,” “Baerush,” and “Baerke.” All these are rendered in Hebrew by “Dob” or “Issachar”; and as such the name is used for synagogal and literary purposes. Later “Baer” became a family name, which, however, did not always retain its original spelling, the German “ä” being variously rendered in non-German countries. Bibliography: Zunz, Namen der Juden, p. 26; Salfeld, Martyrologium des Nürnberger Memorbuches, p. 388. https://elwald.com/wp-content/uploads/2019/07/Chronicles-of-the-Armstrong.jpg https://elwald.com/wp-content/uploads/2019/09/Albert-Bird-Armstrong-genealogists.png https://gorrenberry.com/wp-content/uploads/2016/05/Elliott-Fairbairn-I-M253-Anglo-Danish-match-up.jpg https://elwald.com/wp-content/uploads/2020/04/Fairbairn-I-M253-Elliott-Viking-add-mix-James-Irvine-Irwin-FTDNA.png https://www.spiegel.de/international/germany/wild-elks-return-to-germany-a-853581.html Both man and wolf (dog), migrate together as predators of the elk (moose). https://g8fip1kplyr33r3krz5b97d1-wpengine.netdna-ssl.com/wp-content/uploads/2017/10/German-wolves.gif These ancient pathways are in the wolf and elk (moose), and possibly in the Y-DNA and mtDNA of the animal world and likely the humans. That would give good reason to state the one carrying the Y-DNA is most likely the correct one traveling down that Y-DNA line. Feel my ancestors had to eat to stay alive. Casing down an elk (moose), may be like the American Indian casing down buffalo, or border reivers chasing down cattle. There are wild cattle in the borderlands. Granddad raised the black ones called ‘angus’, and ‘Angus’, of the Douglas Earl of Angus is where a lot of Ellot (el-lot; a lot measured on it’s side by the Edinburgh, sixteenth century standard of length called the ‘el’. Being called an ‘ellot’ meant you farmed ‘ellot’ in Angus), brought them to Liddesdale to soldier The Hermitage Castle. On the Redheugh shield of 29th chief Margaret Eliott of Reheugh, is an ‘el’, and length between that of the imperial English ‘yard’, and the French ‘metre’. http://home.kpn.nl/pu6qs9/ellot_clan.htm https://gorrenberry.com/wp-content/uploads/2018/05/Stobs-Redheugh-shield.jpg
15 hours ago
https://named.publicprofiler.org/ “Greenspan” and “Green” Grünspan>Greenspan>Green>Greene Elwald>Ellwood>Elliot>Elliott Green>Greene (Ulster) Clark>Clarke (Ulster) Military: FERMANAGH 1630 Index to Muster Roll Ireland Genealogy Project Archives Contributed to Ireland Genealogy Projects by Vynette Sage https://www.igp-web.com/IGPArchives/ire/fermanagh/military/1630-muster-roll-index.txt GRESIRE Godfrey GREENE Michael GREENE Thomas GREERE Gilbert https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Tullykelter_Castle GREENE https://forebears.io/surnames/greene Approximately 203,431 people bear this surname MOST PREVALENT IN: United States HIGHEST DENSITY IN: Barbados https://www.historyireland.com/early-modern-history-1500-1700/sheep-stealers-from-the-north-of-england-the-riding-clans-in-ulster-by-robert-bell/
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Mark Elliott
5 hours ago
László Varsányi My mother’s father spoke German, and ‘Barna’ is Hungarian for the English ‘Brown’, where ‘Braun’ is showing to be German, for ‘Brown’, an English surname. The word ‘barna’, in Danish means ‘the children’. Language is a tricky in multi-linguistic environments. Where Stephen Peter Barna, had two daughters, mom and older sister, is German speaking of the Austria-Czech-Slovak nature north of Hungry. Though names change in migration this name Barna could easily be of the Y-DNA line. ‘Brown’, could refer to skin or hair, such has been utilized in naming. Such as ‘Grau’ for Gray hair, or ‘Red’ hair. If skin color, then it is contrast with the grouping of people this individual is from. The ‘Black’ Douglas, would likely have Black hair for instance. When the Armstrong in County Fermanagh, (previously County Maguire, Ulster, Ireland 1650) they started to have dark hair. https://archive.org/details/chroniclesofarms00arms/page/327/mode/2up (last paragraph) https://elwald.com/wp-content/uploads/2019/07/Stephen-Peter-Barna-WWII-draft-card-place-of-birth-Kesmark-Slovakia.jpg Name locality for seems to be western Slovakia, and Hungry, eastern Romania, and Ukraine. Taught math at Gallup High, and UNM-Gallup, with a Ukrainian colleague (hope the Ukrainians will not get offended, but the Math Dept head at the University was from Hungry). The Ukrainians on this feed do not seem to want to respond to ‘Greenspoon’, meaning how can I expect them to respond to the surname ‘Barna’? BARNA Approximately 34,990 people bear this surname https://forebears.io/surnames/barna MOST PREVALENT IN: Hungary HIGHEST DENSITY IN: Hungary
Yesterday at 11:06am
Kind of got away. Want to thank László Varsányi for his assistance, though still need assistance out of east of Hungry, from Russia and the Ukraine, to try to find in family history the origins of the name Green-Spoon, in out of the languages of Ukraine/Russia to figure out the family history which some call genealogy. Did remember my Republican father Loren Spencer Elliott, taking me to the civic center in Sioux City, Iowa, and their was a black hair individual speaking, and memory showed he looked like Nixon, which he did speak at this civic center, and he was running for president against a Catholic named Kennedy. Nixon raised Quaker, Hoover, raised Quaker of Iowa ran against a Catholic named Smith, but he won, his vice-president Curtis of Shawnee Co, Kansas was part Native America, and his nationality is listed as American.
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László Varsányi
14 hours ago
You’re very welcome and I will continue to help at any time if you need my help.
19 hours ago
Sam Clark of West Branch, Iowa, now living in Gallup, New Mexico, USA, is a friend of mine and planning on assiting him in a move next weekend. Out of Hitler’s Reach.avi https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KQP8CReO5x4 The role of a Quaker Boarding School, Scattergood, located in West Branch, Iowa practiced the art of hospitality and outreach for Jewish immigrants during WWII. Outside of West Branch, Iowa, where Herbert Hoover 31st U.S. President; Charles Curtis Vice President nationality American. Born: August 10, 1874, West Branch, IA https://hoover.archives.gov/exhibits/years-compassion-1914-1923. A lot of Iowa Quakers we’re conscientious objectors during WWII and volunteered for a starvation experiment. Both Hoover and I worked as mine engineers, my degree is out or the University of Utah in mining engineering. Worked out of Helper, Utah, Spring Canyon #5, of the UMWA, as a buggy operator to put myself through school. U of UT, is where the FHL of the Family History Library of the Church of Later Days Saints is at. Largest data base of genealogical word wide information previous to the internet. Those Mormon men and I will not challenge the Mormon ladies. Before ladies of the US and UK where voting the Mormon ladies of Utah, Idaho, Colorado, and Wyoming were already voting. The ladies do not carry the Y-DNA, so a team https://www.yourdnaguide.com/about of them out of the Border Reiving University, as Genetic Genealogist, Brigham Young University can not be challenged by the ones carrying Y-DNA on autosomal DNA. When the men learn, the one which carries the Y-DNA has a near 100% likelihood on being correct on their Y-DNA line then someone which does not carry it, then the men have something to offer with their Y-DNA to the family’s history. Barbados; https://www.scotsman.com/whats-on/arts-and-entertainment/guy-hewitt-barbados-remembers-scots-heritage-st-andrews-day-1461307 https://gorrenberry.com/wp-content/uploads/2015/01/Scottish-Barbados-Indentures.mp4?_=2 Race is genetics base, not skin pigment based. Like
Yesterday at 12:56pm
Yesterday at 10:57pm
Yesterday at 9:38pm
Seems like they moved onto Ulster, North Ireland from Elginton Castle, Scotland, as indicated by surname distribution pattern, and 1630 Ulster muster. Approximately 188,048 people bear Montgomery surname. https://forebears.io/surnames/montgomery MOST PREVALENT IN: United States HIGHEST DENSITY IN: Northern Ireland
Yesterday at 9:33pm
https://www.familytreedna.com/public/Montgomery?iframe=ycolorized https://elwald.com/wp-content/uploads/2019/11/Hermitage-DNA-match-comparison..jpg Figure someone may know that Michael Hammer likely a relative, though granddad Mark Elliott rejected the family name ‘Hammer’ as a middle name. Seems like he may need assistance on that J-M172 DNA of the Mont(Gomer)y.
Yesterday at 8:43pm
Yeshayahu or Eisy Greenspoon b. 1868 and d. 1933 Ukraine E-M35 Approximately 1,077 people bear this surname Yeshayahu https://forebears.io/surnames/yeshayahu MOST PREVALENT IN: Israel HIGHEST DENSITY IN: Israel We could use your help. It is felt that the name Greenspoon. It is felt that it came out of the Ukraine in the Ukrainian language as ‘green spoon’, then changed as migrated west. Became Greenspoon in Israel. Not familiar with the Ukrainian language evolved and migrated to Israel. It helps to know the evolution and spelling of a name to see where the different variants of the surname may be from, and this group it seems to indicate that names may be variants of the Ukrainian ‘Greenspoon’. Do you match any Calhoun? https://www.familytreedna.com/public/calhoun?iframe=ycolorized Or any Kirkpatrick? https://www.familytreedna.com/public/kirkpatrick?iframe=ycolorized Feel the (H)unmphrey brought that E-M35 into the borderlands of Scotland. https://www.familytreedna.com/public/Humphrey?iframe=ycolorized With your E-M35?
Yesterday at 3:26pm
Harvard is worship especially by gentiles to the Jews. The Jews are a tribe of Israel, but the Mormons, consider themselves even though made up of a bunch of border reivers and refugees of the Salem Witch Trials of the chosen tribe. Who is really of the chosen tribe. My twenty ninth chief still exists, and most likely thinks of me as a ‘vagabond’ of the wild west. Sure has one of those bonnets which Coronado wore of steel to protect himself from the Zuni in 1540. It kept him alive. Do not want to get in the chief’s way; https://elwald.com/clan-elliot-29th-chief-margaret-eliott-of-redhuegh-stobs/ if you click on link you will understand why. She lives across way from where ‘wee Jock’ http://www.rampantscotland.com/poetry/blpoems_daur.htm lived at the time of Marie Stuart Queen of Scots. Did you know we supported here be she was beheaded by the first Queen Elizabeth, her cousin, and her son taken by the Protestants inherited ‘virgin’ Queen Elizabeth’s English army and went after the Armstrong, next on list were Ellot. Chieftain line at chief 29 for our tribe still survives on land family acquire in the fifteenth century. https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/en/4/43/Sasine_deed_1484_for_Robert_Elwald_%28Elliot%29%2C_Redheugh%2C_Larriston%2C_Hartsgarth.jpg Taught by dad to share family information to the internet. Harvard has put the hobbles on restricting written publication to be reference, when I feed the references to the internet for anyone even of Harvard to use to write articles reference to the internet, in image form, and noted a lot of researchers including genealogists are taking advantage of them. For Harvard silencing, Cotton Mather types to be self dislodged from accurate information they love to put down as lies in a format of silencing it takes a while after information has been feed to the web for it to come back out. Once feed it can not be retracted because the internet allows for sharing of information which applies to the genealogy, and it can not be silenced for a Harvard Cotton Mather type of science showing who are witches. FTDNA can allow their Harvard admin types to silence free speech, which in my case is intrinsic to beliefs of the indigenous population of the Gallup region myself included. Figure what happen in the era of Daniel Elliot, will apply today; such as Nathaniel Hathorn changing the spelling of his surname to Hawthorn because he did not care for what ancestor judge John Hathorn did during this era of time. Genealogy is religion to the Mormons, if one wants to believe in Harvard one may, but this time I want no part of the silencing, when family history is family sharing not silencing.
May 30 @ 2:00pm
Sam Clark of West Branch, Iowa, now living in Gallup, New Mexico, USA, is a friend of mine and planning on assiting him in a move next weekend. Out of Hitler’s Reach.avi https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KQP8CReO5x4 The role of a Quaker Boarding School, Scattergood, located in West Branch, Iowa practiced the art of hospitality and outreach for Jewish immigrants during WWII. Outside of West Branch, Iowa, where Herbert Hoover 31st U.S. President; Charles Curtis Vice President nationality American. Born: August 10, 1874, West Branch, IA https://hoover.archives.gov/exhibits/years-compassion-1914-1923. A lot of Iowa Quakers we’re conscientious objectors during WWII and volunteered for a starvation experiment. Both Hoover and I worked as mine engineers, my degree is out or the Universiy of Utah in mining engineering. Worked out of Helper, Utah, Spring Canyon #5, of the UMWA, as a buggy operator to put myself through school. U of UT, is where the FHL of the Family History Library of the Church of Later Days Saints is at. Largest data base of genealogical word wide information previous to the internet. Those Mormon men and I will not challenge the Mormon ladies. Before ladies of the US and UK where voting the Mormon ladies of Utah, Idaho, Colorado, and Wyoming were already voting. The ladies do not carry the Y-DNA, so a team https://www.yourdnaguide.com/about of them out of the Border Reiving University, as Genetic Genealogist, Brigham Young University can not be challenged by the ones carrying Y-DNA on autosomal DNA. When the men learn, the one which carries the Y-DNA has a near 100% likelihood on being correct on their Y-DNA line then someone which does not carry it, then the men have something to offer with their Y-DNA to the family’s history. Barbados; https://www.scotsman.com/whats-on/arts-and-entertainment/guy-hewitt-barbados-remembers-scots-heritage-st-andrews-day-1461307 https://gorrenberry.com/wp-content/uploads/2015/01/Scottish-Barbados-Indentures.mp4?_=2 Race is genetics base, not skin pigment based.
May 29 @ 9:29pm
May 27 @ 10:14am
László Varsányi Need your help on this one. Have familiarity with languages of the southwest US; Navajo (base Y-CDNA), Zuñi (base Y-QDNA), Spanish (base Y-mixed European), and English, but not a familiarity with European languages granddad Stephen Peter Barna died when I was 2 years old, would like you opinion. Can variant names of Greenspan, be from not ‘Being born with a silver spoon in ones month’. Therefore your spoon has copper in it which becomes green. Grünspan; in German means, verdigris in English. Which means; the bluish green patina color found on copper, when it oxidized. Copper roofing turns this color as found from the copper in turquoise. Which does not make sense in the definition of a surname. Copper is an element in the same grouping on the periodic table as silver and gold, all elements used in the making of jewelry. Derived out of the Ukrainian, is Greenspoon, as surname found in strength in Israel. Now we’re getting it is felt closer to the meaning of the name. A Greenspoon would be a spoon with a verdigris platina. Like of copper is an alloy of brass, which spoons are made of when plated with silver. If some of the plate wears off, and with exposure to atmospheric oxygen O2 and humidity H2O, then the spoon would oxidize into a ‘green spoon’. To translate from language to language sometimes can become difficult, when sayings are used, like; ‘Being born with as silver spoon in ones month’. A ‘Greenspoon’, would be someone NOT ‘Being born with a silver spoon in ones month’. Example. A ‘Greenback’, is a paper dollar, green on one side, as opposed to a silver dollar. The key is; ‘as oppose to silver’. Mom’s father name; ‘Stephen Peter Barna’; his father was ‘Stephen Barna’, Austria, but now of German Slovak. Name ‘Stephen’ is far more Scottish then Slovak. The surname ‘Peter’ is most likely German, and ‘Barna’ is most likely of Hungry. https://forebears.io/surnames PoBI, had an international staff, follow procedures, and proper statistical sampling for marked off regions of the British Isles, maintaining the use of autosomal DNA, but the study did not use surnames, and came you with proper scientific genetic DNA answers, with the genealogy to be applied. Y-DNA being applied to Anglo-European surnames, then how these surname evolved, individual localities used surnames, and when they were adopted including the linguistics, are needed in order to understand the integration of Y-DNA into the surname migration. https://learnalittleeveryday.wordpress.com/2015/04/17/people-of-the-british-isles-pobi-project-a-short-genetic-summary/ It should be noted that if people do not migrate over a language boundary, the surname spelling is most likely to remain, as spelled in that region, like ‘Grünspan’ for in and around Berlin, including part of today’s Poland. The Astro’s ring is ‘sterling silver’; 92.5% silver, and does not turn green. Silver when it oxidizes tarnishes black. Oxidation is a standard method of telling whether the jewelry is made of silver or not. For Bennett Greenspan, Löss soils, in Iowa, near Omaha, the genealogical terraces have been set for families to find their histories.
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László Varsányi
May 27 @ 2:00pm
I understood what you wanted to say. I would like a day of reflection. I will help you research and give you my ideas.
László Varsányi
May 28 @ 3:00am
In Hungary, we use this saying, as you wrote, for a given idea. ‘Being born with a silver spoon in ones month’. Meaning: It means the man who was born noble. You don’t have to work for a depositor, as your family owns a “silver spoon,” so it’s a descendant of a rich family. The opposite is poor people. The rich man owns land. In our country, poor people have no land. There is a name that points to “Földnélküli”. Look: “Landless.” We also have a similar surname for machining metals: “Ötvös” or “Eötvös”. Look: “Goldsmith” We also have a surname for copper processing: “Rézműves”. Look: “Copperworker” We have many such newcomer words. The sow name “Barna” is also present in the form “Braun”. At the same time, the decrees of II. József and Mária Terézia must also be taken into account. Many Jews changed their original surname under the law. It had to be Hungarianized. As later on many times. The compulsion to choose a name, of course, hid many loopholes. However, many Jews sought to have their new name refer in some form to their origin, or even their old name. Unfortunately, the link is only in Hungarian. culture – from Kohn Kovács: a little history of Hungarian Jewish names http://magyarzsido.hu/index.php?option=com_content&view=article&id=18:zsido-nevek-toertenete-nevmagyarositasok&catid=3:kultura&Itemid=3 Jewish surname – Wikipedia https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Jewish_surname There is a page listing all the Hungarianizations. I’ll find you. If I found it, I’ll paste the link. (I hope I wrote well in English and you understand what I wrote).
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Mark Elliott
May 29 @ 8:58pm
It seems they saying of being born with a silver spoon, as carried as distance. The ‘spoon’ part like in Greenspoon of Israel seem to have come from Ukraine or Russia, further towards the east. It would be good to get a response out of that part of the world.
Like László Varsányi likes this
Mark Elliott
May 29 @ 8:59pm
Zuni, and Gallup, my hometown having Covid 19 virus difficulties. Zuni Pueblo deals with increase in COVID-19 cases May 26, 2020 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mpQ8wGLVnbA Note in New Mexico Jewish history; Solomon Bibo: Jewish Chief of the Acoma Indian Tribe of New Mexico http://www.jmaw.org/bibo-jewish-new-mexico/
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May 27 @ 1:11pm
https://d3tije9h5o4l4c.cloudfront.net/social-photos/3370626?dpr=2&fit=max&h=258&w=590 Shows by locality and Y-DNA that the Fairbairn (Fair Bear), and Elliot (Elk of the Woods), of the Fair Bear Germanic-Danish story as being related; https://gorrenberry.com/wp-content/uploads/2016/05/Elliot-Fairbairn-R-M253-1024×532.jpg FTDNA does not know what genocide is if they allow admins, to kick people off their feeds. This parallels the silencing of Nazis on Jews, but it goes further, because Germany did not win the war, yet the United Kingdom, united by the genocide of Armstrong and Elliott, and many other border families, showed up until FTDNA filtered it out in my Y-DNA. Supervised core drilling, the data belonged to the customer not the admins. It is data extortion when allowed to kick people off of feeds. Mining one would call it ‘claim jumping’. Imbalance where a part of the family gets to kick the other part out with the Harvard witch silencing mentality, then they get to write their own truths, like Hitler’s his. https://nvk.genealogy.net/map/1996:Maguire,1996:Johnston,1996:Armstrong,1996:McManus,1996:Elliott https://de.wikipedia.org/wiki/Clan_Armstrong https://de.wikipedia.org/wiki/Clan_Elliot https://www.historyireland.com/early-modern-history-1500-1700/sheep-stealers-from-the-north-of-england-the-riding-clans-in-ulster-by-robert-bell/ https://gorrenberry.com/wp-content/uploads/2018/05/Armstrong-Border-Pacification-Genocide-BBC.mp4 21st July 2019 Signs blackening the Armstrong name should be removed “WHILST the world’s media celebrates Neil Armstrong’s first steps on the moon, his “giant leap forward for mankind”, it seems a tartan eclipse is still awaited before deepest state-imposed prejudice against the Armstrong – and Elliot – name is finally lifted. In the heart of Liddesdale, adjoining the English border with Scotland, formerly the stronghold of Clans Armstrong and Elliot, a cruel and sinister prejudice against his family names from centuries past still stands prominent on official government quango, EU-promoted noticeboards. Highlighted centrally in red on a large “ReiverTrail” tourist notice in Liddesdale, with clear association to the “infamous Armstrong clan’”, is stated: “If Jesus Christ were amongst them, they would deceave him”. On another notice of the trail, Armstrongs are again referred to repeatedly in most negative terms, with an emphasised text on “the thieves of Liddesdale”, and mention of them being hanged and banished abroad. Yet another “Reiver Trail” notice centres on the Elliots, with the highlighted central text: “The Elliots are grown so to seek blood they will make quarrel for the death of their grandfather and kill any of the name”. It has to be noted that there were the most extreme reactions and strongest possible objections from local councillors and activists when the wording of the notices was proposed, but the local voice was overruled and despite local outrage dismay and embarrassment, the signs were imposed on them – and decades later still remain. The Armstrongs and Elliots were very far from alone in infamous exploits at the time of border reiving times, and it has been argued over centuries by local scholars, including a local minister of more than 50 years, that they were subjected to very unjust persecution of the most extreme kind. In fact the word Holocaust was used by the Liddesdale Bard John Byers to describe events in this land – a term which does not seem inappropriate when one reads and sees evidence of the Clearances which happened here. Armstrongs lost virtually everything, their lands and goods taken from them and those left alive mostly banished. The Elliots did little better, whilst other major reiving families made substantial gains and great wealth by carrying out merciless acts at King James VI’s command. It is surely time the Scottish Government takes a small step to remove these signs, which broadcast rank discrimination, and which surely have no place in a country that declares it has made giant leaps forward in equality. The wording and emphasis would surely not be allowed for any other ethnic group. The quotes stem from Sir Walter Scott, whose extreme prejudice towards the people of the area only arose after he and his companion had spent seven summers touring Liddesdale, given free board and lodgings, feted as a dignitary by people living in comparative poverty to himself, and being recited and taught of the border ballads, which he later used in his writings. Scott’s son-in-law Lockhart wrote that Scott boasted of never having to spend any money whatsoever over these seven summers, for himself or his companion. A move to help return the local Langholm Moor, adjoining Liddesdale, to the community for ecotourism would seem an apt first step as a degree of compensation.” Caroline McManus (note surname) Edinburgh
May 26 @ 1:47pm
“Delivered by Alexander as his act and deed in the presence of us underwritten to his master Goodman Stratton. Richard Norcross, John Cloys Wee consent to the turning over of this Servant to Samuel Stratton the 19th of the 8 mo: 1652 Increase Nowell, William Hibbins. Recorded 25:4: 1653 By me Tho Danforth Recorder” https://scottishprisonersofwar.com/alexander-gordon-individual-contract-with-master-john-cloise/ To censor and deny on the use of documentation integrated with DNA, what’s the difference then the Nazis censoring the Jews in Germany? Thomas Danforth of Danforth Farms, Framingham, MA, where family built mill in on Otter Neck, and after Salem Trials were refugees in Salem End on land provided by a Salem Witch Trial Judge Thomas Danforth, the above recorder.
May 26 @ 12:57pm
Correlating mtDNA, Y-DNA, and autosomal DNA to the Gordon surname. Only match is felt useful for genealogical mtDNA purposes is the genetic distance of ‘0’ for mtDNA, which does seemly as maiden name is ‘Gordon’. 2nd-4th cousin on autosomal DNA, and match downstream SNP of R-U106 at R-S16361, which shows strength in Scotland, but in mapping localities the Dalvggus is questioned if it does not present a map reference, the Gordonstown two and Huntley Castle of a majority of the census of Gordons is more if felt properly mapped in the region of Aberdeenshire.
May 26 @ 11:32am
https://d3tije9h5o4l4c.cloudfront.net/social-photos/3594128?dpr=2&fit=max&h=538&w=590 https://www.familytreedna.com/public/ScottDNAproject?iframe=ycolorized The J-M172 Scott differs from the J-M172 Montgomery. Both Ancient Roman, but the Scott Y-DNA would be in the non-Gaelic Scottish region, eastern Scottish Borderlands, and the Montgomery would be in the Gaelic speaking Scottish western Borderlands, both group migrating into Ulster Ireland onto America.
May 26 @ 10:23am
My Y-DNA is so rare among Elliott is has been vanquished with the ‘Cowie’ of Gorrenberry. https://elwald.com/cowie-of-goranberry/ Also quite rare among any surname group that admins use it’s rarity as a way to dismiss me, though the first two individuals to have their genomes fully mapped carried R-U106 Y-DNA also. Have been doing genealogy for over a half century, am a second generation genealogist, worked as a mine engineer, retired from teaching computer programming, science, and mathematics to mainly Navajo. My colleges and department heads at the level taught UNM-Gallup, and secondary were international, and the students indigenous Americans. My community of Gallup, NM is quite patriotic, https://gorrenberry.com/wp-content/uploads/2020/03/Gallup-NM-Most-Patriotic-Small-Town-in-America-Rand-McNally-Best-of-the-Road-Submission.mp4 We in Gallup, and I religiously as written in my nation’s constitution the of speech, and necessity to any FTDNA feed to be searching family history and a part of my Quaker spirituality, of one being lead not leading or suppressing information given. Not on the Elliot(t) FTDNA site though I carry an Elliott FTDNA Y-DNA, be excluded by someone of a nation my ancestors separated from in 1776, which nation flies the flag of Border Family genocide, https://gorrenberry.com/wp-content/uploads/2018/05/Armstrong-Border-Pacification-Genocide-BBC.mp4 and of this family grouping; Armstrong, Elliott, Nixon, and Crozier. Like Armstrong and Nixon, believe in world peace; https://gorrenberry.com/wp-content/uploads/2019/11/President-Nixon-speaking-with-astronauts-Armstrong-and-Aldrin-on-the-Moon.mp4 Though my home has been at time quarantined from the Navajo Nation; https://gorrenberry.com/wp-content/uploads/2020/03/Gallup-NM-Most-Patriotic-Small-Town-in-America-Rand-McNally-Best-of-the-Road-Submission.mp4 Though wife is a veteran she works at Gallup Indian Medical Center, retired from Indian Health Service she is working as a civilian dietitian. To do genealogy, one has to accept the other is right about their family. Censoring supplied family information not manner how annoyed one may be at it make one an anti-genealogists. Ladies seem to make the best family genealogists. They seem to extract information, which pertains to there family, and do not get so offended by context. With Y-DNA carrying genealogists, given two the one which censors information is not a genealogists, but the one which extracts the family information is. Only when families speak freely about their families do people get accurate family history. Any censoring of family information provided except by the receiver which can close this page, makes the feed useless to the genealogists, but useful to the Harvard Profs, having people to paid for the data to become ‘lab rats’ they are utilizing in their studies, this in the same manner Cotton Mather’s science to hang witches. If you like me know your SNP upstream and downstream, plus which group of Elliott you are matching, though their are extreme non-genealogists like an admin on the FTDNA which has censored me a number of times, which will say that I a second generation genealogist, retired computer-science-math instructor, should be silenced in the manner Hitler silenced Jews, if you will allow a modern day family genealogists, and amateur like golf Bobby Jones give you and answer I would be most honored if my freedoms which my nation so prizes of speech which is one of them is not censored by one of these so called genetic genealogists. https://www.historyireland.com/early-modern-history-1500-1700/sheep-stealers-from-the-north-of-england-the-riding-clans-in-ulster-by-robert-bell/ He is referenced by the German Wiki which does not like the English Wiki censor him, or me; https://de.wikipedia.org/wiki/Clan_Elliot Census data shows many of County Fermanagh likely because of THE TROUBLES migrated to West Germany; https://nvk.genealogy.net/map/1996:Maguire,1996:Johnston,1996:Armstrong,1996:McManus,1996:Elliott On Daniel Elliot Y-DNA Cluster https://elwald.com/wp-content/uploads/2019/04/Daniel-Elliot-cluster.jpg https://gorrenberry.com/wp-content/uploads/2015/05/DNA-analysis-verses-the-genealogy-of-Framingham-MA-vitals-1024×434.jpg Great Grandfather Daniel Elliot, Tullykelter, Co Fermanagh, Ulster, Ireland. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Tullykelter_Castle https://gorrenberry.com/wp-content/uploads/2017/07/Armstrong-Elliott-Johnston-Fermanagh-surname-distribution-map.jpg Self explanatory something a non-genealogical geneticists may not know; ONE DOES NOT GET TO CHOOSE THEIR ANCESTORS Good to have some Jewish ancestry, those are the ones which I would have chosen. If someone chooses to censor because I am doing ancestral family history on the ancestors I was born with in accordance to genetic science, and not the genetics of Hitler’s Superior Race, Harvard or Cotton Mather Puritan ‘status quo’, making family historians using their Y-DNA being LAB RATS and you do not allow this then you are not genetic or genealogists.
May 25 @ 7:07pm
https://www.scotsman.com/whats-on/arts-and-entertainment/guy-hewitt-barbados-remembers-scots-heritage-st-andrews-day-1461307 https://www.peopleofthebritishisles.org/ Free speech and free religion; Lead, not leading, by ‘that of god in all’. Did family history through the Salem Witch Trials. How Harvard judges silenced witches; Film clip of what happen, to Daniel Elliot’s step-mother-in-laws oldest sister Rebecca Nurse in Salem; https://gorrenberry.com/wp-content/uploads/2020/05/The-Hanging-Tree-of-Sarah-Good-and-Rebecca-Nurse.mp4 Clip of what the Tory’s the party in power thought of transporting Scots as slaves to the Colonies; https://gorrenberry.com/wp-content/uploads/2015/01/SELLING-SCOTS-AS-SLAVES-IS-FUNNY-TO-THE-TORIES-2.mp4 Clip of what happened to some of them. https://gorrenberry.com/wp-content/uploads/2015/01/Scottish-Barbados-Indentures.mp4 Clip of what happen to the Armstrong during Border Pacification; https://gorrenberry.com/wp-content/uploads/2018/05/Armstrong-Border-Pacification-Genocide-BBC-1.mp4 Family being exiled to Ireland, and others left behind genocide by James VI of Scotland becoming James I of England, with his acquired English Army, which created a United Kingdom and flies the flag of Armstrong and Elliott genocide the Union-Jack. https://www.thenational.scot/news/17785062.signs-blackening-armstrong-name-removed/ and still the Armstrong and Elliott are having after 500 years there surnames blackened. The Jews of Germany if Hitler won may being going through much the same with the Swastika flag a flying. To what I may say about Armstrong-Elliot border genocide is happening with FTDNA admin censorship, like the US did with Jewish Play writes when Blacklisting what they had to say during the Cold War. In the passed one someone of high authority in the search of family history denounced someone, and as accurate as putting in a measurement to one ‘sig fig’, and coming out to four ‘sig figs’, they ended up in self disintegration as during the Salem Witch Trials based on there regimentation, without scientific error correction on their own words. Family history to be genealogy by definition does not have censorship on those which are searching for family, or helping others to do so. This information would offend people on FTDNA activity feeds therefore being censored from the feed. If one can not get their family history right, because of a Hitler type of censoring producing a status quo on history but not a history of individual families, then all the testing by DNA becomes irrelevant if the family histories are not allowed to be made correct for a person’s individual family. The Family History Library in Salt Lake City, Utah realizes that family history is personal to respective families and with experience do not get offended by the history, but support it. It is the Harvard logic which believes if one is certified then they can supersede the family history, when they do then it needs to be corrected back to what the family originally said to have a high degree of accuracy and to be able to proceed in extending the family history which can only be done when the history is corrected back to the family said, not to the Genetics Expert which superseded the families history in the first place. Anyone which supersedes the history of ones family is not a genealogists. Anyone one which does not look for error corrections, is not a scientist. Anyone who comes out with an answer with more significant figures then the measurement is based on like FTDNA TIP calculator, is neither a mathematician or a scientist. If one bases race on skin color and not genetics then the have there race prejudices. One can apply DNA in a pseudo Superior Race – Status Quo sense, or rewrite the history to match the results coming from the DNA, not rewriting the DNA to match the history.
May 25 @ 3:31pm
Have matches with Grant and Graham, and feel they are more Anglo-Saxon in Y-DNA nature, but groups migrate heterogeneously along similar routes by in different times, but are basically a lot of times among the same DNA groupings like the J-M267 Grahams likely migrated with Border Armstrong and Elliott. The name Daniel Elliott was found of Tullykelter Castle in 1610, grandson Daniel Elliot of migrated to Massachusetts, and his son Daniel of the Salem Testimony where to lines of Y-DNA converge.
May 25 @ 2:14pm
NOT ROCKET SCIENCE https://i.pinimg.com/originals/54/d8/a6/54d8a6400a74d882588ac19806c1bec0.gif https://www.familytreedna.com/public/Graham?iframe=https://www.libraryireland.com/gregg/mapping-ulster-scots.php https://forebears.io/surnames/graham https://www.historyireland.com/early-modern-history-1500-1700/sheep-stealers-from-the-north-of-england-the-riding-clans-in-ulster-by-robert-bell/ Border People were exiled and genocide, and today are still denigrated for their ancestral actions. Can one be sure that the J-M267 Graham are not Jewish? It is all right to degrade a white Anglo-Saxon Border Protestant, but to degrade a Jew or a Native American, people get offended. Especially around Gallup, NM we do not want to degrade those Jews, because we are kind of short and do not have enough of them. There are plenty of Native Americans here. We miss them though because of the Covid Curfew.
May 25 @ 8:12am
Zöldkanál, Magyarország, J-M267 DNS, egyezik-e Graham-kel? Anya leánykori neve “Barna”, többnyire magyar. Egy másik magyar az FTDNA blogban, talán a csoporthoz való csatlakozás segíthet.
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László Varsányi
May 25 @ 11:18am
Üdvözlöm a csoport tagjait! Mr. Mark Elliott úr kért meg engem, hogy csatlakozzam a csoporthoz, mivel segítségre lenne szüksége családfája kutatásához. Annyi információt kaptam, hogy Önök közül beszélnek magyarul, és megkért engem arra, hogy írjam meg ezt a posztot. Mr. Mark Elliott családja kutatása miatt keresi azt a rokont Önök közül, aki J-M267 haplocsoportú és Graham családdal van kapcsolata. Édesanyja leánykori neve Barna vezetéknévvel van anyakönyvezve. Köszönöm a segítségüket Mr. Mark Elliott nevében.
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May 24 @ 1:54pm
https://named.publicprofiler.org/ If anyone can name his son Elliott Daniel Greenspan, then Mark Stephen Elliott of the Ewald/Elwald Elliott of the Daniel Elliot Y-DNA cluster should be able to be part of this group. Note; name origins could be from the Ukrainian for Grinshpun meaning ‘green spoon’. A lot of spoons with a silver plate are made of brass which turns green as a patina, in this case on the plated spoon. In 1881 London had 8 ‘Greenspoon’ Now with Israel; 2014 Population for name ‘Greenspoon’ Place Number Frequency Rank in Area Israel 1,499 1:1:5,709 861 Canada 339 1:1:108,689 11,657 US 228 1:1:1,589,958 106,904 https://forebears.io/surnames/greenspoon Now with Israel; 2014 Population for name ‘Greenspan’ US 4,648 1:77,993 8,867 Canada 265 1:139,040 14,305 England 97 1:574,413 35,035 Israel 33 1:259,322 23,461 https://forebears.io/surnames/greenspan Гриньшпун Ложка зелена, швидше за все, мідь у латуні зі своєї платини стає зеленою.
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Mark Elliott
May 25 @ 11:17am
That’s my favorite of the group. It shows the J-M267 surname migrating from the Ukraine as Grinsnpun, migrating into Poland with option of name Grynspan, and onto Germany as Grünspan with an umlaut option, then onto English as Greenspan, where the original showing strength in Israel, may have come out of the Ukraine to become Greenspoon. Likely of the origins. Still with help of group, could use a Ukrainian translated into English; what would it mean to be called ‘Greenspoon’, in the Ukraine, because it is the Ukraine or may be eastward like Russia (Зеленаяложка) where it is felt the original meaning of ‘Greenspoon’ originated. To have ‘Greenspoon’ strong in Israel, it seems like the Ukraine since it’s meaning seems to sustain itself there, may know what it means to be called a ‘green spoon’.
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May 25 @ 10:26am
Üdvözlöm a csoport tagjait! Köszönöm, hogy beléphettem! Mr. Mark Elliott úr kért meg engem, hogy csatlakozzam a csoporthoz, mivel segítségre lenne szüksége családfája kutatásához. Annyi információt kaptam, hogy Önök közül beszélnek magyarul, és megkért engem arra, hogy írjam meg ezt a posztot. Mr. Mark Elliott családja kutatása miatt keresi azt a rokont Önök közül, aki J-M267 haplocsoportú és Graham családdal van kapcsolata. Köszönöm a segítségüket, tisztelettel, Varsányi László
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May 25 @ 9:15am
The monarchies of England and Scotland did not like Scots and English to inter married, but the Armstrang and Ellot on the Scottish side of The Border did marry the Graham on the English side of The Border. Are any of you Greenspan willing to admit you are related to those J-M267 Graham? https://gorrenberry.com/graham-grantham-ancient-roman-j-m267-dna/
Like László Varsányi likes this
May 25 @ 8:51am
https://nvk.genealogy.net/map/1890:Rosenzweig,1890:Rosenwald,1890:Ewald Rosenzweig, haben Sie jemals von einem Rosenwald gehört?
May 24 @ 8:12pm
https://d3tije9h5o4l4c.cloudfront.net/social-photos/2489074?dpr=2&fit=max&h=384&w=590 https://nvk.genealogy.net/map/1890:Rush,1890:Rusch https://named.publicprofiler.org/ https://www.hebrewsurnames.com/RUSCH https://d3tije9h5o4l4c.cloudfront.net/social-photos/2489985?dpr=2&fit=max&h=244&w=590 German; rüsch https://nvk.genealogy.net/map/1890:R%C3%BCsch English; frilly Synonyms & Antonyms of frilly; examples; extravagant, flamboyant
May 24 @ 9:35am
https://d3tije9h5o4l4c.cloudfront.net/social-photos/3591988?dpr=2&fit=max&h=203&w=590 Family Tree DNA founder Bennett Greenspan to speak at Jewish Genealogical Society of Illinois meeting in Northbrook https://www.dailyherald.com/article/20170318/submitted/170318800/ “Greenspan’s attempts to prove a genealogical theory prompted him to contact Michael Hammer at the University of Arizona. Greenspan persuaded Hammer to use a Y-DNA test for genealogy. When the test proved Greenspan’s theory, he decided to start a company to take DNA testing directly to consumers, giving birth to both Family Tree DNA and a new industry.” ‘Hammer’ that was the middle name granddad Mark (No Middle Name) Elliott was given at birth on his certificate. A family line of mine, came in from Germany before the American Revolution married some Scottish Highlander https://elwald.com/wp-content/uploads/2019/11/Hammer-McDough-pre-revolution-line-German.jpg and moved to Washington County, TN were wife was born and grew up. Besides him being a Hammer, he being from Arizona, can he be truly trusted? Sure glad in the Salem Trials that family did not go along with those Harvard Judges, it is good though I have some Jewish in me, we could use more people of Jewish background in Gallup. http://www.jmaw.org/danoff-gallup-new-mexico/ https://gorrenberry.com/wp-content/uploads/2020/03/Gallup-NM-Most-Patriotic-Small-Town-in-America-Rand-McNally-Best-of-the-Road-Submission.mp4 Wife dietitian (Vietnam era Air Force vet) retired from Indian Health Service is now working as civilian at Gallup Indian Medical Center, and receiving hazard pay. FTDNA has a great Y-DNA product which goes beyond other autosomal DNA companies. All they have to do is not cater to the Harvard experts but to their customers. Genealogy family history is families freely sharing their histories as with truly genealogical firms, and the utilization of the FHL SLC, UT, of not being kicked out for sharing family information or trying to help others with theirs. Any activity feed which can do this is not a genealogical family search feed. Religion is a part of family and the search for family. Tracing a families migration knowing their religion on arrival, is likely the religion they left with, is a key piece of genealogical information.
May 23 @ 4:44pm
Guess I supporting the Bauld Buccleuch (Duke of Buccleuch) https://www.countrylife.co.uk/news/wind-farm-battle-over-scottish-castle-6273 must crazier then those New Mexican Jews, must be one; http://www.jmaw.org/new-mexico-exhibition-hall/ Though land was meant for protection as THE MIDDLE SHIRES after the removable of the Border people to Ireland or their extermination. Since the Swastika lost the war, and the Union Jack won the Pacification (genocide of border people) guess the Jews get museums, and Clan Elliot home place THE HERMITAGE CASTLE gets to be industrially desecrated by Windy Edge Wind Farm of the Scottish Government which James VI of Scotland with his acquired English army of James I of England was able to exterminate and execute. Ancestors of mine did not in 1776 support the Union Jack or dad during WWII in the pacific did not support the Swastika flag, and they do not fly over my nation. https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/1/1f/Wha_daur_meddle_wi%27_me%5E_-_geograph.org.uk_-_739618.jpg http://www.rampantscotland.com/poetry/blpoems_daur.htm Wee Jack, was across the Hermitage Water in Park, from today’s 29th chief Margaret Eliott of Redheugh. Margaret refers to him as a thug of sorts.
May 23 @ 4:29pm
May 23 @ 12:01pm
May 22 @ 8:26pm
Though Peter Paul Ewald a quarter Jewish, was John Steward Bell’s math prof; know the Jews will not accept the Bell and the E(l)wald/Ellot, from what they got themselves into with the Bauld Buccleuch Scot in 1596. Even Wm Ellot, goodman of Gorrenberry, to rescue of Kinmont Willie Armstrong from Carlisle Castle Prison. Scope took Kinmont on a ‘truth day’. https://gorrenberry.com/wp-content/uploads/2018/12/HISTORY-HUNTERS-Kinmont-Willie-Armstrong.mp4 Paul Peter Ewald B. 23 JAN 1888, Berlin, Germany D. 22 AUG 1985, Ithaca, NY Parent: Paul Ewald Child: Rose Ewald rosen wald (rose forest) https://nvk.genealogy.net/map/1890:Rosenwald
May 22 @ 1:07pm
Click right and open in new tab for larger image. https://www.familytreedna.com/public/U106?iframe=yresults https://named.publicprofiler.org/ SNPs are getting into the reach of research genealogists. Above shows the importance of integrated, already established tools of the family in finding history and incorporating them into the mapping, or else you may get result in error of Sutherland for the grouping, when it should be north Aberdeenshire, around in this example Gordonstown. Two Gordonstown of region; https://www.google.com/maps/place/Gordonstown,+Banff+AB45+2HB,+UK/@57.488676,-2.7746371,9.85z/ https://www.google.com/maps/place/Gordonstown,+Inverurie+AB51+8XL,+UK/@57.2505594,-2.4683934,8.71z/ https://canmore.org.uk/site/334103/auchterblair https://nvk.genealogy.net/map/1890:Gordon Bennett Greenspan, When you do your family history down your Y-DNA family line, do you like to be referred to as a liar? When Scotland Was Jewish: DNA Evidence, Archeology, Analysis of Migrations … By Elizabeth Caldwell Hirschman, Donald N. Yates https://books.google.com/books?id=Op3cC6_UNnQC&pg=PA33&dq=Gordon+surname&hl=en&newbks=1&newbks_redir=0&sa=X&ved=2ahUKEwiG59iiocjpAhVRpZ4KHcWvAskQ6AEwAHoECAMQAg#v=onepage&q=Gordon%20&f=false John GUERDON http://freepages.rootsweb.com/~cotyroneireland/genealogy/muster/tullyhogue1610.html https://gorrenberry.com/alexander-gordon-daniel-elliot-ulster-to-maine-c-1650/ Maybe that is what happens when a nation state is allowed through their Union-Jack not Swastika to genocide Borderers, which may have been considered at one time Jewish. Our Israel is near or in County Femanagh, Ulster, Ireland, bordered on three sides by the EU. https://www.historyireland.com/early-modern-history-1500-1700/sheep-stealers-from-the-north-of-england-the-riding-clans-in-ulster-by-robert-bell/ Note; the T.S. Eliot line came from France, separate from my E(lf)wald line coming from near Berlin, like the Grünspan. My tribe has a 29th chief; https://elwald.com/clan-elliot-29th-chief-margaret-eliott-of-redhuegh-stobs/
May 21 @ 7:56pm
Rich Rucker and I were kicked out of FTDNA Armstrong feed. Granddad Mark (no middle name) Elliott, had a middle name on his birth certificate, of a family line I am related to called ‘Hammer’. Guess one can not trust those people in states either side of my home state of New Mexico.
May 21 @ 6:30pm
James Watson, and J. Craig Venter are the first two individuals to have their genome fully mapped and have in common with me R-U106. FTDNA utilize admins which have the power to kick you off sites such as J-M172 – J2 Y-DNA, where I can not make commit to American Civil Engineer. His mistake he utilized English instead of Arabic to communicate to me. Where with the Brazilian he is a speaker of Portuguese, which out of Dunbar his Y-DNA ended up in Brazil, mine out of the same Cromwellian War was not so lucky and ended up in Massachusetts. Using a translator to communicate, but it is felt since the Q-DNA traveled through America Brazilians are taken as US Native Americans. His mannerisms are much like mine which I am culturally immersed in Q-Zuni, and C-Athabaskan (Navajo) environment. Many people on these blogs do not express themselves; their freedom of speech has be taken away, similar as playwrights being blacklisted as communists. Millions are being spent on genome mapping which is useless unless one gets the history correct, and the way to get the history correct is not to have censoring, by kicking off of activity feeds and allow all which want to be in given activity feeds to be on them. J. Venter is three years older than me at 73, his father a ‘jack’ Mormon lived to 59. Most ‘jack’ Mormons extensively drink and smoke, as a rebellion against the Mormon Church. Two firms in the area of genomes. Though people are already information sharing with FTDNA Y-DNA, FTDNA needs to assist, not restrict. In order to have proper family history; THE FAMILY KNOWS BEST.
May 17 @ 1:41am
https://d3tije9h5o4l4c.cloudfront.net/social-photos/3584869?dpr=2&fit=max&h=270&w=590 https://www.historyireland.com/early-modern-history-1500-1700/sheep-stealers-from-the-north-of-england-the-riding-clans-in-ulster-by-robert-bell/ https://gorrenberry.com/wp-content/uploads/2017/07/Armstrong-Elliott-Johnston-Fermanagh-surname-distribution-map.jpg Border People pitch-in like genealogists do, they are not lead by Cromwellian Harvard Puritan, censor silencing authority, but pitch-in to help others and by helping others providing information for free sharing of family history they also find their own family history. List of Border Reiver Surnames A list of Border Reiver surnames from both sides of the border include: https://englandsnortheast.co.uk/border-reivers/ Anderson, Armstrong, Beattie, Bell, Blackadder, Bromfield, Burns, Carlisle, Carnaby, Carr, Carruthers, Charlton, Collingwood, Cranston, Craw, Croser, Crozier, Curwen, Dacre, Davison, Dixon, Dodd, Douglas, Dunn, Elliot, Fenwick, Forster, Gilchrist, Glendenning, Graham, Gray, Hall, Harden, Hedley, Henderson, Heron, Hetherington, Hodgson, Hume, Hunter, Irvine, Jamieson, Jardine, Johnstone, Kerr, Laidlaw, Latimer, Little, Lowther, Maxwell, Medford, Middlemass, Milburn, Mitford, Moffat, Musgrave, Nixon, Noble, Ogle, Oliver, Potts, Pringle, Radcliffe, Reed, Ridley, Robson, Routledge, Rowell, Rutherford, Salkeld, Scott, Selby, Shaftoe, Simpson, Stamper, Stapleton, Stokoe, Storey, Tailor, Tait, Thompson, Thomson, Trotter, Turnbull, Turner, Wake, Wilkinson, Wilson, Witherington, Yarrow, Young. Yes, Young as in Brigham Young. https://elwald.com/wp-content/uploads/2020/02/3465588-1024×933.jpg
Mark Elliott
May 18 @ 1:14pm
Something to contemplate; Armstrong and Nixon are names of County Fermanagh-Tyrone. Did Nixon in 1959, he lost to Kennedy of Massachusetts. Voted for McGovern in 72. Both McGovern and Nixon are names found in County Fermanagh, Ulster, Ireland. McGovern (peace candidate) in 1972 the only state he took was Massachusetts. Family may not agree, but they still are, family. https://gorrenberry.com/wp-content/uploads/2020/01/Richard-Milhous-Nixon-1913-1994.jpg https://gorrenberry.com/wp-content/uploads/2019/03/Nixon-Milhous-Milhausen-relation-1630.jpg The Irish, and place name of Scotland, likely traveled from Germany. Like the name Grünspan becoming Greenspan, Mülhaus became Milhous. https://nvk.genealogy.net/map/1890:Milhausen,1890:M%C3%BClhausen,1890:M%C3%BClhaus https://gorrenberry.com/wp-content/uploads/2019/02/Richard-Milhous-Nixon-geneology-Wikitree.jpg https://elwald.com/wp-content/uploads/2019/04/County-Fermanagh-EU-Brexit-Armstrong-and-Elliott-map-Neil-Nixon-McGovern.jpg https://gorrenberry.com/wp-content/uploads/2019/11/President-Nixon-speaking-with-astronauts-Armstrong-and-Aldrin-on-the-Moon.mp4 Nixon x 2, and Ellott x 7 http://freepages.rootsweb.com/~cotyroneireland/genealogy/muster/tullyhogue1610.html
May 18 @ 11:48am
https://d3tije9h5o4l4c.cloudfront.net/social-photos/3586422?dpr=2&fit=max&h=293&w=590 FAMILY History Genealogy; we do it for family. Not particularly for that Dallas cowboy named David (US&UK David not preferred as a surname) Dunbar, or those Brazilians Lecio Gomes (helped find first image to left), and Max Blankfled. By now you may because you likely consider him family. Lost my brother a year ago March he worked at MinuteMaid, it is his ring which is displayed. Lived in this region of Houston; https://www.google.com/maps/place/MacGregor,+Houston,+TX/@29.7129836,-95.3764546,14z/ https://gorrenberry.com/wp-content/uploads/2018/07/Thanks-to-Hermitage-Action-Group-Rob-Roy-MacGregor-Buffalo-Tartan-300×300.png https://gorrenberry.com/wp-content/uploads/2020/02/The-Heart-of-Robert-the-Bruce.mp4 https://gorrenberry.com/wp-content/uploads/2020/05/Robert-the-Bruce-Facial-reconstruction.mp4 https://gorrenberry.com/wp-content/uploads/2020/01/The-Heart-of-James-Douglas-The-Good-Robert-the-Bruce.mp4 https://gorrenberry.com/wp-content/uploads/2020/01/Finding-MIA-soldier-families-BYU-genealogy-students-aid-DPAA-repatriation-project.mp4 It will take DNA to get the heart of De Bruce to visit the Promise Land. Note the heart of the ‘Black Douglas’,’Knight of Liddesdale’ is in Douglas, Scotland next to Achibald ‘Bell the Cat’ 5th earl and referred to in sasine-deed as ‘Angus’ Douglas, who passed lands to Robert Elwald 10 of Redheugh, Scotland, and my 29th Chief are of these lands also. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/File:Sasine_deed_1484_for_Robert_Elwald_%28Elliot%29,_Redheugh,_Larriston,_Hartsgarth.jpg “On this day in 1330: ‘˜Black Douglas’ died while carrying Robert the Bruce’s heart to Jerusalem It was the last request of Robert the Bruce that his heart be carried to Jerusalem by his most esteemed companion following his death.” Thursday, 25th August 2016 https://www.scotsman.com/whats-on/arts-and-entertainment/day-1330-black-douglas-died-while-carrying-robert-bruces-heart-jerusalem-1468700 We do genealogy for family.
May 17 @ 7:24pm
Something to think about; (a part of the FTDNA Montgomery activity feed), https://elwald.com/wp-content/uploads/2020/04/Mongomery-of-Scotland-then-Ulster-J-M172.jpg https://cache.eupedia.com/images/content/Haplogroup-J2.jpg https://gorrenberry.com/wp-content/uploads/2017/03/Montgomery.jpg https://www.google.com/maps/place/Montgomery+Castle/@52.5634601,-3.1520563,17z/ https://www.google.com/maps/place/Eglinton+Castle/@55.6444694,-4.6664241,15z/ https://gorrenberry.com/wp-content/uploads/2020/01/Mountgomery-Montgomery-Ulster-Muster-1630.jpg https://www.familytreedna.com/public/Montgomery?iframe=yresults https://named.publicprofiler.org/ From New Mexico, USA; not Texas; https://elwald.com/wp-content/uploads/2020/04/Montgomery-Fermanagh-Ireland-family-finding-Estes-and-Southard.jpg
May 16 @ 9:22am
God of Israel “because I was found blameless before him” (Daniel 6:22) Allegorically speaking, Miller’s most potent work was 1953’s “The Crucible.” Literally about the New England Puritans’ witchcraft trials, the oft-performed play was also Miller’s metaphor for the Communist hysteria in which he and artist friends were blacklisted as “Un-American.” https://www.timesofisrael.com/for-arthur-millers-100th-to-jew-or-not-to-jew/ What did my Daniel say in a den of lions, in the defense of Elizabeth Proctor of Arther Miller’s “The Crucible”, about the accusers; SALEM POSSESSED – Page 9 – Google Books Result books.google.com › books Daniel Elliot, for example, testified that late in March one of the girls had boasted to him that “she did it for sport; they) must have some sport.” And after the … Paul Boyer – 1976 – History https://elwald.com/wp-content/uploads/2013/05/Daniel-Elliot-Salem-1692-testimony.jpg Y-DNA verifies he is my many great; https://gorrenberry.com/wp-content/uploads/2015/05/A6724.jpg Reference; https://gorrenberry.com/wp-content/uploads/2015/03/ECS-Daniel-group-history-1.png In the summer of 1965, dad presented it to a tour guide in Salem, MA, but this individual showed disinterest in what he had to say, in the same fashion disinterest in way Daniel Elliot made testimony, March 28, 1692, to those based on the science of Cotton Mather. With 30 yrs/gen with one significant figure, putting out the answer in four significant figures FTDNA is using Harvard Cotton Mather, type of science to hang and silence people. Genealogy, is not based on the silencing of Jews which have in some cases been mostly completely genocide, it is the sharing of free family information. When it comes to family history it is the family which knows best, not the Harvard Puritan certified genetic genealogists of 2005. Herbert Hoover, as US Secretary of State received the following; https://gorrenberry.com/wp-content/uploads/2015/01/Cotton-Mather-Wm-Penn-2.jpg he was raised a Quaker in Iowa, and worked as a mining engineer, in China, but was overseeing like he did for WWII food distribution in Europe after WWI. His vice-president Charles Curtis was known to be Native American from Kansas. For nation as for genealogy people pitch-in from their family values, when speech and religion are free, that makes for accurate genealogy, and a good nation. Certainly welcomed by the Mormons as a tribe of Israel, of a body of Middle Eastern tribes, with an obtainable family history applying DNA as one of the many tools genealogists, will be able to extend the world’s family.
May 10 @ 5:06pm
Bennett Greenspan, Think Elliott, and Ronnie would hit it off. Ronnie was a student of mine at the age of 15, was his instructor of FORTRAN, for engineers and scientists, at Gallup-UNM. Feel your firm needs an improvement in their software capabilities. In the area of Y-DNA FTDNA seems to be taking a lead, but genealogy is dependent on the sharing of information among family, and all one can do is try to assist. Ronnie was raised in Gallup, NM, his dad Deb is a friend now lives in Scottsdale, AZ, was minerals and mining engineer for the Navajo Nation. He taught FORTRAN on Apple 2es, when he left to insure his son could get into an eastern Massachusetts school, was hired to teach the class but I put it on IBM XTs. Ronnie told me FORTRAN was a useful class, so I thought maybe I could figure out how to buy build and admin genealogical family sharing web domains. Do not know much about linkedIN but figure that is for the next generation been retired and doing hobbies; computers and genealogy, for a dozen years. Folks were alive made trips to the Mesa, AZ valley region to visit them. Deb, had met my folks. Feel your company could use some software engineering out of California, that in the pass where the pro-genealogist would serve pre-web California Mormons with the library of material out of Salt Lake. Jame M. Irvine, and myself are amateur genealogists, but Bobby Jones out of Atlantic, Georgia was nothing but an amateur golfer. Sincerely, Mark If FTDNA is a firm supplying a product for the consumer, and making it easier, improvements in software would be essential.
May 9 @ 11:01pm
May be of interest; Would have tested downstream SNP A6722 through FTDNA, but it was not made available, so testing was made through YSEQ, on 1/26/2020. Been tested through 23andME, their downstream SNP on me is R-S16361. FTDNA S16361 Completed 07/23/2018 871 paid to be classified by FTDNA as R-S15361 For corporate sake there may be good reason not to allow Harvard types to dismiss people from the feed. Do not know of anyone which would allow their customers to be kicked out of the feeds for using the product data information sold, to help others find family, given and unequal censorship to others, in the search of family history which is dependent in itself to be at it’s greatest success families sharing information not a part of a family dominating another part because being administrators of a family history feed.
May 9 @ 11:43am
https://d3tije9h5o4l4c.cloudfront.net/social-photos/3577153?dpr=2&fit=max&h=317&w=590 1. The family knows best. 2. Listen to others, especially of the opposite sex, to make family. 3. Do not in a family search, get rid of the in-laws, though you may want to. 4. Families fight, and likely not just one answer is correct, in the history. ONE DOES NOT GET TO CHOOSE THEIR ANCESTORS A genealogist follows the above. James M. Irvine, administrator and author is a genealogist. Those which have dismissed or excluded an individual from an FTDNA site are not genealogists, and the feed is not in any way a genealogical feed. The Family History Library FHL, Salt Lake City, UT, all are welcome and they do not dismiss people from doing family history. They have genealogists in that library. Families in that library are sharing in their family history, on the level of free speech equality. The buyer buys your data to share not to be taken away. Supervised core drilling. Once the core is pulled from the ground it belongs to the buyer, not another company. In mining that would be a form of ‘claim jumping’. To be dismissed from feeds, automatically makes the feed bias towards the ‘claim jumper’, which in this case the one which does the dismissing. If one has over a half century plus generations vested in the claim, they do not care what happens to the corporation which puts their support into the ‘claim jumper’. One needs to compare the management and family of those feeds which people have been dismissed from, and those feeds which only have co-admins and people can not be dismissed from. The best managed feeds would likely be those of the co-admins where there is no dismissal on how much and what is said on the feed. Once FTDNA realizes they have a product which sells itself, and it is not the job of admins to sell it on the feed, the feeds are for family history sharing, which happens when people are free to come and go and put what ever they want to on them. Co-admin a feed myself been trying to get people on the feed to riot, but haven’t been to successfull at it. These feeds are better managed by the people on them. The only reason one has a family tree is because they can not kick people off it when they want to. One especially understands the previous if they are married.
May 8 @ 11:34pm
http://freepages.rootsweb.com/~gallgaedhil/genealogy/haplo_elliotts.htm Just a note, that it has been indicated that in accordance with FTDNA I have some Ashkenazi Jew in me. This can be shown in my 12 marker exact match of (Greenberg), of Grünberg, Germany in me.For Roberta Estes, the surname Elke, which means ‘elk’ in German, and ‘elk’ in Oxford England, but Webster American English it means ‘moose’, of Algonquian. Bennett Greenspan, evolved back in time, is Germanic-Ashkenazi Jewish; Benedict Grünspan, near Berlin and eastward, in regions of Ashkenazi Jews. https://nvk.genealogy.net/map/1890:Benedict,1890:Gr%C3%BCnspan,1890:Elke Robert Estes, Rootstech 2020 left printed bothsides at FTDNA table; https://gorrenberry.com/wp-content/uploads/2020/04/Google-Brigham-DNA.png
May 5 @ 1:46pm
May 4 @ 7:02pm
It’s Elliott’s turn on this one.
May 4 @ 6:09pm
https://nvk.genealogy.net/map/1890:Gr%C3%BCnspan https://forebears.io/surnames/gr%C3%BCnspan https://forebears.io/surnames/grunspan Elwald [elk (moose) of the wald (woods/forest)] coming from Poland in towards Berlin; https://www.spiegel.de/international/germany/wild-elks-return-to-germany-a-853581.html
May 4 @ 6:06pm
Семья Армстронга, Эллиота, Никсона и Крозье родом с шотландской границы.
Когда Никсон разговаривал с Армстронгом на Луне, они имели в виду мир.
The Border Reivers – The Curse BBC – Cumbria Features
Posts – Elwald
Barbadian Banishment: The forgotten Irish of the world’s newest republic – The Irish Times
Guy Hewitt: Barbados remembers Scots heritage on St Andrew’s Day (scotsman.com)
Uncategorized – Clan Crozier
70 maps that explain America – Vox
POW Hamiltonian Scottish Royalist, were indentured slaves to the Cromwellian Puritans, that is why the West Indies is not Presbyterian, but (Alexander) Hamiltonian Anglican Royalists. The Armstrong an Elliott of Co. Maguire (Co. Fermangh), married into the Irish, then the Africans of the West Indies. The surname Crozier has Anglican – Catholic influence, which are my in-laws. Rev. Parris, of a Puritan Barbados Plantation family. His Caribbean Indian slaves left testimony in the Salem Witch Trials. Daniel Elliott was most likely half Natick Praying Indian of Rev. John Eliot, Eliot Hall, Harvard, married to the Cloyse-Littlefield line of Wells, Maine. Son, Daniel at time of testimony March 30, 1692 Daniel and Hannah (Anna Elliott), son Daniel would be a quarter Natick.
The Armstrong and Elliott of Co. Fermangh (Maguire) have tribal tendencies. The Elliot’s 29th chief is Margaret of Redheugh, Scotland just south in Copeshaw-Holme (Newcastleton) of the Hermitage Castle. The Puritan Cromwellian sold us as slaves because we would inter marry and spread around the world. When Maxwell sided with England the Graham, the Armstrong, and Elliot and others sided with the Johnstone. Like to see what will happen to the EDF and Muirhall if they side with England, and Family Tree DNA if they side with the Union-Jack, trying to preserve my family’s history around the Hermitage Castle. and for both sides of the border to be of one entity. If both sides can not be European Union, then they need to be the Irish of Saint Patrick which chased those Tory snakes out of Ireland, like my ancestors chased them out of America. No border in Ireland dividing the Maguire, Johnston, Armstrong, McManus, or Elliott. There are enough things which break-up families we certainly do not need a border in Ireland.
Sincerely, Mark Stephen Elliott
Daniel Elliot (1637–1704) • FamilySearch
The History of Liddesdale, Eskdale, Ewesdale, Wauchopedale and the … – Robert Bruce Armstrong – Google Books
Acts of Scottish Parliament 1587 (Clan Thompson) pdf
The History of Liddesdale, Eskdale, Ewesdale, Wauchopedale and the … – Robert Bruce Armstrong – Google Books
Chronicles of the Armstrongs; : Armstrong, James Lewis : Free Download, Borrow, and Streaming : Internet Archive
The Annals of a Border Club (the Jedforest): And Biographical Notices of the … – George Tancred – Google Books
Fa ilk puir wife reivis her wob,
And all the lave,
Whatever they have:
The devil resave therefor his gob!
Discover the Green family with Your Family History (your-family-history.com)
Discover the Greene family with Your Family History (your-family-history.com)
John Elwald of St. Andrews pdf
John & Robert Elwald of York Hexam pdf
Clan Crozier (electricscotland.com)
Family Tree DNA 的创始人贝内特·格林斯潘 (Bennett Greenspan) 在年轻时就对家谱学产生了浓厚的兴趣。对他的家族史来说更重要的是他从这些年长的亲戚那里获得的信息。家族史中最重要的是年长近亲的家族史。他们的 DNA 可以被采集和存储,但如果不像我父亲那样记录下来,他们的历史可能会丢失。
Guy Hewitt: Barbados remembers Scots heritage on St Andrew’s Day (scotsman.com)
Guy Hewitt – Wikipedia
The history of the Brigham family; a record of several thousand descendants of Thomas Brigham the emigrant, 1603-1653 : Brigham, Willard Irving Tyler, 1859-1904 : Free Download, Borrow, and Streaming : Internet Archive
Google images FTDNA 101829
Три из пяти женщин, организовавших съезд в Сенака-Фолс, были квакерами. Будьте счастливы, эти дамы не верят в крещение.
Прилежные навыки этих мормонских бабушек Я не хочу ошибаться, потому что мои генеалогические исследования могут навлечь на меня массу неприятностей. Как вы думаете, почему Юта и Вайоминг заняли первое место в голосовании среди женщин. Мы, жители Запада, в которых есть буква «Y», не хотим иметь проблем с теми, у кого ее нет.
Хорошие квакеры подобны евреям, которые не крестят. Представьте себе все проблемы, которые у меня могли быть с женщинами-квакерами.
Квакерские дамы самые большие повстанцы.
4 По закону крови 2 Есть старая поговорка, которая гарантирует, что многие истины произносятся со смехом Существование Вальтера Скотта, третьего сына сэра Уильяма Скотта из Хардена, проинструктировано, как говорится, хартией, скрепленной большой печатью Домино Вильельмо Скотт из Harden militi и Waltero Scott suo filio legitimo tertio genito terrarum of Roberton См. Баронство Дугласа, стр. 215 Богатый и пожилой джентльмен оставил значительные поместья своим четырем сыновьям, а имения Эйлрига и Реберна передал своему третьему сыну, который является предком Скоттов. Реберна и автора Уэверли Похоже, что он обратился в доктрину квакеров или Друзей и стал великим защитником их принципов Вероятно, это произошло, когда Джордж Фокс, знаменитый апостол секты, совершил экспедицию на север 1657 г. Именно по этому поводу он сказал, что, как только его лошадь ступила на шотландскую землю, он почувствовал, как семя благодати сияет вокруг него, как бесчисленные искры. Уильям и предок друга и родственника автора, нынешний представитель семьи Харден, также приняли квакерство. Гидеон, последний новообращенный, вступил в спор с преподобным Джеймсом Кирктоном, автором «Истории истинной и тайной шотландской церкви», о которой упоминается в моем изобретательный друг мистер Чарльз Киркпатрик Шарп в своем замечательном и любопытном издании этой работы в 40 1847 г. Сэр Уильям Скотт, старший из братьев, оставался среди этого отступничества ортодоксальным членом церкви, пресвитерианином и использовал его, чтобы похитить Уолтера де Реберна из его ересь средствами, которые были скорее преследованием, чем убеждением.В его усилиях ему помогал Мак Дугал из Макерстона, брат Изабель Мак Дугал, жены Уолтера и которая, как и ее муж, приняла религию квакеров. Сэр Уильям Скотт и Макерстон были достаточно могущественны, чтобы добиться следующих двух актов Тайного совета Шотландии против Уолтера де Реберна как еретика, обратившегося в квакерство, приговаривая его сначала к заключению в Эдинбургской тюрьме, а затем в этой тюрьме.
La Prision d’Édimbourg – Walter Scott – Google Books
Google Translate
Гиб с «золотыми подвязками», женится на сэре Вальтер Скотте, семья Харден получает большое приданое. В конце концов мою семью продают в качестве законтрактованных рабов в Америку, а Джордж Фокс уговаривает одного из членов семьи Харден, и его сажают в тюрьму Эдинборо. Предков не выбирают, они рождаются вместе с ними.
History Ireland – ‘Sheep stealers from the north of England’: the Riding Clans in Ulster by Robert Bell
Search the Muster Rolls (therjhuntercollection.com) use Johnston instead of Johnson.
Search the Muster Rolls (therjhuntercollection.com) use Johnston not Johnson.
The History of Liddesdale, Eskdale, Ewesdale, Wauchopedale and the … – Robert Bruce Armstrong – Google Books
Chronicles of the Armstrongs; : Armstrong, James Lewis : Free Download, Borrow, and Streaming : Internet Archive
It should be noted that Cromwellian Puritan which owned immigrant, POW Scots Charles II Hamiltonian Royalist is John Stone buried at Harvard in Cambridge, MA.
Those who silence family members, are anti-family historians, similar to the Harvard Puritans which hung witches in Salem, and Senator McCarthy which silenced Jewish playwrights like Arthur Miller who stood up for 1st Amendment Rights, writing a The Crucible with Elizabeth Proctor in it which many great left testimony in defense of referring to McCarthyism as a Communist Witch Hunt. Figure those doing the silence can not be Americans because Americans pitch-in, a allow people to speak freely.
Henry Louis Gates. I know that if white people move into communities such as MacGregor Park, Houston, Texas it may bring housing pricing down, but can you not allow a few of us Elliott that are not black to move in?
A Ukrainian and a Russian moved to my hometown of Gallup and became friends. A Ukrainian math teacher, she was my colleague in teaching mathematics in high school and university. We, Elliott, know a good lady, Ukrainian, married to Elliott.
Украинка и русский переехали в мой родной город Гэллап и подружились. Украинский учитель математики, она была моей коллегой по преподаванию математики в средней школе и университете. Мы, Эллиот, знаем хорошую даму, украинку, замужем за Эллиотом.
Namensverbreitungskarte – Verein für Computergenealogie (genealogy.net)
Can not blame the Graham and Gresham for not claiming the Armstrong and Elliott.
This is an example I have to put up with. Do you think I want to claim them also though they are my ancestors?
ELLIOTTLoren.pdf (electricscotland.com)
LOREN SPENCER ELLIOT – Mount Ayr Record News (mtayrnews.com)
Image 313 of Biographical and historical record of Ringgold and Decatur counties, Iowa.
НАШИ ПРЕДКИ НОВОЙ АНГЛИИ Лорен Спенсер Эллиотт (папа)
Кройдон и (Ханна КЛОЙЗ), дочь Питера и Ханны [ЛИТТЛТОН] КЛОЙЗ, были
вышла замуж в 1686 году в Салеме, штат Массачусетс. Дэниел, Элизабет и Мэри перечислены в
записи Первой церкви Салема, Массачусетс, в ноябре 1681 года как дети Марии
ЛАМБЕРТ ЭЛИОТ. Было отмечено, что «Wheatland читается так же, VII, 127.
были рыбаки и моряки: ср. Перли II, 236″.
1257. @B[Марк Стивен ЭЛЛИОТТ] [11] [858. Лорен С. 10, Марк 9,
А.В. 8, Шерберн 7, Утешение 6, Иоанн 5, Джонатан 4, 3, Даниил 2,
1] родился 22 октября 1949 года в больнице Грин Ко, Джефферсон, штат Айова.
Он был назван в честь своих дедов. Он двуличный.
Лорен Спенсер Эллиотт (папа)
MyDNA из Австралии. Они летят на Юнион Джек, который осуществил геноцид людей, живших между королевствами Англии и Шотландии. Сослан на сегодняшнюю границу ЕС и Великобритании в Ирландию. 1776 Звезда и Полосы, 49-я звезда – наш самый большой штат, Гавайи – 50-й штат. Аляска куплена у царя России. В то время это не считалось удачной покупкой. Россия сегодня может подумать, что ее украли. Мой дед купил свою ферму по ценам времен Великой депрессии. Его сестры думали, что их брат украл семейную ферму.
Ben would like to introduce your son Elliott Daniel Greenspan to my family. It is from my understanding that he too is a second generation family historian, with genetic-computer background. He may enjoy like I do putting the pieces together.
Ferniehirst Kerr arms of Duchess of Buccleuch.
Gorrenberry arms of Wm Elwald-Ellot-Elliot Goodman of Gorrenberry.
Clementis Hob
Family Tree DNA BRIGANCE Surname DNA Project – Y-DNA Classic Chart
FTDNA Elks 2022 – Clan Crozier
Rosalind Elsie Franklin (1920-1958) – Find a Grave Memorial
The History of Liddesdale, Eskdale, Ewesdale, Wauchopedale and the … – Robert Bruce Armstrong – Google Books
The history of Enniskillen with reference to some manors in co. Fermanagh, and other local subjects : Trimble, William Copeland, 1851-1941 : Free Download, Borrow, and Streaming :
Internet ArchiveChronicles of the Armstrongs; : Armstrong, James Lewis : Free Download, Borrow, and Streaming : Internet Archive
named – Map your surname across the UK (publicprofiler.org)
Sheep stealers from the north of England’: the Riding Clans in Ulster by Robert Bell
The History of Liddesdale, Eskdale, Ewesdale, Wauchopedale and the … – Robert Bruce Armstrong – Google Books
Saxton-1579.jpg (4062×3183) (gorrenberry.com)
View map: Lidalia vel Lidisdalia regio, Lidisdail / Auct. Timotheo Pont. – Blaeu Atlas of Scotland, 1654 (nls.uk)
Chronicles of the Armstrongs; : Armstrong, James Lewis : Free Download, Borrow, and Streaming : Internet Archive
Albert Bird Armstrong Jr. (1900-1973) – Find a Grave Memorial
The lowest downstream for my kit when I was able to access my data on Family Tree DNA for Mark Stephen Elliott kit 101829 is R-S16361, with YSEQ kit 4069 R-S16361>A6719>A6722. So with YSEQ was able to drop downstream two more Haplogroup steps from 23andME and FTDNA.
Family Tree DNA Sale, MyHeritage Transfers and Hurricane Fundraiser | DNAeXplained – Genetic Genealogy (dna-explained.com)
Meyers Gazetteer ‘Forster’
FTDNA Foster Forster – Gorrenberry
Omaha, NB With terraces set family search on info given will take it’s natural course of family sharing. Loess Hills, IA
H27a – Haplogroup
A Pendle Hill Walk In History From The Village Of Barley
DNAeXplained – Genetic Genealogy
Conferences, Reunions and Flavors of Family
Roseberg search example. Bennett Greenspan Family Tree DNA founder is J-M267 and Jewish. Israel is a Jewish state.
Namensverbreitungskarte – Verein für Computergenealogie (genealogy.net)
MyHeritage сотрудничает с FamilyTreeDNA
Кому принадлежит MyHeritage? (Все факты)
Мое наследие – MyHeritage
Семейный поиск – FamilySearch
New Mexico sends New Zealand their best.
Familiar with Māori, they came and danced at a school I was teaching math at.
Sangre de Christo Christ’s blood, Rio Grande grand river. Sante Fe, New Mexico, is a holy place of worship, also the oldest state capital, in the states which were united after separation from the Union-Jack in 1776. In 1776, Nuevo México part of Nueva España, then after separation from the Nuevo España, Nuevo México became New Mexico upon incorporated into the states which were united. First the Pueblo (Hopi, Zuni, Acoma) people bringing their DNA Y-Q DNA to the region, then the Athabaskan Apache and Navajo bringing the C-M217, the Europeans the Spanish then the US Americans, came with their Y-DNAs to this now region which four states come together with corners.
Обзор генеалогического древа ДНК | Обзор теста FTDNA для семейной истории
Найдите свою семью.
The Greenspan Y DNA Project – mtDNA Member Distribution Map
У меня есть ДНК англо-саксонской Киевской Руси, но я живу с ДНК русского народа, принесшего атабаскский язык в Четыре угла США, называемого навахо.
Мы с Армстронгом, Эллиотом и Никсоном женились на ирландке, моей бабушке, матери моей матери была ирландка Райан.
Сейчас я ушел с преподавания в университете и среднего образования здесь, в Гэллапе, Нью-Мексико, США.
Другой школьный учитель математики был из Украины.
Она вышла замуж за Эллиота.
Россия, англосаксы, не завоеватели, а беженцы русских войн.
Около 1600 г., при создании Юнион-Джека, когда королевства Шотландия и Англия объединились, произошел геноцид и изгнание из королевств Англии и Шотландии Армстронга, Эллиотта и Никсона.
Затем, во время Смуты, когда урбанизированные пресвитерианские шотландцы Мки и урбанизированные католики Маки, Армстронги, Эллиоты и Никсоны на ирландской границе стали беженцами. Переехал на территорию тогдашней Западной Германии.
Говорят, что четверть людей в мире слышали, как Армстронг на Луне говорил с Никсоном о мире во всем мире.
Никсон, один из самых непопулярных президентов США, поднял квакера, вывел войска из Вьетнама и открыл торговлю с Китаем.
Мы с Армстронгом, Эллиотом и Никсоном женились на ирландке, моей бабушке, мать матери была ирландкой Райан.
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Марк Стивен Эллиотт
Do you change the science of DNA for a ‘status quo, superior race’, or do you correct the history to match the DNA science?
Do you have scientific genealogical sharing of ideas among family, or do you have suppression by think alike pseudo genetic-scientists?