For about 1630 Ulster muster of R. J. Hunter Collection: for Johnson, use Johnston, Scott use Scot, Elliot use Ellot, Irvine use Irwin.
above image added 4/12/2020 Any quotes by me on Wikipedia, since I have been censored from Wikipedia should be considered extremely invalid. The whole subject of the Scottish name origin is discussed by Keith Elliot Hunter on the Elliot Clan website[9] where he argues for a Breton origin to the name and the first chief being William d’Alyth. Under that name, the d’Alyths played a key role in the Scottish Wars of Independence[10] However, Mark Elliot presents a well-argued case that there is no connection between the Elliot river and town with the clan and believes the origins are in the first name of Elwald, which appears in Northumberland in the 8th century king, Elwald 1.
Do support this Wikipedia link; Which has contained in it; And; The double L and single T Descent from Minto and Wolflee, The double T and single L Mark the old race in Stobs that dwell. The single L and single T The Eliots of St Germains be, But double T and double L, Who they are nobody can tell. Robert Bell dichtete in “The Book of Scots-Irish Family Names” hinzu: “For double L and double T, the Scots should look across the sea!”
Robert Bell wrote the book of Ulster Surnames and this history;
Any Wikipedia site which does not carry the information of the chieftain line of Redheuch is totally invalid;
These people of Wikipedia, and Wikitree do not have relevancy because if you as an Elliott, talk about your family history you are known to be the greatest liar of them all, and a censored from talking. Though I am descended from a notorious border reiver Clementis Hobs, I am censored from FTDNA border reiver blog. It should be noted what is on the Redheugh shield was placed their previous to border pacification, it is and ‘elwand’, and measuring rod, an Ediburgh standard for length between that of a Imperial yard, and a French metre. The Elwald/Ellot were at one time referred to as measurers, like surveyors which in Angus survey ‘lot’s with the sides in the length of the standard Scottish ‘el’ referred to as ‘el-lot’s. People along the Scottish previous to UK, Ellot river which farmed these ‘ellot’, where called ‘ellot’. They were brought down to Liddesdale to soldier the Hermitage Castle for the Earls of Angus, the Douglas, between the time of the Knight of Liddesdale James Douglas, and Archibald ‘Bell the Cat’ Douglas, (also Archibald Douglas which passed lands of Redheugh to the Elliot).which passed the lands of Redheugh and Larriston on toe the chiefs, which our 29th chief is of today, Margaret Eliott of Redheugh.
Her father Sir Arthur and his mother put this together, but it seems that English Wikipedia does not want to acknowledge the Elliot; an do there final act in censorship to genocide of the clan. The reason Germany is getting it correct is because the border clans which had been exiled to Ireland have been moving to Germany;,1996:Armstrong,1890:Elliott,1996:Elliott
Archaeology Notes N064SW 8 60793 40163.
(NO 6078 4016) Kellie Castle (NR) OS 1:10000 map (1975) For Kellie Castle, Dovecot, see NO64SW 67.
Kelly (D MacGibbon and T Ross 1889) or Kellie (G M Ramsay, owner) Castle, which was also known as Auchterlony, was the seat of the Elliot family from the 14th to the 17th centuries but the building itself appears to date from the late 15th century at the earliest. After standing in ruins for some time it was restored in the mid-19th century and is still occupied.
Considered anything written for English Wikipedia about Clan Elliot are people that are of a puppet state to the English or the English themselves. The true Border Scots exiled to Ireland are now living in Germany, and around the world. The false ones are the ones which do not carry the Elliott DNA, and censor them speaking. This is being done when people speak for indigenous Americans which speak individually for themselves. If it does not contain the ‘Elliott’ name poem then how can the site be a Clan Elliot site?
This shows different naming localities, and is accepting of different Y-DNA originating differently. My Y-DNA is only of a special proto-Germanic R-U106 origins it does not mean that I-M253 Elwald-Ellot and Fairbairn did not migrate during the same period of time.
As long as I am being censored and can not write on Clan Ellot Wikipedia, considered what is being said on it as a procedure by the UK to complete the genocide of the Clan Elliot not of the UK. Kind of laugh at it; No true Elliott is reading it anyway. They know the relevancy of material on Wikipedia because of their censorship and a lot on the
FTDNA blogs which censor are mighty low. Examples in images;
Border Reivers…0.0..……0….1..gws-wiz-img.4LptQE4_7lQ&ei=mR9SXvewCtL5tAbcuo64CQ&bih=612&biw=1280&rlz=1C1AVNA_enUS566US566
elwand Elwald Ellot links;
They may have their language, but I as an ‘elwand’ Ellot, hold the measuring elwand. 2/23/2020 MSE
Irwin Clan Surname FTDNA, Administrators James Irvine Kent Irvin, Co-Administrators Bryant McAllister Peter Irvine, blogs by Mark Stephen Elliott, Jan 2020.
Mark Elliott
Glenn Erwin
Mark Elliott
Mark Elliott
Mark Elliott