on Elliots; Bretons+ Keith Elliot Hunter


“The introduction of an ‘i’ into the name ‘Ellot’ was, without doubt, unfortunate. It immediately confused th Clan with the weL-known English Norman family of St. Germains, settled in the West County of Wales and in no way related, whose name was derived from ‘Alyot’. And it confused still further the already indeterminate origin of those whose name was spelt with tow ‘Ls” and two ‘Ts’.”

28th chief Sir Arthur Eliott of Stobs, father of present 29th chief Margaret Eliott of Redheugh.


The paper;


Warriors and people of the Halegouët

by Keith Elliot Hunter

has been updated with new material.


For Elwald to placed any importance, in accordance to Arthur Eliott, and concurs with my family line the insertion of the “i” into Ellot which would make it Breton did not happen until 1650, so it is the Breton Eliot of Wm De Aliot which would have all the influence on how the name is developed.


Arthur Eliott i insertion


Other forms of Ellot, Elwald, Elwand, and so on without an “i/y” it is felt  Elwald may have had an influence.



It is felt since my forte is not writing that Keith Elliot Hunter did an excellent write up on the subject. THE ELLIOTS: BRETONS,ENGLISH,WELSH AND SCOTS


Précis in English of paper sent to the Historical and Archeological Society of Brittany


Warriors and people of the Halegouët


By Keith Elliot Hunter



old maps showing the name spelt as Eliot, right at the location where Scott of Satchells wrote that the Eliots came from near to Glen Shee.  Keith Elliot Hunter 1/25/2016

Eliot map KEH (1)Eliot map KEH (2)

Eliot map KEH (3)

It should be noted that the place names with the single “L” of Eliot, are derived from the Breton-St Germain Eliot with a single “L” and a single “T”, of eleventh century William de (of) Aliot from southern France. The Scots around 1650 inserted and “i” in to their name Ellot which confuses the clan to this day and makes the name Elliot, with variant spellings which always had dual “L”s.

So from the eleventh century to the seventeenth century the name Aliot, becoming the Breton-St Germain Eliot existed and sprouted many variants, until the Scots inserted an “i” about 1650. Today over ninety percent are spelled Elliott, where some mainly in the United Kingdom are of the Breton-St Germain origins, but in the English plantations mainly of Scottish Elliot to Elliott origins.

MSE 2/4/2016

2 comments on “on Elliots; Bretons+ Keith Elliot Hunter

    Our line of Elliots is connected to the Earls of Minto And the Elliots of Stobs. They came down to England Enmasse with the Earls of Carlisle, to Castle Howard Yorks England in about 1800. They were also associated with the Earls of Minto through Robert Irwin Kynynmound Elliot who was from a line of Church Ministers.Our line was associated with The Earls of Carlisle as Gillies.They were also Woodmen and Gardeners on the Estate. Numerous other relations were also brought down to Yorkshire with the Elliot Clan.Isaac Elliot was a Gamekeeper at Castle Howard for a span of 52 years He was listed in Bulmer as gentry. Isaac was granted land by the Earls. Isaac,s brother was also listed as a Gamekeeper in Cumbria and also came down to Yorkshire at the same time as Isaac.Curiously genetic testing, has shown that my Haplogroup is K1a3a3 it also showed Scandinavian and Norwegian ties as well as Irish, English,and Scottish.I have a lot mote info. Re my father’s Elliot line My mother’s line was Dixon/Dickson, stretching back from 1910 When she was born in Sheffield, to the 1500’s in Ecclesfield.Everyone of my Dixon Grandfathers before my mother, was a Dixon male.Son of a son.
    I have been researching my family trees with the help of a London researcher located at the PRO. In London. For many years.

    • J. M. ELLIOT. says:

      My paternal line were associated with the Earls of Carlisle from very early on.in Lanercost and Liddesdale.genetic testing shows a peculiar MTDNA it is a mirror image to the Cambridge sequence Haplotype K1a3a3’it is therefore an ancient HAPLOGROUP.
      the Elliots in my family,males.we’re associated with the Carlisles from very. Early on They were Yeomen Gamekeepers and trusted employees to the Earls . They came down to Yorkshire and settled at Castle Howard They have lived on the Castle Grounds for many years
      MY great. AUNT Emily and her Brother were in possession of a very rare Bible.which dated back to a very early date. IT WAS A CHURCH Bible and It stood on a Church Lectern with a
      HUGE Eagle as it.s Bookholder. Unfortunately
      ON THE DEaths of My Great AUNT and Uncle, the Bible disappeared,although my father was very upset by this. THIS Bible is priceless in that the family history was recorded right through the pages.
      and I would be willing to reimburse the person who took it with no questions asked ,This happened in Knaresborough.Bible was associated with the Kinnmount family of Rike.Minto.Josephine M. ELLIOT.


      stood on a Church Lectern

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