Rutherford & Home (Hume) (Holme-Holm)

Though I live in New Mexico, USA, my ancestry is from The Hill. Start with the name Lawis Jok, which means John Elwald of Hermitage Hill, previous origins to the Reformation. How do I know that;



Though it may be said that law, means a rounded hill;

Law Scottish for a rounded Hill


Elwartlaw Elwaldlaw map


Contours show a rounded hill at Ewart Law (Elwaldlaw).

Which is near Hume;

Elwaldlaw Hume map


And Hume Castle;

Hume-Home Caslte


The Hume/Home took their surname from the region;

David Hume receiving land from William Douglas


The name use to be David de (of) Home, but became David Home.


It should be noted; when David Home received land just north of the Elwald (Ellot/Elliot) in 1436, this was about forty years previous to Robert Elwald receiving Redheugh to the south.



Johannis Elwald are in the Home sasine/deed, and the Elwartlaw/Elwaldlaw origins, which saids OE Alfwald or Aldwald;

Elfwaldi Alanus Elwold Alfrieda wife

More like; Ælfwald, origins of King/Saint Ælfwald, buried in the Hexam Abbey near Hume, all locations of Northumbria.


Alanus Elfwold is felt to have son Alan Elwald who had son Robert Elwald, likely the first chief of the Elwald Clan. The name evolved into a name of Wm de Aliot; Norman France locality, where Ellot inserted an “i” first for the Redheugh family ca The Union of the Crown then for other families of Ulster, and Borders, at about the English Civil War.


For the Elwald of Yorkshire, being Church of England accepting Saints they held onto the Saintly name Elwald much longer, of which bones are said to be buried in Hexam, Abbey.

But going onto Ulster;

muster William & Robert Ellot Mungo 1630

One can see a Mortin (Martin) Ellot (not Elliot) is of John Hume, Knight in Barony de Magherboy 1630. Hamilton also of the same Barony.


The Rutherford are strongly tied to the Kerr, and my Y-DNA;

Y-DNA name distances

Robert P. Elliott has done excellent research in compiling this data.


Rutherford, Hunterhill, Fernihirst Castle Kerr


border region map Rutherford


The direction of Rutherford migration likely north from Rutherford on the border to Hunthill on to Rutherford North of Hunthill.

Though the Rutherford (Home sept) claim Hunthill;

Rutherfurd Rutherford (1)

Rutherfurd Rutherford (2)


It is felt that on the David Hume sasine/deed they are referred to as de (of) Rutherfurd, so it is felt that the name came from Rutherford on shown on the 1654 map of being north of Hunthill.


Ferniehirst Castle, is known to be; Home of the Kerrs, with my Y-DNA coming close to bother Rutherford, and Kerr, Y-DNA, it is felt that my family was of this region also.


About 1544, Clement Crosar (Crozier) of Stobs, Robert Elwald (Ellot) of Redhuegh, and the Armstrong resettled from England some of the Hunter family to Hunthill, and some of the Rutherford in returned where resettled from Scotland to England.


Though Martin is an important name to my Elwald family;

John Elwold Elwald St Andrews


As shown as John Elwald rector of University of St Andrews, support to Martin V.

Martin Braidley SCOTTISH ARMS


Martin Ellot acting Clan Chief who founded Braidley (Broadlee, and wide valley, in which it is felt that the cap limestone may have come from to construct the Hermitage), and rode with Buccleuch.

Hamilton Martin Braidley 1573


The family likely moved onto knight’s John Hume, near Hamilton land in Magerboy Ulster, given the name Mortin (Martin) Ellot is found there.


The Armstrong seem to have it right this time. There information on the Elwald, seems to be accurate, and travels with my Y-DNA.


I know there are Elliot Clan Societies, but been trying to get them to change the location of Braidley for more than two years. The Armstrong along with today’s Buccleach which Martin fought on the side of knows where Braidley is.



The two origins has been recognized for many years, but it is felt that these Societies are leaning towards one origin and that would be The English, and not The Scottish/Northumbria Origin.


Hope the Home, and the Rutherford will ride with the Armstrong Clan, and Buccleuch to stop these windmills on the Hill of the Elwald/Elliot, before they come to Hume Hill, and by then they can not be stopped.



It is possible for a windfarm to be placed near Hume Castle given following;

Hume Castle propose windfarm



viewpoint Hume Castle


Added;    10/27/2013

Hume and Holm/Holme to become Home.

It is felt that the Home of Ulter came from Hume of the eastern Scottish Borders;





No Holm(e) found in 1630 Ulster muster.

It is felt that Holm/Holme, originated near Holme, England, near the Danish are of West Riding (Danish region), of Yorshire which Lancashire County was once part of. It should be noted Holm are found in Northern Scotland.




Holm are found in Northern Scotland an felt to migrater up from the Holm in the south.


It is felt in some cases the names Holm(e), and Hume became Home, in a regional sense.


10/24/2016 MSE


3 comments on “Rutherford & Home (Hume) (Holme-Holm)
  1. I’m the author of the materials you cite from the Clan Rutherfurd/Rutherford webpage. Please see:

    Many Kerr maternal ancestors are Rutherfords, through Cessford and Ferniehurst in the 16th century.

    There are several Kerr/Rutherford marriages in this timeframe, most of these were “peace marriages” between the Rutherfords and Kerrs since these two families were generally feuding during the 16th century. The feud was aggrevated with Sir Thomas Kerr of Ferniehurst’s support of Mary Queen of Scots at Langside as Sir Walter Cessford [wife Christian Rutherfurd of Edgerston d/o Sir James Rutherfurd] was on the side of James VI. John Rutherford of the Knowe in Nesbit was among those who declared, August 18,1573, that Sir Thomas Kerr of Ferniehirst and his followers menaced the overthrow and destruction of Jedburgh. John Rutherford of the Walls in Nisbet also signed the complaint. The Rutherfords were by long tradition at odds with Ferniehirst and allies of Cessford. The Cessford holding of Littledean Castle is situated just west of the town of Rutherford on the River Tweed. Later in the 17th century, Isobel Rutherfurd married Andrew Ker of Littledean and took with her the charter for the Rutherfurd lands at Maxton. Even though the Cessford Kerrs were allies there was friction between the two families in the 16th century. Robert Rutherfurd of Edgerston defended Edgerston from Walter Ker of Cessford and was declared outlaw by the English for doing so. During the life of Robert Rutherfurd of Edgerston the ancestral village of Rutherford was spoiled by Henry VIII in 7/1544 and destroyed in 9/6/1544. The rest of the village was burnt, razed and cast down between 9/9 and 9/13/1544. This was all the result of a broken treaty with the English over disputes with the Kerrs. Robert Rutherfurd of Edgerston died before 10/1544 having seen Rutherford destroyed.

    —3. Philip Rutherford
    married Elizabeth Kerr at Cessford 2/12/1484
    daughter of Sir Walter Kerr of Cessford
    Elizabeth died 1545

    —-4. Katherine Rutherford
    b. aft 1484
    1st husband – James Stewart – 1st Laird of Traquair in 1491
    [illegitimate son of James Stewart Earl of Buchan and Joan Beaufort,
    widow of King James I] d. 9 Sep 1513 died with his King, James IV at the
    Battle of Flodden Field m. 9 Nov 1505, Katherine Rutherford

    Katherine was made a ward of the King and forfieted her initial claim to the estate of Philip Rutherford in 1/27/1502/3. She had married James Stewart too quickly and without prior dispensation. She was closely related to James Stewart [3rd degree of consanguineity]. She was described as, “away ganging and trespassing with James ye Stewart of Traquair, committand hir person to him in fornication”. This opened the way for Katherine’s sister Helen and her husband Sir John Forman to inherit Sir Richard’s estate. Sir Richard Rutherford’s estate was now divided and in the hands of in-laws. Helen Rutherford married four times and without heir. Her second husband, Sir Thomas Kerr was killed 2 days after their wedding by the Rutherfords. This was a bold face attempt to usurp more Rutherford lands, so he was “divorced” Borders style!

    —–5. William Stewart – the Second Laird of Traquair
    d. by 1548,
    m. 6 Jul 1524, Christian Hay
    ——6. James Stewart m. Katherine Kerr
    ——6. Sir John Stewart signed a truce with Sir Richard Rutherford
    over the Rutherford estates and Helen Rutherford’s descendant’s,
    settling claims on 1/12/1559/60

    —–5. unknown Stewart female
    had an affair with, Archibald Douglas
    b. Aft 1488 d. 1557

    2nd husband – Sir Walter Scott – Laird of Buccleuch
    d. by 15 April 1504

    —-4. Richard Rutherford
    served heir to Philip 5/15/1499 – died bef 5/13/1501

    —-4. Helen Rutherford – Helen Rutherford married four times without an heir
    1st – Sir John Forman
    2nd – Sir Thomas Kerr – killed 2 days after the wedding by the
    3rd – Andrew Rutherford, Lord of Hunthill
    4th – Sir Patrick Home of Broomhouse

  2. Pat Deasum says:

    In all your research, has there been any documentation showing the “Rutherfords” migrated as far as Durham County, England and if so, when that might have happened?


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