Bear & Elk (moose) Together Again




Because the United Kingdom Armstrong seek and share knowledge in the region of genealogy, this PDF is written for the Armstrong and their border allies which like to pitch-in to help the Armstrong on their ride out;



Figuratively Speaking;


Frank J Wherrett


to me

Hi Mark,

Its not possible for us here in Scotland to do anything about wildlife existing in another continent, we did have a moose loose in ma hoose the other week so I got the pest control officer to visit and I noo hae a moose-free hoose.

Awra bes for Ne-er day when it comes



From: Mark Elliott

Sent: Tuesday, December 24, 2013 6:19 PM

To: Malcolm McGregor ; Frank Wherrett ;




Can’t you guys do something with this bear, I found in America. I do not rustle bear especially, when they are strong in the arms. One problem in trying to bring out the hunter, he is trying to hunt bear, or moose in the United Kingdom. What I have to say to him; Good luck. This hunter is a better way of controlling moose populations than the wolf.

The Tanners are the ones which deal with bear around here. Granddad Tanner who killed a bear (likely the one who may have put a trail down the Grand Canyon), kill a bear, and by the Navajo, he is shush (bear), and his descendants, are shush yaz (bear which is little), and I end of being a moose (Eastern Algoquin American, for UK elk), and the hunter ends up hunting me instead of the bear in the UK. Really I do need help with this bear. Hoping to get some strong arm help if I could, because we are friends, I do not want to hurt the bear.


After his death his wife had three children the first was like a Wolf (Loumaine), the second like a deer (as moose/elk is like a dear, Elwald), and the third was like a sheep (of bear; Far bairns/Armstrong) and very fair. CHRONICLES OF THE ARMSTRONG, by James Lewis Armstrong.

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As one can see in the above, Crosar (Crozier), Loumane, and Armystrand (Armstrong), and even Nycson (Nixon/Dixon), but where are the Elwald?

The Elwald own land in the region of Liddesdale called Lawis, meaning dwellers of the hill, this is north of Ermydoune (army fort) / Ermytage / Hermitage. In 1376 what is now called the Hermtage was used as an army fort. There were likely no or few peel towers  at this time. People the Elwald lived around the army fort, and became the army of the fort at a time needed. The Elwald also lived in a wooded region south of the what is called today the Hermitage, in a region called Schawis meaning dwellers of the wood(s).

This was referred to as the Ermydoune Quarter of Liddesdale which included land of Ramgill to the east.

So Roberts de Lawis is Robert Elwald of Lawis, the hill north of today’s Hermitage.

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When Robert received Redhuegh, there was a William Elwald of Gorrenberry, which is felt to be a part of this Lawis region, north of today’s Hermitage. So this shows that the Elwald owned land in Lawis previously to Redheugh. The Redheugh land is a part of Schawis.


Note; the Crosar (Crozier) name above, but no Lomaine or Armstrong. It is felt that the Armstrong are Norsemen, and culturally vikings and do not recognize land ownership like the Norman have establish. The Douglas from the Wake via Robert the Bruce, are representative owners of the land, then Buckcleuch (Edschaw; edge of the forest, back then). One can see the Ker lean strongly towards Norman land ownership, and it is felt the same values are still incorporated with the Kerr/Carr to this day.

The Armstrong passed their history down through stories, and early days previously to surnames today’s Elwald/US Elliott-UK Elliot (UK elk, US moose), and Fair Bear/Armstrong (bear), and Loumain (wolf). The Elwald/US Elliott-UK Elliot did not like the Loumain; felt like the Elwald in the UK as being extinct.

Like the German Elch/Elk(moose), is returning to Berlin utilizing the ancient trials, with my genealogy, am following by Y-Chromosomes/Y-DNA, and also utilizing ancient trails to return to the Saxony region, in which the Fair Bear began, as a brother, carrying my Y-DNA.

In the US the people from Ulster, used a native American word for what people in the UK use the German/English version of the word elch as elk, the Americans use moose for such and animal, because on arriving to the American Plantation they did not have themselves a word for the animal, because it did not exist from where they came from.

The moose and the bear are considered extinct in the UK. The long lost cousins of the Fair Bair (Armstrong), and the Elchwald (US Elliott-UK Elliot), are back together again in the United States, where north of where I live the bear and the moose are friends, but they would not what to introduce the Lomain (wolf), because it does not distinguish livestock as not fair game like the hunter.

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Hunthill is just north of Ferniehirst Castle, and it is felt that in 1566 we had help from the Ker to relocate Hunter to Hunthill, along with support of Clement Crosar, the Armstrong, and Elwald.

Related to Clementis Hob (Clement Crosar’s of Stobs nephew which he raised, by the name of Hob Elwald (Robert Ellot)).

There are a lot of high quality historians in the UK with the surname Hunter. This is felt because they have this Norman English background. Malcolm McGreggor tried to supersede one of these Hunters, which have been doing I feel with his Norman English background, excellent research on the Elliott-UK which like he says are related to the Breton (name from the Norman Wm de Eliot), but the est 15% Elliot are of the Elwald-Elliot, and these on the ones you find on the border, in old Northumbria. If one is to make a separate Scotland expect these people to border reive, and take advantage of Norman stagnated values, in other words join the Armstrong in their shenanigans. It may be something as simple better taxes on the other side. People in America, cross state lines (border reive) to take advantage of things.

This Hunter historian thinks I am extinct, which is basically historically true for the UK-elk/US-moose, in the UK, so I am not going to get my head blasted off by this Hunter.

In order to control the UK-elk the Hunter is needed, because he does represent the UK-Elliott properly. It should be noted; this Hunter is also from Gorrenberry, and also has Crozier as relatives, and a middle name of Elliot. Number sampling shows he is hitting the numbers on the development of the Elliot name. He is my in-law, a former captain, and like my wife who has a shirt which says some like; “the captain is always right, and I am the captain”, and my wife is a captain in the US Public Health Service. So by being my wife, and a captain that gives a double whammy that she’s always right.

Maggie’s father Arthur Eliott has gone through a lot of turmoil, along with myself on this; The Scottish Elliot name came from an inserted “i” around the time of the English Civil War 1650. When my family arrived from Ulster in America, as Episcopalian, like Buck’s (-cleuch) family is today their name was Ellot, and became Ellet then Elliot, because they were Scottish Ellot in and English Puritan Eliot (of Wm de Aliot) enviroment. It is felt that a Buck named Walter Scot, when writing history, to make the Scottish Elliot look more respectable utilized the Elliot spelling for pre 1650 dating, which lead more to the confusion. Because the Elwald/Ellot did not basically develop the Elliott name like the Wm de Aliot Norman, it makes the Hunter doing history on the UK Elliott as correct except basically for those in Old Northumbria which spell their name Elliot.

Being adopted by Clement Crosar ca 1550 as Clementis Hob, makes me an Armstrong because the Crosar are a sept of the Armstrong.

By the way Elwald sometimes called by what is one the Redheugh shield Elwand, a symbol for those which measure in standardize in Edinburgh ell or which an elwand is.

An ellot is a polygon measured sides with a fall (length of a Scottish pike of six ell), a leveling declimeter/declimetre, a compass, and rods held vertically, so the fall isheld horizontally. Vertical and horizontal measurements, by the leveling delclimeter.

Line-of-sight/meets-and-bounds measuring done with the compass, and monuments set at the vertexes, and the side lengths given in ells. A lot in the US is a polygon on land to be purchase, with sides measured in ells it was likely referred to as an ellot. One referred to as an Ellot would be look upon as on who could survey land, or what was previously referred to as an elwald/Elwand/Elwald.

My biggest problem is trying to rejoin family. My many great grand father Andrew (Dan) was felt to be the older brother to Gavin, married to a Branxholm (Buckcleuch), the stepfather to Gilbert also married to a Buckcleuch (Buck), which line survived the Union in Scotland. Gavin acquired Stobs after it Andrew (of Baillillie from baillie) the older brother died ca 1564, and had only daughters. The land went to his stepson Gilbert born of Redheugh which my family tried to tutor, along with his oldest William which would lead the clan. It is felt that Andrew older brother to Gavin had two sons, Andrew the Cow baillie (legal administrator) of Selkirk, and Clementis Hob, which had sons, Robert Ellot of Armagh baillie for the John Hamilton estate, and a Andrew/Dan/Daniel Ellot/Elliot, calter (accountant) for the Somerville/Hamilton estate of Archbishop (Anglican) Malcolm Hamilton Tulykelty/Monea, Fermanagh County. This name Daniel came to the American Plantation about 1650.

There is another with similar Y-DNA which entered at York and came to America by way of Fermanagh, with one-marker off in twelve, but in consideration that the brother bear, and elch/elk (moose), were born of the same father of est 1,500 years it is felt one can expect some Y-DNA mutation.

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Below gives region walde as in Elchwald (elk (moose) of forest (wald)) is used as a suffix, the region to which the elch/elk (moose) are returning.



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Hint on who he is;

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Hoping that some day that this can be straighten out. If the Hunter could get with the Bairn (bear), then maybe I can be placed with family, other than the old family of Armstrong. The elk (moose) is happier with other elk (moose), the the bear is friendly, and old family.

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Though the bear, is not my the moose’s responsibility, I have ended up with him.



Mark S. Elliott 1/11/2014

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